White people to the back!

Loons who think "white privilege" actually exists
The concept of "white privilege" is racist since, once again, racists are dividing people by the color of their skin and not the truth: economic disparity and majority vote in a democracy. For example, not one talks about "black privilege" or "Asian privilege" in countries where they are the majority.

It's not even in foreign countries. Many of the Congressional districts where blacks are elected are created with a majority minority to create an advantage. I watched Jim Clyburn speak at the DNC. His district is one of them. Without such an advantage, someone like Clyburn couldn't get elected based on what he believes.
At the DNC last night a call when out for a moment of silence for the cops who have been assassinated this year and BLM could not remain silent for that one minute. They started their stupid chanting.
As long as affirmative action is in place, inferiority isn't something blacks should say about anyone else.
While I believe all Americans are free to protest, all Americans are not required to listen to those protests.

Affirmative Action, while well intentioned, is institutionalized racism which implies that blacks can't get by without the help of whites. Anyone who uses AA will always be tainted by the action because everyone knows they didn't get where they are without special assistance.
It's not even in foreign countries. Many of the Congressional districts where blacks are elected are created with a majority minority to create an advantage. I watched Jim Clyburn speak at the DNC. His district is one of them. Without such an advantage, someone like Clyburn couldn't get elected based on what he believes.
Agreed in principle, but gerrymandering is done by both sides. Sometimes, as you pointed out, it's racial, but other times it's done for non-racial reasons. Regardless, I think it's wrong and support election reform over gerrymandering.
As long as affirmative action is in place, inferiority isn't something blacks should say about anyone else.
While I believe all Americans are free to protest, all Americans are not required to listen to those protests.

Affirmative Action, while well intentioned, is institutionalized racism which implies that blacks can't get by without the help of whites. Anyone who uses AA will always be tainted by the action because everyone knows they didn't get where they are without special assistance.

Protest all you want but follow the laws. Recently, in a town close to where I live, BLM held a protest. The leader of that protest had an outstanding warrant on him for something unassociated with the protest. The police chief met with him BEFORE the protest but didn't arrest him on that warrant. Despite not having a permit to protest, BLM was allowed to do so. The police chief's excuse was that if he told them no or arrested the leader of it, he felt things could be worse than if he just let them go ahead.

What he did was set the city up for a lawsuit. What he did was tell people you don't need a permit to protest. Arresting someone holding one without a permit after allowing this will get the city sued.

My point with the AA reference was that the person to whom I responded said something about white and inferiority. Someone that is of a race that benefits from AA shouldn't be talking about inferiority of a race that doesn't benefit from a government program that uses certain races and benefits them because of that race.
It's not even in foreign countries. Many of the Congressional districts where blacks are elected are created with a majority minority to create an advantage. I watched Jim Clyburn speak at the DNC. His district is one of them. Without such an advantage, someone like Clyburn couldn't get elected based on what he believes.
Agreed in principle, but gerrymandering is done by both sides. Sometimes, as you pointed out, it's racial, but other times it's done for non-racial reasons. Regardless, I think it's wrong and support election reform over gerrymandering.

Gerrymandering is legal provided it meets 3 criteria. Each congressional district has to be of like population, contiguous, and not done to discriminate by race. My problem with it is that when a district was purposely created after the 1990 census in order to create a majority minority district, there is no problem using race.
Protest all you want but follow the laws. Recently, in a town close to where I live, BLM held a protest. The leader of that protest had an outstanding warrant on him for something unassociated with the protest. The police chief met with him BEFORE the protest but didn't arrest him on that warrant. Despite not having a permit to protest, BLM was allowed to do so. The police chief's excuse was that if he told them no or arrested the leader of it, he felt things could be worse than if he just let them go ahead.

What he did was set the city up for a lawsuit. What he did was tell people you don't need a permit to protest. Arresting someone holding one without a permit after allowing this will get the city sued..
1) Agreed all protesters should follow the law. That said, I think too many laws are made to stifle Constitutional rights such as laws restricting First or Second Amendment rights. The only laws I would support are those laws preventing one person from violate another person's rights such as blocking a public road or attacking a person physically or verbally.

2) Agreed that's a screwed up situation, but I doubt the police chief made it on his own.

My point with the AA reference was that the person to whom I responded said something about white and inferiority. Someone that is of a race that benefits from AA shouldn't be talking about inferiority of a race that doesn't benefit from a government program that uses certain races and benefits them because of that race.
Agreed on the hypocrisy of people who whine about "white privilege" or complain about "white racism" while standing in line to cash their welfare checks or have a job and/or education due to Affirmative Action.
Gerrymandering is legal provided it meets 3 criteria. Each congressional district has to be of like population, contiguous, and not done to discriminate by race. My problem with it is that when a district was purposely created after the 1990 census in order to create a majority minority district, there is no problem using race.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" as the saying goes. Give government power to do something and somewhere, sometime, some asshole will use that power toward their own ends. Hence, better to not give our government that power in the first place.

I disagree with gerrymandering and support election reform.
Gerrymandering is legal provided it meets 3 criteria. Each congressional district has to be of like population, contiguous, and not done to discriminate by race. My problem with it is that when a district was purposely created after the 1990 census in order to create a majority minority district, there is no problem using race.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" as the saying goes. Give government power to do something and somewhere, sometime, some asshole will use that power toward their own ends. Hence, better to not give our government that power in the first place.

I disagree with gerrymandering and support election reform.

Gerrymandering has to be done to a certain level based on two SCOTUS decisions in the 1960s. In order to meet the like population requirement, lines have to be drawn in ways others than squares. People don't live in squares.
Gerrymandering has to be done to a certain level based on two SCOTUS decisions in the 1960s. In order to meet the like population requirement, lines have to be drawn in ways others than squares. People don't live in squares.
Do you agree with all SCOTUS decisions?

People don't live in convoluted strips either.
Gerrymandering has to be done to a certain level based on two SCOTUS decisions in the 1960s. In order to meet the like population requirement, lines have to be drawn in ways others than squares. People don't live in squares.
Do you agree with all SCOTUS decisions?

People don't live in convoluted strips either.

People live in ways (rural vs urban) where drawing odd shaped districts is the only way to meet the law established by the SCOTUS.
Whites seem to hate not being front and center of everything. What is it with their need to be the center of attention? Inferiority complex?
Seems like this whole fuckin election is about them and their fuckin needs and the hell with everybody else...like who the fuck do they think they are??? Them power days are over and the sooner these loons get with the times, the better.
LOL...meanwhile, how many blacks will shoot each other like dogs in the streets this year? On the positive side a culling of their criminal thug element, but unfortunately many good innocent blacks perish too.

Published on Jul 26, 2016
(HeatStreet) July 26, 2016 - On Tuesday afternoon, organizers of the Black Lives Matter march screamed at white reporters to adhere to a scheme of racial segregation. "White people go to the back of the crowd," she woman barks into the mic. The response is mixed and confused and the segregation process drags on for a while. A few SJWs eventually decide to pitch in and chant "Get back, get back" at any and all white people.

Random quotes: "you will appropriately take your place in the back of this bitch"

"all y'all go to the back"

"take your rightful positions and get behind us [black people]" "that's right, black people love their own leadership"

"so if you see any white folks, direct them to the back"

"get back or you're out of this march. We are not afraid to put you out."

“White media get to the back! Black media come to the front!” shouted the organizer with a bullhorn.

The organizer, annoyed that people weren’t immediately adhering to her instructions, began hectoring white journalists who hadn’t complied.

“Excuse me, sir!” she yelled. “Somebody needs to tell this person to get to the back…. Somebody needs to tell these folks to get to the back!”

“We are not afraid to put people out!” the organizer yelled. “White people to the back! Black people to the front!”

As the Democratic National Convention’s agenda shifts to gun violence—including the deaths of black men at the hands of police—the tone among many demonstrators in Philadelphia on Tuesday was emphatically hostile to cops.

“This is an anti-police rally,” one local Black Lives Matter activist told a crowd, speaking from a microphone in the back of the pickup truck. At the march, which was called “Black DNC Resistance March Against Police Terrorism & State Repression” and began near Temple University, protestors chanted: “No Justice, No Peace, Take it to the Streets and Fuck the Police.”

One woman, wearing a bandana across her face, held a sign declaring, “Blue Lives AIN’T REAL.” Another demonstrator carried a poster that read, “A violent system will meet a violent demise.”

Meanwhile, cops in the city are on edge. Tonight, the DNC has given a prime slot to Black Lives Matter, featuring the families of seven men slain by police, including the mothers of Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

Notably absent are the families of murdered cops. That imbalance has irked local law enforcement. In a news release last week, the local police union slammed Hillary Clinton for “pander[ing] to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they seek to destroy are out protecting the political institutions of this country.”

Though no officers approached by Heat Street were willing to go on the record, the general sentiment is that the DNC’s embrace of Black Lives Matter has made it tougher for them to do their jobs this week.

Repeated calls to the police union’s president, John McNesby, went unanswered; he’s not ignoring media, insisted several staffers—the police are just unusually busy this week.

As of April, Philadelphia’s Police Commissioner told the City Council he was about 400 officers short and struggling to graduate enough cops to replace those retiring. Law enforcement from all 50 states have come to help maintain order amid as many as 50,000 anticipated protestors.

Martina White, a state representative from a Philadelphia district that represents roughly 2,500 police officers, says it’s fair for law enforcement to feel slighted by the DNC.

“I think they’re upset that they’re being painted with broad strokes,” White said of local police’s response to the DNC’s embrace of Black Lives Matter. She added that on Sunday and Monday, protestors screamed inches from officers’ faces, and they’ve shown restraint.

“To be treated the way they’ve been treated and for them not to have a voice at the convention, I’m sure that’s a disappointment,” White said.

The anger among demonstrators Tuesday wasn’t limited to the police. At the very front of the march, right beside a Black Lives Matter banner, protestors held a sign that said, “Hillary has Blood on Her Hands” and another that said, “Hillary, Delete Yourself.”

One of the march’s organizers told the crowd, “We are here on the eve of the election for two parties who have not stopped police from killing us. … This so-called democracy is nothing but hypocrisy.” Another speaker claimed Democrats had “pimped our vote, pimped our movement.”

Despite demonstrators’ scorching frustration, as of Monday police said they had not arrested anyone, though they issued 55 citations. Most of those went to Bernie Sanders supporters who jumped fences to try to break into the convention center’s secure perimeter.


But I guess it's ok for whites to march in the streets with them...WHEN they are needed. Otherwise...get the fuck to the back of the proverbial bus? And when will non blacks realize they are hated and are only being used? About the same time Sanders followers realize he rolled over for Hillary?

Gee a taste of the medicine black Americans*** experienced, and many still experience, sure pisses off white people who lack empathy, i.e. the callous conservative set.

***Many black American's are descendent from slaves; the slave trade began c. 1650; way before many of us 'white folks' descendents arrived in the USA.

Definition of a Slave (Slave Code)
  • Virginia 1650 - Negroes are not allowed arms and ammunition
  • Virginia, 1662 - A child's status, free or slave, depends on the mother's status
  • Virginia, 1667 - Baptism does not alter the condition to the person as to his bondage or freedom
  • Virginia, 1682 - All servants are not Christian at the time of purchase by some Christian
  • Virginia 1705 - All servants imported and brought into the country, who was not Christians in their native Country shall be account and be slaves.
History of Slavery
Gerrymandering has to be done to a certain level based on two SCOTUS decisions in the 1960s. In order to meet the like population requirement, lines have to be drawn in ways others than squares. People don't live in squares.
Do you agree with all SCOTUS decisions?

People don't live in convoluted strips either.

People live in ways (rural vs urban) where drawing odd shaped districts is the only way to meet the law established by the SCOTUS.
Gerrymandering has to be done to a certain level based on two SCOTUS decisions in the 1960s. In order to meet the like population requirement, lines have to be drawn in ways others than squares. People don't live in squares.
Do you agree with all SCOTUS decisions?

People don't live in convoluted strips either.

People live in ways (rural vs urban) where drawing odd shaped districts is the only way to meet the law established by the SCOTUS.

LOL: ^^^ a LIE of omission, or a biddable fool?
Gerrymandering has to be done to a certain level based on two SCOTUS decisions in the 1960s. In order to meet the like population requirement, lines have to be drawn in ways others than squares. People don't live in squares.
Do you agree with all SCOTUS decisions?

People don't live in convoluted strips either.

People live in ways (rural vs urban) where drawing odd shaped districts is the only way to meet the law established by the SCOTUS.
Agreed, but gerrymandering is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yeild, and government to gain ground." -- Thomas Jefferson, 1788

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have." -- Gerald Ford, Presidential address to a joint session of Congress (12 August 1974)
Gee a taste of the medicine black Americans*** experienced, and many still experience, sure pisses off white people who lack empathy, i.e. the callous conservative set.
Those black people were NEVER told over a megaphone to "get to behind the white people" in their lives. MAYBE their parents or grand parents, but not them. As for lack of empathy, where is YOUR empathy for white people, now that its 2016 and racism has swung the other direction? You cant just denounce one type of racism while accepting other types of racism, let alone tell them to suck it up. Thats incredibly hypocritical and just flat out shitty.
...***Many black American's are descendent from slaves; the slave trade began c. 1650; way before many of us 'white folks' descendents arrived in the USA...
Part of the Big Liberal Lie is to use slavery as a point of racial division while completely ignoring that many Northern European-Americans are also descendants of slaves.

Another lie is for them to claim the slave trade began with whites in 1650 when, in fact, it has existed as long as human civilizatoin.

Slavery enters human history with civilization. Hunter-gatherers and primitive farmers have no use for a slave. They collect or grow just enough food for themselves. One more pair of hands is one more mouth. There is no economic advantage in owning another human being.

Once people gather in towns and cities, a surplus of food created in the countryside (often now on large estates) makes possible a wide range of crafts in the town. On a large farm or in a workshop there is real benefit in a reliable source of cheap labour, costing no more than the minimum of food and lodging. These are the conditions for slavery. Every ancient civilization uses slaves. And it proves easy to acquire them.....

Published on Jul 26, 2016
(HeatStreet) July 26, 2016 - On Tuesday afternoon, organizers of the Black Lives Matter march screamed at white reporters to adhere to a scheme of racial segregation. "White people go to the back of the crowd," she woman barks into the mic. The response is mixed and confused and the segregation process drags on for a while. A few SJWs eventually decide to pitch in and chant "Get back, get back" at any and all white people.

Random quotes: "you will appropriately take your place in the back of this bitch"

"all y'all go to the back"

"take your rightful positions and get behind us [black people]" "that's right, black people love their own leadership"

"so if you see any white folks, direct them to the back"

"get back or you're out of this march. We are not afraid to put you out."

“White media get to the back! Black media come to the front!” shouted the organizer with a bullhorn.

The organizer, annoyed that people weren’t immediately adhering to her instructions, began hectoring white journalists who hadn’t complied.

“Excuse me, sir!” she yelled. “Somebody needs to tell this person to get to the back…. Somebody needs to tell these folks to get to the back!”

“We are not afraid to put people out!” the organizer yelled. “White people to the back! Black people to the front!”

As the Democratic National Convention’s agenda shifts to gun violence—including the deaths of black men at the hands of police—the tone among many demonstrators in Philadelphia on Tuesday was emphatically hostile to cops.

“This is an anti-police rally,” one local Black Lives Matter activist told a crowd, speaking from a microphone in the back of the pickup truck. At the march, which was called “Black DNC Resistance March Against Police Terrorism & State Repression” and began near Temple University, protestors chanted: “No Justice, No Peace, Take it to the Streets and Fuck the Police.”

One woman, wearing a bandana across her face, held a sign declaring, “Blue Lives AIN’T REAL.” Another demonstrator carried a poster that read, “A violent system will meet a violent demise.”

Meanwhile, cops in the city are on edge. Tonight, the DNC has given a prime slot to Black Lives Matter, featuring the families of seven men slain by police, including the mothers of Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

Notably absent are the families of murdered cops. That imbalance has irked local law enforcement. In a news release last week, the local police union slammed Hillary Clinton for “pander[ing] to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they seek to destroy are out protecting the political institutions of this country.”

Though no officers approached by Heat Street were willing to go on the record, the general sentiment is that the DNC’s embrace of Black Lives Matter has made it tougher for them to do their jobs this week.

Repeated calls to the police union’s president, John McNesby, went unanswered; he’s not ignoring media, insisted several staffers—the police are just unusually busy this week.

As of April, Philadelphia’s Police Commissioner told the City Council he was about 400 officers short and struggling to graduate enough cops to replace those retiring. Law enforcement from all 50 states have come to help maintain order amid as many as 50,000 anticipated protestors.

Martina White, a state representative from a Philadelphia district that represents roughly 2,500 police officers, says it’s fair for law enforcement to feel slighted by the DNC.

“I think they’re upset that they’re being painted with broad strokes,” White said of local police’s response to the DNC’s embrace of Black Lives Matter. She added that on Sunday and Monday, protestors screamed inches from officers’ faces, and they’ve shown restraint.

“To be treated the way they’ve been treated and for them not to have a voice at the convention, I’m sure that’s a disappointment,” White said.

The anger among demonstrators Tuesday wasn’t limited to the police. At the very front of the march, right beside a Black Lives Matter banner, protestors held a sign that said, “Hillary has Blood on Her Hands” and another that said, “Hillary, Delete Yourself.”

One of the march’s organizers told the crowd, “We are here on the eve of the election for two parties who have not stopped police from killing us. … This so-called democracy is nothing but hypocrisy.” Another speaker claimed Democrats had “pimped our vote, pimped our movement.”

Despite demonstrators’ scorching frustration, as of Monday police said they had not arrested anyone, though they issued 55 citations. Most of those went to Bernie Sanders supporters who jumped fences to try to break into the convention center’s secure perimeter.


But I guess it's ok for whites to march in the streets with them...WHEN they are needed. Otherwise...get the fuck to the back of the proverbial bus? And when will non blacks realize they are hated and are only being used? About the same time Sanders followers realize he rolled over for Hillary?

Gee a taste of the medicine black Americans*** experienced, and many still experience, sure pisses off white people who lack empathy, i.e. the callous conservative set.

***Many black American's are descendent from slaves; the slave trade began c. 1650; way before many of us 'white folks' descendents arrived in the USA.

Definition of a Slave (Slave Code)
  • Virginia 1650 - Negroes are not allowed arms and ammunition
  • Virginia, 1662 - A child's status, free or slave, depends on the mother's status
  • Virginia, 1667 - Baptism does not alter the condition to the person as to his bondage or freedom
  • Virginia, 1682 - All servants are not Christian at the time of purchase by some Christian
  • Virginia 1705 - All servants imported and brought into the country, who was not Christians in their native Country shall be account and be slaves.
History of Slavery

That is such a tired old arguement. You don't punish people because of what other generations did. That's just asinine. I never asked anyone of any color to go to the back. But if you guys want to keep racism and divisiveness alive this is a good way to do it.
Gee a taste of the medicine black Americans*** experienced, and many still experience, sure pisses off white people who lack empathy, i.e. the callous conservative set.
Those black people were NEVER told over a megaphone to "get to behind the white people" in their lives. MAYBE their parents or grand parents, but not them. As for lack of empathy, where is YOUR empathy for white people, now that its 2016 and racism has swung the other direction? You cant just denounce one type of racism while accepting other types of racism, let alone tell them to suck it up. Thats incredibly hypocritical and just flat out shitty.

I'm a white people, a mutt, but white (equally German and French on both my dad and mom's side, with one great grandparent born in Italy and one in Romania, all catholic but for my Romanian ancestor who was Jewish). None of the lines came to the US until c. 1860.

Ever heard of Rosa Parks? My first understanding of Jim Crow was in the last 50's. A schoolmate went to the South to visit his sister who was stationed in the deep south (I don't recall the state). He recounted seeing things which didn't exist in San Francisco where we grew up; signs of Whites Only on drinking fountains, rest rooms and restaurants. At 12 or 13 I was appalled by such inhumanity, sadly I thought we had grown out of this evilness, but reading the posts on this message board disabused me of that notion.
Gee a taste of the medicine black Americans*** experienced, and many still experience, sure pisses off white people who lack empathy, i.e. the callous conservative set.
Those black people were NEVER told over a megaphone to "get to behind the white people" in their lives. MAYBE their parents or grand parents, but not them. As for lack of empathy, where is YOUR empathy for white people, now that its 2016 and racism has swung the other direction? You cant just denounce one type of racism while accepting other types of racism, let alone tell them to suck it up. Thats incredibly hypocritical and just flat out shitty.

I'm a white people, a mutt, but white (equally German and French on both my dad and mom's side, with one great grandparent born in Italy and one in Romania, all catholic but for my Romanian ancestor who was Jewish). None of the lines came to the US until c. 1860.

Ever heard of Rosa Parks? My first understanding of Jim Crow was in the last 50's. A schoolmate went to the South to visit his sister who was stationed in the deep south (I don't recall the state). He recounted seeing things which didn't exist in San Francisco where we grew up; signs of Whites Only on drinking fountains, rest rooms and restaurants. At 12 or 13 I was appalled by such inhumanity, sadly I thought we had grown out of this evilness, but reading the posts on this message board disabused me of that notion.
It will be okay as long as the whites go to the back. Right?

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