White-hating racists get Stormfront booted off the internet ! FIRST AMENMENT IS DEAD

Hmmm don't see any anti white hate sites shut down on the news. Am I missing anything? Or is this war on hate sites just certain kinds?

That's it. Libs tell us hating white people is not racism. In fact it's a way to FIGHT racism!!!!
You idiots who think blacks are mentally equal to whites need to explain why

1. Blacks come in last in all standardized tests. Asians do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests..

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
Peace and writing novels don't require brains? LOL
Central America which is very Native American in origins, has the highest murder rates in the World

Yes, I know. But then the US is the first world country with the highest murder rates too.

Acceptable risk to live in America


Then don't complain about terrorists.



Because of 10,000 murders a year with guns is an acceptable part of living in the US, then a few terrorist acts in order to keep freedoms must also be acceptable.

That's a false equivalence

Peace and writing novels don't require brains? LOL

HAHAHA. Are you serious.? Peace prize winners are usually just politicians. And novelists are just silly entertainers. They have as much intelligence as a football player.

Only Science winners count. THINK, you wooly-brained liberal.
So why do we allow websites that openly advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america.

Stormfront, internet’s longest-running white supremacist site, goes offline

aug 26 2017 Stormfront, one of the internet’s oldest and most popular white supremacist sites, has been booted off its web address of more than two decades amid a crackdown against hate sites.

The address Stormfront.org went dark on Friday, and publicly available information current lists its domain status as “under hold,” a category reserved for websites under legal dispute or slated for deletion, the USA Today network first reported.

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a D.C.-based nonprofit group, said it was behind the effort and had successfully booted the website from its domain of 22 years by raising its concerns with Stormfront’s registrar, Network Solutions LLC, and its parent company, Web.com.

“Their website is a vehicle used to promote racially-motivated violence and hate,” Kristen Clarke, the committee’s executive director, said in a statement. “Following our efforts, Network Solutions has pulled the site. We are working across the country to combat the spread of hate crimes.”
At last you have posted something we can all celebrate.
The victory is likely to be short lived. Now these people will take their forum to the dark web where no one can restrain them... Probably not such a smart move. Dumbasses... You had them all, right there in front of you... With a small measure of control to boot. And just like everything else you leftists touch; you done gone, and fucked it up... Dumbasses...
That is one concern I have as well, these creatures are better exposed to sunlight.
So why do we allow websites that openly advocate for affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white men and the biggest hate crime in america.

Stormfront, internet’s longest-running white supremacist site, goes offline

aug 26 2017 Stormfront, one of the internet’s oldest and most popular white supremacist sites, has been booted off its web address of more than two decades amid a crackdown against hate sites.

The address Stormfront.org went dark on Friday, and publicly available information current lists its domain status as “under hold,” a category reserved for websites under legal dispute or slated for deletion, the USA Today network first reported.

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a D.C.-based nonprofit group, said it was behind the effort and had successfully booted the website from its domain of 22 years by raising its concerns with Stormfront’s registrar, Network Solutions LLC, and its parent company, Web.com.

“Their website is a vehicle used to promote racially-motivated violence and hate,” Kristen Clarke, the committee’s executive director, said in a statement. “Following our efforts, Network Solutions has pulled the site. We are working across the country to combat the spread of hate crimes.”
At last you have posted something we can all celebrate.
The victory is likely to be short lived. Now these people will take their forum to the dark web where no one can restrain them... Probably not such a smart move. Dumbasses... You had them all, right there in front of you... With a small measure of control to boot. And just like everything else you leftists touch; you done gone, and fucked it up... Dumbasses...
That is one concern I have as well, these creatures are better exposed to sunlight.
Read back on this thread and tell us how it could get worse.
And novelists are just silly entertainers. They have as much intelligence as a football player......

How many novels have you written? Can you write you own name? How many Nobel Prizes in Science do you have? Have you EVER accomplished ANYTHING in science or any other field?

Toni Morrison, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, William Faulkner, T.S. Eliot....
had no brains, says our board intellectual, Shoot Speeders. He should be strapped into a chair and forced to watch 12 solid hours of Charlie Rose.
Moron... free speech is a protection from the government trying to silence you. Whereas webhosting is a private business and racism is not a protected class.

HAHAHA. Did you really say that.?? If a webhoster banned a liberal site you'd be howling about censorship. HYPOCRITE.
Nah, I'm not a whiney little bitch like you.
By American, you mean Native American, and Native American mixed peoples have the highest murder rates, and I'd agree.

New World Blacks have higher murder rates than those of Africa.

Of course Africa is very strict generally on crime, unlike New World Blacks.

No, that's not what I mean, but thanks for thinking you know me.

Central America which is very Native American in origins, has the highest murder rates in the World

Yes, I know. But then the US is the first world country with the highest murder rates too.

The White murder rate in the U.S isn't much different than Scotland, or Finland.

However, 1/4th of U.S.A, (Blacks, and Hispanics) commit about 3/4th of the murder.

So, what is the white murder rate in the US and what is the murder rate in Scotland or Finland and how many people in Scotland or Finland aren't white?

I'd love to know that you're not talking out of your ass, but I get the feeling you just made this stuff up.

The fact that many of the murders in the US are committed by blacks or Hispanics and the fact that 1/4 of blacks and Hispanics are in poverty, might go some way to explain why blacks and Hispanics commit so many crimes.

What do you think the crime rate is like by income? I'd bet you'd find that middle class black people commit about the same amount of murders as middle class white people.

Let's have a look

in 2013 52.2% of murderers arrested were black people.
45.3% were white (which includes Hispanics)

10.1% of all white people (which includes Hispanics) were in poverty.
28.9% of black people were in poverty.

There are 40 million black people. Which means that 11.56 million black people are in poverty
There are 233 million white people (including Hispanics). Which means 23 million are in poverty.

This doesn't quite amount to 52.2% of black people being arrested. If there were direct corrolation then it would be about double for white people, but it's not. That's because it's not just about poverty. Crime is much higher in inner city areas, and it's those inner city ghettos that are often the problem and often filled with black people or Hispanics.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia

If you want to take a few simple facts and try and understand a very complex issue, you're going to struggle.

US poverty data: 1 in 15 people among America's poorest poor

"Just over 7% of all African-Americans nationwide now live in traditional ghettos, down from 33% in 1970."

7% of 40 million is 2.8 million. That's a lot of black people living in ghettos, inner city areas where there is no hope in life.

Prince George's County, Maryland says otherwise, despite being a solidly middle class county, and above mostly, with low poverty rates, and a massive Black population.

Prince George's County, Maryland still manages to have a high murder rate.

As for the White murder rate in the U.S.

Here's a couple of charts which put things into perspective.

Just as a note, and I didn't have time to read the article yet, but the domain name is different from the host. For example all my domain names are through a completely different and unrelated company from my web site hosting company. I'm guessing from the chatter in this thread that their host ditched them (web.com) - a minor issue frankly, they'll likely be back up, using the same domain name, on a new host shortly. Takes about 2 days to redirect a domain name to a new host site.

Frankly /any/ right leaning content provider on the web right now should be backing up their data daily in preparation for being shut down by "brown shirts" (YouTube, Google, Facebook and other left owned social media type companies are implementing the silencing of alternative voices. I'm concerned for many of my favorite YouTube channels >.<)
No, that's not what I mean, but thanks for thinking you know me.

Central America which is very Native American in origins, has the highest murder rates in the World

Yes, I know. But then the US is the first world country with the highest murder rates too.

The White murder rate in the U.S isn't much different than Scotland, or Finland.

However, 1/4th of U.S.A, (Blacks, and Hispanics) commit about 3/4th of the murder.

So, what is the white murder rate in the US and what is the murder rate in Scotland or Finland and how many people in Scotland or Finland aren't white?

I'd love to know that you're not talking out of your ass, but I get the feeling you just made this stuff up.

The fact that many of the murders in the US are committed by blacks or Hispanics and the fact that 1/4 of blacks and Hispanics are in poverty, might go some way to explain why blacks and Hispanics commit so many crimes.

What do you think the crime rate is like by income? I'd bet you'd find that middle class black people commit about the same amount of murders as middle class white people.

Let's have a look

in 2013 52.2% of murderers arrested were black people.
45.3% were white (which includes Hispanics)

10.1% of all white people (which includes Hispanics) were in poverty.
28.9% of black people were in poverty.

There are 40 million black people. Which means that 11.56 million black people are in poverty
There are 233 million white people (including Hispanics). Which means 23 million are in poverty.

This doesn't quite amount to 52.2% of black people being arrested. If there were direct corrolation then it would be about double for white people, but it's not. That's because it's not just about poverty. Crime is much higher in inner city areas, and it's those inner city ghettos that are often the problem and often filled with black people or Hispanics.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia

If you want to take a few simple facts and try and understand a very complex issue, you're going to struggle.

US poverty data: 1 in 15 people among America's poorest poor

"Just over 7% of all African-Americans nationwide now live in traditional ghettos, down from 33% in 1970."

7% of 40 million is 2.8 million. That's a lot of black people living in ghettos, inner city areas where there is no hope in life.

What did I just miss? You wrote:

"If you want to take a few simple facts and try and understand a very complex issue, you're going to struggle."

INCLUDED in your post are misleading statistics. You are trying to say, without actually saying it, that poverty = higher rates of crime.

While poverty can play a large role, it is not the only factor OR maybe even the main factor.

Georgia has 159 counties. Within each county you have at least one or more police precincts (the county I live in has at least four that I know of.) I cannot find a total number of precincts. Be that as it may, at least HALF of the violent crimes committed in this state come from only FIVE precincts. All of those precincts are in predominantly (meaning 75 percent or more ) black neighborhoods.

By contrast, some of the smaller, predominantly low income, white counties have crime rates on the lower end of the scale. So, in my view poverty is not the magic excuse you need to explain away the numbers. And how about Chicago? How is their poverty any greater than New York? Which city do you think is the most violent by a whopping margin?

Could it be that non-whites cannot assimilate into a white Christian culture due to some difference other than poverty?

Well you seem to have missed the bit where I said that there isn't a direct correlation and you need to take other factors into account, such as the impact of inner cities.

With a massive range of statistics taken from local levels, looking at many different things, you start to see things more clearly. I don't have all these statistics. I did something about London where there are quite a lot more local level statistics and you see the issue isn't race at all, it's merely the conditions that people live in.

Poverty doesn't cause crime. This is what you wanted to read into what I said so you could bash it. Whatever. But people in poverty are more likely to commit crimes. People in inner city ghettos are also more likely to commit crimes. Men are more likely to commit crimes. People with lower levels of education are more likely to commit crimes.

None of these things automatically leads to people committing crimes. They just increase the chances.

So, you are trying to make a case for your part of the world, and you see that the main crime areas are black neighborhoods. This doesn't tell me anything. I don't know the factors that exist that lead to there being more crime. I'm betting the more you look into it, the less you're going to see it's about the color of people's skin.

But then you didn't provide a single bit of evidence. Just what you perceive.

Could it be that these black people can't assimilate into white Christian society? I'd say it's probably the other way around, that white Christian society has made such people outcasts. I mean the evidence is there. Slavery, you're in Georgia, segregation, and what came after that which some people try and pretend wasn't discrimination, but there's been a lot of discrimination.

Such discrimination has an impact on people. When people believe that crime is their only way to make money, they're more likely to accept that role.
You can thank crybaby racists such as yourself and trump...nobody cares that you are lower class, low hanging white friut but your continued efforts to lower humanity to your level has created pushback.
Now live with it...

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is personal attacks on other posters. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
HAHAHA...the board notes that you are a sorry assed cry baby racists that started a pity party thread and can't hane the fact that you are a loser....
Thanks for admitting that my earlier post concerning you was correct.
You can thank crybaby racists such as yourself and trump...nobody cares that you are lower class, low hanging white friut but your continued efforts to lower humanity to your level has created pushback.
Now live with it...

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is personal attacks on other posters. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
HAHAHA...the board notes that you are a sorry assed cry baby racists that started a pity party thread and can't handle the fact that you are a loser....
Thanks for admitting that my earlier post concerning you was correct.
Yes, I know. But then the US is the first world country with the highest murder rates too.

Acceptable risk to live in America


Then don't complain about terrorists.



Because of 10,000 murders a year with guns is an acceptable part of living in the US, then a few terrorist acts in order to keep freedoms must also be acceptable.

Actually there are more like 30,000 people killed by guns in the United States each year. There are more than that killed by drunk drivers. But, we tolerate alcohol.

As a nonsmoker in the United States, your chances of being killed by second hand smoke is FIVE TIMES greater than your chance of being killed by a firearm - and that includes military and police actions! Adding insult to injury, cigarettes kill more Americans per year than any war ever fought by the American people. Still, cigarettes are legal.

Since we could reduce gun violence without gun gun control and choose not to do so, maybe we will have to learn how to live with terrorist acts - at least until some American puts a slug in a would be terrorist and the LEO community has a conniption fit with that worn out line "you can't take the law into your own hands."

Cigarettes are different because it's about personal choice. Drink driving is a problem that should be addressed.

The US has a 31% level of accidents involving alcohol, Germany has 9%. Why the difference? Well there are probably reasons, like dealing with the issue. In the US it doesn't really get dealt with that much.


Same in the US, why such a difference? Seems to be many liberal states are the ones dealing with the issues, and many conservative states not.

The problem here is that there are those that want to control what the people do, and they use terrorism as an issue which allows them put in policies which wouldn't be acceptable without this threat. Terrorist activities will become headline news, whereas gun shootings are normal everyday events. People are scared of being killed by terrorists, but just accept normal gun shootings because that's how people want it.
Yes, I know. But then the US is the first world country with the highest murder rates too.

Acceptable risk to live in America


Then don't complain about terrorists.



Because of 10,000 murders a year with guns is an acceptable part of living in the US, then a few terrorist acts in order to keep freedoms must also be acceptable.

That's a false equivalence


That's 4 1/2 words.
No, that's not what I mean, but thanks for thinking you know me.

Central America which is very Native American in origins, has the highest murder rates in the World

Yes, I know. But then the US is the first world country with the highest murder rates too.

The White murder rate in the U.S isn't much different than Scotland, or Finland.

However, 1/4th of U.S.A, (Blacks, and Hispanics) commit about 3/4th of the murder.

So, what is the white murder rate in the US and what is the murder rate in Scotland or Finland and how many people in Scotland or Finland aren't white?

I'd love to know that you're not talking out of your ass, but I get the feeling you just made this stuff up.

The fact that many of the murders in the US are committed by blacks or Hispanics and the fact that 1/4 of blacks and Hispanics are in poverty, might go some way to explain why blacks and Hispanics commit so many crimes.

What do you think the crime rate is like by income? I'd bet you'd find that middle class black people commit about the same amount of murders as middle class white people.

Let's have a look

in 2013 52.2% of murderers arrested were black people.
45.3% were white (which includes Hispanics)

10.1% of all white people (which includes Hispanics) were in poverty.
28.9% of black people were in poverty.

There are 40 million black people. Which means that 11.56 million black people are in poverty
There are 233 million white people (including Hispanics). Which means 23 million are in poverty.

This doesn't quite amount to 52.2% of black people being arrested. If there were direct corrolation then it would be about double for white people, but it's not. That's because it's not just about poverty. Crime is much higher in inner city areas, and it's those inner city ghettos that are often the problem and often filled with black people or Hispanics.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia

If you want to take a few simple facts and try and understand a very complex issue, you're going to struggle.

US poverty data: 1 in 15 people among America's poorest poor

"Just over 7% of all African-Americans nationwide now live in traditional ghettos, down from 33% in 1970."

7% of 40 million is 2.8 million. That's a lot of black people living in ghettos, inner city areas where there is no hope in life.

Prince George's County, Maryland says otherwise, despite being a solidly middle class county, and above mostly, with low poverty rates, and a massive Black population.

Prince George's County, Maryland still manages to have a high murder rate.

As for the White murder rate in the U.S.

Here's a couple of charts which put things into perspective.


Firstly, we're not dealing with absolutes. We're not saying if you have one and one you get two. This is far more complex than this. You can have places that will have higher murder rates because maybe there's a family who are complete scumbags and prefer to murder people.

As I've said in another post. Poverty increases the chances people will commit crime. As do many other factors like educational achievement, being in an inner city area and other such things.

Prince George's County in Maryland has a large population, 800,000 people. That means there will be different areas within this county. Rich areas, poor areas. Many US govt facilities are in the area.


As you can see crime is higher the closer it is to DC.


Also the areas closest to DC are the poorest areas, while those further away are richer.

It's not difficult to see that the issues here are not ones of race, but ones of poverty and other issues. There are other statistics that I can't find, like a map of education achievement. But I'd bet the closer you get to DC, the lower this achievement is.

Simply said this county is too big to provide you with simple statistics to prove anything.


The areas closest to DC are more black, but areas away from DC also have quite a lot of black people too, and aren't as crime ridden, because it's not about race.
Acceptable risk to live in America


Then don't complain about terrorists.



Because of 10,000 murders a year with guns is an acceptable part of living in the US, then a few terrorist acts in order to keep freedoms must also be acceptable.

Actually there are more like 30,000 people killed by guns in the United States each year. There are more than that killed by drunk drivers. But, we tolerate alcohol.

As a nonsmoker in the United States, your chances of being killed by second hand smoke is FIVE TIMES greater than your chance of being killed by a firearm - and that includes military and police actions! Adding insult to injury, cigarettes kill more Americans per year than any war ever fought by the American people. Still, cigarettes are legal.

Since we could reduce gun violence without gun gun control and choose not to do so, maybe we will have to learn how to live with terrorist acts - at least until some American puts a slug in a would be terrorist and the LEO community has a conniption fit with that worn out line "you can't take the law into your own hands."

Cigarettes are different because it's about personal choice. Drink driving is a problem that should be addressed.

The US has a 31% level of accidents involving alcohol, Germany has 9%. Why the difference? Well there are probably reasons, like dealing with the issue. In the US it doesn't really get dealt with that much.


Same in the US, why such a difference? Seems to be many liberal states are the ones dealing with the issues, and many conservative states not.

The problem here is that there are those that want to control what the people do, and they use terrorism as an issue which allows them put in policies which wouldn't be acceptable without this threat. Terrorist activities will become headline news, whereas gun shootings are normal everyday events. People are scared of being killed by terrorists, but just accept normal gun shootings because that's how people want it.

Nonsmokers subjected to cigarette smoke have no choice and firearms are protected by law.
Toni Morrison, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, William Faulkner, T.S. Eliot....
had no brains, says our board intellectual, Shoot Speeders. He should be strapped into a chair and forced to watch 12 solid hours of Charlie Rose.

Your tiny little "brain" is confusing skill with brains. Sure, it takes skill to be a novelist just like it takes skill to be a football player. But brains no. There is only one kind of intelligence and that is technical intelligence. Engineers, businessmen, scientists. Those are the smart ppl and the important people. THINK, america-hater.
Then don't complain about terrorists.



Because of 10,000 murders a year with guns is an acceptable part of living in the US, then a few terrorist acts in order to keep freedoms must also be acceptable.

Actually there are more like 30,000 people killed by guns in the United States each year. There are more than that killed by drunk drivers. But, we tolerate alcohol.

As a nonsmoker in the United States, your chances of being killed by second hand smoke is FIVE TIMES greater than your chance of being killed by a firearm - and that includes military and police actions! Adding insult to injury, cigarettes kill more Americans per year than any war ever fought by the American people. Still, cigarettes are legal.

Since we could reduce gun violence without gun gun control and choose not to do so, maybe we will have to learn how to live with terrorist acts - at least until some American puts a slug in a would be terrorist and the LEO community has a conniption fit with that worn out line "you can't take the law into your own hands."

Cigarettes are different because it's about personal choice. Drink driving is a problem that should be addressed.

The US has a 31% level of accidents involving alcohol, Germany has 9%. Why the difference? Well there are probably reasons, like dealing with the issue. In the US it doesn't really get dealt with that much.


Same in the US, why such a difference? Seems to be many liberal states are the ones dealing with the issues, and many conservative states not.

The problem here is that there are those that want to control what the people do, and they use terrorism as an issue which allows them put in policies which wouldn't be acceptable without this threat. Terrorist activities will become headline news, whereas gun shootings are normal everyday events. People are scared of being killed by terrorists, but just accept normal gun shootings because that's how people want it.

Nonsmokers subjected to cigarette smoke have no choice and firearms are protected by law.

There's a difference between having smoking allowed everywhere, and limited places where you can smoke. Laws banning smoking in enclosed public spaces is essential.

Firearms are protected by law, so are cigarettes.

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