White House Petition To Strip Citizenship Of Signers To Seccession Petition

There are no "remaining military" weapons systems. It all belongs to the USA.

As the USA troops leave Texas, the Mexican army rolls across the Rio Grande and its AF patrols the skies.
I wonder if Lincoln expected soldiers from the South to move north taking their weapons with them and fight against their home states.

Strarkey, I'd already flagged you as a bit of an airhead in some exchange we had some time ago. Obviously, I had been to lenient.

Some did.
It does not matter who put the petition up. The part that concerns me is that there are that many people who do not understand our government to the degree that they believe the president has any such authority.

Of course if it is the SSDD Obama trample on the constitution, that I understand.
Meathead will denying reality as his life's blood seeps into the soil, his last look at the Mexican solider who bayoneted him for being called a greaser.
We are talking about Mexico, right? Do you realize that Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican national holiday is not a day of independence, rather and the Alamo were the only time Mexico ever won battles any larger than gun fights with banditos (The Battle of Puebla) and that was against the French btw:D. In both cases they were quickly routed in the ensuing conflict.

The Mexicans would be as outclassed as you are in this little squabble.

Because we all know that the Mexican Army today is exactly the same with tactics, weapons, etc. as they were in the 1840s
Meathead will denying reality as his life's blood seeps into the soil, his last look at the Mexican solider who bayoneted him for being called a greaser.
We are talking about Mexico, right? Do you realize that Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican national holiday is not a day of independence, rather and the Alamo were the only time Mexico ever won battles any larger than gun fights with banditos (The Battle of Puebla) and that was against the French btw:D. In both cases they were quickly routed in the ensuing conflict.

The Mexicans would be as outclassed as you are in this little squabble.

Because we all know that the Mexican Army today is exactly the same with tactics, weapons, etc. as they were in the 1840s
Just about. In relative terms the Mexican army is far weaker and smaller today than back in the days when they were fighting and losing wars.

If you want to look at the military assets of a nation divided then look to Ukraine and Russia. No one, not even Russian nationalists, expected that all the military assets based in the Ukraine would be given to Russia. Of course they did not have idiots like Jakub Starkovich. This entire premise is hypothetical exercise, but even given that, some of the comments patently absurd.
Consider that much of the gasoline for the entire country is refined in Texas. With its high percentage of the continent's beef and oil, available sea ports, and arable land, Texas will do just fine. With the freedom from government regulations and burdensome taxes, industry will thrive, factories will spring up, innovation will flourish. With the ability to control who immigrates into the Republic of Texas, convicted felons, Muslims, and welfare recipients will have to find a home in the USA. The population will be made up of hard-working, God-fearing, gun-toting 'right-wing crazies' Amen! While the Republic of Texas will become prosperous, productive, and peaceful, the surrounding states will be looking on, and more than likely deciding to throw their lot with Texas and secede as well. Before long the republic of Texas will have grown to encompass all but the states on the extremes of both coasts. Good luck maintaining a divided country with nothing but lazy bums and Muslims. The Republic of Texas will accept military defectors from the US Armed Forces. Sound journalism will become prevalent within its borders. With a gold standard currency the Republic of Texas will have profitable free trade with other nations. Education will become meaningful and productive again. The Republic of Texas will not join the UN, and Jefferson will be able to stop spinning in his grave.
Jefferson fought the anti-intellectualism, the anti-science, and religious fundamentalism in his party in 1800. Same thing today in the conservative party.

Dear Jake: Again I must ask which of these groups do you pigeonhole me into?
I am really curious now, because I sympathize with Jefferson, and I consider it a compliment when people who are either Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, Christian or nontheist, both appreciate my views that defend and include their views equally.

I work with the Democrats as a member, and a resident in a Black Democrat District; and align so much with Republicans, Libertarians, and other independent "Constitutionalists" as I describe my own views, that more conservatives will tell me I don't belong in the Democrat Party because it is so corrupt and has gone too far with liberal leftwing agenda. I figure I come across as moderate, yet inclusive enough that I can work with both far right wing as well as far left wing, as long as they don't start freaking out and projecting their fear of some opposing group onto me. I hope I have not done that with you here, but it happens.

If you were addessing me as one of the Reactionaries tearing apart the GOP can you please explain what msg you got this from? Or were you not directing that criticism to me and I misread your msg? Sorry for any misunderstanding, but I get "curiouser and curiouser"....

You have "sympathy" for a man that owned 100 slaves? Jefferson was a visionary but at the same time a flawed man. He might get a medal for "most improved"..or "he tried" but he certainly did not give 100% when it came to freedom. He was under no obligation to own human beings. It was within his power to set his slaves legally free.
Which does not change the fact they will crush the Texas civilians without much effort.

We are talking about Mexico, right? Do you realize that Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican national holiday is not a day of independence, rather and the Alamo were the only time Mexico ever won battles any larger than gun fights with banditos (The Battle of Puebla) and that was against the French btw:D. In both cases they were quickly routed in the ensuing conflict.

The Mexicans would be as outclassed as you are in this little squabble.

Because we all know that the Mexican Army today is exactly the same with tactics, weapons, etc. as they were in the 1840s
Just about. In relative terms the Mexican army is far weaker and smaller today than back in the days when they were fighting and losing wars.

If you want to look at the military assets of a nation divided then look to Ukraine and Russia. No one, not even Russian nationalists, expected that all the military assets based in the Ukraine would be given to Russia. Of course they did not have idiots like Jakub Starkovich. This entire premise is hypothetical exercise, but even given that, some of the comments patently absurd.
Sweet....If I sign the secession petition for Wisconsin, can I be exiled to Costa Rica or the Dominican Republic?

It would be amusing for some country or other to step up and say they would welcome American exiles. China has all those Ghost cities to populate maybe they will. Call obama's bluff.

It would serve obama right if the same people who signed petitions for secession signed petitions for exile.

If the idiots that signed those petitions want to leave, nobody is keeping them here. Surely if they are such valuable citizens, some nation will step up and ask them to settle there.

So just put it out there, and see if there are any natons that want these people.:badgrin:
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

White House Threatens Citizenship and Exile Secession Petition*Signers
source: The Weekly Standard

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state’s*secession.

“Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported,” the full petition reads.*

The title of the petition is, “WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them.”

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

The Washington Times reports on the numerous petitions to secede on the White House’s website:

It’s traditional for Americans to threaten to move to*France*or*Canada*when their candidate loses, but this year some disappointed voters are implementing a different plan.

In the wake of the Nov. 6 election, petitions seeking to secede from the union have been filed on behalf of 23 states on the*White House*website, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions. Most of the petitions contain the same wording and ask to withdraw “peacefully” from the United States in order to form independent governments.

How about "exile" for all the illegal aliens already in the country before threatening to do it to US citizens.
The "threatening" being done by American citizens who want to leave America.
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

White House Threatens Citizenship and Exile Secession Petition*Signers
source: The Weekly Standard

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state’s*secession.

“Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported,” the full petition reads.*

The title of the petition is, “WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them.”

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

The Washington Times reports on the numerous petitions to secede on the White House’s website:

It’s traditional for Americans to threaten to move to*France*or*Canada*when their candidate loses, but this year some disappointed voters are implementing a different plan.

In the wake of the Nov. 6 election, petitions seeking to secede from the union have been filed on behalf of 23 states on the*White House*website, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions. Most of the petitions contain the same wording and ask to withdraw “peacefully” from the United States in order to form independent governments.

How about "exile" for all the illegal aliens already in the country before threatening to do it to US citizens.

Here is what we do

Those who signed the petition get exiled.

We replace them with illegal aliens who actually want to belong to this great country
Forget the Mexican army, if TX went independent they'd be facing off with the Mexican Drug Cartels and against those vermin I suspect, the New Republic of Texas might find itself in deep shit.
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

White House Threatens Citizenship and Exile Secession Petition*Signers
source: The Weekly Standard

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state’s*secession.

“Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported,” the full petition reads.*

The title of the petition is, “WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them.”

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

The Washington Times reports on the numerous petitions to secede on the White House’s website:

It’s traditional for Americans to threaten to move to*France*or*Canada*when their candidate loses, but this year some disappointed voters are implementing a different plan.

In the wake of the Nov. 6 election, petitions seeking to secede from the union have been filed on behalf of 23 states on the*White House*website, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions. Most of the petitions contain the same wording and ask to withdraw “peacefully” from the United States in order to form independent governments.

The outpouring of mass hysteria and hallucination represented by these petitioners is just proof positive that we need to rethink our look at mental health. It is easy to joke around about how crazy many Americans are but in all seriousness this seems to be a massive cry for help.
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

How about "exile" for all the illegal aliens already in the country before threatening to do it to US citizens.

Here is what we do

Those who signed the petition get exiled.

We replace them with illegal aliens who actually want to belong to this great country


If illegals want to belong to this country, why are they turning it into their country?
How about "exile" for all the illegal aliens already in the country before threatening to do it to US citizens.

Here is what we do

Those who signed the petition get exiled.

We replace them with illegal aliens who actually want to belong to this great country


If illegals want to belong to this country, why are they turning it into their country?

Illegals are willing to give up everything to belong to this country. They would gladly take the place of anyone who signs a petition to leave it

Forget the Mexican army, if TX went independent they'd be facing off with the Mexican Drug Cartels and against those vermin I suspect, the New Republic of Texas might find itself in deep shit.

Never underestimate TEXAS, they would kick some major ass, trust me, they won't be concerned about some judges liberal bullshit. But then again nothing will happen.
Here is what we do

Those who signed the petition get exiled.

We replace them with illegal aliens who actually want to belong to this great country


If illegals want to belong to this country, why are they turning it into their country?

Illegals are willing to give up everything to belong to this country. They would gladly take the place of anyone who signs a petition to leave it


Yeah, right, that's why they marched down our streets with their flag. That's why when those kids wore shirts with the American flag on them to school on May 5th a couple of years ago, the Mexican students got all upset and marched on city hall carrying the Mexican flag and claiming "we wouldn't were our flag to school on your Independence Day!" Oh, and just for the record, we don't have school on our Independence Day and their Independence Day is in Sept, not May.

That's why they pulled down the American flag at that one post office and put up the Mexican flag, with the American flag upside down underneath it.

Have you read my sig? They don't want to be Americans, they want our country to become theirs.

You might be right though, it might be only the Mexican illegals that want this country to be theirs instead of wanting to belong to our country.

BTW, look up the Plan De San Diego. It's terrifying and they were wearing shirts that said that during one of their May day marches.
Forget the Mexican army, if TX went independent they'd be facing off with the Mexican Drug Cartels and against those vermin I suspect, the New Republic of Texas might find itself in deep shit.

Never underestimate TEXAS, they would kick some major ass, trust me, they won't be concerned about some judges liberal bullshit. But then again nothing will happen.

You're right, nothing will happen. This, like so many other threads on here is "much ado about nothing". Americans have become too apathetic to actually do anything other than whine.

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