White house press secretary: 'we’re not just going to sit around n wait' for congress

All melodrama and metaphor, of course, but fine and timely entertainment, and relevant, metaphorically, in connection with the looming battle between Congress and the President, eh?

Who knows... after January, 2015, when the new Congress is sworn-in... mebbe we don't end-up waiting until January 20, 2017, after all...

Especially if Obumble pisses-off enough Democratic Senators and Congressmen to make Early Presidential Retirement an actual possibility...

Obama is going to have a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent if congress foolishly decides to turn it's entire attention to bringing him down for sport.
Hmmmmm... I wonder... especially now that SCOTUS is handing Obumble defeat after unanimous defeat... Obumble is not un-touchable, in a Constitutional and Impeachment context... given how quickly so many Dems are moving to distance themselves from ObamaCare, and Fearless Leader's autocratic style... I wonder...

The political theater loving sadist in me hopes that the republicans do something that stupid and ultimately futile.
What is amazing is that I'm not amazed anymore by leftist comments when Obama acts more like a Dictator than a POTUS. He is basically saying I'll do anything I want and to hell with the Congress and the Constitution of the United States.

We kicked England out for a reason. This is not a Feudal country YET.
What is amazing is that I'm not amazed anymore by leftist comments when Obama acts more like a Dictator than a POTUS. He is basically saying I'll do anything I want and to hell with the Congress and the Constitution of the United States.

We kicked England out for a reason. This is not a Feudal country YET.

He's telling congress to get to fucking work. When congress operates as it's designed to the constitutional crisis will be instantly over. Obama is filling the power vacuum made by congress refusing to act on it's routine duties by using extraordinary means, it's worrying that they even risk making the president use his power to deal with pressing problems where congress has decided not to act. Setting new precedent in executive power has been always been a dangerous thing.
White House Press Secretary: 'We?re Not Just Going To Sit Around And Wait' For Congress To Write Laws

This arrogant man was just handed his ass handed to him in a unanimous decision today about his overreach- and here he is today stating he won't wait for Congress and will act alone on Immigration.

During an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained that the Obama administration was getting impatient with Congress.
“[W]e’re not just going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress,” he explained.

Are they truly ignorant of the laws of the land or are they really just wanting to play chicken with Congress?

Yes they want to play chicken with congress, they want to force every confrontation against pointless obstructionism possible and make poor old Boehner and the talking heads get up there and explain this shit.

Boehner is launching a lawsuit against the White House. He is deadly serious. From what I have been reading he has the power to convene whats called and I hope I get this right something called a Bipartisan Legal Group and they in turn have the power to go for the lawsuit and represent the House.

Let me get the link so I get this right.
Here it is. Boehner has the power to do so. The President obviously wants to play chicken even after getting the smackdown of the SCOTUS.

Whether Obama likes it or not he is only one branch of government.

Boehner can use his authority as speaker to convene the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, a five-member legal panel appointed by GOP and Democratic House leaders, but weighted towards the majority. BLAG has authority to direct the U.S. House Office of General Counsel, to participate in litigation and represent the U.S. House itself.

The House is expected to vote to move forward with a lawsuit next month.

The impending lawsuit has the potential to test the constitutional balance between the legislative and executive branches. Republicans have long maintained that the White House has overstepped its legal authority by subverting laws approved by Congress on a number of matters.

It is unclear which executive actions Boehner would challenge, but in recent years Republicans have protested executive actions halting the deportations of immigrants illegally residing in the United States, delaying enactment of certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act and raising the minimum wage for federal contractors, as well as executive actions to expand gay rights and close the gender pay gap.

Boehner to sue Obama in executive authority dispute
Are they truly ignorant of the laws of the land or are they really just wanting to play chicken with Congress?

Yes they want to play chicken with congress, they want to force every confrontation against pointless obstructionism possible and make poor old Boehner and the talking heads get up there and explain this shit.

Boehner is launching a lawsuit against the White House. He is deadly serious. From what I have been reading he has the power to convene whats called and I hope I get this right something called a Bipartisan Legal Group and they in turn have the power to go for the lawsuit and represent the House.

Let me get the link so I get this right.

More like a LOLawsuit.:lol::lol:
Calling Out Harry Reid
Actually as of last July, 1560 nominations confirmed.And this-
It's really easy for Harry Reid to make the Republicans look bad. They produce bills that Harry Reid tables and they never get to the floor for debate or vote. Are you aware that Harry Reid has tabled 2, 748 bills set forth by Republicans? The Democrats can sit there and say that all the Republicans do is complain and do nothing. It's hard to show what accomplishment when you are bills presented die upon arrival. It's even harder to try and fight the American people when the Bill comes to the floor and gets immediate cloture. That in essence kills everything, there is no discussion, no opportunities to amended to be better, just pass it and if you don't we blame you.
Now, what were you saying? And that link is really worth a full read.
Congress has a duty to legislate. Not sure we have ever had a case where congress simply refuses to perform their sworn duties for years at a time. Where do congressional powers go once they are given up?

Really, you fucking retard? How many laws must they pass each hour, fucktard?

Your silly vulgarity aside, there is a lot more to being a legislator than writing laws, holding confirmation hearings is one of the duties that congress is pretty much out on strike on that is crucial to the operation of the government and caused this mess in the first place.
Yes they want to play chicken with congress, they want to force every confrontation against pointless obstructionism possible and make poor old Boehner and the talking heads get up there and explain this shit.

Boehner is launching a lawsuit against the White House. He is deadly serious. From what I have been reading he has the power to convene whats called and I hope I get this right something called a Bipartisan Legal Group and they in turn have the power to go for the lawsuit and represent the House.

Let me get the link so I get this right.

More like a LOLawsuit.:lol::lol:

So you actually think that Congress launching a lawsuit against the Presidency is funny?

Well you know to quote all the Obamabots "it will be historic".
Dictatorships form in power vacuums

Rarely. Usually they form when evil men use violent means to subvert peaceful people. Leftists like you understand only violence and force, but the real power is the power of growth and development, which you leftists will never have. You seek to rule at the point of a gun, which is the ONLY way the left can rule. You can force men to labor, lest you torture or kill them, but you can never force men to create.

This is why you always fail, and always will fail.

and lord do you people want to create a bunch of them with your silly anti-government ideas.

You leftists are ushering in a new dark age, but it will fall, because you can only destroy, you can never create, anything. You will spread misery and death, creating despair wherever you go, as you always do. There will be the killing fields and gulags that define you, but you will fail, as you always fail.

Men work to better themselves and their families, or to avoid the whip. You leftists offer only the whip, so you will get what you always get, the least men can offer.

Obama will never be the dictator you yearn for, nor will Hillary. Our society is collapsing, no question, so you will usher in the dark ages you desire, but it is further in the future and will be as short lived as they are violent and evil.
Yes they want to play chicken with congress, they want to force every confrontation against pointless obstructionism possible and make poor old Boehner and the talking heads get up there and explain this shit.

Boehner is launching a lawsuit against the White House. He is deadly serious. From what I have been reading he has the power to convene whats called and I hope I get this right something called a Bipartisan Legal Group and they in turn have the power to go for the lawsuit and represent the House.

Let me get the link so I get this right.

More like a LOLawsuit.:lol::lol:

Yea, we laughed too yesterday watching the HIGHEST COURT in the land rebuke your boy king..

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court dealt a blow to the powers of the presidency Thursday, ruling decisively that President Obama violated the Constitution by going around the Senate to name key labor relations watchdogs.

High court rules against Obama on recess appointments
Congress has a duty to legislate. Not sure we have ever had a case where congress simply refuses to perform their sworn duties for years at a time. Where do congressional powers go once they are given up?

Congress is not a tentacle of the presidency. They are a separate branch of government and have no obligation to take up anything they choose not to, no matter what a tyrannical president wants.

Civics 101. Scarcely taught in government propaganda ministries anymore.
Boehner is willing to waste taxpayer money on suing the president because president is intent on getting shit done and congress is wanting to stone wall EVERYTHING he tries to do. Guess republicans don't realize the paid maternity leave for mothers doesn't just affect democrat mothers but republican ones as well.

You are the poster child for government education.

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