White college fraternity in Oklahoma shut down for overt racism

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.

Who the fuck cares about Saul Alinsky except paranoid rightwing nutjobs?
Hillary Clinton, whose senior thesis in college was about him.

Wow.......forty years ago he was relevant

I can see why Conservatives are in such a frenzy
I realize you're stupid as fuck. But if you dont know history you dont the present. Alinsky was a figure of major influence among virtually all the leading Dems today. So it's important to know what he said and stood for.

Only in rightwing fantasies....you watch too much Glenn Beck

Can we talk Ayn Rand now?
So Hillary Clinton did not write about Alinsky for her senior thesis. Obama wasnt inspried by Alinsky to be a community organizer.
Nutjobber reverts to incoherence and lies!
The response of the college and the Frat's National President is fully warranted and welcome.
No one is attempting to ban free speech, responsible parties are merely meeting their fiduciary responsibility in appropriately applying the response to the student's exercise of free speech.

Yup, and what do you think was the cause of all of this?
What caused these student's to utter such vile sentiments on numerous occasions???...I don't know.
Right wing Statists like The Ribeye champion the free market when it's used as a tool to exploit slave labor, but when it's used to give racist shitbags their comeuppance, oh noes, that's anathema to freedom man!
WTF are you talking about, billfold? There is no slave labor. No one is forced to take a job. There is no free market in this case about college students. It is purely authoritarian--the university sets rules and your're fucked. That's the way fuckhead fascist assholes like you want things.

You mad statist?
Right wing Statists like The Ribeye champion the free market when it's used as a tool to exploit slave labor, but when it's used to give racist shitbags their comeuppance, oh noes, that's anathema to freedom man!
WTF are you talking about, billfold? There is no slave labor. No one is forced to take a job. There is no free market in this case about college students. It is purely authoritarian--the university sets rules and your're fucked. That's the way fuckhead fascist assholes like you want things.

You mad statist?
Butthurt, much?
Who the fuck cares about Saul Alinsky except paranoid rightwing nutjobs?
Hillary Clinton, whose senior thesis in college was about him.

Wow.......forty years ago he was relevant

I can see why Conservatives are in such a frenzy
I realize you're stupid as fuck. But if you dont know history you dont the present. Alinsky was a figure of major influence among virtually all the leading Dems today. So it's important to know what he said and stood for.

Only in rightwing fantasies....you watch too much Glenn Beck

Can we talk Ayn Rand now?
So Hillary Clinton did not write about Alinsky for her senior thesis. Obama wasnt inspried by Alinsky to be a community organizer.
Nutjobber reverts to incoherence and lies!

I attend all the Liberal keggers and Prius rallies

Never once heard Alinsky mentioned
Hillary Clinton, whose senior thesis in college was about him.

Wow.......forty years ago he was relevant

I can see why Conservatives are in such a frenzy
I realize you're stupid as fuck. But if you dont know history you dont the present. Alinsky was a figure of major influence among virtually all the leading Dems today. So it's important to know what he said and stood for.
Why is it important to know who he was and what he stood for?

You aren't being very cooperative, why don't you just understand what Republicans want you to understand? Get with the program. How else are they supposed to perpetuate their contrived narrative? Come on now.
I'm not a very pliable person.

Maybe if you bend over all the way you'll be in a better position to appreciate the Republican point of view.
WTF are you talking about, billfold? There is no slave labor. No one is forced to take a job. There is no free market in this case about college students. It is purely authoritarian--the university sets rules and your're fucked. That's the way fuckhead fascist assholes like you want things.

So you don't believe the university should have the right to expel these students? :eusa_eh:
Negative reinforcement doesn't work. You don't reward bad behaviour. You ignore it, not acklnowledge it.
They are done.

Ya, and now you have however many fratboys pissed as hell at the school to say nothing of blacks. That's SO much better than letting them rant and rave in private.
It is unclear to me how this information came out in public...someone was on that bus who may have become upset took video and passed the video on to others who publicized it ...

Presumedly a guest of one of the frat members. Wouldn't think an actual member woulda made something the frat they volunteered to join does behind closed doors public. A guest might.
I wouldn't want to be that guy after this went viral.

But this is really what Obama and his paid race-baiters wanted. They couldn't find enough real examples of racism in America so they literally created them out of nothing. I'm sure they would have loved it to be a white middle-aged Tea Party Republican who likes shooting blacks. But until they can cause some crazy cracker to go nuts they'll settle for a bunch of stupid college kids that probably would have voted for Obama in the 2008 election if they had been old enough.

This is Hope & Change at work.
So this is Obama's fault...smh.
If you don't want people to be aware of your moronic belief in such a stupid lie, please follow the example of the frats in the video; don't let sane people hear your stupidity.

Is that Chuck Connors in your avi?

No, that's an actual color photograph of Geronimo taken in 1872.


Seriously, I didn't know he did anything other than play for the Celtics briefly and star in The Rifleman.
Yes, Chuck played a blue eyed Geronimo.

Is that why Brando boycotted his Godfather oscar? :dunno:
That was years later. Chuck Conners played Geronimo in 1962.

Is that Chuck Connors in your avi?

No, that's an actual color photograph of Geronimo taken in 1872.


Seriously, I didn't know he did anything other than play for the Celtics briefly and star in The Rifleman.
Yes, Chuck played a blue eyed Geronimo.

A great actor like Chuck Connors could play any role
I agree, in fact I believe he was highly under rated, he deserves to be remembered. I liked his role in Soylent Green.

Is that Chuck Connors in your avi?

No, that's an actual color photograph of Geronimo taken in 1872.


Seriously, I didn't know he did anything other than play for the Celtics briefly and star in The Rifleman.

He also had a big role on Superman


He played Sylvester J. Superman
WTF are you talking about, billfold? There is no slave labor. No one is forced to take a job. There is no free market in this case about college students. It is purely authoritarian--the university sets rules and your're fucked. That's the way fuckhead fascist assholes like you want things.

So you don't believe the university should have the right to expel these students? :eusa_eh:
Not for private statements made on private property, no. Why would you thik that's OK? Oh yeah, you like the Thought Police on Campus telling people what the can and cant think or say. Fucking fascist asshole.

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