White House Nut Case May Need Permission To Use Nuke Button

Currently, under the very outdated Cold War Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Policy, the first launch and response launch of nuclear weapons has been left up to the discretion of the President under the consultation of the Joint Chiefs based primarily on strategic time factors. The unilateral decision to put a de facto declaration of war in the hands of the President and his military advisers made some sense back in the 1950's and 1960's.

If some members of Congress get their way and enough are willing to put the Constitution and rule of law first and ahead of the Idiot-in-Chief's favor, perhaps they will play Pin-the-POTUS to the LAW!

Congress has plenary power to commit to and declare war as stated in Article 1, § 8, Cls. 11. There are no lawful exceptions including the WPA. Hopefully, Congress will find some backbone and rein in that Madman restricting the unlawful UNILATERAL NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE policy to a Congressional process to declare war so some verbal slight from a foreign adversary sends the Orange Fool off the deep end!

~~ Lawmakers move to limit Trump authority to launch nuke after ‘nuclear button’ size tweet ~~

Pure political grandstanding for no practical purpose. Congress would have to repeal the War Power Act to have any real effect.

Evidently you don't know the procedure for a president to be able to fire a missile or send a nuclear plane an order to launch.
Evidently you don't know the procedure for a president to be able to fire a missile or send a nuclear plane an order to launch.
Well, if I wrote something in error, point it out and edify EVERYONE. The OP is NOT about an Executive/DOD procedure, which I believe you might be referencing. Rather, it's about the Constitution, the LAW and a possible upcoming move in Congress to rectify an errant policy left over from the Cold War!!

Try to stay on topic!
I am on topic. No law will be written to prevent the president from doing something he couldn't do to begin with. Big waste of time and effort.
I am on topic. No law will be written to prevent the president from doing something he couldn't do to begin with. Big waste of time and effort.
OK then. Reconcile your statement quoted directly above with the content of the OP or don't waste my fucking time with your bullshit off-topic CRAP!

Where exactly is it written in the Constitution that the POTUS has UNILATERAL POWER TO LAUNCH A NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE? Lacking that, where is the LAWFUL circumvention of the plenary power of Congress to declare war noted in Article 1, § 8, Cls. 11?

For your edification, a plenary power, such as the powers of Congress in Article 1, § 8, is an unqualified and absolute power to only be exercised, in this case, by Congress! Can you wrap your head around that concept? Can you begin to see the definable conflict between what you're thinking and what the Constitution spells out, Bubba?

For the last time. The President can't push a button because he has no button to push. He has an officer who carries the "football", a brief case that has authentication codes that must be sent to a team of officers in a bunker somewhere who actually have a button or to a bomber crew that carries a nuke. Now, the president can't send anything until it is authenticated by the officer carrying the briefcase to recover a code to send to the button pushers. Once they receive the coded message then they have a procedure to go through to get a firing code. It's a Failsafe procedure to send a bomb without the possibility of a madman who intentionally or accidentally fires a nuke. No, I can't wrap my head around something that's not necessary. Sorry 'bout that.
You fucking fraud! "Button" is the common euphemism for the "Football" and the "Biscuit" and the process employed. I know about the "failsafe" system, fool! My father was in SAC and their were alerts and B-52's rolling and taking off all the time when our family was at Malstrom AFB, MT. in the late 50's. Dad was sitting in an Atlas 'D' silo for about 8-9 days in Oct 1962 at Vandenberg AFB, and later with Minute Man 1's in the 60's around Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas. There is NOTHING you can tell me about that process to START A FUCKING NUCLEAR WAR YOU MORON! Every SAC family knew the process and prayed the "BUTTON" would never be pressed! But that never was the object of the OP, JERK!

You completely dodged the points in the OP and in each of my replies to you, you stupid mother fucker! There is NO LAWFUL means for the POTUS to AUTHORIZE and initiate a NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE. That's why you dissembled and played the fucking village idiot. Now go piss up a rope, you damn fraud!
Thank you for your dissertation. Your vulgarism has been duly noted.
Currently, under the very outdated Cold War Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Policy, the first launch and response launch of nuclear weapons has been left up to the discretion of the President under the consultation of the Joint Chiefs based primarily on strategic time factors. The unilateral decision to put a de facto declaration of war in the hands of the President and his military advisers made some sense back in the 1950's and 1960's.

If some members of Congress get their way and enough are willing to put the Constitution and rule of law first and ahead of the Idiot-in-Chief's favor, perhaps they will play Pin-the-POTUS to the LAW!

Congress has plenary power to commit to and declare war as stated in Article 1, § 8, Cls. 11. There are no lawful exceptions including the WPA. Hopefully, Congress will find some backbone and rein in that Madman restricting the unlawful UNILATERAL NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE policy to a Congressional process to declare war so some verbal slight from a foreign adversary sends the Orange Fool off the deep end!

~~ Lawmakers move to limit Trump authority to launch nuke after ‘nuclear button’ size tweet ~~

Pure political grandstanding for no practical purpose. Congress would have to repeal the War Power Act to have any real effect.
Pure political grandstanding for no practical purpose. Congress would have to repeal the War Power Act to have any real effect.
The purpose is obvious, but you're a died in the wool contrarian asshole by nature and breeding. But perhaps the purpose of the proposal is beyond your ability to comprehend. Only the Shadow Knows!

The way the NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE policy stands today makes it a UNILATERAL affair with no Congressional input needed or required, regardless of the unconstitutional WPA. POTUS has access to the codes that verify his identity to the AF launch teams and he doesn't need Congress to set a NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE in motion! It's the UNILATERAL NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE capability the suggested legislation noted in the OP that that some in Congress wish to eliminate and return that specific power back to Congress!
Currently, under the very outdated Cold War Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Policy, the first launch and response launch of nuclear weapons has been left up to the discretion of the President under the consultation of the Joint Chiefs based primarily on strategic time factors. The unilateral decision to put a de facto declaration of war in the hands of the President and his military advisers made some sense back in the 1950's and 1960's.

If some members of Congress get their way and enough are willing to put the Constitution and rule of law first and ahead of the Idiot-in-Chief's favor, perhaps they will play Pin-the-POTUS to the LAW!

Congress has plenary power to commit to and declare war as stated in Article 1, § 8, Cls. 11. There are no lawful exceptions including the WPA. Hopefully, Congress will find some backbone and rein in that Madman restricting the unlawful UNILATERAL NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE policy to a Congressional process to declare war so some verbal slight from a foreign adversary sends the Orange Fool off the deep end!

~~ Lawmakers move to limit Trump authority to launch nuke after ‘nuclear button’ size tweet ~~

Pure political grandstanding for no practical purpose. Congress would have to repeal the War Power Act to have any real effect.
Pure political grandstanding for no practical purpose. Congress would have to repeal the War Power Act to have any real effect.
The purpose is obvious, but you're a died in the wool contrarian asshole by nature and breeding. But perhaps the purpose of the proposal is beyond your ability to comprehend. Only the Shadow Knows!

The way the NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE policy stands today makes it a UNILATERAL affair with no Congressional input needed or required, regardless of the unconstitutional WPA. POTUS has access to the codes that verify his identity to the AF launch teams and he doesn't need Congress to set a NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE in motion! It's the UNILATERAL NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE capability the suggested legislation noted in the OP that that some in Congress wish to eliminate and return that specific power back to Congress!

Wa wa wa, doesn't alter the fact that this is just political grandstanding because of butt hurt. Trump has made more progress on NK than the last 4 presidents combined. Take a chill pill and enjoy the ride.

Currently, under the very outdated Cold War Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Policy, the first launch and response launch of nuclear weapons has been left up to the discretion of the President under the consultation of the Joint Chiefs based primarily on strategic time factors. The unilateral decision to put a de facto declaration of war in the hands of the President and his military advisers made some sense back in the 1950's and 1960's.

If some members of Congress get their way and enough are willing to put the Constitution and rule of law first and ahead of the Idiot-in-Chief's favor, perhaps they will play Pin-the-POTUS to the LAW!

Congress has plenary power to commit to and declare war as stated in Article 1, § 8, Cls. 11. There are no lawful exceptions including the WPA. Hopefully, Congress will find some backbone and rein in that Madman restricting the unlawful UNILATERAL NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE policy to a Congressional process to declare war so some verbal slight from a foreign adversary sends the Orange Fool off the deep end!

~~ Lawmakers move to limit Trump authority to launch nuke after ‘nuclear button’ size tweet ~~

Pure political grandstanding for no practical purpose. Congress would have to repeal the War Power Act to have any real effect.
Pure political grandstanding for no practical purpose. Congress would have to repeal the War Power Act to have any real effect.
The purpose is obvious, but you're a died in the wool contrarian asshole by nature and breeding. But perhaps the purpose of the proposal is beyond your ability to comprehend. Only the Shadow Knows!

The way the NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE policy stands today makes it a UNILATERAL affair with no Congressional input needed or required, regardless of the unconstitutional WPA. POTUS has access to the codes that verify his identity to the AF launch teams and he doesn't need Congress to set a NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE in motion! It's the UNILATERAL NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE capability the suggested legislation noted in the OP that that some in Congress wish to eliminate and return that specific power back to Congress!


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