White Nationalism’s Deep American Roots

Got any evidence to back up your claims that refute what is widely accepted as historical fact?
The historical fact is, Europeans came here with their diseases, killed off most of the Indians, and never left. They're still here today. And yet, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. You made the excuse that the Spanish came to South America and vaccinated the Indians. So what happened in North America? I thought all these folks were good guys according to you? Where was their vaccine? Excuses excuses!

Officials vaccinated the north american natives too...
They did? You could have fooled me on that one. They were still slaughtered and murdered by the hundreds of thousands, where their destiny has been to live a life on some of the most harshest land this country has. Many of these areas they have to truck water in, just to survive. We really took care of the Indians. Lol! Bottom line, the white Europeans didn't give a shit then, and they don't give a shit now. That's reality.

And if there were vaccinations, they still died, and the settlers never left. They didn't give a shit. Sugar coat it any way you like, but our attitude today is the same.

Case in point - for Republicans, I used to have decent respect for John McCain until I found out he was trying to confiscate Indian burial grounds, by opening them up for mining. Which proves my point today. We really do not give two shits about the Indians. When there's a dollar bill in between us and the Indians, the dollar bill wins.

You've got a very dim view of humanity or does your contempt only apply to white people?
My contempt is for people who invade others,then put them in corners of the world that a Cockroach wouldn't live on so those invaders can reap the riches. That isn't about color. That is about right and wrong. I see that you literally have run out of arguments when you feel the need to attack me. Lol! Carry on.
Actually it is not.

Got any evidence to back up your claims that refute what is widely accepted as historical fact?
The historical fact is, Europeans came here with their diseases, killed off most of the Indians, and never left. They're still here today. And yet, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. You made the excuse that the Spanish came to South America and vaccinated the Indians. So what happened in North America? I thought all these folks were good guys according to you? Where was their vaccine? Excuses excuses!

Officials vaccinated the north american natives too...
They did? You could have fooled me on that one. They were still slaughtered and murdered by the hundreds of thousands, where their destiny has been to live a life on some of the most harshest land this country has. Many of these areas they have to truck water in, just to survive. We really took care of the Indians. Lol! Bottom line, the white Europeans didn't give a shit then, and they don't give a shit now. That's reality.

Does it ever get tiring, carrying around centuries old guilt for things you had no part in? I'm curious, answer me sincerely...what do you think white people should do to atone?

Do you ever tire of making excuses?
Actually it is not.

Got any evidence to back up your claims that refute what is widely accepted as historical fact?

Except it's not widely accepted as historical fact.

Lets see your evidence then

I am going to do what you whites do. I am going to make comments and that's it.

We know that whites gave natives blankets full of smallpox and then coincidentally natives in large numbers died from smallpox. So to you natives were just being wiped out by disease.

Maybe they didn't know how viruses were spread, did you ever stop to consider that? And when a smallpox vaccination was finally developed, it was given to natives as well.


What's your point with the spam? Just because a murderer has some certain ideas doesnt mean that everyone with those ideas is a murderer.
I'm not suggesting that King and Gohmert are murders so your criticism fails from the get go. The point is that their words can and do inspire and give license to people who are murderers

The point is also that the New Zealand terrorist’s beliefs do not exists solely in the realm of the extreme, far right – we hear the same ignorant, hateful rhetoric from mainstream conservatives, such as wrongheaded references to immigrants as ‘invaders’ (“We are experiencing an invasion on a level never seen before in history”) and an unwarranted hostility toward diversity (“Diversity is not a strength”).

As long as conservatives continue to ignore the consequences of their rhetoric hostile to immigrants in general, and Muslims in particular, similar terrorist attacks against immigrant communities will occur again.

When are you going to hold your side responsible for their role in instigating violence?
"Side?" What "side?" I thought this was a "we the people" country?
It is.

But conservatives are only interested in dividing Americans.
What's your point with the spam? Just because a murderer has some certain ideas doesnt mean that everyone with those ideas is a murderer.
I'm not suggesting that King and Gohmert are murders so your criticism fails from the get go. The point is that their words can and do inspire and give license to people who are murderers

The point is also that the New Zealand terrorist’s beliefs do not exists solely in the realm of the extreme, far right – we hear the same ignorant, hateful rhetoric from mainstream conservatives, such as wrongheaded references to immigrants as ‘invaders’ (“We are experiencing an invasion on a level never seen before in history”) and an unwarranted hostility toward diversity (“Diversity is not a strength”).

As long as conservatives continue to ignore the consequences of their rhetoric hostile to immigrants in general, and Muslims in particular, similar terrorist attacks against immigrant communities will occur again.

When are you going to hold your side responsible for their role in instigating violence?
"Side?" What "side?" I thought this was a "we the people" country?
It is.

But conservatives are only interested in dividing Americans.
Yea, I think they have been long detached from "we the people". If in fact they ever believed in that?And that is the single most stark difference between the two parties.
Got any evidence to back up your claims that refute what is widely accepted as historical fact?
The historical fact is, Europeans came here with their diseases, killed off most of the Indians, and never left. They're still here today. And yet, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. You made the excuse that the Spanish came to South America and vaccinated the Indians. So what happened in North America? I thought all these folks were good guys according to you? Where was their vaccine? Excuses excuses!

Officials vaccinated the north american natives too...
They did? You could have fooled me on that one. They were still slaughtered and murdered by the hundreds of thousands, where their destiny has been to live a life on some of the most harshest land this country has. Many of these areas they have to truck water in, just to survive. We really took care of the Indians. Lol! Bottom line, the white Europeans didn't give a shit then, and they don't give a shit now. That's reality.

Does it ever get tiring, carrying around centuries old guilt for things you had no part in? I'm curious, answer me sincerely...what do you think white people should do to atone?
Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
The historical fact is, Europeans came here with their diseases, killed off most of the Indians, and never left. They're still here today. And yet, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. You made the excuse that the Spanish came to South America and vaccinated the Indians. So what happened in North America? I thought all these folks were good guys according to you? Where was their vaccine? Excuses excuses!

Officials vaccinated the north american natives too...
They did? You could have fooled me on that one. They were still slaughtered and murdered by the hundreds of thousands, where their destiny has been to live a life on some of the most harshest land this country has. Many of these areas they have to truck water in, just to survive. We really took care of the Indians. Lol! Bottom line, the white Europeans didn't give a shit then, and they don't give a shit now. That's reality.

Does it ever get tiring, carrying around centuries old guilt for things you had no part in? I'm curious, answer me sincerely...what do you think white people should do to atone?
Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.
But they sure brought the diseases with them when they arrived that helped push that along. Did they leave ? No! Because they never gave a shit, and the they still don't today. Which is why we see he U.S. getting in everyone's business.

well that was a dumb comment. do you happen to be mentally handicapped in some way?
If you are incapable of proving me wrong, it isn't a matter of me being mentally handicapped. It's just me proving you wrong, and myself right.

You make it sound as if these smallpox infected Dutch settlers were frolicking around rubbing themselves on natives to intentionally spread the disease for fun

I never said that. You did. What I'm saying is, they obviously knew they were dropping like flies from their arrivals, and simply didn't care. Their exploitation of the country meant much more than the Indians survival.

It's even dumber the second time around. What an immature and narrow minded view of history you have. The settlers whom you disparaged braved the seas to sail to an untamed and dangerous land to live free and you think they should have packed up their families and turned tail towards home because everyone around them is dying of a smallpox outbreak? Yes, cramming hundreds of people on board a ship for several months is a really smart way to deal with a goddamned epidemic.
They "came here to live free?" What about those poor Indians who were already living free, who then got infected with European diseases that they didn't ask for? That doesn't count?
Officials vaccinated the north american natives too...
They did? You could have fooled me on that one. They were still slaughtered and murdered by the hundreds of thousands, where their destiny has been to live a life on some of the most harshest land this country has. Many of these areas they have to truck water in, just to survive. We really took care of the Indians. Lol! Bottom line, the white Europeans didn't give a shit then, and they don't give a shit now. That's reality.

Does it ever get tiring, carrying around centuries old guilt for things you had no part in? I'm curious, answer me sincerely...what do you think white people should do to atone?
Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
They did? You could have fooled me on that one. They were still slaughtered and murdered by the hundreds of thousands, where their destiny has been to live a life on some of the most harshest land this country has. Many of these areas they have to truck water in, just to survive. We really took care of the Indians. Lol! Bottom line, the white Europeans didn't give a shit then, and they don't give a shit now. That's reality.

Does it ever get tiring, carrying around centuries old guilt for things you had no part in? I'm curious, answer me sincerely...what do you think white people should do to atone?
Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.
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Does it ever get tiring, carrying around centuries old guilt for things you had no part in? I'm curious, answer me sincerely...what do you think white people should do to atone?
Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.

Weird request but ok, I promise not to steal lands from indians. I also promise not to vote for a candidate who runs on a "let's steal more land from indians" platform. We good?
Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.

Weird request but ok, I promise not to steal lands from indians. I also promise not to vote for a candidate who runs on a "let's steal more land from indians" platform. We good?
:thup: That's all we can ask for. Thanks!
Does it ever get tiring, carrying around centuries old guilt for things you had no part in? I'm curious, answer me sincerely...what do you think white people should do to atone?
Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.

In all seriousness though, don't you think you're being a little hard on those 1607 people? Applying your woke 2019 social justice standards to them seems more than a little unfair. What about Genghis Khan's mongolian hordes who ravaged half of the known world killing untold numbers of people for no apparent reason? Why aren't you mad at them even more?
Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.

In all seriousness though, don't you think you're being a little hard on those 1607 people? Applying your woke 2019 social justice standards to them seems more than a little unfair. What about Genghis Khan's mongolian hordes who ravaged half of the known world killing untold numbers of people for no apparent reason? Why aren't you mad at them even more?
Yep! You are right. I'm blaming no man or woman in 2019 for what happened in 1607. My issues are with attitude today. March 20, 2019. That's my big issue. If we can't learn from the mistakes of 1607, or the peroiod of the Monguls, then when do we learn? It all boils down to "ATTITUDE." Most of us have the hard wires in our brains to decipher right and wrong. It's the attitude that sets us apart.
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Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.

In all seriousness though, don't you think you're being a little hard on those 1607 people? Applying your woke 2019 social justice standards to them seems more than a little unfair. What about Genghis Khan's mongolian hordes who ravaged half of the known world killing untold numbers of people for no apparent reason? Why aren't you mad at them even more?
Yep! You are right. I'm blaming no man or woman in 2019 for what happened in 1607. My issues are with attitude today. March 20, 2019. That's my big issue. If we can't learn from the mistakes of 1607, or the peroiod of the Monguls, then when do we learn?

Again with the childish insincere nonsense. You cant actually believe society has made no progress since 1607, that there's a bunch of people with a 17th century mindset running around America fucking up the lives of PoC for fun. If you truly believe these idiotic things and not just saying it because it makes you feel like you're good person who's so much more enlightened than everyone else... then there is something wrong with your brain and you might wanna get it looked at by a professional.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.

In all seriousness though, don't you think you're being a little hard on those 1607 people? Applying your woke 2019 social justice standards to them seems more than a little unfair. What about Genghis Khan's mongolian hordes who ravaged half of the known world killing untold numbers of people for no apparent reason? Why aren't you mad at them even more?
Yep! You are right. I'm blaming no man or woman in 2019 for what happened in 1607. My issues are with attitude today. March 20, 2019. That's my big issue. If we can't learn from the mistakes of 1607, or the peroiod of the Monguls, then when do we learn?

Again with the childish insincere nonsense. You cant actually believe society has made no progress since 1607, that there's a bunch of people with a 17th century mindset running around America fucking up the lives of PoC for fun. If you truly believe these idiotic things and not just saying it because it makes you feel like you're good person who's so much more enlightened than everyone else... then there is something wrong with your brain and you might wanna get it looked at by a professional.
We have not given any decent airable land back, where Indians aren't forced to have water trucked in, we are placing oil pipelines that threaten potable water in the Ogalala aquifer, and are threatening mining operations in places where Indians hold sacred as memorials. I fail to see the progress. If you know of any, I will await to see the progress you are talking about.

I fail to see what this has to do with seeking professional help? I never said anyone was acting out against the Indians for fun. You are implying that. Again, I'm talking about attitude. That is the key behind everything.
Does it really, though? When you look at the tech industry you see these big corporations lobbying for more immigration so they can hire workers for low wages. John trains Habib to code then Habib takes Johns job. A government's most important duty is helping to ensure the prosperity of it's citizens, not the prosperity of corporations.
Its an asset to you as an individual, whether or not it gives you an advantage depends on circumstances though. A poster here was complaining that his daughter was not getting enough sales because she doesn't speak Spanish. I was just pointing out that I would learn Spanish before letting someone else have my job just because they can speak it and I can't. That's just silly in my opinion but my opinion is based on the fact that I've had to learn new and different computer languages simply because computer technology is constantly changing. But I do agree with you on the other part.

Well, I'm glad we agree on something. For the record, I don't think I'm genetically superior to non white people. I'm just worried about the future. history has proven time and time again that cramming a whole bunch of wildly divergent cultures together is a recipe for discord and violence. No country has ever done what the US is doing now: intentionally replacing it's ethnic majority and they're doing it by shaming and browbeating us into accepting it. Just when it seemed we were really starting to make strides reconciling with black americans, here comes a enormous wave of hispanics.
I'd imagine that there might be more than a few things we agree on.

I grew up in Southern California so Hispanics have always been a part of my environment, even if at the time it was a minor part. I haven't lived in Los Angeles in decades and I understand it's changed a lot and not for the better.
I'd like to clarify my comment from yesterday. I mentioned that I grew up in a community where Hispanics had always been a part of environment, but I was not implying any negative associations.

Hispanics, just like African Americans, Muslims, immigrants or any other group of people are not, nor have ever been "the problem". However in order to generate animosity and outright hostility against the group that will be used as a scape goat so that the powers that be can then in turn formulate the justifications, whether based in truth or not, for the abuse against and violations of the rights of the group members. All based on the acts by the criminal element which exists within ALL groups including the white majority, but are crafted into a characteris alleged to be inherent to all members of the group, except on rare occasions when it comes to the white majority.

In other words, it's the criminals who are creating the problems, criminals of all stripes and they don't all belong to the non-white, non-American, non-Christian, etc. groups.

I'm going to take a chance here at offending you but hopefully you hear me out. I said I don't think whites are genetically superior to others but that doesn't mean I don't think genetics plays a role in behavior. Look at how black people tend to be over represented in certain sports that require a lot of strength or endurance like boxing, football and running. Is that a conspiracy to make black people look good or is it just god given genetics? I vote the latter. You don't see a lot of asian heavyweight boxers for a reason and it's not racial bigotry.

I think these genetic differences combined with cultural differences can create conflict in multicultural societies. I do not believe in "equality", it's nonsense. Equity: yes, Equality, no.
I Googled equity versus equality and the following is the first topic that came up. Do you agree with it? I like the last image of the article which allows everyone a good view of the activities

Maybe we should alot better lands for them to live on for starters? That would help.

We aren't going back. I realize that. And you are right. None of us today should feel guilty, other than the fact that we are still taking advantage of that. And today, we are still taking from them. Just stop it. Literally! Stop it!

Look how we have our hands in Brazil. We want to decimate the Brazilian rain forests, now that there is a dictator for president. What happens to the Indians and the wildlife there?

I'm telling you this right now. We don't give a shit. Money and power. Nothing else is more important.

Stop what? What am I doing? I voted for the nationalist who promised to stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and focus on making this one great instead. That's the extent of my influence over US policy, who I cast my vote for. That's it. If you want me to totally change my worldview to conform with yours, well you can go fuck yourself cuz that ain't gonna happen.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.

In all seriousness though, don't you think you're being a little hard on those 1607 people? Applying your woke 2019 social justice standards to them seems more than a little unfair. What about Genghis Khan's mongolian hordes who ravaged half of the known world killing untold numbers of people for no apparent reason? Why aren't you mad at them even more?

It's more than fair. Genghis Khan has nothing to do with this topic.
If you voted for it, you didn't get it. Venezuela being exhibit A.

I'm talking about the Indians. Stop stealing their land for mining, and give them land that is fit for human habitation.

But, I can see from your own attitude, you carry the same attitude as the one's in 1607 I believe. When they arrived, they stayed. And when they stayed, they conquered. It's a "fuck you world view" that is simple. Take take take, and "fuck you." It's who people like that are. They truly do not give a shit, and that truth eats their lunch, because, it is in fact true. Until those folks are willing to change, man will just make things worse for civilization, and the environment in which we live.

I've never stolen anyone's lands. I shoplifted some candy bars when I was 15 once, is that the same thing?

What do you want me to do, how can I personally redress the great harm that I personally inflict on native people and mother earth just by my mere existence? You want me to kill myself? Will that make it all better?
You know, having this little pity party for yourself isn't going to help you or the cause. So stop being silly. No one is blaming you for what happened in 1607. I'm not even blaming myself. What I blame you for, is your attitude. It's the same attitude we saw in 1607.

What I am saying is, we know right from wrong. Let's stop exercising wrong by stealing what land the Indians have left, and give them good airable land to live on.

In all seriousness though, don't you think you're being a little hard on those 1607 people? Applying your woke 2019 social justice standards to them seems more than a little unfair. What about Genghis Khan's mongolian hordes who ravaged half of the known world killing untold numbers of people for no apparent reason? Why aren't you mad at them even more?
Yep! You are right. I'm blaming no man or woman in 2019 for what happened in 1607. My issues are with attitude today. March 20, 2019. That's my big issue. If we can't learn from the mistakes of 1607, or the peroiod of the Monguls, then when do we learn?

Again with the childish insincere nonsense. You cant actually believe society has made no progress since 1607, that there's a bunch of people with a 17th century mindset running around America fucking up the lives of PoC for fun. If you truly believe these idiotic things and not just saying it because it makes you feel like you're good person who's so much more enlightened than everyone else... then there is something wrong with your brain and you might wanna get it looked at by a professional.

No, you need to get checked for psychosis. BWK is right and this forum is a vivid example of how correct BWK is.
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Its an asset to you as an individual, whether or not it gives you an advantage depends on circumstances though. A poster here was complaining that his daughter was not getting enough sales because she doesn't speak Spanish. I was just pointing out that I would learn Spanish before letting someone else have my job just because they can speak it and I can't. That's just silly in my opinion but my opinion is based on the fact that I've had to learn new and different computer languages simply because computer technology is constantly changing. But I do agree with you on the other part.

Well, I'm glad we agree on something. For the record, I don't think I'm genetically superior to non white people. I'm just worried about the future. history has proven time and time again that cramming a whole bunch of wildly divergent cultures together is a recipe for discord and violence. No country has ever done what the US is doing now: intentionally replacing it's ethnic majority and they're doing it by shaming and browbeating us into accepting it. Just when it seemed we were really starting to make strides reconciling with black americans, here comes a enormous wave of hispanics.
I'd imagine that there might be more than a few things we agree on.

I grew up in Southern California so Hispanics have always been a part of my environment, even if at the time it was a minor part. I haven't lived in Los Angeles in decades and I understand it's changed a lot and not for the better.
I'd like to clarify my comment from yesterday. I mentioned that I grew up in a community where Hispanics had always been a part of environment, but I was not implying any negative associations.

Hispanics, just like African Americans, Muslims, immigrants or any other group of people are not, nor have ever been "the problem". However in order to generate animosity and outright hostility against the group that will be used as a scape goat so that the powers that be can then in turn formulate the justifications, whether based in truth or not, for the abuse against and violations of the rights of the group members. All based on the acts by the criminal element which exists within ALL groups including the white majority, but are crafted into a characteris alleged to be inherent to all members of the group, except on rare occasions when it comes to the white majority.

In other words, it's the criminals who are creating the problems, criminals of all stripes and they don't all belong to the non-white, non-American, non-Christian, etc. groups.

I'm going to take a chance here at offending you but hopefully you hear me out. I said I don't think whites are genetically superior to others but that doesn't mean I don't think genetics plays a role in behavior. Look at how black people tend to be over represented in certain sports that require a lot of strength or endurance like boxing, football and running. Is that a conspiracy to make black people look good or is it just god given genetics? I vote the latter. You don't see a lot of asian heavyweight boxers for a reason and it's not racial bigotry.

I think these genetic differences combined with cultural differences can create conflict in multicultural societies. I do not believe in "equality", it's nonsense. Equity: yes, Equality, no.
I Googled equity versus equality and the following is the first topic that came up. Do you agree with it? I like the last image of the article which allows everyone a good view of the activities

That article is awesome!

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