White House Official Says "We're Winning....It Doesn't Matter How Long We Shutdown".

The shutdown will end when Boehner brings the CR to the floor of the House for an up and down vote.

All of America understands this.

He already did.

It passed and he sent it up to Harry Reid and Reid stripped out the Obamacare defunding provisions. Reid wouldn't allow a vote on the CR as submitted by the House.
Obama says dey's gonna be worldwide repercussions...
Obama Scare on Debt Limit: 'The Whole World Will Have Problems,' But, 'There Will Be No Negotiations'
October 4, 2013 -- Speaking in suburban Maryland on Thursday, President Obama continued to spread fear about the consequences of not raising the debt ceiling.

Maximizing the damage to get the most political gain.


One begins to wonder how the 08' crash really happened and why nobody seems to have been arrested or punished for it.

This was his indication that the next thing he's going to do is default, cause a massive crash and blame republicans.

GOP voters don't blame them for fighting. Locally they're just as popular as they ever were. They're finally showing some Cahones.
Maximizing the damage to get the most political gain.


One begins to wonder how the 08' crash really happened and why nobody seems to have been arrested or punished for it.

This was his indication that the next thing he's going to do is default, cause a massive crash and blame republicans.

GOP voters don't blame them for fighting. Locally they're just as popular as they ever were. They're finally showing some Cahones.
AYUP, I'm tickled pink they finally stood up to Obama's chicago thugs.
im not sure it was ever up and running
wtf r u talkin bout willis?

wtf are you replying to?

10 post page view ... yours is top of page. Learn how to fucking post


we haven't had a Gov since the 1/2 breed took over. it was NEVER up and running but in the shitter

Do you collect a mental disability check? Your hate-filled diatr...never mind. Keep sucking off the gov tit
Obama says make the military suffer more:
Military keeps Camp David open, cuts NFL, baseball coverage to troops overseas
This shithead whats to teach everyone that defies him a lesson. At the same time
the Edward Air Force Base Golf Course remains open as we all know that is essential.

Military keeps Camp David open, cuts NFL, baseball coverage to troops overseas | WashingtonExaminer.com

The Commissaries have been shut down.

He hates military dependents. All of those women and children can fucken starve.
wtf r u talkin bout willis?

wtf are you replying to?

10 post page view ... yours is top of page. Learn how to fucking post


we haven't had a Gov since the 1/2 breed took over. it was NEVER up and running but in the shitter

Do you collect a mental disability check? Your hate-filled diatr...never mind. Keep sucking off the gov tit

I have enough capitol reserve to break you in half right over my knee retard, your ilk was born to suck anything. so stay on welfare redneck. suits you to a T
The shutdown will end when Boehner brings the CR to the floor of the House for an up and down vote.

All of America understands this.

He already did.

It passed and he sent it up to Harry Reid and Reid stripped out the Obamacare defunding provisions. Reid wouldn't allow a vote on the CR as submitted by the House.

No, he did not. The shut down will end when the CR is brought to the floor for an up and down vote.
mudwhistle is government employed and supported all the way, yet . . .
Proof that they want the shutdown, and are perfectly happy no matter how long it lasts.

All the Obam-bots are just in phoney outrage mode.

They are smart enough to step aside and let the Republicans self-destruct. Why should they not?


Yup. Helping the middle-class is so terrible.

The Dems took over the media
The Dems started spending and spending and spending and spending
Then they renamed spending calling it investment instead
Then they found a way to make the Repugs look evil by preventing spending
The Dems crammed this shit down our throats and told the GOP "Fuck You, Give Us Everything We Want"
Obama shut down White House tours and blamed it on the GOP
The Dems started talking about a shutdown
Then when they didn't get everything they wanted they shutdown the government
Then they started closing down everything they felt the people wanted or needed
Then they sent out goons to push vets in wheelchairs off a cliff and set up Barrycades
Now this is all the GOP's fault

You're so full of shit.
Last edited:
A senior White House official was reported to have said "We're Winning.....it doesn't matter how long the shutdown lasts."

"I just did CNN and I just go over and over again 'We're willing to compromise. We're willing to negotiate.' I think... I don't think they poll tested we won't negotiate. I think it's awful for [Democrats] to say that over and over again," Paul said.

"Yeah, I do too and I, and I just came back from that two hour meeting with them and that, and that was basically the same view privately as it was publicly," McConnell agreed.

Paul added, "I think if we keep saying, 'We wanted to defund it. We fought for that and that we're willing to compromise on this', I think they can't, we're gonna, I think... well, I know we don't want to be here, but we're gonna win this, I think."

Hot Mic Catches Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell Discussing Their Actual Government Shutdown Concerns
It looks like now, the public is blaming both republicans and democrats. The more petty and trivial the democrats get with choosing their shutdowns to inflict the maximum amount of pain and inconvenience, the more the public will shift the perception of blame. The public will find it peculiar and distasteful that veterans can't visit memorials, but obama gets his picture painted and can still golf whenever he wants.
Troops Forage for Food While Golfers Play On in Shutdown
By Jeff Plungis, Mark Drajem & David Lerman - Oct 2, 2013 11:00 PM CT

Grocery stores on Army bases in the U.S. are closed. The golf course at Andrews Air Force base is open.

All 128 employees of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corp. are working, while 3,000 safety inspectors employed by the Federal Aviation Administration are off the job.
Enlarge image Soldiers Forage for Food While Golfers Play on in U.S. Shutdown

Pedestrians walk past a barricade preventing them from entering the World War II Memorial in Washington, on Oct. 2, 2013. Photographer: Susan Walsh/AP Photo
CFTC's Chilton on U.S. Shutdown, Regulations

Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Bart Chilton, a commissioner at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, talks about the partial government shutdown and its impact on markets and the economy. Chilton, speaking with Tom Keene, Sara Eisen and Scarlet Fu on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance," also discusses financial regulations. Kamran Ansari, a senior associate at Greycroft Partners, also speaks. (Source: Bloomberg)

The Food and Drug Administration is reviewing new pharmaceuticals. The National Institutes of Health is turning away new patients for clinical trials.

The seeming randomness of the U.S. government’s first shutdown in 17 years can be explained in part by anomalies in the spending Congress does and doesn’t control. Activities funded by fees from drug, financial-services and other companies are insulated from year-to-year budget dysfunction. The ones that get a budget from Congress get hit.

“What’s really happening in America is that the appropriations process has completely failed,” said Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow in governance at the Brookings Institution in Washington who worked in the White House during the last shutdown in 1995-96.

This isn’t government according to U.S. civics textbooks. Government is supposed to collect taxes, the president is supposed to propose each year how to spend the money, and Congress has the final say with the constitutional power of the purse.
Passports, Patents

Instead, Congress has had to resort to a so-called continuing resolution -- a catchall bill to keep the government operating on life support while negotiations continue -- in each of the past 16 years.

There have been 93 continuing resolutions passed since 1998, covering operations for as little as 21 days in 1999 to the full years of 2007 and 2011, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Since the standoff between President Bill Clinton and Congress that last shut down most of the government, funding of more functions has shifted to means outside the appropriations process, Kamarck said.

Passport applications are paid for by fees. The FDA is funded through assessments on companies like Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (BMY) and Pfizer Inc. (PFE) The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, which has said it can operate for at least four weeks, has been funded by user fees since 1993. The Federal Highway Administration is funded by taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel, not income taxes, so its 2,914 employees are on the job.
Wildlife Refuges

Other agencies can keep operating with multiyear funding or reserves. Visitor centers and public facilities at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuges are closed, while construction and land acquisition continues because those activities have long-term funding. The Saint Lawrence Seaway agency is using a revolving account containing $12.8 million to stay fully operational.

Closures can seem arbitrary as agencies define what’s necessary for life, health, safety and safeguarding of property.

While many functions at Army bases continue, commissaries in the U.S. are closed, forcing troops and their families to shop at local stores that cost about 30 percent more, Lieutenant General Raymond Mason, the service’s deputy chief of staff for logistics, said yesterday at a House hearing.

“For the soldiers and their families, that’s very difficult,” Mason said.

The Andrews Air Force Base golf course is funded through user fees and that’s why it remains open, said Air Force Captain Lindy Singleton, chief of public affairs for the 11th Wing at Andrews.
JetBlue’s Plane

In Rock Creek Park, the urban forest in Washington where Theodore Roosevelt used to ride his horse, cars made their morning commute along a well-traveled parkway while hikers were prohibited to walk.

Numbers of furloughed employees vary dramatically from agency to agency. The Agriculture Department is furloughing 84 percent of its staff, while the Veterans Affairs Department is keeping 96 percent of its workers on the job.

In the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 38 percent of the 4,113 employees are still on the job, including those that provide water, fight fires or are building roads or bridges. Suspended activities include payments of financial assistance to needy individuals, and to vendors providing foster care.

The shutdown of FAA aircraft-certification activities prevented JetBlue Airways Corp. (JBLU) from taking delivery yesterday of its first Airbus A321 jetliner, the airline said. The plane is stranded at a factory in Germany.

The U.S. Census Bureau has kept nine employees in Indiana on the job for three days to print furlough notices and send them out.

“The reason you’re seeing such irregular things is because everyone knows it’s going to have to end,” Kamarck said. “They also know that when it ends the government is going to pay its bills, one way or the other.”

To contact the reporters on this story: Jeff Plungis in Washington at [email protected]; Mark Drajem in Washington at [email protected]; David Lerman in Washington at [email protected]

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