white christian network Hosts To ‘Walk Out’ If Trump Denied Nomination


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
That didn't take them long to fold for dumph

Amidst talks of a brokered convention and backlash from the RNC against Republican candidate Donald Trump, Fox News hosts threatened to “walk out” today if Trump is denied the nomination for Republican candidate for president in 2016.

After Trump failed to win Ohio, which he lost to John Kasich in Kasich’s home state, the talks among the RNC of a brokered convention got even louder and more serious.

Fox News Hosts To 'Walk Out' If Trump Denied Nomination (VIDEO)
Kasich can win if anything happes with Trump then the race are between Kasich vs Cruz so I know this news or is it false alarm vs the Trump ?!
Actually all it lists as evidence is Sean Inanity. And the quote is:

“You know, if they are going to be that self destructive, and if they’re going to pout, and if they’re going to pick up their little toys, and they’re going to go home like a bunch of babies, they will destroy, there will be no Republican Party at the end of this. Because if they’re successful , Guess what? Cruz and Trump supporters are walking out. And, I’m walking out with them.”

--- that doesn't say he's walking out on Fox Noise. It could mean that but it's more implying walking out of the Republican Party.

---- which is also interesting since the admitted current association it puts to rest the "Fair and Balanced" malarkey.

I find most interesting the first part of his comment though:

"If they are going to be that self destructive, and if they’re going to pout, and if they’re going to pick up their little toys, and they’re going to go home like a bunch of babies"

Ironically, a dead-on description of Donald Rump himself. Particularly his Twittling meltdowns and his fear of Megyn Kelly

Well, Inanity has never been known for deep thought.

I predict he'll honor this to the same degree he honored his pledge to be waterboarded.
Actually all it lists as evidence is Sean Inanity. And the quote is:

“You know, if they are going to be that self destructive, and if they’re going to pout, and if they’re going to pick up their little toys, and they’re going to go home like a bunch of babies, they will destroy, there will be no Republican Party at the end of this. Because if they’re successful , Guess what? Cruz and Trump supporters are walking out. And, I’m walking out with them.”

--- that doesn't say he's walking out on Fox Noise. It could mean that but it's more implying walking out of the Republican Party.

---- which is also interesting since the admitted current association it puts to rest the "Fair and Balanced" malarkey.

I find most interesting the first part of his comment though:

"If they are going to be that self destructive, and if they’re going to pout, and if they’re going to pick up their little toys, and they’re going to go home like a bunch of babies"

Ironically, a dead-on description of Donald Rump himself.

Well, Inanity has never been known for deep thought.

I predict he'll honor this to the same degree he honored his pledge to be waterboarded.
Well, Inanity has never been known for deep thought.
insanity grew up on LI never went to college and is known as the donkey Irish, a real asslicker
The Fraud of Joe the Plumber
Written By Casey Gane-McCalla
7 years ago

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<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-14292" title="plumber" src="https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/themes/vip/ione3/images/ImageUnavailable.gif" alt="" width="300" height="243" />

Joe the Plumber aka Joseph Wurzelbacher’s is far from your average Joe and far from your average plumber(if he is one) . The average salary for plumbers in the united states is $37,000 a year even if you make it into the top 25% of plumber salaries, your salary is $44,000 a year.

The top salary for a plumber is $35 an hour. That means that even if ‘Joe the Plumber’ makes the top salary and works 60 hours a week, he would only make $100,000 a year. In order for Joe the Plumber to make $250,000 a year, he would have to work 150 hours a week(leaving him 2 hours for sleep). How did Joe get the one million dollars to buy his on plumbing business? Wouldn’t that make him Joe the venture capitalist, rather than Joe the plumber, if he’s buying his own plumbing business? Under Obama’s tax plan the real Joe the Plumber would save money. Even if the fake Joe the Plumber made $250,000 a year, he would only save $900 a year under McCain’s tax plan.

Apparently Joseph Wurzelbacher aka Joe the Plumber isn’t even a licensed plumber. If he is rich enough to buy his own business, he can afford to pay the extra 900 dollars a year in taxes. Why is he complaining?

John McCain spent half his time talking to Joe the venture capitalist and not Joe the Plumber. He should’ve have just talked to Charles the Savings and Loan owner or Vicki the Lobbyist. What Joe the fake plumber doesn’t understand is that paying taxes will help him out on the long run. When he wants healthcare or an affordable college education for his children, the taxes he paid under Obama would come right back to help him. When he retires, that money that he paid in taxes will help him out if social security is reformed.

John McCain’s tax plan is not to help Joe the Plummer, it is to out to help John the Lawyer, or Jack the Financial analyst, or Janet the heiress. The republican plan to trick the white working class into voting against their interests is over. They’ve seen what eight years of trickle down economics can do. Joe the Plumber sounds very much like a republican to me, in a recent interview he talked up the war like a Bush surrogate on a talk show. Sorry Joe the Plumber you’re not an average Joe. I wouldn’t be a surprise if you were a plant from the Republican party.

McCain has never in his political career acted in the financial interest of the working class. He should have really talked to his peers. Hey Jane the beer heiress,and Bill the CEO under Obama’s plan you would be forced to have only 8 homes instead of 10 and only and be forced to sell one of your 15 cars.

The Fraud of Joe the Plumber
Written By Casey Gane-McCalla
7 years ago

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<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-14292" title="plumber" src="https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/themes/vip/ione3/images/ImageUnavailable.gif" alt="" width="300" height="243" />

Joe the Plumber aka Joseph Wurzelbacher’s is far from your average Joe and far from your average plumber(if he is one) . The average salary for plumbers in the united states is $37,000 a year even if you make it into the top 25% of plumber salaries, your salary is $44,000 a year.

The top salary for a plumber is $35 an hour. That means that even if ‘Joe the Plumber’ makes the top salary and works 60 hours a week, he would only make $100,000 a year. In order for Joe the Plumber to make $250,000 a year, he would have to work 150 hours a week(leaving him 2 hours for sleep). How did Joe get the one million dollars to buy his on plumbing business? Wouldn’t that make him Joe the venture capitalist, rather than Joe the plumber, if he’s buying his own plumbing business? Under Obama’s tax plan the real Joe the Plumber would save money. Even if the fake Joe the Plumber made $250,000 a year, he would only save $900 a year under McCain’s tax plan.

Apparently Joseph Wurzelbacher aka Joe the Plumber isn’t even a licensed plumber. If he is rich enough to buy his own business, he can afford to pay the extra 900 dollars a year in taxes. Why is he complaining?

John McCain spent half his time talking to Joe the venture capitalist and not Joe the Plumber. He should’ve have just talked to Charles the Savings and Loan owner or Vicki the Lobbyist. What Joe the fake plumber doesn’t understand is that paying taxes will help him out on the long run. When he wants healthcare or an affordable college education for his children, the taxes he paid under Obama would come right back to help him. When he retires, that money that he paid in taxes will help him out if social security is reformed.

John McCain’s tax plan is not to help Joe the Plummer, it is to out to help John the Lawyer, or Jack the Financial analyst, or Janet the heiress. The republican plan to trick the white working class into voting against their interests is over. They’ve seen what eight years of trickle down economics can do. Joe the Plumber sounds very much like a republican to me, in a recent interview he talked up the war like a Bush surrogate on a talk show. Sorry Joe the Plumber you’re not an average Joe. I wouldn’t be a surprise if you were a plant from the Republican party.

McCain has never in his political career acted in the financial interest of the working class. He should have really talked to his peers. Hey Jane the beer heiress,and Bill the CEO under Obama’s plan you would be forced to have only 8 homes instead of 10 and only and be forced to sell one of your 15 cars.


Yeaahhhhh, Barrypuppet's economic plans really worked out well for the middle class...didn't it? Of course it wasn't suppose to....poor people are easier to control and manipulate as it is part of the communist manifesto. You see, Barrypuppet believes that the masses are better served if they are dependent on "da gubermint" instead of their Bible and guns......right?
The Fraud of Joe the Plumber
Written By Casey Gane-McCalla
7 years ago

Leave a comment
<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-14292" title="plumber" src="https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/themes/vip/ione3/images/ImageUnavailable.gif" alt="" width="300" height="243" />

Joe the Plumber aka Joseph Wurzelbacher’s is far from your average Joe and far from your average plumber(if he is one) . The average salary for plumbers in the united states is $37,000 a year even if you make it into the top 25% of plumber salaries, your salary is $44,000 a year.

The top salary for a plumber is $35 an hour. That means that even if ‘Joe the Plumber’ makes the top salary and works 60 hours a week, he would only make $100,000 a year. In order for Joe the Plumber to make $250,000 a year, he would have to work 150 hours a week(leaving him 2 hours for sleep). How did Joe get the one million dollars to buy his on plumbing business? Wouldn’t that make him Joe the venture capitalist, rather than Joe the plumber, if he’s buying his own plumbing business? Under Obama’s tax plan the real Joe the Plumber would save money. Even if the fake Joe the Plumber made $250,000 a year, he would only save $900 a year under McCain’s tax plan.

Apparently Joseph Wurzelbacher aka Joe the Plumber isn’t even a licensed plumber. If he is rich enough to buy his own business, he can afford to pay the extra 900 dollars a year in taxes. Why is he complaining?

John McCain spent half his time talking to Joe the venture capitalist and not Joe the Plumber. He should’ve have just talked to Charles the Savings and Loan owner or Vicki the Lobbyist. What Joe the fake plumber doesn’t understand is that paying taxes will help him out on the long run. When he wants healthcare or an affordable college education for his children, the taxes he paid under Obama would come right back to help him. When he retires, that money that he paid in taxes will help him out if social security is reformed.

John McCain’s tax plan is not to help Joe the Plummer, it is to out to help John the Lawyer, or Jack the Financial analyst, or Janet the heiress. The republican plan to trick the white working class into voting against their interests is over. They’ve seen what eight years of trickle down economics can do. Joe the Plumber sounds very much like a republican to me, in a recent interview he talked up the war like a Bush surrogate on a talk show. Sorry Joe the Plumber you’re not an average Joe. I wouldn’t be a surprise if you were a plant from the Republican party.

McCain has never in his political career acted in the financial interest of the working class. He should have really talked to his peers. Hey Jane the beer heiress,and Bill the CEO under Obama’s plan you would be forced to have only 8 homes instead of 10 and only and be forced to sell one of your 15 cars.


Yeaahhhhh, Barrypuppet's economic plans really worked out well for the middle class...didn't it? Of course it wasn't suppose to....poor people are easier to control and manipulate as it is part of the communist manifesto. You see, Barrypuppet believes that the masses are better served if they are dependent on "da gubermint" instead of their Bible and guns......right?
Non sequitur.

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