White House Press Corp Ridicule Obama In Tweets During Speech And Q & A Session


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Looks like they are fed up with Obama. Their tweets during his speech and Q & A session are a strong indication they are jumping off the Obama bandwagon. They realize that Obama fraudulently misled the American people and that Obamacare is the signature disaster of his presidency. Here is what the White House Press Corp tweeted during the speech and during the ridiculous responses Obama gave in the Q & A.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 58s
RT [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein: Ah, I remember WH people yelling at me for saying the problems were “systemic.”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT [MENTION=26308]ethan[/MENTION]klapper: Longest. Answer. Ever.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 49s
RT @JRubinBlogger: [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty you call the great Oz a liar!

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 15s
RT [MENTION=24414]Andy[/MENTION]levy: this is actually painful to watch

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 32s
RT @POTUSPressPool: Pres Obama: “Clearly we, and I, did not have enough awareness of the problems with the website”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 6s
RT [MENTION=11599]David[/MENTION]MDrucker: .@BarackObama still dancing around political aspect of broken promise.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT [MENTION=37006]Jonah[/MENTION]NRO: So who informed the president incorrectly?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @jpodhoretz: what the hell is he saying?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Ooh, he said he’s “not going to walk away” from ObamaCare, which means they see that as a looming possibility.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 33s
RT [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty: Now Obama’s saying his staff lied to him. Anybody getting fired over that, Mr. President?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 30s
RT @NumbersMuncher: Shorter Obama: I lied 37 times so I could reelected, and that’s on me.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Here we go: “The insurance companies may come back and say we need to charge you more...”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @RichLowry: so the president always knew his promise wasn’t strictly true

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 25s
RT [MENTION=30056]Tom[/MENTION]BevanRCP: D’oh! Obama chucks Congressional Dems under bus, reminds country they made same “you-can-keep-it” promise.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 36s
RT @JGreenDC: Mr. Obama, you’re in a mess, so I’ll change the subject for you!

Sean Geary Higgins [MENTION=36888]Sean[/MENTION]GHiggins 1m
It is the rare press conference where a question about being humiliated by Iran counts as a moment of relief for the president.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 57s
RT @verumserum: You know it’s bad when the Iran question is a life preserver.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 18s
RT [MENTION=24026]ace[/MENTION]ofSpadesHQ: These cancellations are not due to some test of their fairness, but over things like a trivial $5 increase in a co-pay.

jimgeraghty [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty 6m
Obama keeps talking about all these things he’s “discovering” and “just realizing” and “just learning.”

jimgeraghty [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty 7m
Somewhere right now, Mark Sanchez is saying, “man, this guy fumbles a lot.”

Katie Pavlich [MENTION=31027]katie[/MENTION]Pavlich 3m
And here we go with Obama passing the buck to insurance companies “we’re saying Obamacare won’t be the factor for what happens to folks”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 15s
RT [MENTION=22824]Bret[/MENTION]tLoGiurato: Obama, media critic: “The things that go right, you guys aren’t going to write about.”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 26s
RT @lt!TheFix: Aha! It’s the media’s fault

And lastly, liberal golden boy Howard Dean chimes in.

Howard Dean: I Wonder If Obama Has the ‘Legal Authority to Do This’

“I wonder if he has the legal authority to do this, since this was a congressional bill that set this up,” said Dean of Obama’s proposed fix.
Howard Dean: I Wonder If Obama Has the 'Legal Authority to Do This' | The Weekly Standard
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What's to say? The Healthcare system could have been fixed as a house is repaired. The democrats decided to burn the house down and build another using plumbers from Canada.

There are good things about Obamacare that could have easily been passed. Medicaid could have been expanded, if required, to include all of the poor.

But, Obama and the rest of the democrats didn't read the bill they passed they couldn't. Now we are stuck with Obama changing laws on the fly trying to save the 2014 election.

The press isn't jumping ship but this is such a clusterf..k and Obama is so detached from his job it is hard not to mock him. But they ain't going no where.
I'll bet Justice Roberts has already thrown up in his mouth.

He had to pleasure the president and found it a tax. Roberts was right in one respect. If the people don't like it they can vote accordingly.
It is hard to believe that Obama has managed to alienate a Media which has beheld him with such rapturous adulation.

Getting caught red-handed in a big ole whopper of a LIE to all the American people...there never has been such a lie told by a sitting President, told so often, to so many, for so long...and which did such damage.

That might do it.

And then, instead of borrowing the money from the Chinese, like any smart Socialist would do, when he rolls out his big fat Socialist Program, which was secured by fraudulent misrepresentations......he sent the bill to the middle class.

Stick a fork in him.
It is hard to believe that Obama has managed to alienate a Media which has beheld him with such rapturous adulation.

Getting caught red-handed in a big ole whopper of a LIE to all the American people...there never has been such a lie told by a sitting President, told so often, to so many, for so long...and which did such damage.

That might do it.

And then, instead of borrowing the money from the Chinese, like any smart Socialist would do, when he rolls out his big fat Socialist Program, which was secured by fraudulent misrepresentations......he sent the bill to the middle class.

Stick a fork in him.
What the kicker is with the press is that these reporters are finding out on a personal basis is that they are fixing to fork out of their own wallets high premium increases on their insurance policies. In other words, it hits home with them. This is just the beginning of the end of Obama.
It is hard to believe that Obama has managed to alienate a Media which has beheld him with such rapturous adulation.

Getting caught red-handed in a big ole whopper of a LIE to all the American people...there never has been such a lie told by a sitting President, told so often, to so many, for so long...and which did such damage.

That might do it.

And then, instead of borrowing the money from the Chinese, like any smart Socialist would do, when he rolls out his big fat Socialist Program, which was secured by fraudulent misrepresentations......he sent the bill to the middle class.

Stick a fork in him.
What the kicker is with the press is that these reporters are finding out on a personal basis is that they are fixing to fork out of their own wallets high premium increases on their insurance policies. In other words, it hits home with them. This is just the beginning of the end of Obama.
Thank you for the funniest thread I can recall reading.
Anyone care to comment on this Obama crisis?

The rest of the wolves have turned on the pack leader.....

Bu, bu, bu, but The democrats kept telling us that ObamaCare is the LAW. Now Obama wants to change the law with an Executive Order?​

Democrats Defy White House on Obamacare, Vote Against …
How can they change the law? ... “This was the law. How can they change the law?” Come now Senator, ... Then Obama can do whatever he wants with Obamacare.
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You missed this one:

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 69s
RT @SenorBevis:Uh, why does the president have hooves? You can smell the sulfur all the way back here.

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