White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned To The Punishment Hole...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
See all those Democrat men marching in the Pussy Hatter mobs? Many men, especially white men, have surrendered and become cuckold pawns. They're now POW's in the Democrat 'War on White Heterosexual Males.'

Interesting article by Paul Craig Roberts

American feminists have finally broken the spirit of the American white heterosexual male. I have been watching for some time the American male, or what little is left of him, meekly accept feminists’ definitions of words and male behavior.

First the feminists turned the male respect for, and politeness toward, women, respect inculcated into my generation, into “sexism.” Today men no longer stand when a woman enter’s a room, and they don’t open doors for them unless it is an elderly and feeble relative. Feminists insisted on getting women off the pedestal and into the rough and tumble world of men.

Feminists also pushed the sexual revolution, especially Cosmopolitan magazine, until women became as sexually promiscuous as men. As sex became casual and as the constraints on male behavior toward women were discredited as “sexist,” boundaries became blurred, and there is plenty of room for confusion. University student sex codes acknowledge the confusion. We see it in the requirements that the male must ask permission for each piece of female clothing he removes from his willing partner.

All of this was entirely the work of feminists...

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The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
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This caught my attention...."until women became as sexually promiscuous as men"......Prior to this occuring, who or what were these white men fucking if not women?
This caught my attention...."until women became as sexually promiscuous as men"......Prior to this occuring, who or what were these white men fucking if not women?

I think the implication is that men have a natural right to have many lovers and cheat on their partners for the fun of it, while moral women will only have sex with husbands and strictly for the purposes of procreation.
This caught my attention...."until women became as sexually promiscuous as men"......Prior to this occuring, who or what were these white men fucking if not women?
Damn, I missed that. LOL Of course, not all men are promiscuous.
This caught my attention...."until women became as sexually promiscuous as men"......Prior to this occuring, who or what were these white men fucking if not women?

I think the implication is that men have a natural right to have many lovers and cheat on their partners for the fun of it, while moral women will only have sex with husbands and strictly for the purposes of procreation.
I know. I just couldnt help it though. :laugh:
White men especially, are increasingly becoming cowardly cuckolds. They're usually Democrat white dudes. Marching with Pussy Hatter loons? Yikes!
This school's Athletic Director is a prime example of a White Democrat cuckold wanker...

Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Ha Ha...Rape is a funny word...Ha Ha
Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Ha Ha...Rape is a funny word...Ha Ha

The Athletic Director is a cowardly Dem cuckold jerk.
Whipple groveled:

“I am deeply sorry for the word I used on Saturday to describe the play in our game. It is unacceptable to make use of the word ‘rape’ in the way I did and I am very sorry for doing so. It represents a lack of responsibility on my part as a leader of the program and a member of this university’s community, and I am disappointed with myself that I made this comparison when commenting after our game.”

What are we to make of this? Have feminists appropriated the definition of rape to mean only what they say it means: male sexual abuse (undefined) of women? If a male uses the word in any of its other senses, why does he have to grovel and beg forgiveness?

Whipple is a football coach, not an English professor who could have come up with a word better fitting Whipple’s outrage. Nevertheless, “rape” has meanings other than forced sexual penetration of a female. For example, the Oxford English Dictionary gives this meaning:

“The wanton destruction or spoiling of a place: the rape of the countryside.”

There are a number of book titles that use “rape” in the sense of “ruin,” “despoil.” For example:

The Rape of Europa: The Fate of Europe’s Treasures in the Third Reich and the Second World Warby Lynn H. Nicholas...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Ha Ha...Rape is a funny word...Ha Ha

The Athletic Director is a cowardly Dem cuckold jerk.
Ha Ha....he should have seai...."we got butt fucked by more manly men"....now THAT'S funny! :71:
White men especially, are increasingly becoming cowardly cuckolds. They're usually Democrat white dudes. Marching with Pussy Hatter loons? Yikes!
Of course we're scared. There are MOBS of angry women screaming on every streetcorner. It's not SAFE out there.
Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Ha Ha...Rape is a funny word...Ha Ha

The Athletic Director is a cowardly Dem cuckold jerk.
Ha Ha....he should have seai...."we got butt fucked by more manly men"....now THAT'S funny! :71:

The cuckolds have now allowed the Pussy Hat mob to own and redefine the term 'Rape.' Buncha cowards.
Are we now to expect scholars Lynn Nicholas and Roger Kimball to grovel like Whipple in the face of feminist tyranny?

I suppose so.

Compare Whipple’s public rebuke by his boss, his abject apology, and his temporary suspension from his job for using correctly a word with no intention of offending anyone with Georgetown University associate professor Christine Fair, who intended to offend the Senate Judiciary Committee with her tweeted outrage about Kavanaugh:

“Look at this chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. 
All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Ha Ha...Rape is a funny word...Ha Ha

The Athletic Director is a cowardly Dem cuckold jerk.
Ha Ha....he should have seai...."we got butt fucked by more manly men"....now THAT'S funny! :71:

The cuckolds have now allowed the Pussy Hat mob to own and redefine the term 'Rape.' Buncha cowards.
Damn right. These women used to stay quiet about rape. We older white men are being marginalized. It used to be we had an absolute right to control our wives, and we were kind and bought them conveniences ... like vacuum cleaners and electric kitchen appliances. Once we gave them legal standing on their own, civilization went on a downward death spiral.
The US is 77% white. Males are what they have always been. If you think otherwise you're watching too much CNN & MSNBC.

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