White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned To The Punishment Hole...

In the assault on Kavanaugh, we are witnessing an Identity Politics assault on the White Heterosexual Male, an assault whose purpose is less to block Kavanaugh than to discourage white heterosexual males from standing for office as it is so easy for feminists to ruin a man’s reputation. The plan is to put the “victim groups” of the white male in office so that retribution can be handed out to white males in keeping with feminist professor Christine Fair’s agenda of killing them, castrating their dead bodies and feeding them to swine.

Perhaps white males have understood this. You see them increasingly with Asian and Hispanic women, not with white women who are increasingly seen with black men. In another generation or two, perhaps the white ethnicities will have disappeared.

Then to whom will Identity Politics assign the hated role?

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
You poor poor white boy. Whatever will you do? :laughing0301:

Oh i'll be fine. I'm not buying into y'all Pussy Hatter's hysteria. Being a cuckold bitch is for y'all Democrat white dudes. :)
Obviously you feel you wont be fine. You started a thread whining about how its all just so very unfair to white guys. :laugh:

You need some tissue? Come on. Man up and stop being such a wimp.
You lost this one. Average white hetero males are doing great. Kav is in he will do well. seems like a good man. As far as what he went thru? If you want the job then you must go thru it....or don't apply. No pity from this white male. I don't care what party you are from. I have zero...ZERO...pity. You want that position fine. Deal with it. Tisk tisk. Man up as you said.
To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

Consent isn't that complicated. Just ask. And if they say no, listen.
It has always been that way. There are no rules.
To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

Consent isn't that complicated. Just ask. And if they say no, listen.
It has always been that way. There are no rules.

Yeah but why are Conservative Cucks mewling and sniveling over it now?
You lost this one. Average white hetero males are doing great. Kav is in he will do well. seems like a good man. As far as what he went thru? If you want the job then you must go thru it....or don't apply. No pity from this white male. I don't care what party you are from. I have zero...ZERO...pity. You want that position fine. Deal with it. Tisk tisk. Man up as you said.
Good to see not all white males have become whiny cucks like the OP. Its like playing basketball against someone in the 3rd grade. Wheres the fun in that?
To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

Consent isn't that complicated. Just ask. And if they say no, listen.
It has always been that way. There are no rules.

Yeah but why are Conservative Cucks mewling and sniveling over it now?
They live in some mythical world where men were men and women were grateful. They lack the skills to cope in a world where they are basically irrelevnt.
See all those Democrat men marching in the Pussy Hatter mobs? Many men, especially white men, have surrendered and become cuckold pawns. They're now POW's in the Democrat 'War on White Heterosexual Males.'

Interesting article by Paul Craig Roberts

American feminists have finally broken the spirit of the American white heterosexual male. I have been watching for some time the American male, or what little is left of him, meekly accept feminists’ definitions of words and male behavior.
I am a heterosexual, 'white' male...and this is all a bunch of misogynistic nonsense.
I KNEW when men started to lose power (economic and political) that the weaker/dumber ones would get pissed off...and this is EXACTLY what is happening. Hetero males - especially 'white' ones - are FAR less powerful then they were even 25 years ago...and many of them are looking for a scapegoat.

First the feminists turned the male respect for, and politeness toward, women, respect inculcated into my generation, into “sexism.” Today men no longer stand when a woman enter’s a room, and they don’t open doors for them unless it is an elderly and feeble relative. Feminists insisted on getting women off the pedestal and into the rough and tumble world of men.
This is bullshit. I NEVER stood up when women entered the room - never saw the point to it and thusly never did it. I still don't see the point to it.
As for opening doors for women - I have always done it and I still do (do it for men sometimes as well). If some hyper-feminist gets miffed about it (which is VERY rare) - that is their problem. The only difference is I don't open car doors for women any more...I stopped doing that about 20-25 years ago.
WOW...what a huge loss - NOT. WHo gives a shit about not being able to stand up when a women enters the room? Jeez...get a life.

Feminists also pushed the sexual revolution, especially Cosmopolitan magazine, until women became as sexually promiscuous as men. As sex became casual and as the constraints on male behavior toward women were discredited as “sexist,” boundaries became blurred, and there is plenty of room for confusion. University student sex codes acknowledge the confusion. We see it in the requirements that the male must ask permission for each piece of female clothing he removes from his willing partner.

All of this was entirely the work of feminists...
Is this guy a dinosaur on this or what?

I got news for you pal - women will NEVER become as sexually promiscuous as men. The male sex drive is far, FAR stronger than the female one. Don't believe me? Just go to a porn chat forum - at least 80-90% of the posters will be men (and many of the women will be professionals trying to drum up business).
FreeOnes Board - The Free Sex Community
Same thing with people who purchase pornography or who indulge in prostitution...85+% of them are men.

Women (with exceptions) have not been and probably never will be remotely as 'sexually promiscuous' as men are. The average, female sex drive simply isn't NEARLY as strong as the average, male sex drive.

Another older, 'white', heterosexual, misogynistic male who HATES that he is losing the power over women he had when he was a younger lad. And instead of accepting it - tries to blame someone else for it.
THAT is 100% what this is, IMO.
Last edited:
To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

Till it happens to you. Kiss a girl in Junior high or High School, 40yrs later you could be accused of being a 'Rapist.' That's the environment Democrat assholes have created.
See all those Democrat men marching in the Pussy Hatter mobs? Many men, especially white men, have surrendered and become cuckold pawns. They're now POW's in the Democrat 'War on White Heterosexual Males.'

Interesting article by Paul Craig Roberts

American feminists have finally broken the spirit of the American white heterosexual male. I have been watching for some time the American male, or what little is left of him, meekly accept feminists’ definitions of words and male behavior.
I am a heterosexual, 'white' male...and this is all a bunch of misogynistic nonsense.
I KNEW when men started to lose power (economic and political) that the weaker/dumber ones would get pissed off...and this is EXACTLY what is happening. Hetero males - especially 'white' ones - are FAR less powerful then they were even 25 years ago...and many of them are looking for a scapegoat.

First the feminists turned the male respect for, and politeness toward, women, respect inculcated into my generation, into “sexism.” Today men no longer stand when a woman enter’s a room, and they don’t open doors for them unless it is an elderly and feeble relative. Feminists insisted on getting women off the pedestal and into the rough and tumble world of men.
This is bullshit. I NEVER stood up when women entered the room - never saw the point to it and thusly never did it. I still don't see the point to it.
As for opening doors for women - I have always done it and I still do (do it for men sometimes as well). If some hyper-feminist gets miffed about it (which is VERY rare) - that is their problem. The only difference is I don't open car doors for women any more...I stopped doing that about 20-25 years ago.
WOW...what a huge loss - NOT. WHo gives a shit about not being able to stand up when a women enters the room? Jeez...get a life.

Feminists also pushed the sexual revolution, especially Cosmopolitan magazine, until women became as sexually promiscuous as men. As sex became casual and as the constraints on male behavior toward women were discredited as “sexist,” boundaries became blurred, and there is plenty of room for confusion. University student sex codes acknowledge the confusion. We see it in the requirements that the male must ask permission for each piece of female clothing he removes from his willing partner.

All of this was entirely the work of feminists...
Is this guy a dinosaur on this or what?

I got news for you pal - women will NEVER become as sexually promiscuous as men. The male sex drive is far, FAR stronger than the female one. Don't believe me? Just go to a porn chat forum - at least 80-90% of the posters will be men (and many of the women will be professionals trying to drum up business).
FreeOnes Board - The Free Sex Community
Same thing with people who purchase pornography or who indulge in prostitution...85+% of them are men.

Women (with exceptions) have not been and probably never will be remotely as 'sexually promiscuous' as men are. The average, female sex drive simply isn't NEARLY as strong as the average, male sex drive.

Another older, 'white', heterosexual, misogynistic male who HATES that he is losing the power over women he had when he was a younger lad. And instead of accepting it - tries to blame someone else for it.
THAT is 100% what this is, IMO.

He's correct for the most part. White men, especially white Democrat men, are increasingly becoming cuckold cowards. They're succumbing to Feminazi browbeating. They may not realize it, but they have become cuckold cowards.
Of its so hard to curb your sex drive then you have a problem. Don't be overly aggressive. You have a problem with it?
As we learned from Kavanaugh, the UVA v Rolling Stone case, Duke LaCrosse accusations, Brian Banks who went to prison, the recent 5 girls that conspired against a boy they just didn't like. A man does not have to be aggressive, touch or even know the woman who accuses him.
Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Ha Ha...Rape is a funny word...Ha Ha

The Athletic Director is a cowardly Dem cuckold jerk.
Ha Ha....he should have seai...."we got butt fucked by more manly men"....now THAT'S funny! :71:

The cuckolds have now allowed the Pussy Hat mob to own and redefine the term 'Rape.' Buncha cowards.
1 point for using "mob"!
Of its so hard to curb your sex drive then you have a problem. Don't be overly aggressive. You have a problem with it?
As we learned from Kavanaugh, the UVA v Rolling Stone case, Duke LaCrosse accusations, Brian Banks who went to prison, the recent 5 girls that conspired against a boy they just didn't like. A man does not have to be aggressive, touch or even know the woman who accuses him.

Democrats have created a very sad dangerous environment. Kiss a girl in Junior High or High School, you could be accused of being a 'Rapist' 40yrs later. Democrats destroy everything. It's just what they do.

Too many are buying into the Pussy Hatter hysteria. At some point you have to stand up to madness. It's too late for most Democrat white men, they've gone all-in on being obedient cuckolds. But the rest of the men can stand up to the madness. Hopefully they will.
Last Saturday a college football coach unknowingly undid himself when outraged by what he saw as a non-penalty call on pass interference that he thought cost UMass the game, he said: “we had a chance and they rape us.”

All hell broke lose. Whipple was publicly denounced by UMass athletic director Ryan Bamford, a male trained to jump through feminist hoops:

“On behalf of our department, I deeply apologize for the comments made by head coach Mark Whipple on Saturday after our game at Ohio. His reference to rape was highly inappropriate, insensitive and inexcusable under any circumstance.”...

The White Heterosexual Male Has Been Renditioned - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Ha Ha...Rape is a funny word...Ha Ha

The Athletic Director is a cowardly Dem cuckold jerk.
Ha Ha....he should have seai...."we got butt fucked by more manly men"....now THAT'S funny! :71:

The cuckolds have now allowed the Pussy Hat mob to own and redefine the term 'Rape.' Buncha cowards.
1 point for using "mob"!

It is a mob. And sadly, too many have allowed mob bullying to browbeat them into submission. That's especially true of Democrat white men. Mere obedient cuckolds at this point.
Ha Ha...Rape is a funny word...Ha Ha

The Athletic Director is a cowardly Dem cuckold jerk.
Ha Ha....he should have seai...."we got butt fucked by more manly men"....now THAT'S funny! :71:

The cuckolds have now allowed the Pussy Hat mob to own and redefine the term 'Rape.' Buncha cowards.
1 point for using "mob"!

It is a mob. And sadly, too many have allowed mob bullying to browbeat them into submission. That's especially true of Democrat white men. Mere obedient cuckolds at this point.
2 "mobs", 2 points (sorry, "mobs" in quoted posts don't count).
To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

Till it happens to you. Kiss a girl in Junior high or High School, 40yrs later you could be accused of being a 'Rapist.' That's the environment Democrat assholes have created.
You are insane. That has not happened anywhere.
To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

To the OP. Seriousy mate you need to get out more. Absolutely zero well adjusted men have any problem with feminists.
Everybody in Camp Normal knows where the boundaries are and we can all behave in an appropriate fashion.

Only inadequates from the incel community are struggling to cope.

Till it happens to you. Kiss a girl in Junior high or High School, 40yrs later you could be accused of being a 'Rapist.' That's the environment Democrat assholes have created.
You are insane. That has not happened anywhere.

It's about to be the 'new-norm.' Thanks to the Democrats. They destroy everything. It's just who they are.

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