White college fraternity in Oklahoma shut down for overt racism

Why would they do this in the first place and who is putting this utter rubbish into their tiny brains? Ignorant wrong thinking in all aspects. Racism isn't alive and well? Its rampant as its ever been. Things are starting to boil over. Sad. Have we learned anything from the 60's? Seems like we haven't.
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?

You're an idiot. Of course what they said is protected by the first amendment. The school, of course, can choose to punish them...and I think they probably deserve some form of punishment...if it were up to me I'd suspend them for a term or two.
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?

You're an idiot. Of course what they said is protected by the first amendment. The school, of course, can choose to punish them...and I think they probably deserve some form of punishment...if it were up to me I'd suspend them for a term or two.
Why? If what they said is protected by the 1A then they can't be punished. If they are punished for it they obviously arent protected.
I think people have the right to be idiots and fools.
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?

You're an idiot. Of course what they said is protected by the first amendment. The school, of course, can choose to punish them...and I think they probably deserve some form of punishment...if it were up to me I'd suspend them for a term or two.
Why? If what they said is protected by the 1A then they can't be punished. If they are punished for it they obviously arent protected.
I think people have the right to be idiots and fools.

They are free to say what they said without the government punishing them, the school is not the government.
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?

You're an idiot. Of course what they said is protected by the first amendment. The school, of course, can choose to punish them...and I think they probably deserve some form of punishment...if it were up to me I'd suspend them for a term or two.
Why? If what they said is protected by the 1A then they can't be punished. If they are punished for it they obviously arent protected.
I think people have the right to be idiots and fools.

They are free to say what they said without the government punishing them, the school is not the government.
In this case it is, as it is the state.
But they are not free to say what they want. They cannot chant what they did without severe repercussions. That is not freedom.
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?
You are a moron. We've established this previously.
First, the Torah nowhere prohibits racism. The Torah doesnt even talk about racism. The term didnt exist.
Second, people are not allowed to scream fire in a theater with no fire because it is a threat to public safety. There is yoru limitation. Here, it was a private charter bus obviously going to a private dinner. No one was endangered here by what they did.
Finally I already indicated I didnt support the behavior, but I do support people's right to be stupid. Yes, even yours, Herr Twerp.
This really pisses me off. I would sell everything South of North Carolina & east of Nevada to Mexico.

These fools deserve all the criticism they can get for this nonsense. That being said, don't be so overly dramatic.
OVERLY DRAMATIC?!!! :mad-61: :mad-61: :mad-61: :mad-61:

Yes, selling off huge swatches of the country to Mexico is overly dramatic.
ummm..... it was their land to begin with.
None of that changes the fact that it was an overly dramatic statement.
The national org had nothing to do with it. The university is kicking them out of their house, and possibly out of school.

The national organization suspended their chapter, which means they can no longer live in the house. And, the house is jointly owned by SAE and OU.
Right after Selma too :eusa_doh: Sad, sad, SAD!!!

Univ. of Oklahoma president Frat members disgraceful - Yahoo News
NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — The president of the University of Oklahoma severed the school's ties with a national fraternity on Monday and ordered that its on-campus house be shuttered after several members took part in a racist chant caught in an online video.

President David Boren said he was sickened and couldn't eat or sleep after learning about the video Sunday afternoon. It shows several people on a bus participating in a chant that included a racial slur, referenced lynching and indicated black students would never be admitted to OU's chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

I'm a liberal and love it that those openly racists got busted but I think in a week or month we will say that they were just a bunch of dumb white kids. I'm sure some black frats say some pretty racist shit behind close doors.
Right after Selma too :eusa_doh: Sad, sad, SAD!!!

Univ. of Oklahoma president Frat members disgraceful - Yahoo News
NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — The president of the University of Oklahoma severed the school's ties with a national fraternity on Monday and ordered that its on-campus house be shuttered after several members took part in a racist chant caught in an online video.

President David Boren said he was sickened and couldn't eat or sleep after learning about the video Sunday afternoon. It shows several people on a bus participating in a chant that included a racial slur, referenced lynching and indicated black students would never be admitted to OU's chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

I'm a liberal and love it that those openly racists got busted but I think in a week or month we will say that they were just a bunch of dumb white kids. I'm sure some black frats say some pretty racist shit behind close doors.
Dumb white kids grow up and become dumb adults in daddys business and make hiring decisions that affect Black people getting jobs.
Oklahoma students protest fraternity s racist video

Now, if my son were in that video I dont think I'd be very proud of him. But dont people have the right to say things? Even things that are offensive to others? Do you think they ought to be kicked out of school just for some hijinks?
They have a right to say what they want while othere have a right to make their lives miserable if possible. Consequences.
dumb black kids grow up to be dumb adults in daddy's business and make decisions that affect white people getting jobs

I didn't know black people were entitled to jobs
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?

You're an idiot. Of course what they said is protected by the first amendment. The school, of course, can choose to punish them...and I think they probably deserve some form of punishment...if it were up to me I'd suspend them for a term or two.
Why? If what they said is protected by the 1A then they can't be punished. If they are punished for it they obviously arent protected.
I think people have the right to be idiots and fools.
They have to follow the Universities charter on behavior while living on campus and attending school...
Oklahoma students protest fraternity s racist video

Now, if my son were in that video I dont think I'd be very proud of him. But dont people have the right to say things? Even things that are offensive to others? Do you think they ought to be kicked out of school just for some hijinks?
They have a right to say what they want while othere have a right to make their lives miserable if possible. Consequences.
My school chum is the Dr. of Native Affairs at OU, he says they are suspended also...
Oklahoma students protest fraternity s racist video

Now, if my son were in that video I dont think I'd be very proud of him. But dont people have the right to say things? Even things that are offensive to others? Do you think they ought to be kicked out of school just for some hijinks?
They have a right to say what they want while othere have a right to make their lives miserable if possible. Consequences.
My school chum is the Dr. of Native Affairs at OU, he says they are suspended also...
Good stuff.
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?
You are a moron. We've established this previously.
First, the Torah nowhere prohibits racism. The Torah doesnt even talk about racism. The term didnt exist.
Second, people are not allowed to scream fire in a theater with no fire because it is a threat to public safety. There is yoru limitation. Here, it was a private charter bus obviously going to a private dinner. No one was endangered here by what they did.
Finally I already indicated I didnt support the behavior, but I do support people's right to be stupid. Yes, even yours, Herr Twerp.

No. Deuteronomy 10:17 makes it abundantly clear:

"For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, uthe great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe."

The word racism did not exist at that time just like the world homosexuality did not exist and yet you Rightie fucktards go off about that one all the time.

Torah DOES prohibit racist treatment of any humans. The fact that you cannot even recognize a concept as universal as this one tells me that you are no Jew.

Whether it is a threat to public safety or harms relations with other people, "free speech" of this kind is just as bad.

Facit: you are a fucking racist moron. Now, go fuck off, Sheygetz.
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?

You're an idiot. Of course what they said is protected by the first amendment. The school, of course, can choose to punish them...and I think they probably deserve some form of punishment...if it were up to me I'd suspend them for a term or two.
Why? If what they said is protected by the 1A then they can't be punished. If they are punished for it they obviously arent protected.
I think people have the right to be idiots and fools.

Quite obviously, starting with yourself.

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