White House official mocked John McCain's cancer diagnosis

.................... Sur, FOX did something right this time. Give it credit. Kissing ass would have been supporting the WH staffer.

Real Americans will salute the American flag flying over the hero, McCain.
yeah , when 'mcstain' departs the mexicans and other imported third worlders will salute their various and diverse flags as they then use their dual citizenship voting rights to undermine the USA .
'White House special assistant Kelly Sadler reportedly mocked Senator John McCain's brain cancer diagnosis during a meeting on Thursday led by deputy press secretary Raj Shah, after the Senator came out against CIA nominee Gina Haspel, according to The Hill's Jordan Fabian and Jonathan Easley.

Why it matters: This is a brutal leak from the White House communications team as Sadler said, "t doesn't matter, he's dying anyway." The Hill reports that Sadler's comment "did not go over well with others at the meeting," but that "the conversation continued without addressing it." In a statement to the Hill, the White House responded to the claims saying, "[w]e respect Senator McCain’s service to our nation and he and his family are in our prayers during this difficult time."'

White House official mocked John McCain's cancer diagnosis

Ahhhh...the Trump White House.

Pure class.

I remember way more class being shown during drunken, frat parties when I was in university then this White House exhibits. And that is pretty bad.
Why is that "mocking?" It's the brutal truth.
I am.

You said the following about a cancer patient who has broken no major laws - forgetting the fact that he served his country VERY well.

'I live in Arizona and can't wait for John McTreason to die. Fuck him.'

I am.

They must have done a horrible job/been horrible people to raise a person who would say such a terrible thing as you did earlier.

You said the following about a cancer patient who has broken no major laws - let alone one who served his country VERY well.

'I live in Arizona and can't wait for John McTreason to die. Fuck him.'

If you are so low that you would say such a thing...then you had better be ready for people to make fun of you/your family.

And I just did.

And..........loving it.
Well noob, attacking a members family here IS AGAINST the site rules. So you have been warned cyber sissy.
I hope McCain rots SLOWLY and his death stink fills the halls and his fuckin brains drip and drivel out of every body opening.

LOL...first you ask (dare?) someone if they are knocking your parents.

Than when someone answers your question and actually does it...you run to the rules like a coward.

How pathetic...and funny.

You: 'Are you knocking my parents?'
Me: 'Yup'
You: 'You broke the rules....you broke the rules'.

LOL....you are good for a laugh.

Go and run and tell the mods. I have been banned from so many sites...it's like a hobby of mine.

And just to be clear...whoever raised you obviously did a lousy job of it if they taught you to say such cowardly and disgusting things about terminal patients...let alone ones who were war heros who actually refused to be sent home before other POW's.

I am NOT a fan of McCain as a politician (generally). But I respect his stance on torture and his tremendous heroism during his time as a POW.

And I would NEVER say the things you are saying about someone who is slowly dying. That is beyond disgusting PLUS INCREDIBLY cowardly to do it nameless/faceless hiding behind a computer.
And if your parents taught you to do that..then they were terrible parents.

And the mods can do what they want....that is what I think and I ain't taking it back.
You started it and I am finishing it.

And if that gets me banned...so be it.
McCain spent his time sucking Cong dick. They say brain cancer is painless because you have no nerves there. So I am forced to be happy with is dying while laying in his own shit and piss.

You are nobody and nothing to him. What you ‘think’ and how you feel is completely immaterial.
I'm the guy who lives in Arizona whose bucket list includes pissing on his grave.
I knew that was coming. Grow up, Fury. That anal phase is supposed to be over by age 11 or so.
Fuck McStain!!
I hope it's excruciating on his way out.

Another Trumpbot troll who talks tough while sitting behind a computer on a chat forum. Go on your Facebook/twitter page and say that. Then post the link.
But you don't have the courage to do that.

Anyone who says that about a war hero who broke no major laws and who is dying of cancer is to be pitied.

I feel great pity for you.

John McCain is to be pitied....but he is no war hero.

John McCain is no war hero. Mythologies die hard - Adam Townsend
According to the article, the remark, "it doesn't matter, he's dying anyway" was regarding McCain's opinion of Gina Haspel. Let's face it, it is true that McCain being on his death bed will make him unable to vote against her for CIA director. Sure, it was a crass way to say it. Must we hyperventilate over every indelicate remark?

Gina Haspel , I agree with McCain . Her heart shows on her face. Old and dry.

She's heading up the CIA not Health and Human Services.
Fuck McStain!!
I hope it's excruciating on his way out.

Another Trumpbot troll who talks tough while sitting behind a computer on a chat forum. Go on your Facebook/twitter page and say that. Then post the link.
But you don't have the courage to do that.

Anyone who says that about a war hero who broke no major laws and who is dying of cancer is to be pitied.

I feel great pity for you.
Just like you are, troll. McCain is a pos. Telling the truth always trigger libstains.
According to the article, the remark, "it doesn't matter, he's dying anyway" was regarding McCain's opinion of Gina Haspel. Let's face it, it is true that McCain being on his death bed will make him unable to vote against her for CIA director. Sure, it was a crass way to say it. Must we hyperventilate over every indelicate remark?

Gina Haspel , I agree with McCain . Her heart shows on her face. Old and dry.

She's heading up the CIA not Health and Human Services.

Trump wants someone who will torture, and she will as she has allowed it before. Torture does nothing, but coerce false confessions.

My God, Trump wants police to hit suspects heads upon putting them in the backseat, don't be too nice to them he said,

He is pro torture.
According to the article, the remark, "it doesn't matter, he's dying anyway" was regarding McCain's opinion of Gina Haspel. Let's face it, it is true that McCain being on his death bed will make him unable to vote against her for CIA director. Sure, it was a crass way to say it. Must we hyperventilate over every indelicate remark?

Gina Haspel , I agree with McCain . Her heart shows on her face. Old and dry.

She's heading up the CIA not Health and Human Services.

Trump wants someone who will torture, and she will as she has allowed it before. Torture does nothing, but coerce false confessions.

My God, Trump wants police to hit suspects heads upon putting them in the backseat, don't be too nice to them he said,

He is pro torture.

Pure lies.
According to the article, the remark, "it doesn't matter, he's dying anyway" was regarding McCain's opinion of Gina Haspel. Let's face it, it is true that McCain being on his death bed will make him unable to vote against her for CIA director. Sure, it was a crass way to say it. Must we hyperventilate over every indelicate remark?

Gina Haspel , I agree with McCain . Her heart shows on her face. Old and dry.

She's heading up the CIA not Health and Human Services.
hehheh spot on!
According to the article, the remark, "it doesn't matter, he's dying anyway" was regarding McCain's opinion of Gina Haspel. Let's face it, it is true that McCain being on his death bed will make him unable to vote against her for CIA director. Sure, it was a crass way to say it. Must we hyperventilate over every indelicate remark?

Gina Haspel , I agree with McCain . Her heart shows on her face. Old and dry.

She's heading up the CIA not Health and Human Services.

Trump wants someone who will torture, and she will as she has allowed it before. Torture does nothing, but coerce false confessions.

My God, Trump wants police to hit suspects heads upon putting them in the backseat, don't be too nice to them he said,

He is pro torture.

What enemies, I heard it from Trumps mouth. I do not want my tax dollars paying her wages, she needs to get fired.
According to the article, the remark, "it doesn't matter, he's dying anyway" was regarding McCain's opinion of Gina Haspel. Let's face it, it is true that McCain being on his death bed will make him unable to vote against her for CIA director. Sure, it was a crass way to say it. Must we hyperventilate over every indelicate remark?

Gina Haspel , I agree with McCain . Her heart shows on her face. Old and dry.

She's heading up the CIA not Health and Human Services.

Trump wants someone who will torture, and she will as she has allowed it before. Torture does nothing, but coerce false confessions.

My God, Trump wants police to hit suspects heads upon putting them in the backseat, don't be too nice to them he said,

He is pro torture.

Pure lies.

Heard it from his own mouth. I don't do drugs or alcohol or have mental illness.
According to the article, the remark, "it doesn't matter, he's dying anyway" was regarding McCain's opinion of Gina Haspel. Let's face it, it is true that McCain being on his death bed will make him unable to vote against her for CIA director. Sure, it was a crass way to say it. Must we hyperventilate over every indelicate remark?

Gina Haspel , I agree with McCain . Her heart shows on her face. Old and dry.

She's heading up the CIA not Health and Human Services.

She has a hardened heart and it shows up in her face, she appears very old for her age. Perhaps she is part of the swamp, been in the CIA too long.
What enemies, I heard it from Trumps mouth. I do not want my tax dollars paying her wages, she needs to get fired.


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