White Man Attacked In Macy's - Unprovoked

With all the millions of people and all the crimes committed daily, what is your point about one non life threating crime committed on a white man? is the goal only crimes committed on white men should not happen? women children & people of color are on there own?

People of color as you call them are the ones killing each other at ridiculous rates,and women and children are often caught in the crossfire.
So where's the outcry?
roflmao, so you think one has to be a 'tough guy' to b e competent at defending ones self?

You think that self defense is NOT to be expected from a man?

roflmao, with 'men' like this among whites, and women that prefer to act like men, no wonder white people across the world are going extinct.

We no longer have natural roles to emulate.

Actually what I think is that you're nobody to judge anyone else. I don't need to "emulate" anyone, never have.
Then be a limp wristed loser for all I care.

If you wont stand up for yourself then you are a loser and not a man.

And yes, I will judge you for it, because having judgement is a good thing, moron.
That's what you took from the video? Way to focus on the real story.
"Pussy gets ass beat". Let's apply this logic from now on.... I'm in. :happy-1:
What I took from the video is that some people like to portraay blacks as feral animals, and never show the reverse, like white Antifa burning stores in black areas, or point out that the white victim is a weakling moron, most of the time.

That little old lady that tried to defend her store from four Antifa and got beat for it has ten times the courage of white cucks that beg for their lives.

So once again, why are white males sop often complete pussies?
That's what you took from the video? Way to focus on the real story.
"Pussy gets ass beat". Let's apply this logic from now on.... I'm in. :happy-1:
What I took from the video is that some people like to portraay blacks as feral animals, and never show the reverse, like white Antifa burning stores in black areas, or point out that the white victim is a weakling moron, most of the time.

That little old lady that tried to defend her store from four Antifa and got beat for it has ten times the courage of white cucks that beg for their lives.

So once again, why are white males sop often complete pussies?
Most of the time it's because bullies/criminals choose their victims wisely. They are not looking for a fair fight, they are cowards. If all things are equal they just walk away and look for the easy victim.
Then the black man who assaulted him fled. And his rapper brother is standing behind this bullshit.

We'll see how this goes down.

This guy should be going to jail.

Why is it that so many white males are just total pussies?
Should have drawn and fired.


You'll notice none of the race-baiting assholes on this board have responded.

Asclepias (who it seems might be on vacation)
Then the black man who assaulted him fled. And his rapper brother is standing behind this bullshit.

We'll see how this goes down.

This guy should be going to jail.

Why is it that so many white males are just total pussies?
Should have drawn and fired.


You'll notice none of the race-baiting assholes on this board have responded.

Asclepias (who it seems might be on vacation)
Asclepias (who it seems might be on vacation)


It was Asslips who did this!!!

Asslips, why did you assault that white "man" in Macy's? What's wrong with you? 'Splain yourself!!!
This is a simple provoked assault...

Macy's employee will be fired and the assaulter will be done too...

Two did wrong, the assault was a way over reaction..

A Civil Suit could go either way...
This is a simple provoked assault...

Macy's employee will be fired and the assaulter will be done too...

Two did wrong, the assault was a way over reaction..

A Civil Suit could go either way...

Why would the Macy's employee be fired ?

They said you can't hear him say the n-word.


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