White man shoots very drunk black woman breaking into his house. Charged w murder

There had to be a reason why the guy felt that she needed shooting.

Well damn! That's brilliant! You broke the code! You can become the most powerful lawyer in the world now! Why haven't defense lawyers thought of that argument before???
A blast to an unarmed young woman's face takes a split second. I guess I see your point. Murder is much more efficient.

I'm not saying that at all. Realistically, this young girl bears responsibility here. She a)drank too much; b) did pot; c) didn't stay at the site of the accident; d) went scaring the shit out of people at 3:00 in the morning; and the shooter a) overreacted and shot at the girl resulting in her death.

Now in a court of law, the girl would be guilty of 4 aggravating circumstances and the male of one. If no one was hurt and both were suing each other, who would be paying the other?

Neither would be able to sue the other for anything. So you're point is moot.

Let's say they could. Just for the sake of damages, which would be responsible for the carelessness that caused the shooting that night? What instigated that shooting the male? or the female?
He was freaked out. I am not making any excuses, she was shit faced beyond and the poor girl was just looking for help.
Sure, especially if she said to the guy that she was going to kill him. Since she was under the influence, it could have been anything that she said or did.

Since she was under the influence, she very well may have threatened to kill him and so he may sure that she couldn't go and do such a thing.

God bless you two and the man always!!! :) :) :)


Unarmed young girl shot pointblank in the face, and you're first instinct is to make excuses for the killer. I find that odd.

Drunk, drugged girl gets shot while banging on a strangers door at 3:00 in the morning and it is the fault of the sober frightened homeowner when he thought she was breaking in. And you are making excuses for the drunk, drugged intruder. I find that odd.

See how that works. It's a matter of semantics and perception. I think I won.

Um no........ an unarmed girl who posed no threat was murdered.

"Semantics and perception..." How about facts bub. A strange new concept for you I'm sure. Unbelievable :cool:
I'm not saying that at all. Realistically, this young girl bears responsibility here. She a)drank too much; b) did pot; c) didn't stay at the site of the accident; d) went scaring the shit out of people at 3:00 in the morning; and the shooter a) overreacted and shot at the girl resulting in her death.

Now in a court of law, the girl would be guilty of 4 aggravating circumstances and the male of one. If no one was hurt and both were suing each other, who would be paying the other?

Neither would be able to sue the other for anything. So you're point is moot.

Let's say they could. Just for the sake of damages, which would be responsible for the carelessness that caused the shooting that night? What instigated that shooting the male? or the female?

The male. Are you kidding?

Oh there's a flailing little drunk girl outside? Better BLAST HER IN THE FACE!!! THEN.... and ONLY THEN... call the police to let them know what you just did.
There's a lot for a good defense lawyer to work with, starting with the crime riddled city, the lack of police presence, and the state of mind of a man living among such conditions when startled out of bed at 3am to a dark figure trying to break in.

State of mind can get this guy off. A good attorney can make the case.

She was NOT trying to break in. That is why this guy will do time. All the things you mentioned does not matter because of the fact that she was NOT trying to break in. He was not in fear for his life and I hope he does at least 15 years for killing this unarmed girl.

Fuck him.

You were there?

I hope he walks.

Fuck you.

And, if it had been black man shooting a white teen, you and the other haters would want to lynch him.

Note to op - this is old news. There were several threads when it happened and they all said the same things - the rw's wanted the shooter to get off while the libs wanted a fair trial.

Just SSDD.
Unarmed young girl shot pointblank in the face, and you're first instinct is to make excuses for the killer. I find that odd.

Drunk, drugged girl gets shot while banging on a strangers door at 3:00 in the morning and it is the fault of the sober frightened homeowner when he thought she was breaking in. And you are making excuses for the drunk, drugged intruder. I find that odd.

See how that works. It's a matter of semantics and perception. I think I won.

Um no........ an unarmed girl who posed no threat was murdered.

"Semantics and perception..." How about facts bub. A strange new concept for you I'm sure. Unbelievable :cool:

I used all the facts. Did the article say Drunk? yes. Did the artlcle say pot? yes Did the article say 3:00 I believe it did. Ended at 4:30. Did thread say "man shoots drunk woman breaking into house?"

How was this man supposed to know there was no threat at 4:00 in the morning when someone is drunk pounding on their door? I don't assume it is the Welcome Wagon.


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There had to be a reason why the guy felt that she needed shooting.
Well damn! That's brilliant! You broke the code! You can become the most powerful lawyer in the world now! Why haven't defense lawyers thought of that argument before???
I don't know. Only they can answer that question.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)


Holly, do the other "christians" a favor and stop referring to yourself as one. You give them all a bad name and I'm certain there is no god who would ever allow you into his/her/it's "kingdom" cuz woman, you is one big ass freak.
He didn't need to open the door. He opened the door and then shot her through the screen door. He should have first and foremost, before he did anything, called 911 and said he was in imminent danger, that someone one was trying to get into his house. The cops, thinking a break-in is in progress, will come as soon as possible. I think it is a lame excuse that it is Detroit and they will take hours to come when they are told someone is in the process of breaking into a home and the home owner is there frightened. Also, the home owner could say he has a gun and if the cops don't get there soon, there might be a tragedy. That will get them there. Telling the cops he's got a gun and if they don't get there pronto he might have to shoot someone will light a fire under them. The guy with the gun needs to use his head first and the gun last. He did just the opposite.

After calling 911 and making sure they knew it was necessary to come immediately, he should have stayed inside, prepared, and only shot if the person actually did try to break in. Because she wasn't breaking in, she would be alive and he'd wouldn't be on trial for murder, if he had only used his head and not a gun.

It's easy to think logically when we are on a message board, comfortably in the security of our homes at 7 at night. We aren't terrified and are thinking clearly. Sure, call 911 and tell them I don't want to shoot this intruder, but get here quickly, like 2 minutes ago. This is a city well known for not having police available and that is going through the victim's mind. Then the victim must think, what does the law state? Does the intruder have to be INSIDE the premises? Is there a STG law? What are my legal rights? Does the intruder have a weapon? What is his/her intentions, how many are there?

How old was the victim? Male or female? Were there children in the home to protect?

How can we judge?

You know, there was a time when my life was in danger, when a man held a knife to my throat and threatened to rape me. You know what? I thought more clearly than I ever had in my life. My life was in danger and I wanted to survive. My mind worked like a well oiled machine. And I thought my way out and talked my way out of being assaulted. It was just click, click, click, my brain figuring out how to get out of it, how to survive. I don't believe you go all panicky and weak at a time like that; I believe, as I experienced it myself, you go into survival mode and do what is necessary to help yourself. And I was only 19. The man in this case just didn't use his brain at all: just a dumbfuck with a gun and trigger happy.
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She was NOT trying to break in. That is why this guy will do time. All the things you mentioned does not matter because of the fact that she was NOT trying to break in. He was not in fear for his life and I hope he does at least 15 years for killing this unarmed girl.

Fuck him.

You were there?

I hope he walks.

Fuck you.

And, if it had been black man shooting a white teen, you and the other haters would want to lynch him.

Note to op - this is old news. There were several threads when it happened and they all said the same things - the rw's wanted the shooter to get off while the libs wanted a fair trial.

Just SSDD.

I don't think the shooter should get off, I say there is an inherent problem because there is no police protection in this city. And I'd like to throw out the race of each victim. (Both are victims)
Drunk, drugged girl gets shot while banging on a strangers door at 3:00 in the morning and it is the fault of the sober frightened homeowner when he thought she was breaking in. And you are making excuses for the drunk, drugged intruder. I find that odd.

See how that works. It's a matter of semantics and perception. I think I won.

Um no........ an unarmed girl who posed no threat was murdered.

"Semantics and perception..." How about facts bub. A strange new concept for you I'm sure. Unbelievable :cool:

I used all the facts. Did the article say Drunk? yes. Did the artlcle say pot? yes Did the article say 3:00 I believe it did. Ended at 4:30. Did thread say "man shoots drunk woman breaking into house?"

How was this man supposed to know there was no threat at 4:00 in the morning when someone is drunk pounding on their door? I don't assume it is the Welcome Wagon.



Look through the peep hole, see a dumb drunk girl, and then ---
What do you do?

a.) keep an eye on her to see what she's up to
b.) ignore her
c.) call the police, there's some crazy girl running around
d.) open the door to see what she wants (5' 4" girl, odds are in your favor)
e.) grab your shotgun with the intent to kill

What would your answer be bub?
He didn't need to open the door. He opened the door and then shot her through the screen door. He should have first and foremost, before he did anything, called 911 and said he was in imminent danger, that someone one was trying to get into his house. The cops, thinking a break-in is in progress, will come as soon as possible. I think it is a lame excuse that it is Detroit and they will take hours to come when they are told someone is in the process of breaking into a home and the home owner is there frightened. Also, the home owner could say he has a gun and if the cops don't get there soon, there might be a tragedy. That will get them there. Telling the cops he's got a gun and if they don't get there pronto he might have to shoot someone will light a fire under them. The guy with the gun needs to use his head first and the gun last. He did just the opposite.

After calling 911 and making sure they knew it was necessary to come immediately, he should have stayed inside, prepared, and only shot if the person actually did try to break in. Because she wasn't breaking in, she would be alive and he'd wouldn't be on trial for murder, if he had only used his head and not a gun.

It's easy to think logically when we are on a message board, comfortably in the security of our homes at 7 at night. We aren't terrified and are thinking clearly. Sure, call 911 and tell them I don't want to shoot this intruder, but get here quickly, like 2 minutes ago. This is a city well known for not having police available and that is going through the victim's mind. Then the victim must think, what does the law state? Does the intruder have to be INSIDE the premises? Is there a STG law? What are my legal rights? Does the intruder have a weapon? What is his/her intentions, how many are there?

How old was the victim? Male or female? Were there children in the home to protect?

How can we judge?

You know, there was a time when my life was in danger, when a man held a knife to my throat and threatened to rape me. You know what? I thought more clearly than I ever had in my life. My life was in danger and I wanted to survive. My mind worked like a well oiled machine. And I thought my way out and talked my way out of being assaulted. It was just click, click, click, my brain figuring out how to get out of it, how to survive. I don't believe you go all panicky and weak at a time like that; I believe, as I experienced it myself, you go into survival mode and do what is necessary to help yourself. And I was only 19. The man in this case just didn't use his brain at all: just a dumbfuck with a gun and trigger happy.

Thank you for that, Esmeralda. I haven't had that experience, so that is good to know and I am so glad that went well for you. That could be a very common experience and I am wrong. I allude to you. Some may fall to pieces, but I can see your point of view.
Um no........ an unarmed girl who posed no threat was murdered.

"Semantics and perception..." How about facts bub. A strange new concept for you I'm sure. Unbelievable :cool:

I used all the facts. Did the article say Drunk? yes. Did the artlcle say pot? yes Did the article say 3:00 I believe it did. Ended at 4:30. Did thread say "man shoots drunk woman breaking into house?"

How was this man supposed to know there was no threat at 4:00 in the morning when someone is drunk pounding on their door? I don't assume it is the Welcome Wagon.



Look through the peep hole, see a dumb drunk girl, and then ---
What do you do?

a.) keep an eye on her to see what she's up to
b.) ignore her
c.) call the police, there's some crazy girl running around
d.) open the door to see what she wants (5' 4" girl, odds are in your favor)
e.) grab your shotgun with the intent to kill

What would your answer be bub?

Honestly, I would "b." She could have others around the side of the house. "c" Call the police and not expect anything. and "e" that's what I have it for. Protection.

If you read the article provided with MSN, you see they call family and friends when danger arises. I could call male family if in close proximity to come with brights and park in the driveway. Not having police protection is a bummer.

If you say to the dispatcher "I've got a gun and I'm gonna shoot" they come right away.

A 911 response in Detroit takes how long?- MSN Money

"A 911 emergency call takes 58 minutes."

A blast to an unarmed young woman's face takes a split second. I guess I see your point. Murder is much more efficient.
You spend 58 minutes huddled in the dark while someone tries to break into your house. I won't.
Hell in 58 minutes, I could have the body buried and the porch hosed off.
Not having police protection is a bummer.


Rotting in a cell for murder is also a bummer.


Yeah it is. And I kind of have a problem with that. If this girl hadn't gotten drunk and went banging on his door in the middle of the night, he wouldn't be spending the rest of his life in jail. Honestly, if I had gotten drunk and done that, I'd have a talk with St. Peter and ask him to make sure that poor fool that shot me didn't go to prison because I was an ass one night and banged on his door and got shot in the face.
She was NOT trying to break in. That is why this guy will do time. All the things you mentioned does not matter because of the fact that she was NOT trying to break in. He was not in fear for his life and I hope he does at least 15 years for killing this unarmed girl.

Fuck him.

You were there?

I hope he walks.

Fuck you.

And, if it had been black man shooting a white teen, you and the other haters would want to lynch him.

Note to op - this is old news. There were several threads when it happened and they all said the same things - the rw's wanted the shooter to get off while the libs wanted a fair trial.

Just SSDD.
Absolutely not, asshole.
White, black green... Try to enter my house at 3 AM and you're leaving my porch in a bag.
The court is claiming she just had a car crash and was disoriented but how is this guy supposed to know that?

Theodore Wafer WILL stand trial for murder as judge rejects self-defense | Mail Online

19 December 2013
A Detroit-area man who fatally shot a drunk, unarmed woman on his porch will stand trial for second-degree murder and manslaughter, a judge ruled Thursday, rejecting a self-defense argument for the killer's 'bad choice.'

There is no dispute that Theodore Wafer shot Renisha McBride, 19, through the screen of his front door in the early hours of November 2. His attorneys said he feared for his life, but Dearborn Heights Judge David Turfe said Wafer had other options.

An autopsy found McBride had a blood-alcohol level of about 0.22, more than twice the legal limit for driving. She also had been smoking marijuana.

That is why he was charged. She didn't enter his house. His door was locked. He shot her through a closed door, when she posed no threat to him.
His life wasn't in danger at all. All he needed to do was close the door, lock it, and call the police.
Everyone knows you wait for the intruder to come inside the house. No one opens the door and shoots through the screen door. Not that it's a great loss to waste a pothead. For that alone she had it coming.

This guy did. He was so afraid for his life that he, according to the article:
was deeply afraid but still decided to open the door and fire instead of first calling the police.

So instead of CLOSING and LOCKING the door, he chose to put a gun to her head and murder her. Idiotic white racist bastard, he is.

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