White man shoots very drunk black woman breaking into his house. Charged w murder

I wonder what would have have happened if she had gone to a black guys house?.
Maybe she gets passed around as a party favor and gets her money and pot taken from her as well
as her dignity!
The woman seems to have been drunk but she was also unarmed and he shot her without opening the door.
If you can go around shooting people for being drunk, what's next?
Perhaps you should start shooting people for crossing the road without looking or having a rear light out whilst driving at night.

He did not go around shooting the drunks. She came to his door at 3 am in the morning.

that being said I don't think he should have shot her as she did not pose any obvious threat just annoyance, probably.

It does not look as self defense, it looks like manslaughter.

Sadly she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just like the old man that got shot in I think it was northern Georgia because he was disoriented a vet no less but who had alzheimers and he got whacked too.

That dude was white. Geeze louize this one hurt so bad because it truly portrays the fear that we live in. This is not a racial issue. This is a "terrified" from a home invasion issue.
Um ... what?!?

She "said something" to MAKE him shoot her in the face? :cuckoo:
Sure, especially if she said to the guy that she was going to kill him. Since she was under the influence, it could have been anything that she said or did.

How do you know he didn't have alcohol and/or drugs in him?

What the hell can an unarmed teenage girl say that justifies getting shot in the face?
Since she was under the influence, she very well may have threatened to kill him and so he may sure that she couldn't go and do such a thing.

God bless you two and the man always!!! :) :) :)


Unarmed young girl shot pointblank in the face, and you're first instinct is to make excuses for the killer. I find that odd.

Yeah, well - you know. Source, considered.
He didn't need to open the door. He opened the door and then shot her through the screen door. He should have first and foremost, before he did anything, called 911 and said he was in imminent danger, that someone one was trying to get into his house. The cops, thinking a break-in is in progress, will come as soon as possible. I think it is a lame excuse that it is Detroit and they will take hours to come when they are told someone is in the process of breaking into a home and the home owner is there frightened. Also, the home owner could say he has a gun and if the cops don't get there soon, there might be a tragedy. That will get them there. Telling the cops he's got a gun and if they don't get there pronto he might have to shoot someone will light a fire under them. The guy with the gun needs to use his head first and the gun last. He did just the opposite.

After calling 911 and making sure they knew it was necessary to come immediately, he should have stayed inside, prepared, and only shot if the person actually did try to break in. Because she wasn't breaking in, she would be alive and he'd wouldn't be on trial for murder, if he had only used his head and not a gun.

It's easy to think logically when we are on a message board, comfortably in the security of our homes at 7 at night. We aren't terrified and are thinking clearly. Sure, call 911 and tell them I don't want to shoot this intruder, but get here quickly, like 2 minutes ago. This is a city well known for not having police available and that is going through the victim's mind. Then the victim must think, what does the law state? Does the intruder have to be INSIDE the premises? Is there a STG law? What are my legal rights? Does the intruder have a weapon? What is his/her intentions, how many are there?

How old was the victim? Male or female? Were there children in the home to protect?

How can we judge?

You know, there was a time when my life was in danger, when a man held a knife to my throat and threatened to rape me. You know what? I thought more clearly than I ever had in my life. My life was in danger and I wanted to survive. My mind worked like a well oiled machine. And I thought my way out and talked my way out of being assaulted. It was just click, click, click, my brain figuring out how to get out of it, how to survive. I don't believe you go all panicky and weak at a time like that; I believe, as I experienced it myself, you go into survival mode and do what is necessary to help yourself. And I was only 19. The man in this case just didn't use his brain at all: just a dumbfuck with a gun and trigger happy.

Funny - that's how I got raped. I said what I had to, to stay alive.

If everybody were like you, not much of anybody would get raped and/or murdered, it would seem.
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Hey everyone! We have a "great" Christian here! A big fucking moron who thinks he believes in Jesus!

I simply believe I have the God given right and duty to protect my home and family.

She didn't try to enter the house. The screen door was locked. He shot her through the screen.

Damn straight he did.

I had mine at the door. Cocked, locked and ready to rock in a heart beat. One beside every window ready to business as well.


It's just the way you live in certain areas in the country. You have your "peacemakers" and no one fucks with you.

Ir's just part of living. No big smurf.
At first, this idiot said the gun went off accidently. Then he changed his story to, he was in fear for his life. Fuck him.

He had a weapon, he could have called the cops, put himself in a defensive mode and waited. Instead, he blew her head off AFTER he opened his door while she was on his porch.

Fuck him.

People don't buy home-defense weapons for hypotheticals. They buy them and pray and pray they get to kill somebody.
At first, this idiot said the gun went off accidently. Then he changed his story to, he was in fear for his life. Fuck him.

He had a weapon, he could have called the cops, put himself in a defensive mode and waited. Instead, he blew her head off AFTER he opened his door while she was on his porch.

Fuck him.

People don't buy home-defense weapons for hypotheticals. They buy them and pray and pray they get to kill somebody.

Agree with you both. He could have, should have called the cops and put himself in "defensive mode," waiting for the cops or at least for the person on his porch to actually make an attempt to enter the house, to be a real threat to him.

And I agree: it seems, based on what I read in the threads on this site, that many of those who own guns are just panting to have a chance to blow someone away.
At first, this idiot said the gun went off accidently. Then he changed his story to, he was in fear for his life. Fuck him.

He had a weapon, he could have called the cops, put himself in a defensive mode and waited. Instead, he blew her head off AFTER he opened his door while she was on his porch.

Fuck him.

People don't buy home-defense weapons for hypotheticals. They buy them and pray and pray they get to kill somebody.

Oh, I'm sorry. That's comPLETELY irrational.

My son-in-law and daughter are armed. Their nanny (unfortunately) started some shit with a neighbor not so many houses away.

My son-in-law spent like two weeks practically not sleeping at all because he was afraid he would have to go to the gun if things didn't de-escalate. So no. Gun owners aren't 'praying they get to kill somebody.'

And before you tell me my son-in-law is one-in-a-million? I already know that. But I think he's pretty standard for those who bear arms.
As smallish and drunk as this girl was - why would she need to be shot in order to "prevent" her from breaking into my house? How did the homeowner immediately know that this girl was not a victim of some horrific crime? Moreover, how did the gunman discern that this girl was intoxicated and not, say, in diabetic ketoacidosis?

Sorry, the first response to a stranger ... even if they were POUNDING on your door ... should not be a shot in the face.
I dunno about this one. Why did he 'go outside" to shoot someone? Was she armed? Why shoot an unarmed women?

I'm all for 2A rights, but this one is a stretch.

It's not "self defence" if there is no eminent danger. A teenaged girl? Unarmed? Sorry, you don't get to shoot someone for knocking on your door. This guy is a ****ing idiot.

He didn't go outside. He just blasted her in the back through the door as she was walking away. Saddest part is Michikan doesn't have he death penalty.
As smallish and drunk as this girl was - why would she need to be shot in order to "prevent" her from breaking into my house? How did the homeowner immediately know that this girl was not a victim of some horrific crime? Moreover, how did the gunman discern that this girl was intoxicated and not, say, in diabetic ketoacidosis?

Sorry, the first response to a stranger ... even if they were POUNDING on your door ... should not be a shot in the face.

Sadly the good Samaritan doctrine died many years back. This poor dude ran with the ugly.

Now tell me true.

Picture it.:eusa_angel:Think Sophia.

I'm shit faced out of my brain and completely fucked up and I'm smashing your door pummelling with my fists (ok if it was me your door would have been off its hnges, I'm small but I can give a licking)

What does the home owner do? Geeze louize he would have had to kill me before I get thru that door right?
I dunno about this one. Why did he 'go outside" to shoot someone? Was she armed? Why shoot an unarmed women?

I'm all for 2A rights, but this one is a stretch.

It's not "self defence" if there is no eminent danger. A teenaged girl? Unarmed? Sorry, you don't get to shoot someone for knocking on your door. This guy is a ****ing idiot.

He didn't go outside. He just blasted her in the back through the door as she was walking away. Saddest part is Michikan doesn't have he death penalty.

Did he shoot her in the face or in the back? If he shot her as she was walking away, it seems like self defense is not a viable excuse at all.
I dunno about this one. Why did he 'go outside" to shoot someone? Was she armed? Why shoot an unarmed women?

I'm all for 2A rights, but this one is a stretch.

It's not "self defence" if there is no eminent danger. A teenaged girl? Unarmed? Sorry, you don't get to shoot someone for knocking on your door. This guy is a ****ing idiot.

He didn't go outside. He just blasted her in the back through the door as she was walking away. Saddest part is Michikan doesn't have he death penalty.

You best be sure that he shot her as she was walking away. It's a game changer. I'm all for truth.
At first, this idiot said the gun went off accidently. Then he changed his story to, he was in fear for his life. Fuck him.

He had a weapon, he could have called the cops, put himself in a defensive mode and waited. Instead, he blew her head off AFTER he opened his door while she was on his porch.

Fuck him.

People don't buy home-defense weapons for hypotheticals. They buy them and pray and pray they get to kill somebody.

o bullshit....i have guns...i do not want to kill anyone but i am damn willin to protect myself ....and my family....dont fuck with me...and you wont ever see any of my guns.....fuck with me...then you accept the consequences of your actions...now dont ya?

and i draw my line..at entering my home..simple as that...when the local medium security jails have a break out....i just leave the car keys in the oldest car....take it i dont give a shit....i can replace it....try to enter my home....well that only happens by invitation....
Any one else read about this dude shooting this woman in the back?

If so give links.
At first, this idiot said the gun went off accidently. Then he changed his story to, he was in fear for his life. Fuck him.

He had a weapon, he could have called the cops, put himself in a defensive mode and waited. Instead, he blew her head off AFTER he opened his door while she was on his porch.

Fuck him.

People don't buy home-defense weapons for hypotheticals. They buy them and pray and pray they get to kill somebody.

o bullshit....i have guns...i do not want to kill anyone but i am damn willin to protect myself ....and my family....dont fuck with me...and you wont ever see any of my guns.....fuck with me...then you accept the consequences of your actions...now dont ya?

and i draw my line..at entering my home..simple as that...when the local medium security jails have a break out....i just leave the car keys in the oldest car....take it i dont give a shit....i can replace it....try to enter my home....well that only happens by invitation....

Thank you! If they know you're cocked locked and ready to rock...............you are sailing.

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