White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

Losing my child doesn't give me the right to slap a baby, Boop. Punch a seat? Tell the mother to please walk up the aisle for a few, maybe tell her why you are upset...but slapping her BABY? Sorry...he gets no leeway from me.

What. The FUCK. Where on earth did you get the leap from maybe seeing a connection to he gets a fucking pass.

Seriously? Yeah, because that's so like me, right? Fucking liberals.

Losing my child doesn't give me the right to slap a baby, Boop. Punch a seat? Tell the mother to please walk up the aisle for a few, maybe tell her why you are upset...but slapping her BABY? Sorry...he gets no leeway from me.

What. The FUCK. Where on earth did you get the leap from maybe seeing a connection to he gets a fucking pass.

Seriously? Yeah, because that's so like me, right? Fucking liberals.


You said whatever you said and it looked like you were giving this grieving father a pass for his actions. Did I read it wrong?
Because what is so like you? You are right. WTF??? And now I am a liberal??

I REFUSE...REFUSE to let a stupid thread started by a tard to ruin a friendship.

Over and out.
It is NOTHING like me Gracie - but I'm a liberal so of course you can believe the absolute fucking worst of me.

Double for asshat backing you.
Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

Should have drove then. I know damn well other people don't want to listen to my 3 heathens in a eatery or the store so I try and do as much as possible without taking them. Like tomorrow gonna get groceries gonna be just me and the wife.

No, the intolerant person should have driven.....or worn ear plugs....you, calling your children heathens just explains a lot....:eusa_whistle:
It is NOTHING like me Gracie - but I'm a liberal so of course you can believe the absolute fucking worst of me.

Double for asshat backing you.

I disagree. But I'll look at this again tomorrow to see if I missed something.

I also won't neg you back because I like you too much...
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More affirmative action BS. If the races were reversed, the slapper would have been a hero.

Man Who Slapped Toddler on Flight from Mpls. Sentenced to 8 months | KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul

A federal judge on Monday sentenced a man who pleaded guilty to slapping a crying toddler on an Atlanta-bound flight to serve eight months in federal prison.

Joe Rickey Hundley was accused of using a racial slur to refer to the 19-month-old boy, who's black, and hitting him under the eye as the flight from Minneapolis descended to the Atlanta airport last February. He pleaded guilty in October to simple assault after reaching a plea agreement with prosecutors.

Hundley, who lived in Idaho at the time, was on a Delta flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta on Feb. 8 and was seated in a window seat next to Bennett, who was sitting in the aisle seat and had her 19-month-old son on her lap, according to court filings.

As the plane descended into Atlanta, the child started crying. Hundley leaned over to Bennett and "told her to shut that (N-word) baby up," according to a sworn statement from an FBI agent who investigated the incident. Bennett asked Hundley what he had said, and he leaned in with his face next to hers and said it again, prosecutors have said.

Hundley then slapped the child's face, leaving a scratch below his right eye, the FBI agent's statement says.

Hundley's only son was in a coma in Atlanta after an insulin overdose that was the result of a suspected suicide attempt, Shein has said. Hundley had spent the prior day talking to his ex-wife and doctors after his son was declared brain dead, Shein said, and he booked a last-minute flight to Atlanta so he and his ex-wife could take their son off life support.

"I made the most terrible day in my life much worse for me and for others," Hundley told the judge.

That asshole should have gotten his balls kicked right up under his armpits. Any adult that does something like that is a complete jerk, and the asshole deserved a couple of years at hard labor.

Slapping an 18 month old kid warrants a prison sentence, but you celebrate a court decision that gave his mother the right to kill him before he took his first breath.

Fucking hypocrite!
He assaulted a toddler for crying. Fuck that guy.

If you hit a child then it's hard to have sympathy for the man (and I have little for this guy), however, it was a unique circumstance. The man was flying to see his son who slipped into a comma and was brain dead. He was going to take him off life support. That is a hard thing to take emotionally. Clouds one's judgement!

Again, it doesn't give him the right to touch or even say something to someone else's child, but their is another side of this!
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Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

Hey stupid. That's not what happened to the kid on this plane. He was just screaming for the hell of it and his "mother" thought it was funny and so did nothing. White guy should have slugged both of them.

Someone should slap you.....kids don't scream for the hell of it....their ears hurt when they fly. If you can't stand noise, don't go where other people are going to be, kids are not exempt from flying....it's not about you and your comfort.
Yep. He called the child a racist name and slapped him. A baby. He deserves all the jail time he gets, and I hope he enjoys bending over for his inmate 'friends'.

HAHAHA. You stupid jackass. You really think the one year old kid cared about the name-calling?? HAHAHA uranidiot

You are just as bad as the one calling the child an ape....hope this idiot's inmates give him what he truly deserves.
You have no control of your child screaming in pain. If you had ever procreated with a woman and had a child you would know that.

What pain??? You keep claiming the kid was in pain. How do you know that??

The kid was certainly in pain when the racist white bastard slapped him.

The mother was the one who deserved slapping. She should have been doing what she could to quiet her child.
Lol, your preversion cannot create a life, but if i'm sure if you and your partner could. You would be proud to kill it. I've raised a son on my own without support from my ex. He is a good kid. Sorry i don' t support the killing of babies.

Her 'perversion' can certainly raise a life and provide it opportunities it never would have had otherwise.

No, the liberal perversion's goal is to make abortion free and easy. Also to shove the gay lifestlye on everyone.

Absolutely. And if you don't get an abortion, you will be reported to the authorities!
So..his kid is dying or dead and must come off life support, so he smacks a baby.

I would have punched him in the nose, handed my kid to another passenger, then commenced to beat the ever living shit out of him with anything and everything at my disposal.

I have lost a child, Grace. Had you punched me in that situation, you would not have survived the flight.
He assaulted a toddler for crying. Fuck that guy.

If you hit a child then it's hard to have sympathy for the man (and I have little for this guy), however, it was a unique circumstance. The man was flying to see his son who slipped into a comma and was brain dead. He was going to take him off life support. That is a hard thing to take emotionally. Clouds one's judgement!

Again, it doesn't give him the right to touch or even say something to someone else's child, but their is another side of this!

Which is all I was saying, thank you.
I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

Sounds like you need some parenting classes.
WHOA! Turns out the baby slapping racist is a muslim!!!! Didn't see that coming!

White Muslim Attacks Baby Mid-Flight

[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=37134]ShootSpeeders[/MENTION] [MENTION=35136]National Socialist[/MENTION]

I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Okay Boop,

I know my joke there may have been in bad taste...

But slapping a baby? You're going to give that man some leniency over calling a baby the n word and slapping it?

There's absolutely ZERO scenario's where I could picture myself doing that in my lifetime. I don't know what else to say.

You have not lost a child, have you?

Then you can't put yourself i this man's shoes.

I can. I admire his restraint.
I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Okay Boop,

I know my joke there may have been in bad taste...

But slapping a baby? You're going to give that man some leniency over calling a baby the n word and slapping it?

There's absolutely ZERO scenario's where I could picture myself doing that in my lifetime. I don't know what else to say.

You have not lost a child, have you?

Then you can't put yourself i this man's shoes.

I can. I admire his restraint.

I haven't lost a child.

It's only my worst nightmare.
So..his kid is dying or dead and must come off life support, so he smacks a baby.

I would have punched him in the nose, handed my kid to another passenger, then commenced to beat the ever living shit out of him with anything and everything at my disposal.

I have lost a child, Grace. Had you punched me in that situation, you would not have survived the flight.

And if you punched my child, you wouldn't have either.
I agree he was in pain (the man) and wasn't thinking right. But still...I cringe at thinking of him striking that baby.

I don't know what the hell is going on with Boop, but like Old School..maybe I missed something. Right now..I am gobsmacked at the attack and insinuation that I think she is...whatever it is she thinks I think. Just....gobsmacked.
The whole thing reminds me of this scene from Casino.
It is enough to make someone seriously admire Joe Pesci.
I have nothing but contempt for bullies.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3GPrFZ33lo]Casino Pen Stabbing Scene - YouTube[/ame]
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