White Crowd Chants ‘Donald Trump, Build That Wall!’ And Then The Black And Latina Players Did This

I never suggested you were ever on the Right side of things. The fact that you have been to tbe Socialist Shithole of Detroit tells me yoi have no morals to begin with.

Actually it tells you that I have a job, which is why I was there. And while I was there I made good on the promise I made to myself that if I ever had the opportunity I would go see the Motown Museum --which was awesome, and something everyone should do.

Know why it was awesome? No of course you don't. So I'll tell you, even though it will have the same effect as telling my nearest wall. I expected to see the old site where the Temptations and the Supremes and Stevie Wonder and Martha Reeves laid down their art, and I expected to see the old technology that recorded it. I got all that. But they went a bit further and gave us context. They cited how Motown created a music that everybody --- black and white --- could dig, and did. They pointed out that before Motown white and black people could not dance together. They broke down that barrier, they're proud of it, and rightly so.

That would be the same barrier you and your puke-ilk are so desperately trying to put back up.

The group that went into that museum were various groups of white people and black people. When the same group came out -- we were just people. With a shared experience.

I only mention that because I know stories like that drive you race war mongers fucking crazy. Because it undermines everything you're trying to do. And that's a good thing.

I have never denied the existence of violence by Trump supporters. I applaud it. These protesters don't belong at these events and get what they deserve for showing up.

Again, nothing to disagree on here. You keep on affirming my observations. You're like a gold mine.
Actually it tells you that I have a job, which is why I was there. And while I was there I made good on the promise I made to myself that if I ever had the opportunity I would go see the Motown Museum --which was awesome, and something everyone should do.

It tells,me that you put money ahead of morals. Whereas I've turned down jobs, with far better titles and money for moral reasons (female supervisor, location, immoral company, etc...). I would rather starve than take a job under immoral conditions.

I dont listen to music, so the museum means nothing to me.
Actually it tells you that I have a job, which is why I was there. And while I was there I made good on the promise I made to myself that if I ever had the opportunity I would go see the Motown Museum --which was awesome, and something everyone should do.

Know why it was awesome? No of course you don't. So I'll tell you, even though it will have the same effect as telling my nearest wall. I expected to see the old site where the Temptations and the Supremes and Stevie Wonder and Martha Reeves laid down their art, and I expected to see the old technology that recorded it. I got all that. But they went a bit further and gave us context. They cited how Motown created a music that everybody --- black and white --- could dig, and did. They pointed out that before Motown white and black people could not dance together. They broke down that barrier, they're proud of it, and rightly so.

That would be the same barrier you and your puke-ilk are so desperately trying to put back up.

The group that went into that museum were various groups of white people and black people. When the same group came out -- we were just people. With a shared experience.

I only mention that because I know stories like that drive you race war mongers fucking crazy. Because it undermines everything you're trying to do. And that's a good thing.

I have never denied the existence of violence by Trump supporters. I applaud it. These protesters don't belong at these events and get what they deserve for showing up.

Again, nothing to disagree on here. You keep on affirming my observations. You're like a gold mine.

It tells,me that you put money ahead of morals. Whereas I've turned down jobs, with far better titles and money for moral reasons (female supervisor, location, immoral company, etc...). I would rather starve than take a job under immoral conditions.

I dont listen to music, so the museum means nothing to me.

There's nothing "amoral" about accepting a job assignment when one needs it. But there is something "stupid" about stomping your feet and crying the blues because the location of that job doesn't fit your preconceived and juvenile illusions that you get from blogosphere bubbles and internet message boards.
There's nothing "amoral" about accepting a job assignment when one needs it. But there is something "stupid" about stomping your feet and crying the blues because the location of that job doesn't fit your preconceived and juvenile illusions that you get from blogosphere bubbles and internet message boards.

You are correct that taking a job is generally the preferred option. However, in certain situations, death is the preferred option.
There's nothing "amoral" about accepting a job assignment when one needs it. But there is something "stupid" about stomping your feet and crying the blues because the location of that job doesn't fit your preconceived and juvenile illusions that you get from blogosphere bubbles and internet message boards.

You are correct that taking a job is generally the preferred option. However, in certain situations, death is the preferred option.

Yeah I know -- for you death is the preferred option for everything. Yet.... you're still here.
There's nothing "amoral" about accepting a job assignment when one needs it. But there is something "stupid" about stomping your feet and crying the blues because the location of that job doesn't fit your preconceived and juvenile illusions that you get from blogosphere bubbles and internet message boards.

You are correct that taking a job is generally the preferred option. However, in certain situations, death is the preferred option.

Yeah I know -- for you death is the preferred option for everything. Yet.... you're still here.

What do you expect from a hypocrite/coward?
Yeah I know -- for you death is the preferred option for everything. Yet.... you're still here.

Not for everything, but for many things. In most cases where there is no positive option to cling to, pushi g the reset button if life is the only decent option.
I only mention that because I know stories like that drive you race war mongers fucking crazy.
Are you forgetting who started this thread? The biggest race war mongering bigot on this site.
It’s not difficult to imagine that the parents of these students are ardent Trump supporters that have been gleefully teaching their children that it’s OK to hate if the other person has dark skin. That is, after all, the core of Trump’s popularity. It’s not just that he’s openly racist, he’s telling his followers that it’s permissible, encouraged even, for them to openly hate as well.

What absolute horse shit this is...WTF is wrong with you?

Guno is a racist hatemonger.

NOte his constant conflation of losing minority status with dying out.

I don't know if he is trying to be offensive, scary, or if he is just so full of hate that he is engaged in Magical Thinking and is trying to kill off all of us whites with the Power of His Mind.
I think he's a misanthrope, but he happens to live in a completely white area. If he lived in a latin area he would be a white power advocate.
If he actually lived among negroes or Latinos his life expectancy would be about the same as a potato salad in the desert.
I want to give the benefit of the doubt but in all likelihood, this is the Trump Effect spilling down. It’s not difficult to imagine that the parents of these students are ardent Trump supporters that have been gleefully teaching their children that it’s OK to hate if the other person has dark skin. That is, after all, the core of Trump’s popularity. It’s not just that he’s openly racist, he’s telling his followers that it’s permissible, encouraged even, for them to openly hate as well.

School officials are looking into the incident but it’s unclear if they will be able to do anything about it. At the very least, it would be nice if the other students from Elkhorn publicly shunned their fellow classmates for their racism.

The white rightwing feral savages are lashing out as a dying wounded animal is in its death throes

They know the future isn't too promising for them

White Crowd Chants ‘Donald Trump, Build That Wall!’ And Then The Black And Latina Players Did This

Yo, you ""Mini Socialist Democrats"" like to throw a Latino in there? But there is very few in there? Get over it, it`s "Black Losers" who have nothing better to do in life? But act like they still live in a Jungle!!! Get over your lies!!!

View attachment 71648
you rightwing ilk will get massive clockings when you are the minority as payback will be a bitch, bitch
The hilarious thing is 'bat-shit' the Whites have, do and will continue to control the world's economy a thousand years from now.` Why? Because any race with an average IQ about 80 like the negroes will never control be able to control themselves let alone anyone else.
How many negroes have murdered other negroes in Chicago this year so far? HAAAA HAAAA!
If the fucking negroes don't hurry up they will self exterminate their race soon before they will RULE THE USA!
I never suggested you were ever on the Right side of things. The fact that you have been to tbe Socialist Shithole of Detroit tells me yoi have no morals to begin with.

Actually it tells you that I have a job, which is why I was there. And while I was there I made good on the promise I made to myself that if I ever had the opportunity I would go see the Motown Museum --which was awesome, and something everyone should do.

Know why it was awesome? No of course you don't. So I'll tell you, even though it will have the same effect as telling my nearest wall. I expected to see the old site where the Temptations and the Supremes and Stevie Wonder and Martha Reeves laid down their art, and I expected to see the old technology that recorded it. I got all that. But they went a bit further and gave us context. They cited how Motown created a music that everybody --- black and white --- could dig, and did. They pointed out that before Motown white and black people could not dance together. They broke down that barrier, they're proud of it, and rightly so.

That would be the same barrier you and your puke-ilk are so desperately trying to put back up.

The group that went into that museum were various groups of white people and black people. When the same group came out -- we were just people. With a shared experience.

I only mention that because I know stories like that drive you race war mongers fucking crazy. Because it undermines everything you're trying to do. And that's a good thing.

I have never denied the existence of violence by Trump supporters. I applaud it. These protesters don't belong at these events and get what they deserve for showing up.

Again, nothing to disagree on here. You keep on affirming my observations. You're like a gold mine.
Listening to, playing, singing that music is now cultural appropriaton . The barriers are back. Higher and stronger than ever.
So, IF this happened, a small crowd of students chanted something and a student needed hugged for twenty minutes?

Jesus Fucking Christ. What are the ages here, 5?!

"“They came off the field and weren’t able to finish the game because they were too upset and distraught over what happened to them,” Denu said. “One of the girls was cradled in the arms of one of our assistant coaches for a good 15 to 20 minutes.”


The term Mega Bed Wetter immediately springs to mind.

I'd have punched him/her.

Yes, he should have punched the little weirdo.

If I was there I would have kicked and punched the shit out of that prick.

My my, isn't this thread just the fountainous wellspring illustration of the Rump effect: "make america grate again".

Bookmarked for future reference.

Just to keep the compendium up to date....

See, we RightWingers won't march the streets like BLM. We will burn the motherfucking town to the ground. We will gun down the few Black or Latino cops, firemen, and EMTs who try to stop us or help the rif raf.

The fact that you have been to tbe Socialist Shithole of Detroit tells me yoi have no morals to begin with.

I have never denied the existence of violence by Trump supporters. I applaud it. These protesters don't belong at these events and get what they deserve for showing up.

It tells,me that you put money ahead of morals. Whereas I've turned down jobs, with far better titles and money for moral reasons (female supervisor, location, immoral company, etc...).

any race with an average IQ about 80 like the negroes will never control be able to control themselves let alone anyone else.
How many negroes have murdered other negroes in Chicago this year so far? HAAAA HAAAA!
If the fucking negroes don't hurry up they will self exterminate their race soon before they will RULE THE USA!

Gold mine.
So, IF this happened, a small crowd of students chanted something and a student needed hugged for twenty minutes?

Jesus Fucking Christ. What are the ages here, 5?!

"“They came off the field and weren’t able to finish the game because they were too upset and distraught over what happened to them,” Denu said. “One of the girls was cradled in the arms of one of our assistant coaches for a good 15 to 20 minutes.”


The term Mega Bed Wetter immediately springs to mind.

I'd have punched him/her.

Yes, he should have punched the little weirdo.

If I was there I would have kicked and punched the shit out of that prick.

My my, isn't this thread just the fountainous wellspring illustration of the Rump effect: "make america grate again".

Bookmarked for future reference.

Just to keep the compendium up to date....

See, we RightWingers won't march the streets like BLM. We will burn the motherfucking town to the ground. We will gun down the few Black or Latino cops, firemen, and EMTs who try to stop us or help the rif raf.

The fact that you have been to tbe Socialist Shithole of Detroit tells me yoi have no morals to begin with.

I have never denied the existence of violence by Trump supporters. I applaud it. These protesters don't belong at these events and get what they deserve for showing up.

It tells,me that you put money ahead of morals. Whereas I've turned down jobs, with far better titles and money for moral reasons (female supervisor, location, immoral company, etc...).

any race with an average IQ about 80 like the negroes will never control be able to control themselves let alone anyone else.
How many negroes have murdered other negroes in Chicago this year so far? HAAAA HAAAA!
If the fucking negroes don't hurry up they will self exterminate their race soon before they will RULE THE USA!

Gold mine.
Sounds like a lot of anger there, Pogo?
It’s not difficult to imagine that the parents of these students are ardent Trump supporters that have been gleefully teaching their children that it’s OK to hate if the other person has dark skin. That is, after all, the core of Trump’s popularity. It’s not just that he’s openly racist, he’s telling his followers that it’s permissible, encouraged even, for them to openly hate as well.

What absolute horse shit this is...WTF is wrong with you?

Guno is a racist hatemonger.

NOte his constant conflation of losing minority status with dying out.

I don't know if he is trying to be offensive, scary, or if he is just so full of hate that he is engaged in Magical Thinking and is trying to kill off all of us whites with the Power of His Mind.
I think he's a misanthrope, but he happens to live in a completely white area. If he lived in a latin area he would be a white power advocate.
If he actually lived among negroes or Latinos his life expectancy would be about the same as a potato salad in the desert.
True. I'm a misanthrope too, and I can vouch for that.
This is obviously a key point in the white pride fightback.
Chanting abuse at schoolgirl footie players is something that all white people can take pride in.
There's nothing "amoral" about accepting a job assignment when one needs it. But there is something "stupid" about stomping your feet and crying the blues because the location of that job doesn't fit your preconceived and juvenile illusions that you get from blogosphere bubbles and internet message boards.

You are correct that taking a job is generally the preferred option. However, in certain situations, death is the preferred option.

Sooner the better, dude! Off yourself and put us out of your misery.
Goono is the biggest anti-American on the board, he doesn't believe in borders nor America's sovereignty.
I would pay money to shit on his grave.
It’s not difficult to imagine that the parents of these students are ardent Trump supporters that have been gleefully teaching their children that it’s OK to hate if the other person has dark skin. That is, after all, the core of Trump’s popularity. It’s not just that he’s openly racist, he’s telling his followers that it’s permissible, encouraged even, for them to openly hate as well.

What absolute horse shit this is...WTF is wrong with you? Do you believe in open borders?

Yes he does. He's a leftwing douche bag. They all believe in open borders because that is what his filthy party endorses.
It’s not difficult to imagine that the parents of these students are ardent Trump supporters that have been gleefully teaching their children that it’s OK to hate if the other person has dark skin. That is, after all, the core of Trump’s popularity. It’s not just that he’s openly racist, he’s telling his followers that it’s permissible, encouraged even, for them to openly hate as well.

What absolute horse shit this is...WTF is wrong with you? Do you believe in open borders?

Yes he does. He's a leftwing douche bag. They all believe in open borders because that is what his filthy party endorses.
Pogo, do you support open borders?
Recently I watched a young negro woman come up to a young White dude on the subway, who had his hair in dreads. She started yelling at him about his hair being 'cultural appropriation'.
The White dude listened until she was finished and then calmly said. "How much of those clothes and shoes you're wearing originated in Africa? What about that watch? What part of this subway originated in Africa?
Her eyes bulged out and she waddled away.

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