White feral thugs killed skilled black artist

That's your opinion. Let's see some evidence to support it.
LOL ya evidence the fact is it is posted daily and you ignore it.
Thank you for admitting you cannot support your point, troop.
Keep on ignoring reality it suits you retard.
I know my presence intimidates you to the point of humiliation, troop. Do you want me to make fun of Correll?
You keep ignoring facts and reality why would this be any different?
Meaning you don't have any support for your assertion. OK.
If he were murdered in Texas instead of liberal California, they would get the death penalty. California's liberal laws protect thugs.
Isn't Shaun King that moron that claimed to be black and is white? You know, Fakey, like you claim to be a republican but are a left loon
Yep. I believe he started BLM.
No, gassygirl, death devil did not start BLM.

As usual you're confused (like you are about your political leanings) you responded to the wrong person, dumbass

Shaun King claimed to be black, he's not. You're welcome to prove otherwise but be forewarned it's a fool's errand....actually that's a perfect errand for you, fool
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.
Is there any actual evidence that the killing and the election are related? If not, this is a really lame attempt to politicize a terrible thing.
Isn't Shaun King that moron that claimed to be black and is white? You know, Fakey, like you claim to be a republican but are a left loon
Yep. I believe he started BLM.
No, gassygirl, death devil did not start BLM.

As usual you're confused (like you are about your political leanings) you responded to the wrong person, dumbass

Shaun King claimed to be black, he's not. You're welcome to prove otherwise but be forewarned it's a fool's errand....actually that's a perfect errand for you, fool
Oh, I know whom I am addressing, gassygirl. You are a loser, always have been and always will be. The feral white thugs are going to jail until it is dirtnap time.
Thank you for admitting you know nothing, aris2chat snow. Your white supremacism is best posted in the open, so that folks realize that you fooks still exist and have to be watched.
white, perhaps I look that way, but I'm a mutt and proud of all my heritage, native and immigrant of all shades, cultures and origins. It's call "american". You are just so stuck on your erroneous assumption and you just are not listening. You are so consumed with color/race and minorities you don't know what it is to be american. Shame on you. I grew up globally and I am so glad to have been born american, glad to have served america, glad to have raised by children to be proud and serve others in some way. Glad to see my grandchildren grow up here and have hopes they will also find a way to care for others. We all need to come together in the middle for the sake of everyone. You seem stuck on the edge and about to toss yourself over the edge, or already slipping off. America is not black or white but a billion shades and hues. If you don't see that, sadly you are blind.
You describe yourself well: alienated and confused, aris2chat.

Whether the thugs are black or white or mutt, they need to be identified as feral if they are doing it for racial reasons.

You need to see this, aris2chat, or you will continue to stumble in the darkness of misunderstanding.
If you don't know if this was race based, then why was your opening play geared towards making it such?

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Hate crimes by whites is so rare these gimps have to make them up in order to sell their silly non-existent 'race wars', just like they made up the non-existent and totally imaginary 'police war against blacks' scam; the Democrats have no morals, principles, or platform to run on any more, so they have to generate terrorism and hate crimes against whites to fire up and appeal to their degenerate violent base now.
I think that if they are going to make up a totally separate class of crime then they should acknowledge that it can be black on white too...in fact in today's America I'd bet an honest study would show that is more likely today...

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already has been proved in studies

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