White House to Jim Jordan, James Comer: Sorry, but you have to restart your oversight requests

I can't see the Democrats winning the 2024 presidential election any which way. I'm basing that on the fact that a Democrat victory would have them in charge for 4 out of 5 consecutive terms. The American people are rather politically moderate and I can't see that feat being accomplished by either party these days. Bottom line is I believe the hearings will be inconsequential.

As for the attention-grabbing Jim Jordan, the voters in his gerrymandered district are short-changing themselves. Based on his lack of sponsored bills over the last 16 years he is pretty much of a do-nothing congressman.

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All piddling vendettas should be deferred in deference to the monumental import of "The Legend of Whispering Ray, the Man who Controls Weak Minds!"

It isn't about Whispering Ray controlling minds. No more than it is about Dastardly Donald encoding a message of violence in his call for a peaceful walk to the Capitol.

It's about our "own" FBI sending informants to incite peaceful protesters into violence.

Until the FBI answers fully as to what assets they had at the protest and what their order were, Democrats have zero credibility in their incessant whining about Jan 6.
Just an FYI...

They are not Hunter Biden hearings we are expecting.

They are hearings regarding the possibility of influence peddling as possibly exposed by the Hunter Biden laptop.

Are you not at all interested to determine whether or not a sitting president was involved in influence peddling?

If not, then why were you so concerned about a sitting president colluding with Russia?

Oh. Wait. I get it. Biden good, Orange man bad.
You entire post is projecting, but thats ok. I want to see Gym Jordan and Jewish Spazz Lazers Greene foaming at the mouth about laptops, and mysterious payments that have no record of occurring, and their outrage over Twitter censoring Hunter Biden's dick pics. Its going to be epic.
I can't see the Democrats winning the 2024 presidential election any which way. I'm basing that on the fact that a Democrat victory would have them in charge for 4 out of 5 consecutive terms. The American people are rather politically moderate and I can't see that feat being accomplished by either party these days.

As for the attention-grabbing Jim Jordan, the voters in his gerrymandered district are short-changing themselves. Based on his lack of sponsored bills over the last 16 years he is pretty much of a do-nothing congressman.

He gets on TV a lot.
Prove it.

Tens of Thousands Protest Trump Election Victory, 124 Arrested​

Anti-Trump protesters march for 3rd night; Portland police call it a ‘riot’​

2016 Oakland riots​

Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration​

Trump presidency: Protests turn violent in Portland, Oregon​

Anti-Trump Protest In Portland, Ore., Turns Destructive, Declared A Riot​

Fires erupt, vandalism reported at anti-Trump protest in Oakland​

Professional protesters' riot over Trump's election, attacking bystanders and vandalizing cars, property​

More Than 200 Arrested in D.C. Protests on Inauguration Day​

217 people were arrested and six police officers suffered minor injuries after some protesters set fires and smashed windows in the nation's capital.

Tens of Thousands Protest Trump Election Victory, 124 Arrested​

Anti-Trump protesters march for 3rd night; Portland police call it a ‘riot’​

2016 Oakland riots​

Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration​

Trump presidency: Protests turn violent in Portland, Oregon​

Anti-Trump Protest In Portland, Ore., Turns Destructive, Declared A Riot​

Fires erupt, vandalism reported at anti-Trump protest in Oakland​

Professional protesters' riot over Trump's election, attacking bystanders and vandalizing cars, property​

More Than 200 Arrested in D.C. Protests on Inauguration Day​

217 people were arrested and six police officers suffered minor injuries after some protesters set fires and smashed windows in the nation's capital.
No mention of Clinton’s involvement.

Another fail.
it’s pretty clear the white house has a lot to hide, they will stone walk any and all oversight….this is obama 2.0…right out of the dictatorship playbook

demafasict have no respect for the rule of law p

It's pretty clear that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. You must be mistaking Joe Biden for Donald Trump.

The Obama Administration didn't stonewall or slow walk anything. 7 Benghazi Investigations. , 0versight of the Obama administration continued until 2018, and not a single charge was recommended on ANYONE for ANYTHING.
It's pretty clear that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. You must be mistaking Joe Biden for Donald Trump.

The Obama Administration didn't stonewall or slow walk anything. 7 Benghazi Investigations. , 0versight of the Obama administration continued until 2018, and not a single charge was recommended on ANYONE for ANYTHING.
haha of course they did...hence why Holder was the first AG ever found in contempt of Congress.

Benghazi? really? the entire hearings was because they attempted to cover up what happened, then didn't turn things over, hence why they found out about the illegal server Clinton had
All piddling vendettas should be deferred in deference to the monumental import of "The Legend of Whispering Ray, the Man who Controls Weak Minds!"

Funny how Snopes rationalizes Epps not being arrested because he never went into the Capitol when half the people detained inside the DC gulag these past two years without bail nor due process also did not go into the Capitol. In fact, most of them were not even doing 1/10th what Ray Epps is already known to be and have done.

Tens of Thousands Protest Trump Election Victory, 124 Arrested​

Anti-Trump protesters march for 3rd night; Portland police call it a ‘riot’​

2016 Oakland riots​

Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration​

Trump presidency: Protests turn violent in Portland, Oregon​

Anti-Trump Protest In Portland, Ore., Turns Destructive, Declared A Riot​

Fires erupt, vandalism reported at anti-Trump protest in Oakland​

Professional protesters' riot over Trump's election, attacking bystanders and vandalizing cars, property​

More Than 200 Arrested in D.C. Protests on Inauguration Day​

217 people were arrested and six police officers suffered minor injuries after some protesters set fires and smashed windows in the nation's capital.

Reading all of these reports, they all sound the same. Initially, these protests were peaceful. It was only after "professional protestors", or "anarchists" got involved, and then property was damaged and injuries/deaths resulted.

The violence and property damage wasn't coming from the left. Just like the BLM protests in 2020. The violence is coming from the right wing counter protestors, and being blamed on the leftists.

Isn't it terrible when your links don't prove what you think they prove. That's what happens when you don't bother reading the links you posted to.

Oh yeah, and it was 200 people "rioting in DC" on Inauguration Day.
Reading all of these reports, they all sound the same. Initially, these protests were peaceful. It was only after "professional protestors", or "anarchists" got involved, and then property was damaged and injuries/deaths resulted.

The violence and property damage wasn't coming from the left. Just like the BLM protests in 2020. The violence is coming from the right wing counter protestors, and being blamed on the leftists.

Isn't it terrible when your links don't prove what you think they prove. That's what happens when you don't bother reading the links you posted to.

Oh yeah, and it was 200 people "rioting in DC" on Inauguration Day.
yes, they all sound the same...demfascist being demafacsit brownshirts, rioting because they lost the election and trying to overthrow the transition of power.

"They're not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they're not gonna stop, They're not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they're not gonna stop after Election Day!" - VP Harris - encourgaing rioters ..... she also helped post the bonds of rioters.

"If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them!" - Mad Max Waters

"I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be," Pelosi said

“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh - you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you!" - Chucky S
I'm sorry, remind me again WHO was President in the Spring of 2020?

And...Bill Clinton's impeachment WAS about getting a hummer in the Oval Office. Starr got lucky (and jealous) when he stumbled upon Clinton lying to the FBI about it.
Seems rather quaint 20+ years later after we go through collusion, extortion, and fomenting insurrection doesn't it? :)
Many years ago, I read that there were Republicans incensed over Watergate. That perhaps it was more than it was, and Nixon did not handle it smartly. So, they simmered until they had a chance. Dems in the late 1960's thought they had it sewn up. 1968 was bloody. Nixon not ending the war quicker was not a good thing.
Funny how Snopes rationalizes Epps not being arrested because he never went into the Capitol when half the people detained inside the DC gulag these past two years without bail nor due process also did not go into the Capitol. In fact, most of them were not even doing 1/10th what Ray Epps is already known to be and have done.
Who are you referring to specifically? Got any names of someone detained for two years without bail who didn’t go into the Capitol or do 1/10th of what Epps did?
haha of course they did...hence why Holder was the first AG ever found in contempt of Congress.

Benghazi? really? the entire hearings was because they attempted to cover up what happened, then didn't turn things over, hence why they found out about the illegal server Clinton had

Do you know the answer to that question or is that rhetorical? The answer is that after receiving 10,000 pages of evidence from Holder's DOJ in the Fast and Furious case, Congress wanted more - something that proved the lies there spinning so they complained that Holder was disregarding their document requests.

Given the Republican majority in House, it's hardly surprising that the Resolution passed. What is notable is that the Court dismissed the charge:

Please note again, that neither Holder, nor the DOJ were found to have done anything improper or illegal in Fast and Furious. Not one charge, despite all of the screaming and wailing over it all by FOX News. Just like Benghazi.

Love your rewriting of Benghazi. Benghazi was all about blaming Clinton and 0bama for the deaths of 4 Americans at the hands of terrorists, and for lying to the American people saying it was over a video. There was no lying or stonewalling, and none of the investigations proved any of the F0X News claims were true at all.

Clinton's server was N0T illegal, and the American people knew about it in 2014, when the Republican Congress passed the law making doing government business on a private server illegal - BECAUSE of Clinton's use of a private server.

Do you know the answer to that question or is that rhetorical? The answer is that after receiving 10,000 pages of evidence from Holder's DOJ in the Fast and Furious case, Congress wanted more - something that proved the lies there spinning so they complained that Holder was disregarding their document requests.

Given the Republican majority in House, it's hardly surprising that the Resolution passed. What is notable is that the Court dismissed the charge:

Please note again, that neither Holder, nor the DOJ were found to have done anything improper or illegal in Fast and Furious. Not one charge, despite all of the screaming and wailing over it all by FOX News. Just like Benghazi.

Love your rewriting of Benghazi. Benghazi was all about blaming Clinton and 0bama for the deaths of 4 Americans at the hands of terrorists, and for lying to the American people saying it was over a video. There was no lying or stonewalling, and none of the investigations proved any of the F0X News claims were true at all.

Clinton's server was N0T illegal, and the American people knew about it in 2014, when the Republican Congress passed the law making doing government business on a private server illegal - BECAUSE of Clinton's use of a private server.

The Court didn't hold him in contempt....Congress did...they are two different things dumbass

Yes, that is a great example of the Obama admin stonewalling Congress...like I said.

I'm not rewriting anything...of course it was the Admins fault they died....and it's even sadder they attempted to cover it up.....it wasn't about trying to find that out...we knew that, it was about learning how to try and prevent it in the future.

Of course her server was illegal....geez man....the IG report for goodness sake: Clinton email server broke government rules, watchdog finds

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton broke government rules by using a private email server without approval for her work as U.S. secretary of state, an internal government watchdog said on Wednesday.

Congressional Republicans have worked for two years to block investigations of their own members' acts of support for the Jan. 6 attempted coup, but now that they'll have a slim House majority come January they're vowing to investigate the Biden administration, the Biden family, those nasty scientists who kept telling Americans to wear masks even though Republican Biffs find masks super uncomfortable, whatever anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia conspiracy theories Rudy Giuliani still has scribbled on gum wrappers, and take your pick.

But they'll have to wait until they actually have investigative powers in practice instead of just in theory. The subpoena-dodging Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. James Comer were eager to get the ball rolling with angry record requests to the Biden administration demanding documents they'll want if they succeed in getting the chair positions on the House Judiciary and Oversight committees respectively. Now the Biden White House has responded to those requests by telling both seditionists to (temporarily!) pound sand.

"Congress has not delegated such [oversight] authority to individual members of Congress who are not committee chairmen, and the House has not done so under its current Rules," a White House oversight lawyer wrote to Jordan and Comer in letters obtained by Politico.

Jordan and Comer may be planning to become committee chairmen in the near future, but the House doesn't delegate oversight powers to "aspirational" committee chairs. This isn't a school yearbook, what you plan to be when you grow up doesn't have legally binding powers.

Anywho, all of this is just an idle moment of screw you from the Biden White House during this liminal tween-holiday week, Politico reports neither letter rules out cooperating with those records requests once, you know, the subpoena-ignoring coat-losing seditionist and his peer actually have the authority they currently don't.

We’ll let you know Jim when we’ve given your requests consideration.

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