White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points

first youre all about "theres no evidence",,

and now you come back with "tell me your opinion on it",,

sounds like you know theres a lot of evidence but instead of just saying you disagree with it you run around saying there isnt any,,,

if nothing else you are entertaining to watch,,
Cutting and pasting some article with lots of content doesn't mean that content is convincing. I could paste an article claiming there is no evidence with lots of content, would that convince you of anything? Quantity does not equal quality.

If you read your list, which I'm beginning to doubt, you should feel one point stands out above the others. That you can't or won't tells me quite a lot. Thanks for playing.
Cutting and pasting some article with lots of content doesn't mean that content is convincing. I could paste an article claiming there is no evidence with lots of content, would that convince you of anything? Quantity does not equal quality.

If you read your list, which I'm beginning to doubt, you should feel one point stands out above the others. That you can't or won't tells me quite a lot. Thanks for playing.
so you admit theres evidence but you just disagree with it,,

but why then would you lie and say there isnt any??
Oh how the tables have turned..
What the heck does that mean? The GOP garbage propaganda machine is the worst thing that ever happened to American politics, Anti American Super Dupe who disrespects all our fine institutions and public servants because garbage baloney with no evidence....
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What the heck does that mean? The GOP garbage propaganda machine is the worst thing that ever happened to American politics, Anti American Super Dupe who disrespects all our fine institutions and public servants because garbage baloney with no evidence....
I’m just saying how it is that the roles were reversed, just a couple years ago.
I’m just saying how it is that the roles were reversed, just a couple years ago.
democrats have never questioned the election results or the motives of our public servants scientists et cetera et cetera. Everything you know politically is absolutely wrong and total B S hateful anti-American garbage.... The GOP is a total disgrace now....
democrats have never questioned the election results or the motives of our public servants scientists et cetera et cetera. Everything you know politically is absolutely wrong and total B S hateful anti-American garbage.... The GOP is a total disgrace now....

democrats have never questioned the election results

Oh they most certainly have, most notably, Hillary and Stacy abrams, but others have as well.

Everything you know politically is absolutely wrong and total B S hateful anti-American garbage..

Quite incorrect. I hear the hate coming from the left mostly. Also, nothing that you hear on the right is anti American. Most of it is actually just following the cotus. It’s the left that generally wants to disregard it.
Oh they most certainly have, most notably, Hillary and Stacy abrams, but others have as well.

Quite incorrect. I hear the hate coming from the left mostly. Also, nothing that you hear on the right is anti American. Most of it is actually just following the cotus. It’s the left that generally wants to disregard it.
Democrats have never questioned the voting in an election, they have only said that they lost because of total misinformation and cheating by the scumbag GOP, and they weren't wrong. As always you have no clue super dupe
Democrats have never questioned the voting in an election, they have only said that they lost because of total misinformation and cheating by the scumbag GOP, and they weren't wrong. As always you have no clue super dupe
What cheating?

Also, Hillary said trump was an illegitimate president..for how long?

Stacy abrams hasn’t conceded yet? There were other prominent democrats who said trump didn’t win the election either.
What cheating?

Also, Hillary said trump was an illegitimate president..for how long?

Stacy abrams hasn’t conceded yet? There were other prominent democrats who said trump didn’t win the election either.
Yes Stacey Abrams, and 2016 was ridiculous the amount of email BS. Proves once again the mainstream media is not democratic at all. Rhino

White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points​

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Matthew Boyle

Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) when it disseminated talking points to the media falsely claiming there was no evidence to begin the inquiry, McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively.
McCarthy, who appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said a document drafted by the White House counsel’s office and sent from formal White House staff to media outlets at the outset of the impeachment inquiry — which led to the false reports and the use of the disinformation talking point by many media outlets and Democrats allied with the White House—could amount to obstruction of the investigation.
This week, as Breitbart News reported in the aftermath of McCarthy impeachment inquiry announcement, several media outlets and Democrats were repeating the inaccurate talking point the White House disseminated that there was no evidence to proceed to an impeachment inquiry. McCarthy, during his interview on Breitbart News Saturday, recounted one such interaction with an Associated Press reporter on Capitol Hill where he forced the reporter to admit there was in fact evidence. He also pointed to a CNN fact check of him which actually found that each of the claims he made during his announcement of the impeachment inquiry about the Bidens were true.
Asked about a possible timeline for considering actual articles of impeachment against Biden, McCarthy said there is no timeline but that House Republicans will simply follow the facts wherever they lead. If it gets to that point eventually, they will move forward on it he said. But for now, the House GOP is conducting the impeachment inquiry so as to get the facts out about the president and the Congress will move if and when it rises to that level.
“Let me be very clear to everybody. We are not the Democrats. We watched them use impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy said. “Tell me what evidence did they have to even move forward? So what we’re doing — and we’re not predetermining anything into the future. The only thing we’ll promise everybody is we’ll follow the facts and we’ll get the answers and we’ll lay them out for the American public. We’ll uphold our Constitutional authority but we don’t have pre-impeachment documents or anything else. We believe in the court of law. We believe in the honesty and integrity and remember none of this information would have been found had we not been doing the work we’re doing now. Let us continue our work and lay it out for the American public and let people be able to see what we’re finding.”

Whenever has the Democrat Party played by the rules of law?
Now why would the combined efforts of the Biden White House, the DoJ, the FBI and the Quisling Media want to obstruct a Congressional investigation into impeachment when we continue to find evidence they've all colluded to obstruct and hide evidence?
Trump was impeached the first time for allegations of a quid pro quo, and Biden bragged infamously about doing worse...and we got crickets from the brainwashed Democrat buffoons. No evidence or allegations against the Bidens??? Astonishing. Just look through Hunter's laptop stash of info, now that even the corrupt FBI is no longer insisting that it's "Russian disinformation."
Does anyone really believe the Whitehouse will suddenly be honest, roll over and tell Congress and we the people the truth.
so are we going to see 9 hearing on getting evidence on joe biden to impeach him kind of like the Bengasi hearing ... something to put questions into people's heads ??? so Republicans don't lose their seats... they need bull shit to stay in power right now in the poles they are losing their ass ...

White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points​

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Matthew Boyle

Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) when it disseminated talking points to the media falsely claiming there was no evidence to begin the inquiry, McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively.
McCarthy, who appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said a document drafted by the White House counsel’s office and sent from formal White House staff to media outlets at the outset of the impeachment inquiry — which led to the false reports and the use of the disinformation talking point by many media outlets and Democrats allied with the White House—could amount to obstruction of the investigation.
This week, as Breitbart News reported in the aftermath of McCarthy impeachment inquiry announcement, several media outlets and Democrats were repeating the inaccurate talking point the White House disseminated that there was no evidence to proceed to an impeachment inquiry. McCarthy, during his interview on Breitbart News Saturday, recounted one such interaction with an Associated Press reporter on Capitol Hill where he forced the reporter to admit there was in fact evidence. He also pointed to a CNN fact check of him which actually found that each of the claims he made during his announcement of the impeachment inquiry about the Bidens were true.
Asked about a possible timeline for considering actual articles of impeachment against Biden, McCarthy said there is no timeline but that House Republicans will simply follow the facts wherever they lead. If it gets to that point eventually, they will move forward on it he said. But for now, the House GOP is conducting the impeachment inquiry so as to get the facts out about the president and the Congress will move if and when it rises to that level.
“Let me be very clear to everybody. We are not the Democrats. We watched them use impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy said. “Tell me what evidence did they have to even move forward? So what we’re doing — and we’re not predetermining anything into the future. The only thing we’ll promise everybody is we’ll follow the facts and we’ll get the answers and we’ll lay them out for the American public. We’ll uphold our Constitutional authority but we don’t have pre-impeachment documents or anything else. We believe in the court of law. We believe in the honesty and integrity and remember none of this information would have been found had we not been doing the work we’re doing now. Let us continue our work and lay it out for the American public and let people be able to see what we’re finding.”

Whenever has the Democrat Party played by the rules of law?
Now why would the combined efforts of the Biden White House, the DoJ, the FBI and the Quisling Media want to obstruct a Congressional investigation into impeachment when we continue to find evidence they've all colluded to obstruct and hide evidence?
Trump was impeached the first time for allegations of a quid pro quo, and Biden bragged infamously about doing worse...and we got crickets from the brainwashed Democrat buffoons. No evidence or allegations against the Bidens??? Astonishing. Just look through Hunter's laptop stash of info, now that even the corrupt FBI is no longer insisting that it's "Russian disinformation."
Does anyone really believe the Whitehouse will suddenly be honest, roll over and tell Congress and we the people the truth.

They are born cheaters. Democrats in this forum support lawless cheating.
They are born cheaters. Democrats in this forum support lawless cheating.
if you are going to call us names tell us what we cheated you out of ???? was it stealing classified documents from the government and refusing to surrender them to the government ... or was it when we had this idea that we can grab a woman by the pussy anytime we want ''' or tell the people the election was stolen and we should attack the capitol take back the government ... then come to find out that was a lie ... or tell the people we are worth billions of dollars come to find out that was a lie ... or tell loan companies that you have all this property thars worth these billions of dollars ... and lied about the size of the property to get a loan ... then turn around and tell the IRS that your property is half of what you said it was WORTH ... that kind of cheats are you talking about ... then tell the people that mail-in ballots are a cheat cause they are counted after the votes from the people who stand in line to vote ... that they are trying to pull a fast one by running them through 5 or 6 times ... come to realize ylou're too stupid to know they can only be run through once ...those cheats ???? the problem you're too stupid to realize you are being lied to mainly because you don't know anything about the Constitution...

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