White college fraternity in Oklahoma shut down for overt racism

kudos to the president of Oklahoma Universty for nipping this crap in he bud (i.e. shutting down the fraternity immediately).

these college kids should know better, but obviously they don't (i.e. they are stuck on stupid).

hate of any kind for any reason should not be tolerated, especially in our highest institutions for learning.
Just out of curiousity... do we know who filed and turned-in the video - who snitched?

And did his 'mates' beat the crap out of him after realizing they had a snitch in their midst?
Well this shit makes me happy to be a Theta Chi. ;) My fraternity in college had lots of songs, some that were pretty sexually explicit, but nothing like that. I think the only song we had that had anything to do with race was the one about being hopelessly in love with a Mexican hooker. That was also in the late 80s though when stuff like that was slightly less taboo. This is probably not a new song. Fraternity songs are usually passed down from class to class. My guess is they have been singing this song for a very long time, perhaps decades, and viewed it as harmless because it was a traditional song and they were introduced to it as pledges. That doesn't excuse it, of course. You just can't do shit like that in this day and age.

SAE national pulled their charter which they have every right to do as a private organization. OU however is a state university. I am no attorney, but I am not sure they can do much against them individually, nor, do I think, should they. As stupid and distasteful as the song is, they have the freedom of speech. College is a place of learning. They are learning a very hard lesson by losing their charter and even the fraternity members who didn't take part are going to be branded by this. Let them walk through campus and endure the finger pointing and glares. They'll learn
This really pisses me off. I would sell everything South of North Carolina & east of Nevada to Mexico.

These fools deserve all the criticism they can get for this nonsense. That being said, don't be so overly dramatic.
OVERLY DRAMATIC?!!! :mad-61: :mad-61: :mad-61: :mad-61:

Yes, selling off huge swatches of the country to Mexico is overly dramatic.
ummm..... it was their land to begin with.

The beginning of what?
Torah prohibits racism. Why do you hate the Torah so much? So, it's not just a matter of not being proud of your children, it is a matter of right and wrong, also a matter of basic human decency. You as a self-professed Jew should know this.

Free speeech only goes so far. People are not allowed to scream "fire" in a threater when in reality there is no fire. So, their "free speech" is also limited. Or do you think that fools have a right to scream "fire" in such a circumstance?

You're an idiot. Of course what they said is protected by the first amendment. The school, of course, can choose to punish them...and I think they probably deserve some form of punishment...if it were up to me I'd suspend them for a term or two.
Why? If what they said is protected by the 1A then they can't be punished. If they are punished for it they obviously arent protected.
I think people have the right to be idiots and fools.

Actions have consequences.

You know, personal responsibility and all.

They aren't going to jail for what they said, so yes, their speech is indeed protected.
Exactly... If you're dumb enough to do that blatantly in this instant posting world....well. What were they thinking? That they're black or something? College kids. Lmao
There's like 5 threads on this topic. To me this is non story. Everytime there's the slightest bit of racism toward blacks liberals go ape shit and blow it totally out of proportion. Yeah these kids said racist things. Guess what? A lot of people say racist things. And you have all groups saying those things.
I love it when bad shit happens to stupid people

Dumb asses are singing one of their favorite songs while someone is taking video right in front of them

Then they whine as the whole University turns against their frat
I love it when bad shit happens to stupid people

Dumb asses are singing one of their favorite songs while someone is taking video right in front of them

Then they whine as the whole University turns against their frat
I like how you get into a fit over someone saying the nagger word.

Mommy he said a mean word! :lol:
The US is getting gayer by the minute, in Oklahoma no less. I thought that state was supposed to be "right wing"?

People says nagger and people launch into organized protest :lol:

no seriously. What brought you & the other guy here? You know there are sites that cater to your people's fears.
Jean Delance decommits from OU
Delance visited Saturday and seemed to be openly recruiting for the Sooners throughout the event and on Twitter on Sunday.

But a racist viral video that hit the Internet on Sunday evening was something Delance took very seriously. A racist chanting video purportedly made by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity members at OU has caused University of Oklahoma President David Boren to take action.
Right after Selma too :eusa_doh: Sad, sad, SAD!!!

Univ. of Oklahoma president Frat members disgraceful - Yahoo News
NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — The president of the University of Oklahoma severed the school's ties with a national fraternity on Monday and ordered that its on-campus house be shuttered after several members took part in a racist chant caught in an online video.

President David Boren said he was sickened and couldn't eat or sleep after learning about the video Sunday afternoon. It shows several people on a bus participating in a chant that included a racial slur, referenced lynching and indicated black students would never be admitted to OU's chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

How embarrassing....but it is Oklahoma.
yep part of jesusland
no seriously. What brought you & the other guy here? You know there are sites that cater to your people's fears.
Sorry, I didn't realize this website was a hugbox for your precious wittle feelings about mean words.

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