White House Garden Overgrown With Weeds

You are correct about respect as far as civilian life is concerned, Dave. But when it comes to the military you are taught to respect the rank rather than the person wearing it.

Retired military are under no such compunction.

And the person wearing the rank STILL has to earn it.

Further, in his role as "commander" of the IRS, Obama has no rank to respect.

So, Asclepias' claim that paying taxes is a gesture of respect is wrong on many levels.

Yes, I am also pissed how Oblama is running the local Rotary club also.

IRS is part of the Treasury Department, which is a part of the Executive.

I shouldn't have to explain that. It's pretty damn pathetic that I do.
You are correct about respect as far as civilian life is concerned, Dave. But when it comes to the military you are taught to respect the rank rather than the person wearing it.

Retired military are under no such compunction.

And the person wearing the rank STILL has to earn it.

Further, in his role as "commander" of the IRS, Obama has no rank to respect.

So, Asclepias' claim that paying taxes is a gesture of respect is wrong on many levels.

That's correct and during active duty one must recognize rank, not respect it. Respect is earned not expected other than being duty-bound to follow legal orders from a superior officer. In the field, a good line-officer listens to his platoon leaders if he expects a good result. Barry Soetoro is a joke as CIC and not a single active duty officer thinks anything else.
I'm sure there are a few officers who support Obama.

I'm also sure there are fewer than there used to be.

"Barack get cho ass over here and help me pull these weeds before I run this shovel up yo ass"​
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I thought it was Michelle's garden and she was leading by example...yet the truth comes out that it is run and tended by white House and NPS staff.

Why are we paying people to run a garden? We're broke, 17 trillion in the hole, yet there are federal employees whose job is to take care of a garden. Eliminate those positions and let Michelle tend to her own garden if it's that important.

Her Majesty has gardens, and paid gardeners.


The Queen's gardens

Environmentally friendly initiatives are not limited to inside spaces. Some of the 'greenest' places in The Queen's residences are, not surprisingly, The Queen's gardens.

Mark Lane, Gardens Manager at Buckingham Palace, describes a number of initiatives which ensure that the gardens at The Queen's residences will look their best whilst encouraging wildlife and plant life to thrive without any detrimental effects on the environment:

"At Buckingham Palace, 99% of green waste is recycled on site. Green waste includes grass cuttings, twigs, branches and 'arisings' (soiled straw from the stables in the Royal Mews).

"Waste is also brought in from Kensington Palace and Marlborough House grounds. This is put through a shredder so that bacteria can operate more quickly on smaller pieces of material.


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