White House Garden Overgrown With Weeds

I've never heard of a garden that's producing in October.
The pictures don't lie.

Gardens are fallow in October. There's nothing to 'keep up.'
Green and ripening tomatoes.

We did poke fun at Laura Bush's bad fashion, just as Michelle Obama's bad fashion gets laughed at now. But I don't recall any attacks on Laura Bush beyond that.

Fortunately, we have Dave to dig up a few blog comments. Shall we dig up the blog comments on Michelle Obama and compare? Since the shockingly awful comments about Michelle Obama are going to be at least a hundred times more numerous, Dave probably doesn't want to go that route.
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We did poke fun at Laura Bush's bad fashion, just as Michelle Obama's bad fashion gets laughed at now. But I don't recall any attacks on Laura Bush beyond that.

Fortunately, we have Dave to dig up a few blog comments. Shall we dig up the blog comments on Michelle Obama and compare? Since the shockingly awful comments about Michelle Obama are going to be at least a hundred times more numerous, Dave probably doesn't want to go that route.

Columnists at the SF Chronicle and the NYT are not bloggers.

And you can post what you want. You see, I'm not desperately trying to minimize the attacks on Mrs. Obama, like you guys are trying (and failing) to do with the attacks on Mrs. Bush.
every gardener knows that you have to rip green and orange tomatoes off the plant pronto lest they rot and turn red. btw, rot = red in german, coincidence? i think not.
in defense of Michelle - gardening is not everybody's favorite time spending.
she is required to do it, but she obviously doesn't like it.
Nothing wrong with it.
However, the harvest should not just go to waste - and I am surprised that with so many of the servants she has, nobody took care of the garden.
Like I said earlier you will pay your taxes as proof of your respect boy.

Respect is only worth anything if it's voluntarily given.

Respect given under threat of government force is not respect.

You are correct about respect as far as civilian life is concerned, Dave. But when it comes to the military you are taught to respect the rank rather than the person wearing it.
every gardener knows that you have to rip green and orange tomatoes off the plant pronto lest they rot and turn red. btw, rot = red in german, coincidence? i think not.

depends. it you are going to use them yourself - no need to rip them off green or orange - they will never taste as they should if you don't let them ripen while on the bush.
Gardens are fallow in October. There's nothing to 'keep up.'
Green and ripening tomatoes.


You're right.

And this is absolutely worthy of all the attention it is being given.

Who gives a shit what you think about the hag leaving her garden to the squirrels? Nothing she does is worthy of public criticism because she's "black" yet you're either secretly afraid of and hate blacks, or find them to be superior to whites....all part of your poor self-image and station in life. :eusa_angel:
every gardener knows that you have to rip green and orange tomatoes off the plant pronto lest they rot and turn red. btw, rot = red in german, coincidence? i think not.

Half the produce in the garden is laying on the ground rotting, the squirrels are feasting on the rest. How far do you suppose Queen Michelle would have to walk to correct this? How much energy is expended picking tomatoes or digging up carrots? Surely there must be something keeping her inside....one of Hillary's Kosovo snipers perhaps? :lol:
every gardener knows that you have to rip green and orange tomatoes off the plant pronto lest they rot and turn red. btw, rot = red in german, coincidence? i think not.

Half the produce in the garden is laying on the ground rotting, the squirrels are feasting on the rest. How far do you suppose Queen Michelle would have to walk to correct this? How much energy is expended picking tomatoes or digging up carrots? Surely there must be something keeping her inside....one of Hillary's Kosovo snipers perhaps? :lol:

Work is for other people!
I think it's safe to summarize the Obamabots' feelings here:

"Obama and family can do whatever the hell they want, and it's okay with me...because Obama!"

No its more like "its a garden in the middle of October. Why all the fuss?" Will the irrelevant nonsense ever end?

what's the fucking problem with mid-October?

My sister is harvesting tomatoes right now at the 49th latitude, so at 10 degrees to the south it is way warmer.
every gardener knows that you have to rip green and orange tomatoes off the plant pronto lest they rot and turn red. btw, rot = red in german, coincidence? i think not.

depends. it you are going to use them yourself - no need to rip them off green or orange - they will never taste as they should if you don't let them ripen while on the bush.

you are a genius.
Like I said earlier you will pay your taxes as proof of your respect boy.

Respect is only worth anything if it's voluntarily given.

Respect given under threat of government force is not respect.

You are correct about respect as far as civilian life is concerned, Dave. But when it comes to the military you are taught to respect the rank rather than the person wearing it.

Retired military are under no such compunction.

And the person wearing the rank STILL has to earn it.

Further, in his role as "commander" of the IRS, Obama has no rank to respect.

So, Asclepias' claim that paying taxes is a gesture of respect is wrong on many levels.
Respect is only worth anything if it's voluntarily given.

Respect given under threat of government force is not respect.

You are correct about respect as far as civilian life is concerned, Dave. But when it comes to the military you are taught to respect the rank rather than the person wearing it.

Retired military are under no such compunction.

And the person wearing the rank STILL has to earn it.

Further, in his role as "commander" of the IRS, Obama has no rank to respect.

So, Asclepias' claim that paying taxes is a gesture of respect is wrong on many levels.

Yes, I am also pissed how Oblama is running the local Rotary club also.
Respect is only worth anything if it's voluntarily given.

Respect given under threat of government force is not respect.

You are correct about respect as far as civilian life is concerned, Dave. But when it comes to the military you are taught to respect the rank rather than the person wearing it.

Retired military are under no such compunction.

And the person wearing the rank STILL has to earn it.

Further, in his role as "commander" of the IRS, Obama has no rank to respect.

So, Asclepias' claim that paying taxes is a gesture of respect is wrong on many levels.

That's correct and during active duty one must recognize rank, not respect it. Respect is earned not expected other than being duty-bound to follow legal orders from a superior officer. In the field, a good line-officer listens to his platoon leaders if he expects a good result. Barry Soetoro is a joke as CIC and not a single active duty officer thinks anything else.

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