White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023
White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems

According to Pew's research white liberals/Democrats are much more likely than their conservative/Republican peers to have been diagnosed with mental health problems.

COMMENT: Well is it any wonder? They dont know what sex they are, what their pronouns are, they literally have no clue who and what they are.

White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems

According to Pew's research white liberals/Democrats are much more likely than their conservative/Republican peers to have been diagnosed with mental health problems.

COMMENT: Well is it any wonder? They dont know what sex they are, what their pronouns are, they literally have no clue who and what they are.

OTOH, they're not in a cult and don't believe lies like the election was stolen because precious snowflake feelingz.
Geez, just what the twaf needs.

Another MAGA loon spamming the board with his alternative reality precious snowflake feelingz

Votar Roja
Geez, just what the twaf needs.

Another MAGA loon spamming the board with his alternative reality precious snowflake feelingz

And this Liberal proves the thread premise correct. Look at him crying and moaning, unable to actually address the scientific study, just another unhinged Leftist
White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems

According to Pew's research white liberals/Democrats are much more likely than their conservative/Republican peers to have been diagnosed with mental health problems.

COMMENT: Well is it any wonder? They dont know what sex they are, what their pronouns are, they literally have no clue who and what they are.

Mental problems? They're nutty as a road lizard.
White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems

White liberals are more likely to seek treatment for their mental problems.

Nobody can look at the tRump cultists and conclude they don't have some major mental illnesses. Probably multiple issues each.
And this Liberal proves the thread premise correct. Look at him crying and moaning, unable to actually address the scientific study, just another unhinged Leftist

I'm not a leftist, you moron.

Of course, since you dropped out of grade eight, you think anyone who criticizes your Orange God is a leftist.

Keep clinging, loser

Most recently, the CDC reported that teenage girls are experiencing record levels of sadness. Left-leaning young women appear to be faring worst of all. What’s going on?

Isn't that the same CDC that Liberals look to as their God when it comes to mask rules and lockdowns?

Who should I believe? The CDC, or unhinged fascist freak Toro and his anus licking sidekick Crepitus?
The Despair of Young Liberal Women

Something is happening to young people. A growing number of research studies suggest that young adults today face unprecedented degrees of mental distress. Most recently, the CDC reported that teenage girls are experiencing record levels of sadness. Left-leaning young women appear to be faring worst of all. What’s going on?

There has been a lot of good writing on this topic—including from David French on the role of parents, Matthew Yglesias on liberal catastrophizing, and Jonathan Haidt on social media. I’m not going to rehash those arguments. Rather, I’m going to consider two possible explanations that have gone underappreciated and unrecognized: the #MeToo movement and a rapid change in social identity.

Personal Unhappiness

Liberals consistently report lower levels of personal satisfaction than conservatives. This has been clear for quite some time, I might add. I wrote about this recently in this newsletter, but lots of other folks have explored this idea, including Thomas Edsall and my colleague Brad Wilcox, both in the New York Times. The deficit in life satisfaction among liberals has a lot to do with lifestyle decisions, as I wrote:

  • Compared to conservatives, liberals are less inclined to prioritize activities that are strongly associated with personal fulfillment.… Over the past 20 years, liberals have become less closely connected to religious organizations and churches. Only 35 percent of liberals report being a member of a church or place of worship. Marriage rates among liberals have also declined precipitously. Only 37 percent of liberals are currently married, compared to 56 percent of conservatives.

Liberals keep telling young people they’re doomed — no wonder they’re so depressed​

The Biden era is turning America’s youngest voters, the “zoomers,” into doomers.

They’re depressed and fearful — and their confidence in the nation’s institutions, from the police to the Supreme Court, is weakening. So is their support for Joe Biden.

Only 36% of Americans aged 18 to 29 approve of Biden’s job performance, according to a new poll by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics.

Biden has only himself and his fellow progressives to blame.

They’ve created a mentality of despair among young Americans, who look on as crime soars but hear nothing but a drumbeat from liberal media outlets about how bad the cops are.

As a result, 48% of the zoomers polled by IOP say they have felt unsafe in the past month — in shopping malls (16%), on public transportation (15%), in their neighborhoods (13%) and on their college campuses (21%).

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