White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned To The Punishment Hole...

The US is 77% white. Males are what they have always been. If you think otherwise you're watching too much CNN & MSNBC.

There is a Democrat 'War on White Heterosexual Males' going on. The Pussy Hatter mob now runs that Party. White Democrat men are increasingly becoming cuckold stooges.
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This school's Athletic Director is a prime example of a White Democrat cuckold wanker...

Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
How did the coach confuse a penalty call with rape?
The US is 77% white. Males are what they have always been. If you think otherwise you're watching too much CNN & MSNBC.

There is a Democrat 'War on White Heterosexual Males' going on. The Pussy Hatter mob now runs that Party. White Democrat men are increasingly becoming cuckold stooges.
I'm seeing a lot of union guys becoming Trump voters. They like to work. The pussy hat crowd tried "girl power" in 1992, and they got screwed...
The US is 77% white. Males are what they have always been. If you think otherwise you're watching too much CNN & MSNBC.

There is a Democrat 'War on White Heterosexual Males' going on. The Pussy Hatter mob now runs that Party. White Democrat men are increasingly becoming cuckold stooges.
I'm seeing a lot of union guys becoming Trump voters. They like to work. The pussy hat crowd tried "girl power" in 1992, and they got screwed...

Wise observation. Thanks.
As I have written so often, the American population is insouciant, and that word is a euphemism. They have no awareness of what is happening in front of their eyes as they are eased into a mindset that accepts as fact that the male/female relationship is one of male abuse of the female. Try to imagine what it is like for a male to have a female boss who has been brainwashed by feminism. Try to imagine what it is like for a male to have female subordinates (or colleagues). His very survival depends on many things, such as having the Human Resource Department evaluate the females’ job performance. Even at this distance, most likely the task would have to be performed by a female...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Female accusation of male abuse is now a powerful political, social and personal weapon. We currently have a porn star accusing President Trump of having consensual sex with her. Why is she doing this? She has already been paid off. Are her ratings dropping? Is this for notoriety? Is she being paid as part of the military/industrial complex/Democratic Party/feminist attack on Trump?

Look at what has happened to Judge Kavanaugh once he was nominated to the Supreme Court. A woman appears. She partially remembers an incident of three or four decades ago in an unchaperoned home where teenagers were drinking, what house and where it was she does not remember, but she remembers a drunk Kavanaugh throwing her on a bed and tussling with her fully clothed...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
She wasn’t raped. She wasn’t injured. The question totally uninteresting to feminists is: “What was she, a 15-year old, doing there?”

By the 1980s teenage females in unchaperoned houses with teenage males with hormones on full boil and alcohol present were assumed to be sexually available. Why else were they there? Were her parents uninterested in her whereabouts? Did she lie to her parents about where she was going?

But to raise such obvious questions is proof that you are a misogynist. Females bear no fault. Only males...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
She wasn’t raped. She wasn’t injured. The question totally uninteresting to feminists is: “What was she, a 15-year old, doing there?”

By the 1980s teenage females in unchaperoned houses with teenage males with hormones on full boil and alcohol present were assumed to be sexually available. Why else were they there? Were her parents uninterested in her whereabouts? Did she lie to her parents about where she was going?

But to raise such obvious questions is proof that you are a misogynist. Females bear no fault. Only males...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Classic tone deaf white male blame the victim propaganda.

"Well she wasnt actually raped"
"What was she doing walking around all free and shit"
"Why she have to go and mess up Kavs life just because he assaulted her"
"I paid that bitch off. Why she still talking to the press"
She wasn’t raped. She wasn’t injured. The question totally uninteresting to feminists is: “What was she, a 15-year old, doing there?”

By the 1980s teenage females in unchaperoned houses with teenage males with hormones on full boil and alcohol present were assumed to be sexually available. Why else were they there? Were her parents uninterested in her whereabouts? Did she lie to her parents about where she was going?

But to raise such obvious questions is proof that you are a misogynist. Females bear no fault. Only males...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Classic tone deaf white male blame the victim propaganda.

"Well she wasnt actually rape"
"What was she doing walking around all free and shit"

Pussy Hat treachery. She wasn't raped. She's a Soros-owned bastard.
She wasn’t raped. She wasn’t injured. The question totally uninteresting to feminists is: “What was she, a 15-year old, doing there?”

By the 1980s teenage females in unchaperoned houses with teenage males with hormones on full boil and alcohol present were assumed to be sexually available. Why else were they there? Were her parents uninterested in her whereabouts? Did she lie to her parents about where she was going?

But to raise such obvious questions is proof that you are a misogynist. Females bear no fault. Only males...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Classic tone deaf white male blame the victim propaganda.

"Well she wasnt actually rape"
"What was she doing walking around all free and shit"

Pussy Hat treachery. She wasn't raped. She's a Soros-owned bastard.

Why did Ford contact her congresswoman before his nomination then? For your conspiracy theory to work, "Soros" would have had to have dozens of accusers all lined up and ready to go. Tinfoil fail.
She wasn’t raped. She wasn’t injured. The question totally uninteresting to feminists is: “What was she, a 15-year old, doing there?”

By the 1980s teenage females in unchaperoned houses with teenage males with hormones on full boil and alcohol present were assumed to be sexually available. Why else were they there? Were her parents uninterested in her whereabouts? Did she lie to her parents about where she was going?

But to raise such obvious questions is proof that you are a misogynist. Females bear no fault. Only males...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Classic tone deaf white male blame the victim propaganda.

"Well she wasnt actually rape"
"What was she doing walking around all free and shit"

Pussy Hat treachery. She wasn't raped. She's a Soros-owned bastard.
Stop whining bitch. Learn how to be a man. Youre not a man because you keep your women locked up, barefoot and pregnant. That just shows youre insecure little punk that wants to be a man.
There are people who want to see male behavior not change, but I think they will lose.
She wasn’t raped. She wasn’t injured. The question totally uninteresting to feminists is: “What was she, a 15-year old, doing there?”

By the 1980s teenage females in unchaperoned houses with teenage males with hormones on full boil and alcohol present were assumed to be sexually available. Why else were they there? Were her parents uninterested in her whereabouts? Did she lie to her parents about where she was going?

But to raise such obvious questions is proof that you are a misogynist. Females bear no fault. Only males...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Classic tone deaf white male blame the victim propaganda.

"Well she wasnt actually rape"
"What was she doing walking around all free and shit"

Pussy Hat treachery. She wasn't raped. She's a Soros-owned bastard.

Why did Ford contact her congresswoman before his nomination then? For your conspiracy theory to work, "Soros" would have had to have dozens of accusers all lined up and ready to go. Tinfoil fail.

You don't need dozens to destroy a man and his family. You only need one. You can bet she's very closely connected to Soros and the Democratic Party. To hell with her.
She wasn’t raped. She wasn’t injured. The question totally uninteresting to feminists is: “What was she, a 15-year old, doing there?”

By the 1980s teenage females in unchaperoned houses with teenage males with hormones on full boil and alcohol present were assumed to be sexually available. Why else were they there? Were her parents uninterested in her whereabouts? Did she lie to her parents about where she was going?

But to raise such obvious questions is proof that you are a misogynist. Females bear no fault. Only males...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Classic tone deaf white male blame the victim propaganda.

"Well she wasnt actually rape"
"What was she doing walking around all free and shit"

Pussy Hat treachery. She wasn't raped. She's a Soros-owned bastard.
Stop whining bitch. Learn how to be a man. Youre not a man because you keep your women locked up, barefoot and pregnant. That just shows youre insecure little punk that wants to be a man.

Stop being a cuckold parrot. Who's 'locking their women up?' Take off your pussy hat and man-up, kid.
Let's see now. I'm a white hetero male. I don't march. I sit back and laugh at all these snowflake OP posts. Simply keep your hands off when asked to. Don't be overly aggressive. It's easy to do and common sense. There is no attack on white males. This macho I'm so tough garbage is...frankly....garbage. Overly aggressive makes should be put on notice.
Let's see now. I'm a white hetero male. I don't march. I sit back and laugh at all these snowflake OP posts. Simply keep your hands off when asked to. Don't be overly aggressive. It's easy to do and common sense. There is no attack on white males. This macho I'm so tough garbage is...frankly....garbage. Overly aggressive makes should be put on notice.

Gee, you're so smart Captain Obvious. You can take off your pussy hat and man-up now.
The main problem with feminism is that it is so totally unscientific that it must assault science. At the University of Durham in the UK, where I was once in distant times interviewed for an appointment, a male has been punished for re-tweeting an article that states that females do not have a penis.

Such a factual statement goes against the feminist ideology that there are no differences between women and men—not even physical differences. In Sweden a professor is being investigated for saying in a lecture that there are anatomical and biological differences between men and women. A feminist student objected, and so a professor of neurophysiology is being held accountable for stating a scientific fact...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Anyone who does not realize that feminists are crazed far beyond the meaning of the word crazy, should read this:

A Swedish university is investigating a professor for ‘anti-feminism’ and ‘transphobia’ after he said there are biological differences between men and women. He is being urged to retract his comments.”
See all those Democrat men marching in the Pussy Hatter mobs? Many men, especially white men, have surrendered and become cuckold pawns. They're now POW's in the Democrat 'War on White Heterosexual Males.'

Interesting article by Paul Craig Roberts

American feminists have finally broken the spirit of the American white heterosexual male. I have been watching for some time the American male, or what little is left of him, meekly accept feminists’ definitions of words and male behavior.

First the feminists turned the male respect for, and politeness toward, women, respect inculcated into my generation, into “sexism.” Today men no longer stand when a woman enter’s a room, and they don’t open doors for them unless it is an elderly and feeble relative. Feminists insisted on getting women off the pedestal and into the rough and tumble world of men.

Feminists also pushed the sexual revolution, especially Cosmopolitan magazine, until women became as sexually promiscuous as men. As sex became casual and as the constraints on male behavior toward women were discredited as “sexist,” boundaries became blurred, and there is plenty of room for confusion. University student sex codes acknowledge the confusion. We see it in the requirements that the male must ask permission for each piece of female clothing he removes from his willing partner.

All of this was entirely the work of feminists...

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The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

So your position is that the white male spirit is broken?

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