White people to the back!

....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
Meanwhile, those of us who are neither white nor black sit back and think you're both insane
Asians have a great perspective on this i think
Why do you think so? As a student of both Western and Eastern philosophies, I'm curious about opinions on the matter.

Maybe I'm wrong so correct me as you are more of a student then me, but I would think people who come here from Asia have seen their own types of discrimination in their homeland, then upon coming here they are witness
to ongoing racism/discrimination conflict or discussion going on here. I would just think that they would have a more objective view of the issue, though at the same time it's true they would lack the historical experience of
black/white culture interaction. Just think their perspective would be an interesting one for sure. course then it makes a difference when they are new immigrants or American born. I know some American born asian people
who just laugh at both blacks and whites, they don't worry about being offensive. They seem to have a little more freedom in that respect, I dont think they get called out on it as much
Maybe I'm wrong so correct me as you are more of a student then me, but I would think people who come here from Asia have seen their own types of discrimination in their homeland, then upon coming here they are witness
to ongoing racism/discrimination conflict or discussion going on here. I would just think that they would have a more objective view of the issue, though at the same time it's true they would lack the historical experience of
black/white culture interaction. Just think their perspective would be an interesting one for sure. course then it makes a difference when they are new immigrants or American born. I know some American born asian people
who just laugh at both blacks and whites, they don't worry about being offensive. They seem to have a little more freedom in that respect, I dont think they get called out on it as much
You, sir, are definitely on the right track to recognize that 1) racism and prejudice is a world-wide human race issue and 2) that outsiders could have a unique perspective on American racial issues.

You are also correct to believe smart people should listen to outside points of view for wisdom in resolving our issues.

Even so, it's still an American issue in need of an American resolution by American citizens. Our choice to make as "We, the People".
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
Agreed 100%. It's culture. I've worked with many people of different nations and cultures with a wide variety of skin tones. A "gangsta" culture is self-destructive. This is an inner-city problem, not a rural one.
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
The black kid that finds himself accepted will hate whites more than one that never got out of the hood.
The black kid that finds himself accepted will hate whites more than one that never got out of the hood.
Why do you think so?

My step-daughter-in-law and her husband are good Christians. They actually walk the walk unlike many self-avowed "Christians" on this forum. They started out adopting a baby and ended up adopting the baby's older brothers. All had a dark skin tone. Yes, there were problems, but all are on a path to middle to upper-class American culture. The youngest wants to follow in my footsteps as a pilot. He's five. Sure, that could change and he could end up being a rich businessman like his dad. Still, I hope the flying bug bites him. :)

All human beings are 99.5% alike. The genetic differences are minuscule, but the cultural differences are very wide. Don't fault a person for skin tone. If you must, then fault them for their actions, their beliefs, their opinions.
Meanwhile, those of us who are neither white nor black sit back and think you're both insane
Asians have a great perspective on this i think
Why do you think so? As a student of both Western and Eastern philosophies, I'm curious about opinions on the matter.

Maybe I'm wrong so correct me as you are more of a student then me, but I would think people who come here from Asia have seen their own types of discrimination in their homeland, then upon coming here they are witness
to ongoing racism/discrimination conflict or discussion going on here. I would just think that they would have a more objective view of the issue, though at the same time it's true they would lack the historical experience of
black/white culture interaction. Just think their perspective would be an interesting one for sure. course then it makes a difference when they are new immigrants or American born. I know some American born asian people
who just laugh at both blacks and whites, they don't worry about being offensive. They seem to have a little more freedom in that respect, I dont think they get called out on it as much

Much closer to the truth is this .... racism is rampant world-wide, and it is significantly - seriously --- absolutely --- worse than here in the US. We are sensitized to it, but the "racism" we hear about so much here would be nirvana for the oppressed of other countries.

But, then, we all need to be victims, don't we?
Much closer to the truth is this .... racism is rampant world-wide, and it is significantly - seriously --- absolutely --- worse than here in the US. We are sensitized to it, but the "racism" we hear about so much here would be nirvana for the oppressed of other countries.

But, then, we all need to be victims, don't we?
Agreed that the US is better than other parts of the world.

IMHO, "racism" is a culturally-enhanced form of a genetic predisposition toward xenophobia.

In primitive cultures, survival of the tribe required many talents. Suspicion of strange things was one of them since "strange" things presented more hazards than benefits. 200,000 years of Homo Sapien Sapien evolution can't be negated by a few hundred years of "civilization".
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
The black kid that finds himself accepted will hate whites more than one that never got out of the hood.
Thats an interesting view.
Why do you think that?
Much closer to the truth is this .... racism is rampant world-wide, and it is significantly - seriously --- absolutely --- worse than here in the US. We are sensitized to it, but the "racism" we hear about so much here would be nirvana for the oppressed of other countries.

But, then, we all need to be victims, don't we?
Agreed that the US is better than other parts of the world.

IMHO, "racism" is a culturally-enhanced form of a genetic predisposition toward xenophobia.

In primitive cultures, survival of the tribe required many talents. Suspicion of strange things was one of them since "strange" things presented more hazards than benefits. 200,000 years of Homo Sapien Sapien evolution can't be negated by a few hundred years of "civilization".
So Looking at that aspect of it, I wonder if being territorial could also have a huge part in racism. If you are a member of a "tribe" or group that has claimed a certain area of land as yours, you would notice if someone that didnt "look" like you and your group appeared in your domain, and depending on how it went, its possible that fighting could occur.
Why would you shoot innocent cops? We need more innocent cops not less.
Back around Christmas season,1971, at a time when Black anger over a series of police brutality incidents was at a high level, two New York City Housing Patrolmen, Rocco Laurie (White) and Gregory Foster (Black), both ex-Marines, were ambushed and shot to death on a dark Manhattan street by three members of the Black Liberation Army.

I knew Rocco Laurie. He was a close friend of my older brother and I can tell you he was not the kind of cop who would brutalize anyone. In fact, dozens of Black and Hispanic residents of the housing project these two cops worked in came forward during the news coverage and praised them both, saying they were good cops who were friendly and tried to be helpful rather than behaving aggressively. I recall one emotional Black woman on news video, speaking to the yet unknown assassins, tearfully saying "You did a bad thing because these two cops didn't deserve what you did to them."

This recollection is the main reason why I often express anger at cops who behave in a way that might provoke random police assassination. It usually comes out that the cops who are assassinated are not the type who come close to deserving it, while those who provoked it are left untouched.
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Much closer to the truth is this .... racism is rampant world-wide, and it is significantly - seriously --- absolutely --- worse than here in the US. We are sensitized to it, but the "racism" we hear about so much here would be nirvana for the oppressed of other countries.

But, then, we all need to be victims, don't we?
Agreed that the US is better than other parts of the world.

IMHO, "racism" is a culturally-enhanced form of a genetic predisposition toward xenophobia.

In primitive cultures, survival of the tribe required many talents. Suspicion of strange things was one of them since "strange" things presented more hazards than benefits. 200,000 years of Homo Sapien Sapien evolution can't be negated by a few hundred years of "civilization".
So Looking at that aspect of it, I wonder if being territorial could also have a huge part in racism. If you are a member of a "tribe" or group that has claimed a certain area of land as yours, you would notice if someone that didnt "look" like you and your group appeared in your domain, and depending on how it went, its possible that fighting could occur.
Being "territorial" can also be seen as competing for resources. All wars are over resources be it geographical or access to. They can be justified for many reasons, but the bottom line will always be for control over resources. As such, being territorial becomes a natural survival trait. Being able to control one's own water and food supplies along with defense against aggressors are desires hard-wired into our minds.
Much closer to the truth is this .... racism is rampant world-wide, and it is significantly - seriously --- absolutely --- worse than here in the US. We are sensitized to it, but the "racism" we hear about so much here would be nirvana for the oppressed of other countries.

But, then, we all need to be victims, don't we?
Agreed that the US is better than other parts of the world.

IMHO, "racism" is a culturally-enhanced form of a genetic predisposition toward xenophobia.

In primitive cultures, survival of the tribe required many talents. Suspicion of strange things was one of them since "strange" things presented more hazards than benefits. 200,000 years of Homo Sapien Sapien evolution can't be negated by a few hundred years of "civilization".
So Looking at that aspect of it, I wonder if being territorial could also have a huge part in racism. If you are a member of a "tribe" or group that has claimed a certain area of land as yours, you would notice if someone that didnt "look" like you and your group appeared in your domain, and depending on how it went, its possible that fighting could occur.
Being "territorial" can also be seen as competing for resources. All wars are over resources be it geographical or access to. They can be justified for many reasons, but the bottom line will always be for control over resources. As such, being territorial becomes a natural survival trait. Being able to control one's own water and food supplies along with defense against aggressors are desires hard-wired into our minds.
True. There are many hardwired traits in humans that we consider less than desirable today. I do wonder however if the process of evolution will get rid of some of these traits in time. Like you mentioned, protection of resources is something that we are genetically wired for. Same with men that cheat on their wife, or the fact that women will most of the time go for the guy with the flashy car, nice clothing, big house,, or simply put, money, and physical make-up. in mans early years, (as in evolution not age) the man would try to breed as many women as he could in order to help ensure the success of the race. Women would pick a man to breed with that could protect her and her children while still being able to provide for them. The way its played has changed over time, but the game is pretty much the same. These are traits that can be found in most animals today, deer fight to be the buck in charge of the herd, most animals that are community based will have some way to pick the strongest of the group to be the leader.
Look at something as simple as a corporation today, you will find that the majority of those at the top of the company are usually taller than average men, The better looking people have a better chance at advancement.
Most of the U.S presidents have all been over 6ft, except I think Madison, I think he was like 4 ft or something? ( he must have been rich to start with)
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Now your sort besides already being KNOWN to be weak is also clearly petulant and stupid. Congrats!
Much closer to the truth is this .... racism is rampant world-wide, and it is significantly - seriously --- absolutely --- worse than here in the US. We are sensitized to it, but the "racism" we hear about so much here would be nirvana for the oppressed of other countries.

But, then, we all need to be victims, don't we?
Agreed that the US is better than other parts of the world.

IMHO, "racism" is a culturally-enhanced form of a genetic predisposition toward xenophobia.

In primitive cultures, survival of the tribe required many talents. Suspicion of strange things was one of them since "strange" things presented more hazards than benefits. 200,000 years of Homo Sapien Sapien evolution can't be negated by a few hundred years of "civilization".
So Looking at that aspect of it, I wonder if being territorial could also have a huge part in racism. If you are a member of a "tribe" or group that has claimed a certain area of land as yours, you would notice if someone that didnt "look" like you and your group appeared in your domain, and depending on how it went, its possible that fighting could occur.
Being "territorial" can also be seen as competing for resources. All wars are over resources be it geographical or access to. They can be justified for many reasons, but the bottom line will always be for control over resources. As such, being territorial becomes a natural survival trait. Being able to control one's own water and food supplies along with defense against aggressors are desires hard-wired into our minds.
True. There are many hardwired traits in humans that we consider less than desirable today. I do wonder however if the process of evolution will get rid of some of these traits in time. Like you mentioned, protection of resources is something that we are genetically wired for. Same with men that cheat on their wife, or the fact that women will most of the time go for the guy with the flashy car, nice clothing, big house,, or simply put, money, and physical make-up. in mans early years, (as in evolution not age) the man would try to breed as many women as he could in order to help ensure the success of the race. Women would pick a man to breed with that could protect her and her children while still being able to provide for them. The way its played has changed over time, but the game is pretty much the same. These are traits that can be found in most animals today, deer fight to be the buck in charge of the herd, most animals that are community based will have some way to pick the strongest of the group to be the leader.
Look at something as simple as a corporation today, you will find that the majority of those at the top of the company are usually taller than average men, The better looking people have a better chance at advancement.
Most of the U.S presidents have all been over 6ft, except I think Madison, I think he was like 4 ft or something? ( he must have been rich to start with)
Agreed about many traits being hardwired into us such as judging people by traits more in line with a tribe fighting for survival, not a technically advanced civilization numbering in the billions. It would take a long, long time to evolve away from those traits, IMHO, and I'm not sure it would be beneficial to do so.

What we can do is use technological advancements to minimize the quest for resources.
Why would you shoot innocent cops? We need more innocent cops not less.
Back around Christmas season,1971, at a time when Black anger over a series of police brutality incidents was at a high level, two New York City Housing Patrolmen, Rocco Laurie (White) and Gregory Foster (Black), both ex-Marines, were ambushed and shot to death on a dark Manhattan street by three members of the Black Liberation Army.

I knew Rocco Laurie. He was a close friend of my older brother and I can tell you he was not the kind of cop who would brutalize anyone. In fact, dozens of Black and Hispanic residents of the housing project these two cops worked in came forward during the news coverage and praised them both, saying they were good cops who were friendly and tried to be helpful rather than behaving aggressively. I recall one emotional Black woman on news video, speaking to the yet unknown assassins, tearfully saying "You did a bad thing because these two cops didn't deserve what you did to them."

This recollection is the main reason why I often express anger at cops who behave in a way that might provoke random police assassination. It usually comes out that the cops who are assassinated are not the type who come close to deserving it, while those who provoked it are left untouched.
It sucks when good cops are killed. There are not enough of them as it is. The anti cop environment created by systemic racism is due to the KKK infiltrating the police departments. Too many times have I witnessed bad cops but rarely have I seen good ones.
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
The black kid that finds himself accepted will hate whites more than one that never got out of the hood.
You dont know what you are talking about. Some will turn into uncle toms, some will hate whites, and others will feel like I do and just never trust them until they have proven themselves trustworthy.
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
If you mean by "racists" we dont trust whites then yes. The point is that whites will make sure Blacks either dont trust them or will turn into uncle toms hoping whites will accept them..

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