White boy brutally beaten up VIDEO .

this happens multiple times per day in dying America

Yes and it's white on white.

White racists overstate these things..

It's all part of the white victim narrative.
IM2 & Superbadbrutha & sealybobo are all OK with this stuff. Violence is the go-to move for these animals. You can’t leave them loose around others without security.

Profile. Cross the street. Don’t stop to help. They are hunting for victims 24-7. Bet this video will not be shown on CNN or MSLSD or the halls of Congress.
Nobody is Ok with this but you white race baiting aholes who ignore this every single day

I see that leftwinger has a problem with looking at white on white crime.
These are the kinds of animals that beat up on “slow” kids. Laughing in a gang while they beat up or torture a mentally ill kid if they catch one out alone. Sick. going to end up doing 15-life I would wager. Then these types whine about too many Blacks locked up.

it‘s everyday. Killing Uber drivers. Gang raping. Robbery and assualt after they already have the money or car. Everyday, everywhere. Video after video. Iron clad evidence. Mostly you know who. Or gangs of Latino.
Stratospheric Crime will sink Democommies in the elections
Correction. “Should” sink them. Election Fraud, govt payoffs……tens of millions of illegal votes in 2020. We’ll pay you not to work. Vote - cheat for us and breed.
These are the kinds of animals that beat up on “slow” kids. Laughing in a gang while they beat up or torture a mentally ill kid if they catch one out alone. Sick. going to end up doing 15-life I would wager. Then these types whine about too many Blacks locked up.

it‘s everyday. Killing Uber drivers. Gang raping. Robbery and assualt after they already have the money or car. Everyday, everywhere. Video after video. Iron clad evidence. Mostly you know who. Or gangs of Latino.
Whites do these things everyday too. There are more videos. Algorithms allow videos of blacks to show up in search engines when you type in white on white crime.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal,creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

So fon't be white in this forum calling other races animals and thugs. You guys are trying to make a president out of a criminal facing 91 felony counts. White thugs join the police departments so they can rob, rape and kill without being put in prison.. So STFU being white with the history of feral behavior practiced by members of your race talking about others. And don't lie about how all that was in the past when thousands of blacks suffer from hate crimes and other forms of violence instigated by whites daily. You fhd's live in a lie and it's time you stopped tellng yourselves that lie.
IM2 & Superbadbrutha & sealybobo are all OK with this stuff. Violence is the go-to move for these animals. You can’t leave them loose around others without security.

Profile. Cross the street. Don’t stop to help. They are hunting for victims 24-7. Bet this video will not be shown on CNN or MSLSD or the halls of Congress.
Speak for yourself fuck boy, you are the original when it comes to sneaking folks from behind.
Please post just one un-provoked sucker punch video of White attackers on anyone. Then we’ll go from there into all the gang beatings by Blacks on defenseless victims. Perhaps into Brown too. Plenty available. 24-7 by 365.

Bottom line: no one should continually pound on a defenseless child no matter what. Normal people are sick of massive Black violent crime//
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It’s usually a fucked up little white boy who’s idiot parents gave access to guns.
No.....it's usually some kid that was minding his own business and some Hoodrat felt like he wanted to sucker-punch him in the bathroom.
One of todays’ big Black violent crimes. Only the big ones make the news:

A manhunt continued for a suspect who is accused of shooting two Tennessee police officers. The incident happened on Saturday afternoon in La Vergne outside a store while the officers were investigating a stolen vehicle report.

After a struggle, the suspect, John C. Drake Jr, 38, took out his gun and shot the officers. The suspect is the estranged son of Police Chief John Drake of Metro Nashville Police.

Both officers were taken to the hospital….

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