White House staffer says McCain is "dying anyway"....doesn't matter

'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
Making jokes about John McCain dying is not cool, be respectful and wait until he is dead to make jokes about the old fool
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...

Never thought I'd see the day you were defending / protecting poor John McCain. I guess you'll argue anything if it casts a negative finger at Trump.
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.

GOOD! Keep calling half the people in this country deplorable. It just makes more want to join sympathetic to the cause!

Evidently....Murdoch's liberal son's are taking a bigger part at FIX news. They have even called the orange clown out lately for lying.....pretty astounding.
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...

Never thought I'd see the day you were defending / protecting poor John McCain. I guess you'll argue anything if it casts a negative finger at Trump.

Don't any of you people have an ounce of class and respectability in your bodies....and then you whine when someone on this board called Barron autistic....

You are sounding more and more like Nazi Germany everyday. You think you are the perfect white race.
Don't any of you people have an ounce of class and respectability in your bodies....and then you whine when someone on this board called Barron autistic....You are sounding more and more like Nazi Germany everyday. You think you are the perfect white race.

And this has to do with McCain . . . . how?
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
In poor taste, no doubt. Still, it's a tempest in a teapot.
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.
Biden said it exactlly:
"People have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with this administration. It happened yesterday," Biden said in a statement. "Given this White House's trail of disrespect toward John and others, this staffer is not the exception to the rule; she is the epitome of it."
You trumpeted are classless....if Donnie comes down with some fatal disease....you gonna tell him that its time to move on....let Pastor Pence take over.....

I know....you can tell him that the orange finally permeated his brain. Yeah...that's a funny one....huh?

You have NO DIGNITY!
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.
Biden said it exactlly:
"People have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with this administration. It happened yesterday," Biden said in a statement. "Given this White House's trail of disrespect toward John and others, this staffer is not the exception to the rule; she is the epitome of it."

Well Said! :clap2:
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.
Biden said it exactlly:
"People have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with this administration. It happened yesterday," Biden said in a statement. "Given this White House's trail of disrespect toward John and others, this staffer is not the exception to the rule; she is the epitome of it."
We deplorables think disrespecting idiots is cool. McCain wasn't an idiot, but he hung around to long.
'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.

GOOD! Keep calling half the people in this country deplorable. It just makes more want to join sympathetic to the cause!
Keep mocking and dismissing people who may be dying of brain cancer: it just makes the entire rest of the world want to dump Trump as soon as possible. You think decent people are sympathic to an adiministration that says such things about someone battling brain cancer? Think again.
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'He's dying anyway': White House official mocked Sen. John McCain, reports say

And I expect the orange clown is now proud of this. You slow witted RWers should be ashamed of yourselves. But you aren't. One week...Melania is talking about how terrible bullying is and the next the regime releases a statement like this.

This...so called....president names trump is slime...scum on the bottom of my shoe...
This woman is a perfect example of why Trumpettes are indeed deplorable.

GOOD! Keep calling half the people in this country deplorable. It just makes more want to join sympathetic to the cause!
You much over estimate the number of people who are blindly devoted to T-rump. Much over estimate it.

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