White males are the biggest whiners in the world!

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White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

White Anglo Saxon males are the most productive and influential people in all of human history. White males conquered it, built it, or created it. Including the greatest Constitutional democratic republic on earth. But we have those who want to destroy it. Who do not want to take advantage of the greatest, freest, and fairest society ever seen in the human race. They are the crybabies. They are the Marxist. They are the Democrats, socialist, and Black Lives Matter. The backlash will come. The liberal news media and radical college professors and their mindless automaton students won't be able to stop it.
I do not like socialism. But I feel there aspects of Trump's message and followers that is putting the focus on government to provide jobs. Is that not what socialism is about? government provides jobs.
I do not feel you are entitled to anything because of what your father or grandfather did. I see many people of all races being very successful in our economy. I see others who do not have marketable skills who look to the government instead of going out and getting the skills.

1. What Trump polices are about the government providing jobs?

2. Your "go out and get skills" argument is bullshit if there are not enough decent paying jobs.
There are many good paying jobs where they cannot find enough American workers with the skills.

Says the Billionaire employers who look and look for Americans to hire at 40$ and hour and ARE FORCED TO hire some Third Worlder at 12$ an hour....

BTW, on an unrelated note, I have a contact with a Nigerian prince who needs help moving a large sum on money out of his nation. Are you interested?

White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Lol at the race mongering whore. Must suck being a racist pig. You are a pathetic piece of shit. You wackado's continue to measure things by skin pigmentation. Again, you are a racist piece of shit.
I have apparently gotten under JBond's skin, whatever color it is.

You were incredibly offensive.

Being offended by someone calling you names and dismissing your just grievances as racism and incompetence is normal and healthy.

Your expectation that white males would take your fucking abuse with a smile was moronic.

Are you purposefully trying to tear this nation apart?
Oh lookie, another liberal race thread where the white man is the anti Christ.

This is new.....
Christ would not be happy how many white Americans are treating other people.
We are all God's children. The white man is not the chosen one. The white man portrays Jesus as a white man, he was not. He was from the middle east and had brown skin.

What other people are you referring to, foreigners? You mean he wouldn't approve of controlling our borders? You're an imbecile if you believe that. It doesn't matter or not who is the "chosen one." We have a right to control our borders. If you don't like it, then fuck off. You're outvoted.

Well, we fucking hope he is outvoted.
The majority have not gone away. They were taken by illegal aliens and other immigrants.
Absolutely not, illegals have taken many lowpaying jobs that US companies could not get American workers to take and some better paying jobs.
Technology and the Global Economy has taken away the majority of the jobs. But technology and the Global Economy have created many jobs.

Bullshit. Illegals are working in all the construction trades like carpentry, plumbing, electrical and so-on. They are also filling a lot of truck driving jobs. I used to be a carpenter when I was in my 20s. There were some Hispanics then, but now virtually all the people working in these trades are Hispanic.

You open borders assholes are just plain full of shit. Everything you post on the subject is a lie.
In those trades, I feel we need to go after the employer.
Also the American consumer takes the lowest price over the integrity of the company doing business.
All of us have to be willing to pay more and take the company not hiring illegals to lower costs.

You just got done claiming that illegals weren't taking American jobs. Are you now admitting they are? If the illegals weren't able to enter the country, there wouldn't be a problem.

It's not the consumer's fault, and it's not the employer's fault. It's the government's fault for not controlling the border.

Solving the problem after the fact is always less desirable then preventing it from occurring in the first place. A strong border - for instance, one with a wall - will solve the problem at a much lower cost and with much less political strife, but that's exactly what you don't want.
I strongly believe in enpowering ourselves not the government. That is called conservatism.
Responsible American companies should not hire illegals.
Businesses will do what their consumer wants. If a consumer wants a lower price, the business will meet the request by hiring illegals. If the consumer will hire the business that supports American workers then that is what we do. American citizen demand is a big part of hiring low cost illegals or shipping jobs to other countries.
I still feel the majority of jobs illegals take are not high paying jobs.
Instead of asking the government to do things, do them yourself. Start by not supporting businesses that hire illegals or ship the jobs off shore. If the majority of US consumers did this businesses would do what the consumer wants.

AND in addition to britpat's destruction of your post, I would like to add that working class whites (and other Americans) want those "not high paying jobs"

AND that in the absence of mass third world immigration, and effectively unlimited labor, those wages would be significantly higher.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Lol at the race mongering whore. Must suck being a racist pig. You are a pathetic piece of shit. You wackado's continue to measure things by skin pigmentation. Again, you are a racist piece of shit.
I have apparently gotten under JBond's skin, whatever color it is.
Not a fan of racist pigs. You are trash. That is all. You are not unique. I call out the pig's whenever I come across them.
One man's racist pig is another man's truth teller.
You are so angry, I do not feel you can make a good judgement on anyone.


He probably wasn't angry until you called him a RACIST LOSER.

Standard lib tactic.

Be incredibly rude to someone and when they get offended, suggest that they are angry as though that is something wrong with them.

Are you purposefully trying to tear this nation apart?
You just got done claiming that illegals weren't taking American jobs. Are you now admitting they are? If the illegals weren't able to enter the country, there wouldn't be a problem.

It's not the consumer's fault, and it's not the employer's fault. It's the government's fault for not controlling the border.

Solving the problem after the fact is always less desirable then preventing it from occurring in the first place. A strong border - for instance, one with a wall - will solve the problem at a much lower cost and with much less political strife, but that's exactly what you don't want.
I strongly believe in enpowering ourselves not the government. That is called conservatism.
Responsible American companies should not hire illegals.
Businesses will do what their consumer wants. If a consumer wants a lower price, the business will meet the request by hiring illegals. If the consumer will hire the business that supports American workers then that is what we do. American citizen demand is a big part of hiring low cost illegals or shipping jobs to other countries.
I still feel the majority of jobs illegals take are not high paying jobs.
Instead of asking the government to do things, do them yourself. Start by not supporting businesses that hire illegals or ship the jobs off shore. If the majority of US consumers did this businesses would do what the consumer wants.

Controlling the border is the government's job, you imbecile douche bag. Forcing consumers and corporations to enforce our immigration laws isn't "empowering them." You know it won't work, so that's why you advocate it.

Let's start by building the wall and controlling the border. That's the government's job. Only an open borders douche bag would tell the government not to do it.
The government has done a bad job of controlling the borders. Trump's bullshit will not work either. Start doing what you can do and quit strictly relying on the government.
They will do what they can do but that does not mean you sit on your ass whine and do nothing.

Your "solutions" won't do jackshit, and you know it. The government could easily control the border if it only tried. Obama is doing everything possible to open the flood gates. Building the wall plus ordering ICE to actually enforce our immigration laws will solve 95% of the problem
You have many excuses to do nothing.
You appear to feel powerless or you are just lazy.
Empower yourself and quit whining. You are making my case.

THat was a fucking lie.

He made a valid point, and you were just a dick.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.


Level playing field? Do you consider Affirmative Action as a level playing field? If you do then you must also support race being a characteristic to deny someone since you believe it's OK to use race to benefit someone.
Affirmative action was a very imperfect attempt to level the playing field.
You do not dispute anti-black hiring practices and a disproportinate amount of blacks getting into college.
Entitlement is when the playing field is level and you think you are getting screwed. That is too many white men.

I have linked to documented examples of widespread anti-white discrimination.

YOur claim is nonsense.

Your racism is clouding your perceptions.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

You're an idiot. The playing field is not level. It's stacked against white males. The law requires the government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males. The central premise of your post is a big fucking lie.

You have demonstrated to the entire forum that you're a dumbass.
Looks like you proved his point as far as the whining.

NO, he didn't.

His points were completely valid, and you just dismissed him and called him a name because you can't refute them and you are an ass.
Actually numnuts, ElmerDudd was the one that started with a racist whiny little rant about the evil white people. Pay attention.
White on white racism.
I do not consider my observations racist. They are valid observations.

It has been demonstrated with links to Supreme Court cases and academic studies that your observations are wrong.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

You're an idiot. The playing field is not level. It's stacked against white males. The law requires the government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males. The central premise of your post is a big fucking lie.

You have demonstrated to the entire forum that you're a dumbass.
Looks like you proved his point as far as the whining.

NO, he didn't.

His points were completely valid, and you just dismissed him and called him a name because you can't refute them and you are an ass.
No, he is constantly whining and angry. I would hate to be him.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

You're an idiot. The playing field is not level. It's stacked against white males. The law requires the government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males. The central premise of your post is a big fucking lie.

You have demonstrated to the entire forum that you're a dumbass.
Looks like you proved his point as far as the whining.

NO, he didn't.

His points were completely valid, and you just dismissed him and called him a name because you can't refute them and you are an ass.
No, he is constantly whining and angry. I would hate to be him.

His points were completely valid, and you just dismissed him and called him a name because you can't refute them and you are an ass.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

You're an idiot. The playing field is not level. It's stacked against white males. The law requires the government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males. The central premise of your post is a big fucking lie.

You have demonstrated to the entire forum that you're a dumbass.
Looks like you proved his point as far as the whining.

NO, he didn't.

His points were completely valid, and you just dismissed him and called him a name because you can't refute them and you are an ass.
No, he is constantly whining and angry. I would hate to be him.

His points were completely valid, and you just dismissed him and called him a name because you can't refute them and you are an ass.
His points were fabricated bullshit. Victim mentality.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.


they are.;... but mostly the rightwingnut ones.

blithering idiots.
Listen to the vague namby pamby bullshit white boys have to complain about and its all in their heads. They scream and cry about shit like a TV show "Roots" or an Awards Show "B.E.T" and roll on the floor in agony.

Then when you mention blacks were redlined into ghettos, not offered home loans at reasonable rates and other PROVEN shit...they think about it and determines that none of that affects me so it must be nothing. So they say "get over it" while they curl into a ball in front of their TV balling their eyes out about their "Discrimination" :badgrin:
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