White Girl Kicked Off Cheerleading Team After Refusing to Root For Her Black Rapist

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Is there no room for reason in your tiny pea brains?

The players were at a party. You boot them off the team, she gets booted likewise off the cheerleading team FOR PARTYING and you let the rest get sorted out in court. If there's an r/o you abide by it.

I dont recall being drunk as a good excuse to get raped.... plus, where did it say she was drunk?

She was shoved into a room by some lowlifes and raped!
BTW, the "victim" of the Duke rape case was a known nut case who had made similar, false accusations before.

Does that change the fact that the players were dragged thru the mud and their parents had to defend them against "false charges".

I knew from the minute I heard about it that they were going to be found innocent... just look at the politics that was going on at the time... Mike Nifong was all over it.

Durham D.A. Mike Nifong Disbarred
Good for that white girl. She's got more balls than most white men. Many white men worship the Great Black Athlete as a hero and don't mind if he rapes a few of their daughters. These men, to me, deserve the worst punishment of all.
You have to understand that in Texas, Football is King and good football players are gods who can do no wrong. Worse than this has been swept under the rug for HS and college football stars there.
not just in texas either
Where is the DA's statement in this?
That has been conveniently left out of the article.
Guess why?
Where is the DA's statement in this?
That has been conveniently left out of the article.
Guess why?


Their version of the facts difffer from the Hollywood made for TV article.
Remember, this case is in Texas.
NO WAY in hell these guys walk if there is ANY evidence of rape or sexual assault.
Best to NEVER have an opinion on anything, especially a criminal case, UNLESS you hear BOTH SIDES.
Don't you require both sides of an issue to be presented to you BEFORE you form an opinion?
You have to understand that in Texas, Football is King and good football players are gods who can do no wrong. Worse than this has been swept under the rug for HS and college football stars there.
not just in texas either

Total BS. I played in the 70s and that was sort of that way then.
Not today. High school athletes are held to a higher standard than regular students today.
Where is the DA's statement in this?
That has been conveniently left out of the article.
Guess why?


Their version of the facts difffer from the Hollywood made for TV article.
Remember, this case is in Texas.
NO WAY in hell these guys walk if there is ANY evidence of rape or sexual assault.
Best to NEVER have an opinion on anything, especially a criminal case, UNLESS you hear BOTH SIDES.
Don't you require both sides of an issue to be presented to you BEFORE you form an opinion?
In a rational world, yes. Welcome to the brave new world where people write and say anything, like slinging shit on a wall to see what sticks.
You have to understand that in Texas, Football is King and good football players are gods who can do no wrong. Worse than this has been swept under the rug for HS and college football stars there.
not just in texas either

Total BS. I played in the 70s and that was sort of that way then.
Not today. High school athletes are held to a higher standard than regular students today.
i guess you missed that bolded word

its not JUST in Texas that that has happened
To the person that said "libs cry race all the time..we can too waaaaa" - two wrongs dont make a right.

the race card shouldnt be over used...but to deny that racism exists means you're not being honest with yourself.

But this issue has nothing to do with race.

The rapists should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Until that happens there's only so much, from a legal standpoint, that the school can do. You realize that people are PRESUMED INNOCENT until proven guilty, right?

That means they shouldnt throw the kid off the team unless they're really damn sure. If they do, the school will get sued and then there's more wasted taxpayer money.
If 4 white guys raped a black girl, you'd scream racism until your heads fell off.

I'm coming to despise all liberals. You really are beneath contempt.

I'm coming to despise all strawmen arguments. Make some shit up, then attribute it to your opponent and then cry and moan how much you hate them for what you say they stand for......
Who was it that added Black and white to the article's title and why?

My guess is racial shit stirring??????
Texas has the most hard core criminal justice system in the country.
Is it a possibility there is another side to this? Is it a possibility that this young man and his friend did not rape this girl?
Is it a possibility ABC news has blown this out of proportion, twisted and distorted the facts?
Texas criminal courts and prosecutors do not coddle to anyone. The football argument is an old one, not happening these days. Players these days get 4 game suspensions for selling a T shirt on e-bay.

I'd never heard of this case until now. So, I googled it to get more information. Even the information that is available is fuzzy. But it appears the prosecution struck a deal because of a lack of evidence. It seems the prosecutor is saying that everyone involved was drunk/drinking and that the stories told had holes in them.......all of them. Hence, the 'slap on the wrists'. I'm all for women/girls being able to do everything they want, in theory. However, the reality of the situation is that 16 year old girls should not place themselves in situations like this (drinking to apparent excess) while at a party not chaperoned by an adult. That said, young men should also not put themselves in that exact same situation because if you can't recount accurately what happened because you were drunk, you cannot say for sure what did or did not happen. As for the race angle, it is unecessary. This would have been no better or worse had the accused kids been white.
texas has the most hard core criminal justice system in the country.
Is it a possibility there is another side to this? Is it a possibility that this young man and his friend did not rape this girl?
Is it a possibility abc news has blown this out of proportion, twisted and distorted the facts?
Texas criminal courts and prosecutors do not coddle to anyone. The football argument is an old one, not happening these days. Players these days get 4 game suspensions for selling a t shirt on e-bay.

i'd never heard of this case until now. So, i googled it to get more information. Even the information that is available is fuzzy. But it appears the prosecution struck a deal because of a lack of evidence. It seems the prosecutor is saying that everyone involved was drunk/drinking and that the stories told had holes in them.......all of them. Hence, the 'slap on the wrists'. I'm all for women/girls being able to do everything they want, in theory. However, the reality of the situation is that 16 year old girls should not place themselves in situations like this (drinking to apparent excess) while at a party not chaperoned by an adult. That said, young men should also not put themselves in that exact same situation because if you can't recount accurately what happened because you were drunk, you cannot say for sure what did or did not happen. As for the race angle, it is unecessary. This would have been no better or worse had the accused kids been white.

Why must we make this a race issue? Really? It's a horrible thing that happened.

Well then, why is it a HATE CRIME when a White person does it to a Black but not a HATE CRIME when it's the other way around?

I don't think it is a race issue either. They need to throw these punks in jail!

Although you do make a good point that it's only a hate crime if a white person picks on a black person. If it's the other way around it's no big deal for some reason.
Because post racial America is showing itself... the same people who don't not like Obama because of his race post this kind of crap.
You are an idiot. I don't like obama because he is a socialist pig. If the perps are black they are still guilty. I am tired of thugs crying that they get in trouble just because they are black and that society made them do it, bull!!!! They are thugs and deserve a bullet.

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