White House: Obama knew nothing about the release of illegal alien prisoners


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
I guess it was inevitable. Obama wasn't the one who decided to release prisoners to cut costs. In fact, he knew nothing about it, according to an announcement by White House spokesman Jay Carney today.

It's not the first time. Obama had nothing to do with any of the decisions that led to the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya either.

And he had nothing to do with the various fibs presented by his campaign during his run for re-election, either.

It's becoming apparent, in fact, that Obama hasn't done a single thing during his 4-plus years in the Oval Office. Everything that went wrong in his first term, was a result of what George Bush did.

If he's not running things in the Federal government... then who is?


White House was not involved in ICE's decision to release detainees, Carney says - POLITICO.com

White House was not involved in ICE's decision to release detainees

2/27/13 1:10 PM EST

The White House and the Department of Homeland Security were unaware of Immigration Customs and Enforcement's decision to release detainees until the agency announced it, administration officials said Wednesday.

"This was a decision made by career officials at ICE without any input from the White House, as a result of fiscal uncertainty over the continuing resolution, as well as possible sequestration," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday.

Personnel at Department of Homeland Security headquarters in Washington were also unaware of the decision until the announcement was made, a department official told POLITICO.
Liberal Democrats always plead ignorance or stupidity when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, or they do dumbass things that rile up the public.
White House: Obama knew nothing about the release of illegal alien prisoners
I'm guessing those Teabagger-generated illustrations never got past the Secret Service.

I guess it was inevitable. Obama wasn't the one who decided to release prisoners to cut costs. In fact, he knew nothing about it, according to an announcement by White House spokesman Jay Carney today.

It's not the first time. Obama had nothing to do with any of the decisions that led to the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya either.

And he had nothing to do with the various fibs presented by his campaign during his run for re-election, either.

It's becoming apparent, in fact, that Obama hasn't done a single thing during his 4-plus years in the Oval Office. Everything that went wrong in his first term, was a result of what George Bush did.

If he's not running things in the Federal government... then who is?


White House was not involved in ICE's decision to release detainees, Carney says - POLITICO.com

White House was not involved in ICE's decision to release detainees

2/27/13 1:10 PM EST

The White House and the Department of Homeland Security were unaware of Immigration Customs and Enforcement's decision to release detainees until the agency announced it, administration officials said Wednesday.

"This was a decision made by career officials at ICE without any input from the White House, as a result of fiscal uncertainty over the continuing resolution, as well as possible sequestration," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday.

Personnel at Department of Homeland Security headquarters in Washington were also unaware of the decision until the announcement was made, a department official told POLITICO.

Yeah, ok.

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Nobody seems to know for sure, but there are on the order of 2000+ federal departments, agencies, commissions and other bureaucracies.

Do you REALLY think the President...ANY President...knows what each of them are doing on a day to day basis, let alone directing what they do?

Y'all all must be big fans of micro-management. Or, more likely, have never managed a damn thing.
Anybody that thinks the head of Immigration & Customs, unilaterally, with no consultation with their boss, ordered the release of tens of thousands of criminals is either high, or just a dishonest hack.
Maybe more Federal inmates will be released? Can the people running Gitmo release their prisoners too?

Sequester and Continuing resolution...yaknow
We now have the most uninformed president in history. He didn't know anything about the attack on Benghazi, either.
Anybody that thinks the head of Immigration & Customs, unilaterally, with no consultation with their boss, ordered the release of tens of thousands of criminals is either high, or just a dishonest hack.

Obama is the boss's boss's boss's boss's boss's boss's boss. Some things don't fall on the CEO's desk. Trust me on that.

For fuck's sake, you Republicans need to decide if the President's job is to guard embassies or act as warden in detention facilities . . . I don't think he has time to do both.
way to go President!!!! way to go!:clap2::clap2:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9OcIDLR3Fc]HOGANS HEROES MONTAGE - YouTube[/ame]
If someone believes that 3000 illegal immigrants can be released without ICE consulting Washington - then you are a fool.
I do believe it is possible without Obama personally knowing about it - however there is no way in hell it happened without someone in his administration knowing it and giving the nod.
If someone believes that 3000 illegal immigrants can be released without ICE consulting Washington - then you are a fool.
I do believe it is possible without Obama personally knowing about it - however there is no way in hell it happened without someone in his administration knowing it and giving the nod.

Do you think that state's governors are alerted whenever contingency planning relating to budgetary constraints are activated for each state department? Really?
Obama and this Administration always claim they don't know anything about anything! nothing about the Benghazi fiasco, nothing about the release of illegal aliens..... nothing about nothing!

Me thinks he should stop taking so many vacations!

Or better yet....he should take one long vacation and stay there!!!!!! never to come back!
Obama and this Administration always claim they don't know anything about anything! nothing about the Benghazi fiasco, nothing about the release of illegal aliens..... nothing about nothing!

Me thinks he should stop taking so many vacations!

Or better yet....he should take one long vacation and stay there!!!!!! never to come back!

Are you in any level of management, Skye? Because you sound fairly ignorant.
Obama and this Administration always claim they don't know anything about anything! nothing about the Benghazi fiasco, nothing about the release of illegal aliens..... nothing about nothing!

Me thinks he should stop taking so many vacations!

Or better yet....he should take one long vacation and stay there!!!!!! never to come back!

Are you in any level of management, Skye? Because you sound fairly ignorant.
DOn't you see? It is a play with words going on here. Seriously. Same as with Benghazi and Susan Rice, the CIA, etc.
This President doesn't take blame for anything which someone within HIS administration does something unconscionable. Always - not me! not me! Sure, he may not have personally known, but rather than just state he would get to the bottom of it, it's - not me! not me! Sickening and purposeful. He doesn't respond as a Commander in Chief. He resonds as a bullshi**er. Though I think what the Dems and his administration don't understand is crying wolf one time too many is going to have serious consequences for them as a party in the future. Bet my bottom dollar on that if it keeps up.
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