White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

Ya he shouldn't have slapped the little nigglet, he should have slapped the mama
Good heavens, the toddler was just 19 months old. Why did none of the other passengers intervene to help miss Bennett, and her child?

the other passengers were glad he slapped the stupid kid. The "mother" should have.
I can understand the frustration of a crying kid on a flight that said I have no sympathy for the man you don't hit someone else's child you say something to the parent if that does not help you call the flight attendant and see if you can get the seating arrangements changed if not then you just deal with it it's part of commercial air travel.

Everyone agrees with that. The issue is the 8 months. Did he deserve that.?
WHOA! Turns out the baby slapping racist is a muslim!!!! Didn't see that coming!

White Muslim Attacks Baby Mid-Flight

[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=37134]ShootSpeeders[/MENTION] [MENTION=35136]National Socialist[/MENTION]
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I can understand the frustration of a crying kid on a flight that said I have no sympathy for the man you don't hit someone else's child you say something to the parent if that does not help you call the flight attendant and see if you can get the seating arrangements changed if not then you just deal with it it's part of commercial air travel.

Everyone agrees with that. The issue is the 8 months. Did he deserve that.?

You hit a child especially one that young you will probably get between six months and a year lets be honest the guy will likely be out in three months four tops and probation for the rest.
We have a few real sick assholes here, all goosestepping stiff legged in a row. Aren't we lucky? not.
WHOA! Turns out the baby slapping racist is a muslim!!!! Didn't see that coming!

White Muslim Attacks Baby Mid-Flight

[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=37134]ShootSpeeders[/MENTION] [MENTION=35136]National Socialist[/MENTION]

I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.
So..his kid is dying or dead and must come off life support, so he smacks a baby.

I would have punched him in the nose, handed my kid to another passenger, then commenced to beat the ever living shit out of him with anything and everything at my disposal.
WHOA! Turns out the baby slapping racist is a muslim!!!! Didn't see that coming!

White Muslim Attacks Baby Mid-Flight

[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=37134]ShootSpeeders[/MENTION] [MENTION=35136]National Socialist[/MENTION]

I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Okay Boop,

I know my joke there may have been in bad taste...

But slapping a baby? You're going to give that man some leniency over calling a baby the n word and slapping it?

There's absolutely ZERO scenario's where I could picture myself doing that in my lifetime. I don't know what else to say.
WHOA! Turns out the baby slapping racist is a muslim!!!! Didn't see that coming!

White Muslim Attacks Baby Mid-Flight

[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=37134]ShootSpeeders[/MENTION] [MENTION=35136]National Socialist[/MENTION]

I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

I dont get why that would make him want to slap a child. I would be thinking about how the child was a new healthy life and remembering when my son was that age.
Losing my child doesn't give me the right to slap a baby, Boop. Punch a seat? Tell the mother to please walk up the aisle for a few, maybe tell her why you are upset...but slapping her BABY? Sorry...he gets no leeway from me.

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