White New Mexico Cops Bust Black Family: Who Was Wrong

Who was wrong?

  • The cops for using deadly force

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • The mother for driving away

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • The son for defending his mother

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Everyone. The mother for driving away, the son for fighting, the cops for shooting at kids

    Votes: 14 77.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
IMO the cops at fault. Because the officer had stopped the van before like he did, than he knew the kids were inside that van. A cop is trained to assess the situation when first initiates contact with the driver of the car. When a cop pulls someone over and is standing at the window of the vehicle he looks inside the car to see how many are inside, if he smells marijuana, if anything is out of place inside the vehicle. Once that cop saw those kids inside that van than he should have never fired on it period. Is the mother at fault for driving off? Sure she is, but how does that bring as punishment deadly force to innocent passengers in the Van? Another case of police going way to far.
IMO the cops at fault. Because the officer had stopped the van before like he did, than he knew the kids were inside that van. A cop is trained to assess the situation when first initiates contact with the driver of the car. When a cop pulls someone over and is standing at the window of the vehicle he looks inside the car to see how many are inside, if he smells marijuana, if anything is out of place inside the vehicle. Once that cop saw those kids inside that van than he should have never fired on it period. Is the mother at fault for driving off? Sure she is, but how does that bring as punishment deadly force to innocent passengers in the Van? Another case of police going way to far.

The cop that shot at the van had just arrived on the scene. He was not the cop who had looked in the van. I think he acted inappropriately but the mother is the one who is ultimately in the wrong.
I have no idea if they called in the plates or not and neither do you.

The thing here is neither of us know the true nature of the stop or why she fled. It could be the police knew something we didn't. We know what we saw and what the media reported and until all the facts are out no one should make any judgments on what was or was not needed.

With that said, everything I saw indicates that the women escalated the situation endangering herself, her children and innocent motorist. The police were doing their jobs and whether the shooting was warranted or not is still yet to be determined.

A high speed chase through town for a traffic violation is unacceptable. I have had issues with that kind of thing for years. If they had the tag number there was no need to give chase in that manner.

The tag number does not identify the driver, and once you start running the initial violation is meaningless, the running itself becomes the crime, plus the endagerment the runner puts other people in front of.

Our law system is based on people, not the car itself, any defense attorney would have a field day if someone was only ID'ed by the car, and no ID was made of the driver.

You find out who owns the car first. All the cops saw the driver and she's on tape as well. If the owner was not the driver and if the car was not reported stolen then the owner will know who was driving his car.
Police Open Fire On Minivan full Of kids Caught On Dash Cam Mom takes Police on wild chase - YouTube

I want to know who do you think was wrong in this situation?

The police or the family?

The mother is most wrong.

teens don't have great restraint, but he knew he was wrong.

The officer that shot didn't know who was in the van (black tinting) but one of the others that did should have stopped him.

but good luck to the racists out there trying to make this an issue.
She was stopped for a traffic violation at least that's what was reported. And yes she escalated the situation. So did her son but they were unarmed as were the young children in the car. Shooting into a car full of kids is poor judgement. Err on the side of her getting away if it means little kids aren't gunned down by the cops.

Did you know at the time they were unarmed?

Did you know at the time there were young children in the car?

Do you know for certain the officer that shot at the vehicle was aware of the children in the vehicle?

How many of the children were gunned down by the officer?

I'd argue the children were in danger but it wasn't the fault of the police it was the fault of the mother.

She knew the police were armed.

She knew she had young children to consider.

Yet she still chose to put them in harm's way.

Keep in mind the cops reacted to the situation she created. Had she simply complied with the officers none of this would have happened. The blame is hers and hers alone. IMO

The one cop acted inappropriately by shooting. You dont shoot at a car with children no matter what. If he didn't know there were kids in the care the first cop should have told him when he called for backup.

The Mother certainly could have prevented this situation by just accepting the ticket and not running, as some here have said. And she did exacerbate the situation by fleeing. That action allowed the police an opportunity to let their "instincts" take over.

Since this video went viral on the Internet under the label that a
"Black family was stopped", and is now in a "race relations forum", let's just call it how it is.

The Mother was probably frightenend when she was initially stopped, and for good reason. As is often stated in this forum by many, there is a prevailing sentiment out there that "a black suspect or detainee is a potential problem, by being prone to aggressive behavior".

As one poster here so eloquently stated, "blacks believe that they don't have to obey white cops"....,:cuckoo:

That being said, there probably are quite a few white cops out there who feel that it is not their responsibility to "protect and serve" black citizens, but instead it is "unwritten policy" to "keep their black asses in line, using whatever force they feel is appropriate".

What could have been resolved peacefully went south when her fear took over, and the testosterone kicked in with the police.

There was no need for them to bash the windows with a baton, and no need to shoot at all, since the were not in "imminent danger", as some have said.

But, I do believe this.... the Mother now has a deadly serious responsibility to her children to ensure that they learn from this incident, so they may have an opportunity to live a normal life expectancy.

She must teach them, do not fight the police, do not run from the police, but instead, always comply with the police because there are way too many of them that probably would prefer to smoke them and be done with it, because at the end of the day, many of them probably feel they would be "doing society a favor" by ending the life of a "black criminal in training".

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Police Open Fire On Minivan full Of kids Caught On Dash Cam Mom takes Police on wild chase - YouTube

I want to know who do you think was wrong in this situation?

The police or the family?

The cop that shot at the car was in the wrong foresure. The first cop was 100% in the right and the mother should be ashamed of herself. He has the RIGHT to give her a ticket and she has no right to drive off. A white mother could have done that and would have been arrested also.

Did you see the size of that 14 yr kid, jeezus he was big, I bet their attorney will show pictures of him when he was 4 says, the officer attacked a 4 yr smiliing kid!
I will always side with the police, no matter what.

So you can't think for yourself.

Cops are allowed to lie to you, to lie in court, with impunity. Yet it is a felony if you lie to a cop.

How on earth can you trust a cop when they get to operate by such a double standard?

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