White college fraternity in Oklahoma shut down for overt racism

Saul who?

Look it up and come back when you know something.

You mean you don't know? Then why do you mention what's his name that no one ever heard of before 2008?

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?
If they do indeed get expelled, I'm sure they'd be welcomed a few exits up the highway at Oral Roberts University. :thup:
Oklahoma students protest fraternity s racist video

Now, if my son were in that video I dont think I'd be very proud of him. But dont people have the right to say things? Even things that are offensive to others? Do you think they ought to be kicked out of school just for some hijinks?
You have a right to say anything you want

You also have a right to face the consequences
So Russians under the old Soviet system had a right to free speech as long as they accepted they would be sent to the gulag.
Lib logic at its best.


Can't pick a more bizarre hyperbole?
That our :up: The Rabbi.

Anyway, those racist kids are out of their little frat house now.
You really think they're racist? I doubt it.
Thats because you are a retard. If there are white people on a bus singing "we will never let a ****** in", thats pretty much the definition of a racist.
Attention bigots.....

The SAE frat should give all of you a clue to the consequences of being a moron. Those morons have not only lost their opportunity for an education, but also lost any chance of having any decent paying jobs. Karma is gonna get you too.
Look it up and come back when you know something.

You mean you don't know? Then why do you mention what's his name that no one ever heard of before 2008?

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?

No one knows.
Look it up and come back when you know something.

You mean you don't know? Then why do you mention what's his name that no one ever heard of before 2008?

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?

He's a dead guy who once helped black people in the community, organize. mmmmmm, I think we see the problem.
Look it up and come back when you know something.

You mean you don't know? Then why do you mention what's his name that no one ever heard of before 2008?

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?
Are you really this dumb or just inherently dishonest?
You mean you don't know? Then why do you mention what's his name that no one ever heard of before 2008?

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?
Are you really this dumb or just inherently dishonest?
You mean you don't know? Then why do you mention what's his name that no one ever heard of before 2008?

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?

He's a dead guy who once helped black people in the community, organize. mmmmmm, I think we see the problem.
So's Carl Marx.......dead.

These criminals get their inspiration from other criminals, whereas people who want to be a productive member of our society admire positive figures. Criminals find fault in anything that's good but they can't see the evil in folks like Stalin, Chairman Mao, and others like them. They consider honesty a political liability.
You mean you don't know? Then why do you mention what's his name that no one ever heard of before 2008?

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?
Are you really this dumb or just inherently dishonest?

NORMAN, Okla. – A racist chant by several members of a University of Oklahoma fraternity that was caught on video led to outrage from the school's president and the organization's banishment from campus, but fallout from the incident appears far from over.

The incident also had a profound effect on many of the roughly 1,400 black students who attend the university's Norman campus.

"I was shocked they were just doing it openly on the bus, like they were proud of it," said Jared Scarborough, a junior in construction science who is African-American. "From the chant, you could tell they had done it before. It wasn't a first-time thing. And it was everybody. And the fist-pumping."

The Greek letters were removed Monday from the side of the sprawling, sand-colored brick house on a street lined with fraternity and sorority houses just west of the center of campus, and members were ordered to have their belongings removed by midnight Tuesday.

The Oklahoma football team decided to protest rather than practice on Monday. At the team's indoor practice facility, coach Bob Stoops led the way as players, joined by athletic director Joe Castiglione, walked arm-in-arm, wearing black.

University of Oklahoma students in racist chant controversy face expulsion Fox News

Yep. No problem here.

"Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is another racist refrain admittedly based on lies.

Ferguson is a celebration for Democrats. Looting and violence. When some white students predictably react, the media pounced. This what Ferguson was all about. Causing bigotry in kids that before where not prejudice.

I don't agree with this chant, but I understand it's motivation, and Democrats caused this mess in hopes that racial undertones that were long buried would come to the surface.

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?
Are you really this dumb or just inherently dishonest?

Racist cocksuckers of a feather flock together.
You mean you don't know? Then why do you mention what's his name that no one ever heard of before 2008?

This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?
Are you really this dumb or just inherently dishonest?
I'm dumb because I dont know someone? Can you tell me all the steps to set up a call center? If you cant then you are dumb and dishonest.

NORMAN, Okla. – A racist chant by several members of a University of Oklahoma fraternity that was caught on video led to outrage from the school's president and the organization's banishment from campus, but fallout from the incident appears far from over.

The incident also had a profound effect on many of the roughly 1,400 black students who attend the university's Norman campus.

"I was shocked they were just doing it openly on the bus, like they were proud of it," said Jared Scarborough, a junior in construction science who is African-American. "From the chant, you could tell they had done it before. It wasn't a first-time thing. And it was everybody. And the fist-pumping."

The Greek letters were removed Monday from the side of the sprawling, sand-colored brick house on a street lined with fraternity and sorority houses just west of the center of campus, and members were ordered to have their belongings removed by midnight Tuesday.

The Oklahoma football team decided to protest rather than practice on Monday. At the team's indoor practice facility, coach Bob Stoops led the way as players, joined by athletic director Joe Castiglione, walked arm-in-arm, wearing black.

University of Oklahoma students in racist chant controversy face expulsion Fox News

Yep. No problem here.

"Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is another racist refrain admittedly based on lies.

Ferguson is a celebration for Democrats. Looting and violence. When some white students predictably react, the media pounced. This what Ferguson was all about. Causing bigotry in kids that before where not prejudice.

I don't agree with this chant, but I understand it's motivation, and Democrats caused this mess in hopes that racial undertones that were long buried would come to the surface.


Prove it or STFU.

NORMAN, Okla. – A racist chant by several members of a University of Oklahoma fraternity that was caught on video led to outrage from the school's president and the organization's banishment from campus, but fallout from the incident appears far from over.

The incident also had a profound effect on many of the roughly 1,400 black students who attend the university's Norman campus.

"I was shocked they were just doing it openly on the bus, like they were proud of it," said Jared Scarborough, a junior in construction science who is African-American. "From the chant, you could tell they had done it before. It wasn't a first-time thing. And it was everybody. And the fist-pumping."

The Greek letters were removed Monday from the side of the sprawling, sand-colored brick house on a street lined with fraternity and sorority houses just west of the center of campus, and members were ordered to have their belongings removed by midnight Tuesday.

The Oklahoma football team decided to protest rather than practice on Monday. At the team's indoor practice facility, coach Bob Stoops led the way as players, joined by athletic director Joe Castiglione, walked arm-in-arm, wearing black.

University of Oklahoma students in racist chant controversy face expulsion Fox News

Yep. No problem here.

"Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is another racist refrain admittedly based on lies.

Ferguson is a celebration for Democrats. Looting and violence. When some white students predictably react, the media pounced. This what Ferguson was all about. Causing bigotry in kids that before where not prejudice.

I don't agree with this chant, but I understand it's motivation, and Democrats caused this mess in hopes that racial undertones that were long buried would come to the surface.


Prove or STFU.

Pffttt...........the Democrats did not cause chanting on the bus. You're being daft. You STFU.
This is 2015 numbnuts. You've had 7 years to learn who Saul Alinsky is.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?
Are you really this dumb or just inherently dishonest?
I'm dumb because I dont know someone?

Amongst other things.

Yet you libs always claim to be so smart and enlightened.
I guess I just don't care, and neither does anyone else.

Are they still blubbering about Saul Alinksy? Good grief.
Who is Saul Alinksy?
Are you really this dumb or just inherently dishonest?
I'm dumb because I dont know someone?

Amongst other things.

Yet you libs always claim to be so smart and enlightened.

I've never claimed that. It's just that...........when I stand next to someone like you it's pretty damn obvious.

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