White House launches program to let users circumvent Obamacare


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
White House launches program to let users circumvent Obamacare

Trouble with the HealthCare.gov site appears to be so widespread that the Obama administration has opened the door for Americans to circumvent the site altogether.

Under a plan announced Friday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the government would allow people to deal directly with insurance companies instead of through the federally run exchange website. The move comes as the administration's self-imposed Nov. 30 deadline for fixing the site is just days away, and officials acknowledge it may not be fully operational by then.

The pilot program announced by CMS would initially launch for residents in Ohio, Florida and Texas, and is the latest effort to give users an alternative to the troubled site.

“This is one more way we are working to offer consumers a variety of ways to enroll in affordable coverage,” agency spokeswomen Julie Bataille said in announcing the pilot project. “By strengthening the multiple channels to enroll in quality, affordable coverage … we are ensuring that every American who wants it can gain access to these new coverage options.”

Bataille said that direct enrollment has “been there from the start.” But the option was limited by the website problems, which have been fixed to the extent that insurance companies can now send applications to the site to assess enrollees' eligibility for coverage and potential discounts on premiums, she said.

Though the option could help Americans frustrated by the HealthCare.gov’s crashes, slow response times and other problems, it is another acknowledgement that the site probably will not be working for everybody by the administration’s Nov. 30 deadline.

Officials originally vowed to fix the site by then. As the extent of the site's problems became apparent, officials lowered the bar on that goal -- vowing instead to significantly improve the site by the end of the month.
Administration launches program to let users circumvent HealthCare.gov | Fox News

I don't think anyone really thought Sebelius was truthful when she said November 30th. Now they have one insurance company that people can work with instead of the website. Holy Moley! Why didn't they do that in the first place...just go to the insurance companies? They know what they are doing!

So, one insurance company for three states...at this rate....People will have coverage by 2067.
If you are in Florida, Ohio or Texas and you are happy with what one insurance company has to offer, with the premiums and deductibles and what's covered, you are all set!

The other 99.8 will have to wait for a website to be fixed, another insurance company to qualify for on line enrollment or Medicaid. Stay healthy, my friend.
White House launches program to let users circumvent Obamacare

Trouble with the HealthCare.gov site appears to be so widespread that the Obama administration has opened the door for Americans to circumvent the site altogether.

Under a plan announced Friday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the government would allow people to deal directly with insurance companies instead of through the federally run exchange website. The move comes as the administration's self-imposed Nov. 30 deadline for fixing the site is just days away, and officials acknowledge it may not be fully operational by then.

The pilot program announced by CMS would initially launch for residents in Ohio, Florida and Texas, and is the latest effort to give users an alternative to the troubled site.

“This is one more way we are working to offer consumers a variety of ways to enroll in affordable coverage,” agency spokeswomen Julie Bataille said in announcing the pilot project. “By strengthening the multiple channels to enroll in quality, affordable coverage … we are ensuring that every American who wants it can gain access to these new coverage options.”

Bataille said that direct enrollment has “been there from the start.” But the option was limited by the website problems, which have been fixed to the extent that insurance companies can now send applications to the site to assess enrollees' eligibility for coverage and potential discounts on premiums, she said.

Though the option could help Americans frustrated by the HealthCare.gov’s crashes, slow response times and other problems, it is another acknowledgement that the site probably will not be working for everybody by the administration’s Nov. 30 deadline.

Officials originally vowed to fix the site by then. As the extent of the site's problems became apparent, officials lowered the bar on that goal -- vowing instead to significantly improve the site by the end of the month.
Administration launches program to let users circumvent HealthCare.gov | Fox News

I don't think anyone really thought Sebelius was truthful when she said November 30th. Now they have one insurance company that people can work with instead of the website. Holy Moley! Why didn't they do that in the first place...just go to the insurance companies? They know what they are doing!

So, one insurance company for three states...at this rate....People will have coverage by 2067.
So, the Obama admin is going to help people by.......wait for it.........allowing them to deal directly with the insurance companies.

You mean, like we could do BEFORE obamacare?
Health Care could have been fixed in a much more productive way than how it's been handled with the ACA.

Make insurance companies take pre existing conditions. (Only thing ACA did right.)

Do NOT let 26 year olds stay on their parents insurance, but give them incentive to buy insurance. (Tax credits similar to purchasing a new house/car.)

Do not mandate health insurance, instead create a market friendlier for consumers.
(Incentives for the young would greatly help when they bought their own plans, and giving the states the ability to regulate insurance in order to keep costs down would benefit more)

Do not add thousands of IRS agents to enforce any new regulations. Hiring all these new agents is adding to govt spending and raising the deficit.

Give more rights to doctors and patients. (Create incentives to stray away from HMOs and give the patients more choices in choosing their doctor.)

Finally, let insurance companies come up with cost effective plans that don't throw a blanket over coverage in order to comply with regulations.
(Men paying for maternity care, women paying for prostate exams)
Yes, health care could have been fixed better before ACA, but the GOP would not permit that.

Tuff that.
Yes, health care could have been fixed better before ACA, but the GOP would not permit that.

Tuff that.

bullshit. and your answer is pathetic, a colossal failure, ACA, is better than we had before, despite it could have been fixed better. you are one of the most ardent obamacare supporters on this board. you don't fool anyone.

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