White man shoots innocent black teen....

GRAND JURY, and a fractured skull requires more than an EMT.

What the fuck are you talking about? Did the drugs you are on make you hallucinate a fractured skull?

ONE scenario posited; also, there seemed to be probable cause a crime had been committed. A DEAD BODY. Why wasn't Zimmerman taken into custody & TESTED? THOSE are my QUESTIONS.
What fractured skull are you talking about? What report said that Zimmerman had one?

Tested for what? For alcohol? I've told you why at least four times now. IT IS ILLEGAL to do so without consent or probable cause.

And, Zimmerman WAS taken into custody. If you had read the cop report, the link to which I have supplied to you several times as well, you would know that he was cuffed, taken into custody, interrogated, THEN released.

Are you going to continue with such dishonesty? Asking the same questions ad nauseum when you have been given the answers.
Another lie from you, unless you consider that EMTs cannot provide medical attention.

All within the LAW in Florida in certain circumstances.

What do you mean with "GJ"?

GRAND JURY, and a fractured skull requires more than an EMT.

What the fuck are you talking about? Did the drugs you are on make you hallucinate a fractured skull?

From Gadfly Si, you responded:

That ONE, seemingly insignificant detail, after all Zimmerman did wrong, might turn the case in his favor...because the end of a twelve oz aluminum can full of liquid, swung with the strength of even a 140 lb. kid, is hard enough, and has enough weight behind it, to fracture a human skull and kill, as any forensic pathologist can demonstrate.
I don't know if that's true. A neighborhood watch guy might be well within his legal rights to follow a person for any reason. And if (I have no idea if the "if" is valid or not), but IF the situation then escalates, the fact that he had followed him should have no bearing on the matter.

I do know that in NY, before a person permitted to employ deadly physical force in reliance on the law of "justification," among other things, the person is obligated to retreat if he can do so in complete safety (except for cops or folks inside their own homes where there is no duty to retreat). I don't know if FL has a similar provision in their law.
Not in Florida. They have stand your ground laws.

"A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony."

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Do these stand your ground laws apply to minors? I heard someone say they don't.
:redface: That was me, and I was wrong. I read it wrong....it doesn't apply to one's own children or grandchildren. Other peoples children or grandchildren are fair game.
GRAND JURY, and a fractured skull requires more than an EMT.

What the fuck are you talking about? Did the drugs you are on make you hallucinate a fractured skull?

From Gadfly Si, you responded:

That ONE, seemingly insignificant detail, after all Zimmerman did wrong, might turn the case in his favor...because the end of a twelve oz aluminum can full of liquid, swung with the strength of even a 140 lb. kid, is hard enough, and has enough weight behind it, to fracture a human skull and kill, as any forensic pathologist can demonstrate.
To the best of my knowledge, Gadfly was not a witness, nor did he make any statement to the cops. So, if he said that Zimmerman had a fractured skull and you believed that without asking for any support, I am sorry that you are that gullible to what is typed on the net by an anonymous poster.

And, those are not MY words you are saying I responded with.

What the fuck are you talking about? Did the drugs you are on make you hallucinate a fractured skull?

ONE scenario posited; also, there seemed to be probable cause a crime had been committed. A DEAD BODY. Why wasn't Zimmerman taken into custody & TESTED? THOSE are my QUESTIONS.
What fractured skull are you talking about? What report said that Zimmerman had one?

Tested for what? For alcohol? I've told you why at least four times now. IT IS ILLEGAL to do so without consent or probable cause.

And, Zimmerman WAS taken into custody. If you had read the cop report, the link to which I have supplied to you several times as well, you would know that he was cuffed, taken into custody, interrogated, THEN released.

Are you going to continue with such dishonesty? Asking the same questions ad nauseum when you have been given the answers.

Ok, Si, the police had probable cause to take him into custody, but NOT to get a BAC or drug test. Even ASKING would have been "illegal". Thank you for this information.
ONE scenario posited; also, there seemed to be probable cause a crime had been committed. A DEAD BODY. Why wasn't Zimmerman taken into custody & TESTED? THOSE are my QUESTIONS.
What fractured skull are you talking about? What report said that Zimmerman had one?

Tested for what? For alcohol? I've told you why at least four times now. IT IS ILLEGAL to do so without consent or probable cause.

And, Zimmerman WAS taken into custody. If you had read the cop report, the link to which I have supplied to you several times as well, you would know that he was cuffed, taken into custody, interrogated, THEN released.

Are you going to continue with such dishonesty? Asking the same questions ad nauseum when you have been given the answers.

Ok, Si, the police had probable cause to take him into custody, but NOT to get a BAC or drug test. Even ASKING would have been "illegal". Thank you for this information.
I never said asking was illegal. They had probable cause to take him into custody with respect to the shooting. Probable cause MUST relate to the investigation/test to be done. So, he shot someone and they took him into custody and questioned him about it.

There is nothing on the report to indicate that the cops had any probable cause to investigate/test for alcohol. The probable cause MUST relate to the investigation/test being done. Thus, no probable cause for intoxication, no test for it.

It's the LAW, and a Constitutional one at that.

They can ask all they want. That is not illegal, unless the person requests an attorney.

All this is contained in the cop report that you should read.
Hey, whoah, waitaminutenow...."intruder?" What intruder?

Anyone who intrudes into a place where the defender has a right to be; the purpose of the ‘stand your ground’ statute is to expand the doctrine outside of one’s dwelling.

ONE scenario posited; also, there seemed to be probable cause a crime had been committed. A DEAD BODY.

In the context of the statute, a dead body is taken into consideration as a likely outcome where deadly force is used in self-defense, and consequently no investigation warranted.

Why wasn't Zimmerman taken into custody & TESTED? THOSE are my QUESTIONS.

Because local law enforcement followed the law, it’s incumbent upon law enforcement officials to understand the law and know when a crime was possibly committed, and when not; in this case the latter.
If the reports are accurate that the can of tea was found in Trayvon's pocket, then perhaps those promoting the theory that Trayvon used the tea as a weapon will present their ideas about how it got back in his pocket.
If the reports are accurate that the can of tea was found in Trayvon's pocket, then perhaps those promoting the theory that Trayvon used the tea as a weapon will present their ideas about how it got back in his pocket.

There is a way to work around that. I'm sure of it.:eusa_shifty:
If the reports are accurate that the can of tea was found in Trayvon's pocket, then perhaps those promoting the theory that Trayvon used the tea as a weapon will present their ideas about how it got back in his pocket.

There is a way to work around that. I'm sure of it.:eusa_shifty:

As there is suspicion Breitbart was murdered among a few board posters, and much speculation about the armed Zimmerman leaving his vehicle & "defending himself" from deadly force from the unarmed victim,the conclusion of many that young Tyler Clementi's suicide is unrelated to the "harmless pranks" of Dharun Ravi......................according to some. At least Davi has been convicted.
If the reports are accurate that the can of tea was found in Trayvon's pocket, then perhaps those promoting the theory that Trayvon used the tea as a weapon will present their ideas about how it got back in his pocket.

There is a way to work around that. I'm sure of it.:eusa_shifty:
No, there's NOT, IF the can of tea was in fact found in Martin's pocket. Does anyone have a link that says exactly where the can of tea was found? Was it in Martin's hand, on the ground, or in his pocket? I'm not saying it WASN'T in his pocket, just that I had not seen any report to that effect until Amelia just posted that.
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Has anyone paid attention to this story lately?

The family of a Florida teen fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer last month is speaking out, saying that the shooting was unprovoked —and racially motivated.

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Trayvon Martin, 17, was killed by George Zimmerman in a Sanford, Fla., gated community on the evening of Feb. 26 as he returned from a trip to a local 7-Eleven. Martin and his father were visiting family friends there. Zimmerman claimed he shot Martin in self defense, and has not been charged with a crime.
Video: Mom: Teen targeted due to of ‘color of his skin’ (on this page)
But Martin's family is pointing to 911 calls released by police on Friday that they say depict a terrified teenager who was being chased by Zimmerman. Martin was found face down, unarmed, with a bag of Skittles and an iced tea.

“(Zimmerman) was reacting to the color of his skin,’’ Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, told Matt Lauer on Monday. “He committed no crime. My son wasn’t doing anything but walking on the sidewalk, and I just don’t understand why this situation got out of control.’’

Mom: Trayvon Martin was killed because of 'the color of his skin' - TODAY People - TODAY.com

According to the person who shot the teen, he'd seen him walking through the neighborhood and thought he was acting "suspiciously". He then calls 911 to report the teen and the police asked him if he was following the kid. He replied "yes" and the police then told him to quit.

A bit later, another 911 call is made and the caller tells police that she hears someone yelling for help (the teen), and it's shortly after that when a gunshot is heard.

The teen was found face down, dead, with an ice tea and a bag of Skittles in his hand.

To date? The person who shot the teen, a man named Zimmerman is STILL walking free, and no charges have been filed.

Do you think that if a black adult had shot a white teen, that the result would have been the same?

Black guy in a gated community you say? That sounds like Tiger Woods, so yes it might have been the same.

Doesn't make it any more right.
ONE scenario posited; also, there seemed to be probable cause a crime had been committed. A DEAD BODY. Why wasn't Zimmerman taken into custody & TESTED? THOSE are my QUESTIONS.
What fractured skull are you talking about? What report said that Zimmerman had one?

Tested for what? For alcohol? I've told you why at least four times now. IT IS ILLEGAL to do so without consent or probable cause.

And, Zimmerman WAS taken into custody. If you had read the cop report, the link to which I have supplied to you several times as well, you would know that he was cuffed, taken into custody, interrogated, THEN released.

Are you going to continue with such dishonesty? Asking the same questions ad nauseum when you have been given the answers.

Ok, Si, the police had probable cause to take him into custody, but NOT to get a BAC or drug test. Even ASKING would have been "illegal". Thank you for this information.
Peach, they DID take Zimmerman into custody; handcuffed him, and took him to the station for questioning. As for all those tests, if all those were run on every person arrested in conjunction with a homicide (justified or not) well, I'm afraid no crime lab anywhere would ever get anything else done. IT's NOT routine to do all that in each and every case (no matter how many episodes of CSI you've watched). You just had an attorney (CCJ) explain that to you. Now let it go. Please.
If the reports are accurate that the can of tea was found in Trayvon's pocket, then perhaps those promoting the theory that Trayvon used the tea as a weapon will present their ideas about how it got back in his pocket.

There is a way to work around that. I'm sure of it.:eusa_shifty:
No, there's NOT, IF the can of tea was in fact found in Martin's pocket. Does anyone have a link that says exactly where the can of tea was found? Was it in Martin's hand, on the ground, or in his pocket? I'm not saying it WASN'T in his pocket, just that I had not seen any report to that effect until Amelia just posted that.

I don't recall an official report on the content of his pockets but the news stories have told it that way:

"What do the police find in his pocket? Skittles," Crump said. "A can of Arizona ice tea in his jacket pocket and Skittles in his front pocket for his brother Chad."

Family of Florida boy killed by Neighborhood Watch seeks arrest - Yahoo! News

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