White Nationalists, including Lyin Paul Nehlen, Praise El Paso, Texas Attack and Mock the Dead

Not a credible link. White nationalists are good guys. White supremacists are the bad guys.
Apparently southern law center lawyers don't know the difference.
before he was outed as a Nazi, Nehlen was praised by folks like Trump and Laura Ingraham
before he was outed as a Nazi, Nehlen was praised by folks like Trump and Laura Ingraham
Van Jones is a communist. A communist who wears 2000 dollar suits, 200 dollar shirts, 50 dollar silk spun ties by Asian virgins, 300 dollar Gucci shoes, has his head buffed and shined at premium hair boutiques and drives a 100,000 dollar car. The only ghetto he ever sees are in photographs. And not one of you ever called him out on that.
All the targets of these Mass Shootings are Jews, Christians, or Trump Supporters, GOP Congressmen or occur in Republican Districts and Target GOP Demographics.

Care to explain why these leftist killers aren’t shooting up Deep Blue Districts, and why they aren’t targeting Democrat Voters?

Hell I would not Be shocked if we
Found out they murdered a SCOTUS Judge because they thought it was Her Turn, and they wanted to bias our courts even more than they already are.

Would not shock me at all. Abortion is murder and they are murderers.
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Did they raise money off of dead Americans still lying where they fell like Harris, Warren, and the DNC did?

Thanks to her Satan-worshipping Antifa Mass-Murdering supporter I heard Warren's team raked in quite a bit of money....
Notice Trend of The Leftist Propagandist putting out disinformation on their foot soldiers who are attacking Conservative Demographics and targeting Trump Voters.

You can actually do a count down to their coordinated efforts to spam the airwaves and Social Media.

And the time span gets shorter every time.

They don’t even wait until the body is cold now.
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Hillary and her campaign were caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies in 2016....even she did not pay the likes of Antifa to murder people....

They didn’t even wait for The Funeral, and they never denounce ANTIFA or Islamic Jihadists that do this stuff.
Did they raise money off of dead Americans still lying where they fell like Harris, Warren, and the DNC did?

Thanks to her Satan-worshipping Antifa Mass-Murdering supporter I heard Warren's team raked in quite a bit of money....
She should have been disqualified for that alone as it was a violation of RICO and Campaign Finance Laws.

Hillary and her campaign were caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies in 2016....even she did not pay the likes of Antifa to murder people....

“If you can only be tall because someone is on their knees, you have a problem

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