White males are the biggest whiners in the world!

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White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.


Level playing field? Do you consider Affirmative Action as a level playing field? If you do then you must also support race being a characteristic to deny someone since you believe it's OK to use race to benefit someone.
Affirmative action was a very imperfect attempt to level the playing field.
You do not dispute anti-black hiring practices and a disproportinate amount of blacks getting into college.
Entitlement is when the playing field is level and you think you are getting screwed. That is too many white men.

I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.
It gives whites an opportunity to feel what racism is like. It allows them to understand the pain and frustration. It hopefully will better allow them to identify it in themselves and others. Hopefully it will make them want to not only stamp it out against themselves but against others.

Let me get this straight. To you, racism is bad unless it's toward white people?

No one has every called him on his racist bullshit before.

He is trying to justify to himself his racism without having to adjust his world view or his positions.
Listen to the vague namby pamby bullshit white boys have to complain about and its all in their heads. They scream and cry about shit like a TV show "Roots" or an Awards Show "B.E.T" and roll on the floor in agony.

Then when you mention blacks were redlined into ghettos, not offered home loans at reasonable rates and other PROVEN shit...they think about it and determines that none of that affects me so it must be nothing. So they say "get over it" while they curl into a ball in front of their TV balling their eyes out about their "Discrimination" :badgrin:

I've linked to Supreme Court cases of blatant anti-white discrimination.

I've linked to studies showing a 230 point stat bonus for black skin.

Our grievances are Just and you are the racist who supports discrimination.

How does it feel to be a racist?

Booo the fuck hoooo.

You had centuries of Affirmative Action for whites and when blacks complained we were told to shut up. Now we get a crumb off the table and you're crying that your stomach hurts because a black person earned a crumb off your table. Look at me crying for you!!

It should go back the way it was where you had everything because that would be fair

Show me the official government program where I, a white person, benefited because of my skin color.

Doesn't it bother you to know that the only way you got where you are, which isn't much, is skin color and not what you had to offer?
Listen to the vague namby pamby bullshit white boys have to complain about and its all in their heads. They scream and cry about shit like a TV show "Roots" or an Awards Show "B.E.T" and roll on the floor in agony.

Then when you mention blacks were redlined into ghettos, not offered home loans at reasonable rates and other PROVEN shit...they think about it and determines that none of that affects me so it must be nothing. So they say "get over it" while they curl into a ball in front of their TV balling their eyes out about their "Discrimination" :badgrin:

I've linked to Supreme Court cases of blatant anti-white discrimination.

I've linked to studies showing a 230 point stat bonus for black skin.

Our grievances are Just and you are the racist who supports discrimination.

How does it feel to be a racist?

Booo the fuck hoooo.

You had centuries of Affirmative Action for whites and when blacks complained we were told to shut up. Now we get a crumb off the table and you're crying that your stomach hurts because a black person earned a crumb off your table. Look at me crying for you!!

It should go back the way it was where you had everything because that would be fair

Show me the official government program where I, a white person, benefited because of my skin color.

Doesn't it bother you to know that the only way you got where you are, which isn't much, is skin color and not what you had to offer?

The GI bill, and no I wont explain it to you. Look it up if you dont know and get back to me.

Now if want to play another game where you ask me what YOU HAVE DONE specifically or YOU HAVE benefitted personally you can also go fuck yourself because I dont know you personally
Listen to the vague namby pamby bullshit white boys have to complain about and its all in their heads. They scream and cry about shit like a TV show "Roots" or an Awards Show "B.E.T" and roll on the floor in agony.

Then when you mention blacks were redlined into ghettos, not offered home loans at reasonable rates and other PROVEN shit...they think about it and determines that none of that affects me so it must be nothing. So they say "get over it" while they curl into a ball in front of their TV balling their eyes out about their "Discrimination" :badgrin:

I've linked to Supreme Court cases of blatant anti-white discrimination.

I've linked to studies showing a 230 point stat bonus for black skin.

Our grievances are Just and you are the racist who supports discrimination.

How does it feel to be a racist?

Booo the fuck hoooo.

You had centuries of Affirmative Action for whites and when blacks complained we were told to shut up. Now we get a crumb off the table and you're crying that your stomach hurts because a black person earned a crumb off your table. Look at me crying for you!!

It should go back the way it was where you had everything because that would be fair

Show me the official government program where I, a white person, benefited because of my skin color.

Doesn't it bother you to know that the only way you got where you are, which isn't much, is skin color and not what you had to offer?

The GI bill, and no I wont explain it to you. Look it up if you dont know and get back to me.

Now if want to play another game where you ask me what YOU HAVE DONE specifically or YOU HAVE benefitted personally you can also go fuck yourself because I dont know you personally

If you can't tell me personally, STFU n*gger.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.


Level playing field? Do you consider Affirmative Action as a level playing field? If you do then you must also support race being a characteristic to deny someone since you believe it's OK to use race to benefit someone.
Affirmative action was a very imperfect attempt to level the playing field.
You do not dispute anti-black hiring practices and a disproportinate amount of blacks getting into college.
Entitlement is when the playing field is level and you think you are getting screwed. That is too many white men.

I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.
It gives whites an opportunity to feel what racism is like. It allows them to understand the pain and frustration. It hopefully will better allow them to identify it in themselves and others. Hopefully it will make them want to not only stamp it out against themselves but against others.

Let me get this straight. To you, racism is bad unless it's toward white people?
It is very tough to understand racism unless you expewrience it. For white males to experience A LITTLE may make them understand racism and not only fight to stop racism against themselves but against everyone
Listen to the vague namby pamby bullshit white boys have to complain about and its all in their heads. They scream and cry about shit like a TV show "Roots" or an Awards Show "B.E.T" and roll on the floor in agony.

Then when you mention blacks were redlined into ghettos, not offered home loans at reasonable rates and other PROVEN shit...they think about it and determines that none of that affects me so it must be nothing. So they say "get over it" while they curl into a ball in front of their TV balling their eyes out about their "Discrimination" :badgrin:

I've linked to Supreme Court cases of blatant anti-white discrimination.

I've linked to studies showing a 230 point stat bonus for black skin.

Our grievances are Just and you are the racist who supports discrimination.

How does it feel to be a racist?

Booo the fuck hoooo.

You had centuries of Affirmative Action for whites and when blacks complained we were told to shut up. Now we get a crumb off the table and you're crying that your stomach hurts because a black person earned a crumb off your table. Look at me crying for you!!

It should go back the way it was where you had everything because that would be fair

Show me the official government program where I, a white person, benefited because of my skin color.

Doesn't it bother you to know that the only way you got where you are, which isn't much, is skin color and not what you had to offer?

The GI bill, and no I wont explain it to you. Look it up if you dont know and get back to me.

Now if want to play another game where you ask me what YOU HAVE DONE specifically or YOU HAVE benefitted personally you can also go fuck yourself because I dont know you personally

If you can't tell me personally, STFU n*gger.
This is a horrific example of racism.
People like this are very sad. They are miserable and try to make other people miserable
Level playing field? Do you consider Affirmative Action as a level playing field? If you do then you must also support race being a characteristic to deny someone since you believe it's OK to use race to benefit someone.
Affirmative action was a very imperfect attempt to level the playing field.
You do not dispute anti-black hiring practices and a disproportinate amount of blacks getting into college.
Entitlement is when the playing field is level and you think you are getting screwed. That is too many white men.

I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.
It gives whites an opportunity to feel what racism is like. It allows them to understand the pain and frustration. It hopefully will better allow them to identify it in themselves and others. Hopefully it will make them want to not only stamp it out against themselves but against others.

Let me get this straight. To you, racism is bad unless it's toward white people?
It is very tough to understand racism unless you expewrience it. For white males to experience A LITTLE may make them understand racism and not only fight to stop racism against themselves but against everyone

It's very hard to understand how hard work can get you admitted, hired, etc. If black males actually tried that sometime instead of relying on AA, they might understand why white males do so much better in those areas.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.

Racism is healthy? What kind of fucking freak are you?

He is a standard issue White Guilt Lefty with less skill in obfuscation than most.

Hence his realization that he is a racist, and his pathetic attempts are rationalizing his racism.
You hate racism.
I hope you fight against all racism as hard as you fight against what you view as racism against you.
Level playing field? Do you consider Affirmative Action as a level playing field? If you do then you must also support race being a characteristic to deny someone since you believe it's OK to use race to benefit someone.
Affirmative action was a very imperfect attempt to level the playing field.
You do not dispute anti-black hiring practices and a disproportinate amount of blacks getting into college.
Entitlement is when the playing field is level and you think you are getting screwed. That is too many white men.

I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.
It gives whites an opportunity to feel what racism is like. It allows them to understand the pain and frustration. It hopefully will better allow them to identify it in themselves and others. Hopefully it will make them want to not only stamp it out against themselves but against others.

Let me get this straight. To you, racism is bad unless it's toward white people?
It is very tough to understand racism unless you expewrience it. For white males to experience A LITTLE may make them understand racism and not only fight to stop racism against themselves but against everyone

NOthing but a bullshit excuse to dismiss white viewpoints and to justify your racism and your racist policies.
I've linked to Supreme Court cases of blatant anti-white discrimination.

I've linked to studies showing a 230 point stat bonus for black skin.

Our grievances are Just and you are the racist who supports discrimination.

How does it feel to be a racist?

Booo the fuck hoooo.

You had centuries of Affirmative Action for whites and when blacks complained we were told to shut up. Now we get a crumb off the table and you're crying that your stomach hurts because a black person earned a crumb off your table. Look at me crying for you!!

It should go back the way it was where you had everything because that would be fair

Show me the official government program where I, a white person, benefited because of my skin color.

Doesn't it bother you to know that the only way you got where you are, which isn't much, is skin color and not what you had to offer?

The GI bill, and no I wont explain it to you. Look it up if you dont know and get back to me.

Now if want to play another game where you ask me what YOU HAVE DONE specifically or YOU HAVE benefitted personally you can also go fuck yourself because I dont know you personally

If you can't tell me personally, STFU n*gger.
This is a horrific example of racism.
People like this are very sad. They are miserable and try to make other people miserable

The piece of shit claimed white people have "had centuries of AA . . ." As a white person, I asked him to provide an example of how I had received it. He couldn't and admitted he couldn't.

Perhaps you can tell me personally where I have benefited from AA. If you can't, then the same applies to you.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.

Racism is healthy? What kind of fucking freak are you?

He is a standard issue White Guilt Lefty with less skill in obfuscation than most.

Hence his realization that he is a racist, and his pathetic attempts are rationalizing his racism.
You hate racism.
I hope you fight against all racism as hard as you fight against what you view as racism against you.

You don't seem to mind it existing as long as those you want to experience it get it.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.

Racism is healthy? What kind of fucking freak are you?

He is a standard issue White Guilt Lefty with less skill in obfuscation than most.

Hence his realization that he is a racist, and his pathetic attempts are rationalizing his racism.
You hate racism.
I hope you fight against all racism as hard as you fight against what you view as racism against you.


None of that was true.

FIrst of all I've said NOTHING about racism other than to complain about your anti-white racism, you generally and your specifically.

Second of all, you DON'T want me to fight against other racism. You don't care if I do or don't because regardless of reality you will claim other racism as much as you can whenever it will serve the Lefty Agenda.

Third of all, all of that was just distraction from my correct analysis of you as a White Guilt Liberal, full of racism and with poor obfuscation skills.
Affirmative action was a very imperfect attempt to level the playing field.
You do not dispute anti-black hiring practices and a disproportinate amount of blacks getting into college.
Entitlement is when the playing field is level and you think you are getting screwed. That is too many white men.

I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.
It gives whites an opportunity to feel what racism is like. It allows them to understand the pain and frustration. It hopefully will better allow them to identify it in themselves and others. Hopefully it will make them want to not only stamp it out against themselves but against others.

Let me get this straight. To you, racism is bad unless it's toward white people?
It is very tough to understand racism unless you expewrience it. For white males to experience A LITTLE may make them understand racism and not only fight to stop racism against themselves but against everyone

It's very hard to understand how hard work can get you admitted, hired, etc. If black males actually tried that sometime instead of relying on AA, they might understand why white males do so much better in those areas.
There are blacks and whites who do not want to work hard and cannot figure out why they cannot get a job.
There are blacks and whites who do not have marketable skills in today's economy
Affirmative action was a very imperfect attempt to level the playing field.
You do not dispute anti-black hiring practices and a disproportinate amount of blacks getting into college.
Entitlement is when the playing field is level and you think you are getting screwed. That is too many white men.

I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.
It gives whites an opportunity to feel what racism is like. It allows them to understand the pain and frustration. It hopefully will better allow them to identify it in themselves and others. Hopefully it will make them want to not only stamp it out against themselves but against others.

Let me get this straight. To you, racism is bad unless it's toward white people?
It is very tough to understand racism unless you expewrience it. For white males to experience A LITTLE may make them understand racism and not only fight to stop racism against themselves but against everyone

NOthing but a bullshit excuse to dismiss white viewpoints and to justify your racism and your racist policies.
All I am saying is fight against all racism as adamantly as you fight against racism against you
I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.
It gives whites an opportunity to feel what racism is like. It allows them to understand the pain and frustration. It hopefully will better allow them to identify it in themselves and others. Hopefully it will make them want to not only stamp it out against themselves but against others.

Let me get this straight. To you, racism is bad unless it's toward white people?
It is very tough to understand racism unless you expewrience it. For white males to experience A LITTLE may make them understand racism and not only fight to stop racism against themselves but against everyone

It's very hard to understand how hard work can get you admitted, hired, etc. If black males actually tried that sometime instead of relying on AA, they might understand why white males do so much better in those areas.
There are blacks and whites who do not want to work hard and cannot figure out why they cannot get a job.
There are blacks and whites who do not have marketable skills in today's economy
I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.
It gives whites an opportunity to feel what racism is like. It allows them to understand the pain and frustration. It hopefully will better allow them to identify it in themselves and others. Hopefully it will make them want to not only stamp it out against themselves but against others.

Let me get this straight. To you, racism is bad unless it's toward white people?
It is very tough to understand racism unless you expewrience it. For white males to experience A LITTLE may make them understand racism and not only fight to stop racism against themselves but against everyone

NOthing but a bullshit excuse to dismiss white viewpoints and to justify your racism and your racist policies.
All I am saying is fight against all racism as adamantly as you fight against racism against you

Perhaps you should practice what you preach. You're the one that says a little racism against certain groups is OK.
As a white person, I asked him to provide an example of how I had received it. He couldn't

Of course I cant. I dont know you. I already said that. But that doesnt mean that because I dont know your story specifically that white AA never happened. You asked how it happened, when I did show you then you shifted to your newest lame brained excuse
I feel a little white racism is a healthy thing.

Racism is healthy? What kind of fucking freak are you?

He is a standard issue White Guilt Lefty with less skill in obfuscation than most.

Hence his realization that he is a racist, and his pathetic attempts are rationalizing his racism.
You hate racism.
I hope you fight against all racism as hard as you fight against what you view as racism against you.

You don't seem to mind it existing as long as those you want to experience it get it.
You are saying I am wrong and no racism is alright.
Fight all racism. be a better person than me.
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