White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

Well, gee Gracie. When you put it like that, losing your child almost seems like no big deal.

Losing a child is a big deal, but people shouldn't lose sight of civility because they are going through a difficult time. The child was not the cause of him losing his child, neither was the mother....if he was in such distress that a crying child would upset him to that point of "slapping him" - he should have talked to a flight attendant, informed them of his situation and I'm sure they would have moved him to where he wouldn't be that close to the child.

I know I wouldn't stand for someone slapping my child because he/she was crying....if I had been the mother on that plane, they probably would have arrested me because I would have been all over that dude.
I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Okay Boop,

I know my joke there may have been in bad taste...

But slapping a baby? You're going to give that man some leniency over calling a baby the n word and slapping it?

There's absolutely ZERO scenario's where I could picture myself doing that in my lifetime. I don't know what else to say.

You have not lost a child, have you?

Then you can't put yourself i this man's shoes.

I can. I admire his restraint.

Slapping a baby.

Does he deserve sympathy for his child? Absolutely.

Should he have slapped a baby?

Are you guys fucking kidding me???

What if it was your kid? Would you say, "Oh well my baby was being annoying. And that guy was in distress. He can go ahead and throw a racial slur at my baby and slap him in the face. That's perfectly reasonable."

Is this really happening? Are you all really defending this???
Okay Boop,

I know my joke there may have been in bad taste...

But slapping a baby? You're going to give that man some leniency over calling a baby the n word and slapping it?

There's absolutely ZERO scenario's where I could picture myself doing that in my lifetime. I don't know what else to say.

You have not lost a child, have you?

Then you can't put yourself i this man's shoes.

I can. I admire his restraint.

Slapping a baby.

Does he deserve sympathy for his child? Absolutely.

Should he have slapped a baby?

Are you guys fucking kidding me???

What if it was your kid? Would you say, "Oh well my baby was being annoying. And that guy was in distress. He can go ahead and throw a racial slur at my baby and slap him in the face. That's perfectly reasonable."

Is this really happening? Are you all really defending this???

I forgot he called the baby "******". The mother should have got up and asked to be moved somewhere else as soon as he uttered those words. Then he slapped the baby. A baby. I am glad he was fired and I am glad he sits in a jail cell for 8 months.
You have not lost a child, have you?

Then you can't put yourself i this man's shoes.

I can. I admire his restraint.

Slapping a baby.

Does he deserve sympathy for his child? Absolutely.

Should he have slapped a baby?

Are you guys fucking kidding me???

What if it was your kid? Would you say, "Oh well my baby was being annoying. And that guy was in distress. He can go ahead and throw a racial slur at my baby and slap him in the face. That's perfectly reasonable."

Is this really happening? Are you all really defending this???

I forgot he called the baby "******". The mother should have got up and asked to be moved somewhere else as soon as he uttered those words. Then he slapped the baby. A baby. I am glad he was fired and I am glad he sits in a jail cell for 8 months.

If I were the father I'd prefer for him to have several bruises to his face and body over jailtime. A broken nose and a black eye would be great :thup:
Well, I certainly hope that I don't meet him when he gets out. If he is having a bad day, and I am with my daughter, and lays a hand on her, I would have to hurt him very badly....

But, I would try to moderate my actions by keeping in mind that he is just drunk on an airplane as a result of taking his kid off of life support. I mean, who wouldn't be, right?
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Their son is adopted.

That just makes it worse, you white-hating racist POS. Why don't you go out and pass some more affirmative action laws so you can persecute us whites even more.? You need professional help!!

Someone should slap you.....kids don't scream for the hell of it....their ears hurt when they fly. .

Oh stop with that phony earache crap. You telling me all kids get earaches when they fly??
You're just another racist liberal who always sides AGAINST the white man.
Well, I certainly hope that I don't meet him when he gets out. If he is having a bad day, and I am with my daughter, and lays a hand on her, I would have to hurt him very badly....

But, I would try to moderate my actions by keeping in mind that he is just drunk on an airplane as a result of taking his kid off of life support. I mean, who wouldn't be, right?

Thank you.
Well, I certainly hope that I don't meet him when he gets out. If he is having a bad day, and I am with my daughter, and lays a hand on her, I would have to hurt him very badly....

But, I would try to moderate my actions by keeping in mind that he is just drunk on an airplane as a result of taking his kid off of life support. I mean, who wouldn't be, right?

Thank you.

Drunk on an airplane, calls a baby a ******, slaps the baby in the face...

Get him a few more babies to smack! :beer:
Well, I certainly hope that I don't meet him when he gets out. If he is having a bad day, and I am with my daughter, and lays a hand on her, I would have to hurt him very badly....

But, I would try to moderate my actions by keeping in mind that he is just drunk on an airplane as a result of taking his kid off of life support. I mean, who wouldn't be, right?

Thank you.

Drunk on an airplane, calls a baby a ******, slaps the baby in the face...

Get him a few more babies to smack! :beer:

Keep flaming, it's such an attractive look.
Like me, I think Boop is empathizing with the guy. Should he have slapped a 19 month old child? Hell no!
BUT, having been pretty damned close to the emotional state the man was in at the time, for the same reason, I sure as hell understand why he did.

As I said before, my reaction would have been to slap the mother if she couldn't or wouldn't control her kid.

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