White college fraternity in Oklahoma shut down for overt racism

So you don't believe the university should have the right to expel these students? :eusa_eh:
Not for private statements made on private property, no. Why would you thik that's OK? Oh yeah, you like the Thought Police on Campus telling people what the can and cant think or say. Fucking fascist asshole.

God damn, what's this world coming to when you can't even sing ****** songs any more.

Yet hip-hop artists get away with it every day.

Which hip-hop artist went to OSU?

Ummmm.... You're in for it now. OU is not OSU.

That's some football fighting stuff.

My apologies to OSU
So you don't believe the university should have the right to expel these students? :eusa_eh:
Not for private statements made on private property, no. Why would you thik that's OK? Oh yeah, you like the Thought Police on Campus telling people what the can and cant think or say. Fucking fascist asshole.

So you believe the students should be legally protected from getting expelled?
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
Not for private statements made on private property, no. Why would you thik that's OK? Oh yeah, you like the Thought Police on Campus telling people what the can and cant think or say. Fucking fascist asshole.

So you believe the students should be legally protected from getting expelled?
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.
WTF are you talking about, billfold? There is no slave labor. No one is forced to take a job. There is no free market in this case about college students. It is purely authoritarian--the university sets rules and your're fucked. That's the way fuckhead fascist assholes like you want things.

So you don't believe the university should have the right to expel these students? :eusa_eh:
Not for private statements made on private property, no. Why would you thik that's OK? Oh yeah, you like the Thought Police on Campus telling people what the can and cant think or say. Fucking fascist asshole.

So you believe the students should be legally protected from getting expelled?
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.
Who is going to prison and is the government involved? If not then its not a violation of free speech moron.
So you believe the students should be legally protected from getting expelled?
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.
Sterling got what he deserved. He exercised his free speech and lost his team. Tough titties. Its about time these racists start getting some serious consequences and not just a slap on the wrist.
So you believe the students should be legally protected from getting expelled?
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

No one is going to prison, you jackass.
So you believe the students should be legally protected from getting expelled?
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

I do believe Obama has set aside room for them in one of his FEMA Death Camps
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

No one is going to prison, you jackass.
Yet. Give it time. Holder will gin up a "civil rights investigation" and we'll see.
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

I do believe Obama has set aside room for them in one of his FEMA Death Camps

That's where the re education and indoctrination happens, they'll be turned both gay and Muslim at the same time. God damn government.
A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

No one is going to prison, you jackass.
Yet. Give it time. Holder will gin up a "civil rights investigation" and we'll see.
Thats a good idea. Root out the feral racists everywhere they pop up and cause some upheaval.
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.
Sterling got what he deserved. He exercised his free speech and lost his team. Tough titties. Its about time these racists start getting some serious consequences and not just a slap on the wrist.

If they're stupid enough to video themselves acting stupid, then they deserve what they get, fuck 'em.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

No one is going to prison, you jackass.
Yet. Give it time. Holder will gin up a "civil rights investigation" and we'll see.
Thats a good idea. Root out the feral racists everywhere they pop up and cause some upheaval.
They aren't all feral, many appear to be quite civilized. Much like Satin they can assume a pleasing shape.
It is unclear to me how this information came out in public...someone was on that bus who may have become upset took video and passed the video on to others who publicized it ...

Presumedly a guest of one of the frat members. Wouldn't think an actual member woulda made something the frat they volunteered to join does behind closed doors public. A guest might.
I wouldn't want to be that guy after this went viral.

But this is really what Obama and his paid race-baiters wanted. They couldn't find enough real examples of racism in America so they literally created them out of nothing. I'm sure they would have loved it to be a white middle-aged Tea Party Republican who likes shooting blacks. But until they can cause some crazy cracker to go nuts they'll settle for a bunch of stupid college kids that probably would have voted for Obama in the 2008 election if they had been old enough.

This is Hope & Change at work.
So this is Obama's fault...smh.
If you don't want people to be aware of your moronic belief in such a stupid lie, please follow the example of the frats in the video; don't let sane people hear your stupidity.

No, the frat brothers are at fault for reacting to the constant bombardment of race-baiting in a the media.

Piss on someone long enough and somebody's gonna snap.

And that was why the Obama administration created racial tensions over a non-racial incident in Ferguson. They admitted not long ago that it was a farce by not pressing charges.

In other words, for libroids who can't understand how these folks work, it was a scam intended to cause a predetermined result. What happens when you pour gasoline on a fire? You get an explosion.

Nuff said.
That works both ways. Racists whites caused Ferguson. Racist whites were singing on the bus.

Sorry, but that was proved to be totally untrue. The DoJ admitted that they had no evidence of any civil rights violations. And saying ****** isn't a crime. If it was Jay-Z and Chris Rock would be in jail.
Presumedly a guest of one of the frat members. Wouldn't think an actual member woulda made something the frat they volunteered to join does behind closed doors public. A guest might.
I wouldn't want to be that guy after this went viral.

But this is really what Obama and his paid race-baiters wanted. They couldn't find enough real examples of racism in America so they literally created them out of nothing. I'm sure they would have loved it to be a white middle-aged Tea Party Republican who likes shooting blacks. But until they can cause some crazy cracker to go nuts they'll settle for a bunch of stupid college kids that probably would have voted for Obama in the 2008 election if they had been old enough.

This is Hope & Change at work.
So this is Obama's fault...smh.
If you don't want people to be aware of your moronic belief in such a stupid lie, please follow the example of the frats in the video; don't let sane people hear your stupidity.

No, the frat brothers are at fault for reacting to the constant bombardment of race-baiting in a the media.

Piss on someone long enough and somebody's gonna snap.

And that was why the Obama administration created racial tensions over a non-racial incident in Ferguson. They admitted not long ago that it was a farce by not pressing charges.

In other words, for libroids who can't understand how these folks work, it was a scam intended to cause a predetermined result. What happens when you pour gasoline on a fire? You get an explosion.

Nuff said.
That works both ways. Racists whites caused Ferguson. Racist whites were singing on the bus.

Sorry, but that was proved to be totally untrue. The DoJ admitted that they had no evidence of any civil rights violations.
Sorry but nothing the DOJ said had anything to do with my point. The pattern of racism in the system was pointed out by the DOJ. Just because they cant read minds doesnt mean people are stupid.

Please quote where I said saying ****** was a crime. If you cant please remove your deflective lie from your post. The white racists on the bus said it and are getting dealt with.
Last edited:
So you believe the students should be legally protected from getting expelled?
Yes. Its not free speech if your only freedom is to be sent to prison.

A. Nobody is getting sent to prison
B. You're arguing for the government to step in and mete out what you consider to be social justice.
C. B makes you a bigger statist progressive than Obama.
They're getting sent off campus. Its a difference of degree is all.
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.
You are the one cheering for Big Brother.

Getting sent off campus = Prison = Gulag

Welcome to the inner mind of The Rabbi
First they get expelled. Then they get sent to prison for it.
Donald Sterling had his property confiscated from him for similar. It's only a matter of time.

Sterling got $4Billion for an asset not worth more than $1Billion according to any reasonable DCF valuation.

Yeah, that's confiscation alright. :rofl:
I am arguing for government to fuck off and let people live their lives.


You said the students should be legally protected from getting expelled. Who the fuck did you have in mind that would provide that protection if not the government?

Who was going to do the expelling? You really are very very dense, arent you?

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