White Crowd Chants ‘Donald Trump, Build That Wall!’ And Then The Black And Latina Players Did This

So, IF this happened, a small crowd of students chanted something and a student needed hugged for twenty minutes?

Jesus Fucking Christ. What are the ages here, 5?!

"“They came off the field and weren’t able to finish the game because they were too upset and distraught over what happened to them,” Denu said. “One of the girls was cradled in the arms of one of our assistant coaches for a good 15 to 20 minutes.”


The term Mega Bed Wetter immediately springs to mind.

I'd have punched him/her.

Yes, he should have punched the little weirdo.

If I was there I would have kicked and punched the shit out of that prick.

My my, isn't this thread just the fountainous wellspring illustration of the Rump effect: "make america grate again".

Bookmarked for future reference.
I want to give the benefit of the doubt but in all likelihood, this is the Trump Effect spilling down. It’s not difficult to imagine that the parents of these students are ardent Trump supporters that have been gleefully teaching their children that it’s OK to hate if the other person has dark skin. That is, after all, the core of Trump’s popularity. It’s not just that he’s openly racist, he’s telling his followers that it’s permissible, encouraged even, for them to openly hate as well.

School officials are looking into the incident but it’s unclear if they will be able to do anything about it. At the very least, it would be nice if the other students from Elkhorn publicly shunned their fellow classmates for their racism.

The white rightwing feral savages are lashing out as a dying wounded animal is in its death throes

They know the future isn't too promising for them

White Crowd Chants ‘Donald Trump, Build That Wall!’ And Then The Black And Latina Players Did This

Aww, poor Guano doesn't like it when kids have enough sense to stand up against his own racist Agenda. No one has as much built up anger and hatred than Guano. He hates whites and Christians far more than any of the alleged racists he rants about.
So, IF this happened, a small crowd of students chanted something and a student needed hugged for twenty minutes?

Jesus Fucking Christ. What are the ages here, 5?!

"“They came off the field and weren’t able to finish the game because they were too upset and distraught over what happened to them,” Denu said. “One of the girls was cradled in the arms of one of our assistant coaches for a good 15 to 20 minutes.”


The term Mega Bed Wetter immediately springs to mind.

I'd have punched him/her.

Yes, he should have punched the little weirdo.

If I was there I would have kicked and punched the shit out of that prick.

My my, isn't this thread just the fountainous wellspring illustration of the Rump effect: "make america grate again".

Bookmarked for future reference.
It was the loon who assaulted, not the other guy. If someone spat in my face-particularly at a protest-I'd lose it.
Blacks don't hang with highspanics. Blacks move away when highspanics move into their neighborhoods.
Black flight.
I think I see a market for Safe Space Talismans....guaranteed to ward off bad words.....only $50 but think of the hurt you will avoid.......
So, IF this happened, a small crowd of students chanted something and a student needed hugged for twenty minutes?

Jesus Fucking Christ. What are the ages here, 5?!

"“They came off the field and weren’t able to finish the game because they were too upset and distraught over what happened to them,” Denu said. “One of the girls was cradled in the arms of one of our assistant coaches for a good 15 to 20 minutes.”


The term Mega Bed Wetter immediately springs to mind.

I'd have punched him/her.

Yes, he should have punched the little weirdo.

If I was there I would have kicked and punched the shit out of that prick.

My my, isn't this thread just the fountainous wellspring illustration of the Rump effect: "make america grate again".

Bookmarked for future reference.

Well I agree, I think we were pretty impressive in our fountainous wellspring :smoke:
It’s not difficult to imagine that the parents of these students are ardent Trump supporters that have been gleefully teaching their children that it’s OK to hate if the other person has dark skin. That is, after all, the core of Trump’s popularity. It’s not just that he’s openly racist, he’s telling his followers that it’s permissible, encouraged even, for them to openly hate as well.

What absolute horse shit this is...WTF is wrong with you? Do you believe in open borders?
Yes, it does want open borders.

Frankly, it smells more like a Wigger, rather than a Black or a Hispanic; one of those insane types agitating for the suicide of its own culture.

Or a stupid-clever KKK type engaging in Reverse Psychology.
What absolute horse shit this is...WTF is wrong with you?

Guno is a racist hatemonger.

NOte his constant conflation of losing minority status with dying out.

I don't know if he is trying to be offensive, scary, or if he is just so full of hate that he is engaged in Magical Thinking and is trying to kill off all of us whites with the Power of His Mind.
I think he's a misanthrope, but he happens to live in a completely white area. If he lived in a latin area he would be a white power advocate.


The image I get from Guano from his increasingly bat shit insane rantings is this sort of person:

I heered he had a right perty mouth.

On the video did everyone notice how the two little bed wetting bitches had their faces concealed? Cowardly POS.
Guno is a racist hatemonger.

NOte his constant conflation of losing minority status with dying out.

I don't know if he is trying to be offensive, scary, or if he is just so full of hate that he is engaged in Magical Thinking and is trying to kill off all of us whites with the Power of His Mind.
I think he's a misanthrope, but he happens to live in a completely white area. If he lived in a latin area he would be a white power advocate.


The image I get from Guano from his increasingly bat shit insane rantings is this sort of person:

I heered he had a right perty mouth.

On the video did everyone notice how the two little bed wetting bitches had their faces concealed? Cowardly POS.

So help me follow this here....

One clique targets an ethnic group with stereotype slurs.... and that makes .... the recipients "cowards".

Uh huh. Posted from Planet Bizzaro?

I see your point. When somebody's flinging poo on the basis of skin color, that's "courageous" stuff. :thup:

Great thing to be teaching kids. Can't imagine what could possibly go awry with a plan like that, nope.
you rightwing ilk will get massive clockings when you are the minority as payback will be a bitch, bitch

Not at all. See, we RightWingers won't march the streets like BLM. We will burn the motherfucking town to the ground. We will gun down the few Black or Latino cops, firemen, and EMTs who try to stop us or help the rif raf.
Great thing to be teaching kids. Can't imagine what could possibly go awry with a plan like that, nope.

One must learn to teach his enemies as enemies AT ALL TIMES. To do anything else gives aid and comfort to the ENEMY and therefore qualifies as Treason.
We will burn the motherfucking town to the ground. We will gun down the few Black or Latino cops, firemen, and EMTs who try to stop us or help the rif raf.

One must learn to teach his enemies as enemies AT ALL TIMES. To do anything else gives aid and comfort to the ENEMY and therefore qualifies as Treason.

Whelp --- from the last two posts I'd say observations have been confirmed, affirmed, reaffirmed and set in stone.
Extra-firm stone.

I think he's a misanthrope, but he happens to live in a completely white area. If he lived in a latin area he would be a white power advocate.


The image I get from Guano from his increasingly bat shit insane rantings is this sort of person:

I heered he had a right perty mouth.

On the video did everyone notice how the two little bed wetting bitches had their faces concealed? Cowardly POS.

So help me follow this here....

One clique targets an ethnic group with stereotype slurs.... and that makes .... the recipients "cowards".

Uh huh. Posted from Planet Bizzaro?

I see your point. When somebody's flinging poo on the basis of skin color, that's "courageous" stuff. :thup:

Great thing to be teaching kids. Can't imagine what could possibly go awry with a plan like that, nope.

No they're cowards because they had their faces concealed with scarves, the other group didn't feel the need to conceal their faces.

I never mentioned skin colour.

The image I get from Guano from his increasingly bat shit insane rantings is this sort of person:

I heered he had a right perty mouth.

On the video did everyone notice how the two little bed wetting bitches had their faces concealed? Cowardly POS.

So help me follow this here....

One clique targets an ethnic group with stereotype slurs.... and that makes .... the recipients "cowards".

Uh huh. Posted from Planet Bizzaro?

I see your point. When somebody's flinging poo on the basis of skin color, that's "courageous" stuff. :thup:

Great thing to be teaching kids. Can't imagine what could possibly go awry with a plan like that, nope.

No they're cowards because they had their faces concealed with scarves, the other group didn't feel the need to conceal their faces.

I never mentioned skin colour.

You didn't need to. The instigators already brought it up.
Whelp --- from the last two posts I'd say observations have been confirmed, affirmed, reaffirmed and set in stone.
Extra-firm stone.

If you prefer to SUPPORT the people, groups, and movements that are designed to harm, injure, or destroy your way of life rather than OPPOSING them then I have to call you a Traitor to your people.

For me, those people are Traditional Americans. Unfortunately the vast majority of these minority communities are either part of tbe problem directly or are at least passively supporting those who are; which makes them part of the problem rather than the solution.
If you prefer to SUPPORT the people, groups, and movements that are designed to harm, injure, or destroy your way of life rather than OPPOSING them then I have to call you a Traitor to your people.

On the contrary I've just called them out --- you being one of them.

When you're calling for "burning the motherfucking town to the ground" and "gunning down cops, firefighters and EMTs" in your bizarre comic book race war fantasy, yeah I guess "traitor" applies.
On the contrary I've just called them out --- you being one of them.

So you want to side with those who seek to destroy this country rather than those who built it. That's unfortunate because if you get your wish this nation will end up looking like Detroit at best and more likely, Somalia.
On the contrary I've just called them out --- you being one of them.

So you want to side with those who seek to destroy this country rather than those who built it.

Where do you get this idea that I have ever been on your "side"?

That's unfortunate because if you get your wish this nation will end up looking like Detroit at best and more likely, Somalia.

I've actually been to Detroit. Have you? I doubt it.

Know what's ironic about this thread?

--- a few weeks ago when a citizen in Wichita reported being harassed and assaulted by a biker shouting "Trump! Trump! Trump!", race-war mongers drooled all over themselves to deny that it ever happened. Now here's a similar situation and the race-war mongers are defending that it happened.

Having it both ways --- Priceless.
Where do you get this idea that I have ever been on your "side"?

I've actually been to Detroit. Have you? I doubt it.

Know what's ironic about this thread?

--- a few weeks ago when a citizen in Wichita reported being harassed and assaulted by a biker shouting "Trump! Trump! Trump!", race-war mongers drooled all over themselves to deny that it ever happened. Now here's a similar situation and the race-war mongers are defending that it happened.

Having it both ways --- Priceless.

I never suggested you were ever on the Right side of things. The fact that you have been to tbe Socialist Shithole of Detroit tells me yoi have no morals to begin with.

I have never denied the existence of violence by Trump supporters. I applaud it. These protesters don't belong at these events and get what they deserve for showing up.

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