White Man Who Killed 8-Year-Old Black Boy While Randomly Shooting Cars Says He’s The Victim

Know I don't have to AssUMe a damn thing, I have 400yrs of history that says I am correct. Hell you see black men killed and they don't even have a weapon. Are you serious.
So when we talk about black people killing black people versus white people killing white people we are instructed by IM2 and you, Superbadbrutha, that we must speak strictly of the numbers and not the rate or percentage. More white people die at the hands of white people than black people die at the hands of black people... 20 more.. in an entire year.. 2574 in 2019 for black on black and 2594 for white on white.. Clearly more whites kill whites than blacks kill blacks...

But when we talk about unarmed people killed by the police, suddenly, because the police actually kill far more unarmed white people than they do black people, it suddenly becomes about the rate and the percentages. Not the percentages of criminals or violent crimes, mind you, but only about the percent of melanin in the skin and the percentage of the population.

So 40% of guns recovered in Chicago come from Illinois? Do you think that's not high enough number? From Indiana, where guns are readily available, only 20% but from Chicago, where they're banned, twice as many. Tell us again how well banning guns works for the parents of dead babies in Chicago.
It doesn't when you just pump them in from other states.
Very good question. And your point is well taken; blacks are not manufacturing the drugs they're selling. They may as well be picking cotton; they're doing the work for their rich white masters. And when they are arrested and their masters are losing money, they're let out of jail so they can get back in the fields and keep that white stuff moving.

This is why prisons don't reform and neither do any social programs, including education. It may no longer be illegal to teach a black person to read but the Democrats have figured out a workaround. It may not be illegal to teach them to read but at least it's not illegal to NOT teach them to read. Outcome is the same.. the white stuff keeps moving and the white Democrat masters keep raking in the cash.
Oh you better believe the Republicans are getting their cut as well, because what policies or bills have Republicans put in place to address these problems? 0.
So when we talk about black people killing black people versus white people killing white people we are instructed by IM2 and you, Superbadbrutha, that we must speak strictly of the numbers and not the rate or percentage. More white people die at the hands of white people than black people die at the hands of black people... 20 more.. in an entire year.. 2574 in 2019 for black on black and 2594 for white on white.. Clearly more whites kill whites than blacks kill blacks...

But when we talk about unarmed people killed by the police, suddenly, because the police actually kill far more unarmed white people than they do black people, it suddenly becomes about the rate and the percentages. Not the percentages of criminals or violent crimes, mind you, but only about the percent of melanin in the skin and the percentage of the population.

Black Americans are killed at a much higher rate than White Americans​

Although half of the people shot and killed by police are White, Black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate. They account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of White Americans. Hispanic Americans are also killed by police at a disproportionate rate.

Remember all of the black leaders who couldn't wait to get a picture with Trump before he ran for President? Trump was a favorite of the black community until he went against the Democratic masters and the plantation joined in with their masters to condemn him.
Or was it just the opposite Trump loved the photo op opportunities with black leaders and then he realized that pushing the white supremacist agenda would put him over the top to become POTUS.
Oh you better believe the Republicans are getting their cut as well, because what policies or bills have Republicans put in place to address these problems? 0.
Damn you're dumb. :p

Since when does private security become a federal government issue?

FedGov handles NATIONAL security. That's like nuclear weapons and stuff. Armies. Submarines. Like that.

Corporate security, is the corporation's responsibility.

Family security, is YOUR responsibility.

Get yourself a weapon, learn how to use it, and protect your family.

That's the best you can do.

It's a dangerous world. You can get killed just crossing the street.

The best strategy is, walk very softly, and carry a huge fuckin stick
Damn you're dumb. :p

Since when does private security become a federal government issue?

FedGov handles NATIONAL security. That's like nuclear weapons and stuff. Armies. Submarines. Like that.

Corporate security, is the corporation's responsibility.

Family security, is YOUR responsibility.

Get yourself a weapon, learn how to use it, and protect your family.

That's the best you can do.

It's a dangerous world. You can get killed just crossing the street.

The best strategy is, walk very softly, and carry a huge fuckin stick
Scruffy, you remind me of a comic book character, Captain Dumbass.
It doesn't when you just pump them in from other states.
You narrow-mindedly, totally, missed the point. 40% of the guns came from Illinois. You keep whining about how many come from Indiana because of Indiana's lax gun laws but only half as many came from that wild and woolly state.

More guns came from within Illinois than from any other place. Gun control doesn't work.
Oh you better believe the Republicans are getting their cut as well, because what policies or bills have Republicans put in place to address these problems? 0.
I can accept that. Many Republicans, most even, are not conservatives. They are the Republican Branch of the Democratic Party. They, for instance, pretend to be for closing the border but really support open borders because South Americans work for less than black people work for.

So why do you keep voting for Democrats? Most Americans have long considered voting as a choice for the lesser evil. There are nationally known Republicans that are far from perfect but are certainly far less evil than the Democrats and most other Republicans. Wherever you live, there are likely some lesser-evil Republicans, as well. Vote for the lesser evil.

Black Americans are killed at a much higher rate than White Americans​

Although half of the people shot and killed by police are White, Black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate. They account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of White Americans. Hispanic Americans are also killed by police at a disproportionate rate.

I know you're going to object angrily and tell me how all white people say this but you know it's true. Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

My point, though, was that you insist we use actual numbers when talking about white people murdering white people compared to black people killing black people and then you want to use rate when talking about police killing black people. Actual numbers, alone, rarely tell an accurate story so I'm glad we won't hear from you again about actual numbers in white on white crime versus black on black crime.

Since, for the most part (certainly not all) of the black people shot by police were shot justifiably, the number of black people shot by police probably can't go down significantly. You fight with a cop, you get shot. So the only way to get to racial equity is for the cops to just shoot more white people, need it or not. I assume you would be OK with that.

But, instead, how about we deal with the root causes that bring America's black population and the police together so much. How about we reduce crime in black neighborhoods and make black families safer? How about you quit voting for politicians and policies destructive to black families. If you would do that, then maybe fewer black people would get hurt or killed in interactions with the police.
Japan didnt attack the US mainland, only outer territories, They said the US can never be invaded ; there is a gun behind every blade of grass.

Not true. A Japanese sub shelled Coal Oil Point north of Santa Barbara, and invaded the Aleutian Islands.
They also sent balloon bombs into Washington state, but >>>GENERALLY, they did not attack the US mainland.

They never landed in CONUS, that is true. And our high level of civilian gun ownership was certainly a factor in that decision.

But they did indeed attack the mainland. I just wanted that history to be known.
Not true. A Japanese sub shelled Coal Oil Point north of Santa Barbara, and invaded the Aleutian Islands.
Yeah, Attu and Kiska, two almost uninhabited islands. And a few shells from a surfaced I Boat, or air raid on Dutch Harbor are not invasions. You might notice the Japanese didn’t even try to invade sparsely populated Dutch Harbor.
An 8-year-old Black boy from Portsmouth, New Hampshire was shot and killed in Florence County, South Carolina on May 28, by a white man who was randomly shooting at cars driving by his house.

The boy, who police identified as Quarius Dunham, was vacationing with his family in South Carolina when Charles Montgomery Allen shot the child and his father as they passed by in their vehicle.

According to coroner reports, Dunham was shot in the neck and died the following day from his injuries. His father, who was shot in the leg, survived and is expected to make a full recovery.

Allen was arrested and charged with one count of murder, nine counts of attempted murder, discharging a firearm into an occupied vehicle, and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime.

Police say Allen shot at and hit multiple cars that passed by his home on Old River Road in Florence. Local law enforcement told ABC 15 News that they were familiar with Allen and that he had a history with Police.

How wonder how racist like Horseshitting missed this story.

Oh that's right she only post crimes that are committed by someone black.
That white person (calling him a man is too kind) deserves the death penalty.
You said yourself, the shooter was shooting randomly at cars. YOU are the one who made this about race.

This story deserves less attention than that of Cannon Hinnant, and how many Americans know that name without googling it?

Admit it -- this is only important to you because of the race of the victim, which makes it even clearer what a racist you are.
This is an old story, in USMB. Superbadbonehead finding something in the racist news to rant against white people.

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