White house press secretary: 'we’re not just going to sit around n wait' for congress

Give it a rest, congress could have avoided this whole mess by just holding hearings and voting NO, problem with that you have to explain why THIS person is unacceptable and how THIS person is not qualified and "Because of Obama" does not count. Republican character assassination is ineffective and embarrassing in that setting so it's better just to block even having hearings on anyone.

There is no mess. There is only you Khmer Rouge morons throwing a temper tantrum and Obama threatening to commit treason.

Congress is doing exactly what it's supposed to - even obstructionist Harry Reid is doing what his constituents elected him to do.

You're just hoping that somehow this will allow a dictatorship to be established. It won't.

Dictatorships form in power vacuums and lord do you people want to create a bunch of them with your silly anti-government ideas.
Give it a rest, congress could have avoided this whole mess by just holding hearings and voting NO, problem with that you have to explain why THIS person is unacceptable and how THIS person is not qualified and "Because of Obama" does not count. Republican character assassination is ineffective and embarrassing in that setting so it's better just to block even having hearings on anyone.

There is no mess. There is only you Khmer Rouge morons throwing a temper tantrum and Obama threatening to commit treason.

Congress is doing exactly what it's supposed to - even obstructionist Harry Reid is doing what his constituents elected him to do.

You're just hoping that somehow this will allow a dictatorship to be established. It won't.

Dictatorships form in power vacuums and lord do you people want to create a bunch of them with your silly anti-government ideas.

Anti-government ideas create dictatorships??
I didn't get the memo about being "pro-government." Perhaps it's buried deep within the Bill Of Rights somewhere? No?
There is no mess. There is only you Khmer Rouge morons throwing a temper tantrum and Obama threatening to commit treason.

Congress is doing exactly what it's supposed to - even obstructionist Harry Reid is doing what his constituents elected him to do.

You're just hoping that somehow this will allow a dictatorship to be established. It won't.

Dictatorships form in power vacuums and lord do you people want to create a bunch of them with your silly anti-government ideas.

Anti-government ideas create dictatorships??

Yes, Backdoor and sideways attacks on parts of the government where inaction and underfunding is used leaves legal government authority in the hands of fewer people. Who do you think is going to fill the gaps where the government used to be? No one you want there I assure you.
Congress has a duty to legislate. Not sure we have ever had a case where congress simply refuses to perform their sworn duties for years at a time. Where do congressional powers go once they are given up?

No. It does not. Where did you get the idea that the duty of the Congress was to do the bidding of the Executive Branch?
This is precisely why the founders created three separate branches of government with a system of checks and balances.
If you don't like it, tell the POTUS that he is supposed to do what is best for the PEOPLE...Not just his benefactors and friends. And certainly not just the people who agree with or bow down to him.
BTW, there are over 30 bills sitting on Sen Reid's desk that he refuses to allow the Senate to look at.
Quite frankly, the American people are much better off with a Congress that does as little as possible.
Quality over quantity.....100% of the time.
Congress has a duty to legislate. Not sure we have ever had a case where congress simply refuses to perform their sworn duties for years at a time. Where do congressional powers go once they are given up?

Really, you fucking retard? How many laws must they pass each hour, fucktard?

Your silly vulgarity aside, there is a lot more to being a legislator than writing laws, holding confirmation hearings is one of the duties that congress is pretty much out on strike on that is crucial to the operation of the government and caused this mess in the first place.

Ok...Then why don't you explain to us in your own words the duties of Congress and each individual member.
Face it. You're just pissed because Congress will not bow at the Obama throne.
Dictatorships form in power vacuums and lord do you people want to create a bunch of them with your silly anti-government ideas.

Anti-government ideas create dictatorships??

Yes, Backdoor and sideways attacks on parts of the government where inaction and underfunding is used leaves legal government authority in the hands of fewer people. Who do you think is going to fill the gaps where the government used to be? No one you want there I assure you.

WTF is a sideways attack??? I don't even get what hell your googbly goop post means??
White House Press Secretary: 'We?re Not Just Going To Sit Around And Wait' For Congress To Write Laws

This arrogant man was just handed his ass handed to him in a unanimous decision today about his overreach- and here he is today stating he won't wait for Congress and will act alone on Immigration.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained that the Obama administration was getting impatient with Congress.
“[W]e’re not just going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress,” he explained.

You must be in that 8% approval rating for Congress that Rasmussen has polled recently. So you're ready to sit around and wait?
Funny. Those meaningless approval numbers, like anyone gives a shit, include democrats in the House and Senate......BTW, if their numbers are so low, why is it that incumbency has a 90% success rate?
Thought so.
Congress has a duty to legislate. Not sure we have ever had a case where congress simply refuses to perform their sworn duties for years at a time. Where do congressional powers go once they are given up?

Darn that Harry Reid, so why does the far left allow him to stay in power?

That same question is often asked about Boehner. Darn those Rasmussen polls!

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 26% of Likely U.S. Voters have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of Boehner, while 60% view him unfavorably."""

Congressional Favorability Ratings - Rasmussen Reports?

One last time.. Nobody cares about these stupid polls...
you know who answers polls? People too stupid to hang up the phone.
Congress has a duty to legislate.

No, it doesn't.

It has the authority to legislate.

But in many situations, Congress's correct action would be to do nothing.

The idea that Federal legislation is the cure to all ills, is ludicrous.

Some leftists seem unaware of that fact.

Including the one currently in the White House.

So you're willing to give Congress authority with no duty. Hmmmm.....

That would be called an....uh, authoritarian form of governance, also referred to as autocratic.

And you're saying what about Obama? Sounds like you and he are on the same page according to you. Ooops....

Nice try.
Once again. Congress has the authority to legislate. Not the duty to legislate.
It's in the US Constitution. Don't like it? Leave.
I didn't get the memo about being "pro-government." Perhaps it's buried deep within the Bill Of Rights somewhere? No?

It was that PRO FEDERALIST GOV'T THING the US Founders gave US that got rid of that small states rights thing, the Articles of Confederation...
Really, you fucking retard? How many laws must they pass each hour, fucktard?

Your silly vulgarity aside, there is a lot more to being a legislator than writing laws, holding confirmation hearings is one of the duties that congress is pretty much out on strike on that is crucial to the operation of the government and caused this mess in the first place.

Ok...Then why don't you explain to us in your own words the duties of Congress and each individual member.
Face it. You're just pissed because Congress will not bow at the Obama throne.

Did confirming appointees somehow become bowing? Why is holding hearings to confirm of deny presidential appointees such a frightful chore? Vote no and move on, this sitting around like dog turds is not how it's supposed to be.
Anti-government ideas create dictatorships??

Yes, Backdoor and sideways attacks on parts of the government where inaction and underfunding is used leaves legal government authority in the hands of fewer people. Who do you think is going to fill the gaps where the government used to be? No one you want there I assure you.

WTF is a sideways attack??? I don't even get what hell your googbly goop post means??

That sounds like a personal problem, not interested.

What happened, the LAST time that the King thought he could get around Parliament?







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White House Press Secretary: 'We?re Not Just Going To Sit Around And Wait' For Congress To Write Laws

This arrogant man was just handed his ass handed to him in a unanimous decision today about his overreach- and here he is today stating he won't wait for Congress and will act alone on Immigration.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained that the Obama administration was getting impatient with Congress.
“[W]e’re not just going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress,” he explained.

Are they truly ignorant of the laws of the land or are they really just wanting to play chicken with Congress?
White House Press Secretary: 'We?re Not Just Going To Sit Around And Wait' For Congress To Write Laws

This arrogant man was just handed his ass handed to him in a unanimous decision today about his overreach- and here he is today stating he won't wait for Congress and will act alone on Immigration.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained that the Obama administration was getting impatient with Congress.
“[W]e’re not just going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress,” he explained.

Are they truly ignorant of the laws of the land or are they really just wanting to play chicken with Congress?

Yes they want to play chicken with congress, they want to force every confrontation against pointless obstructionism possible and make poor old Boehner and the talking heads get up there and explain this shit.
All melodrama and metaphor, of course, but fine and timely entertainment, and relevant, metaphorically, in connection with the looming battle between Congress and the President, eh?

The way things are beginning to shape-up all of a sudden... who knows?... after January, 2015, when the new Congress is sworn-in... mebbe we don't end-up waiting until January 20, 2017, after all...

Especially if Obumble pisses-off enough Democratic Senators and Congressmen to make Early Presidential Retirement an actual possibility...
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All melodrama and metaphor, of course, but fine and timely entertainment, and relevant, metaphorically, in connection with the looming battle between Congress and the President, eh?

Who knows... after January, 2015, when the new Congress is sworn-in... mebbe we don't end-up waiting until January 20, 2017, after all...

Especially if Obumble pisses-off enough Democratic Senators and Congressmen to make Early Presidential Retirement an actual possibility...

Obama is going to have a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent if congress foolishly decides to turn it's entire attention to bringing him down for sport.
All melodrama and metaphor, of course, but fine and timely entertainment, and relevant, metaphorically, in connection with the looming battle between Congress and the President, eh?

Who knows... after January, 2015, when the new Congress is sworn-in... mebbe we don't end-up waiting until January 20, 2017, after all...

Especially if Obumble pisses-off enough Democratic Senators and Congressmen to make Early Presidential Retirement an actual possibility...

Obama is going to have a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent if congress foolishly decides to turn it's entire attention to bringing him down for sport.
Hmmmmm... I wonder...

Especially now that SCOTUS is handing Obumble defeat after unanimous defeat... Obumble is not un-touchable, in a Constitutional and Impeachment context... given how quickly so many Dems are moving to distance themselves from ObamaCare, and Fearless Leader's autocratic style...

I wonder...

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