White people to the back!

....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
If you mean by "racists" we dont trust whites then yes. The point is that whites will make sure Blacks either dont trust them or will turn into uncle toms hoping whites will accept them..
Yes, thats racist. The very same thing you accuse whites of.
You dont trust the group as a whole because of the actions of a few.
You said your wife was militant black? is it possible that her view of white people is actually based on her initial attitude to them? Very few whites tolerate the ignorance of a militant anyone.
and exactly what is an Uncle Tom? is that a black that decides to fit into the majority of a society so he can excel? like, maybe he actually studied at school, got a degree, a good job, pays his bills, act respectfully, learned how to put his pants on correctly to hide his underwear? bought a belt? Is that an uncle tom?
Do you find it racist to look at someones color and expect that they should act in a certain way? how is that less racist for you to look at a black and expect him to act in a certain way than it would be for me as a white to do the exact same thing?
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
If you mean by "racists" we dont trust whites then yes. The point is that whites will make sure Blacks either dont trust them or will turn into uncle toms hoping whites will accept them..
Yes, thats racist. The very same thing you accuse whites of.
You dont trust the group as a whole because of the actions of a few.
You said your wife was militant black? is it possible that her view of white people is actually based on her initial attitude to them? Very few whites tolerate the ignorance of a militant anyone.
and exactly what is an Uncle Tom? is that a black that decides to fit into the majority of a society so he can excel? like, maybe he actually studied at school, got a degree, a good job, pays his bills, act respectfully, learned how to put his pants on correctly to hide his underwear? bought a belt? Is that an uncle tom?
Do you find it racist to look at someones color and expect that they should act in a certain way? how is that less racist for you to look at a black and expect him to act in a certain way than it would be for me as a white to do the exact same thing?
No thats called prejudice. That has a different meaning.

Yes her view of whites was based on her observations of them in their natural habitat. Where she lived whites had to tolerate her. She didnt give them any choice.

A uncle tom is a Black person that will do anything to win the approval of whites. Primarily this manifests itself via fawning and a strong element of self hate of everything Black.

See my first sentence or look up the word racist in the dictionary. I dont trust whites because as a rule they are untrustworthy. I feel the same way about rabid dogs.
Black people to the back too if you're a Conservative.

Congress Demands Smithsonian Include Clarence Thomas
Black people everywhere are discussing the logic in changing the term uncle tom to uncle thomas. The real uncle tom was actually pro Black so a change to uncle thomas would be a more accurate representation of the term.

Ever Wonder Who "Uncle Tom" Really Was? - Beyond Black & White

Its weird they are demanding uncle thomas be included in the Museum. What has he done besides be an uncle thomas?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
If you mean by "racists" we dont trust whites then yes. The point is that whites will make sure Blacks either dont trust them or will turn into uncle toms hoping whites will accept them..
Yes, thats racist. The very same thing you accuse whites of.
You dont trust the group as a whole because of the actions of a few.
You said your wife was militant black? is it possible that her view of white people is actually based on her initial attitude to them? Very few whites tolerate the ignorance of a militant anyone.
and exactly what is an Uncle Tom? is that a black that decides to fit into the majority of a society so he can excel? like, maybe he actually studied at school, got a degree, a good job, pays his bills, act respectfully, learned how to put his pants on correctly to hide his underwear? bought a belt? Is that an uncle tom?
Do you find it racist to look at someones color and expect that they should act in a certain way? how is that less racist for you to look at a black and expect him to act in a certain way than it would be for me as a white to do the exact same thing?
No thats called prejudice. That has a different meaning.

Yes her view of whites was based on her observations of them in their natural habitat. Where she lived whites had to tolerate her. She didnt give them any choice.

A uncle tom is a Black person that will do anything to win the approval of whites. Primarily this manifests itself via fawning and a strong element of self hate of everything Black.

See my first sentence or look up the word racist in the dictionary. I dont trust whites because as a rule they are untrustworthy. I feel the same way about rabid dogs.
I think we see eye to eye then. I too learned about blacks, about you even, by watching blacks in their natural habitat. Drugs, drive by shootings, hold ups, car jackings theft, breaking and entering, not at all the type of person you want living next door to you. And naturally all blacks are like this.
If she learned about whites in their natural habitat, work and family ethics must be something that just infuriates her. I know when I was growing up in our all white community back in the day, every morning you could watch all the fathers get in their cars and leave for work, then the kids would all show up at the bus stop and head to school. On weekends, around 8 am or so, the kids would start hitting the streets on their bikes to ride around all day, maybe go down to the river and hangout, go build a tree fort in the woods or even head down to the swimming pool. Fathers would be out waxing the car or cutting the grass, mothers usually heading to the store to do the food shopping or something of that nature
Street lights come on, kids better have their little white asses back at the house.. or that ass might just turn red.
I guess that different than what the average black knows, I realize how intimidating it can be to try and keep up with a group like that.
I guess what white parents should have done is to not even know that they had kids in the first place, dad should have been on the stoop drinking and smoking weed all day until it was time to rob the 7-11 at gun point later on, mom would most likely be trying to sell her nasty ass on the corner so she could buy dad (or whichever guy was hanging on the stoop that day) some more liquor and weed. Of course everyone would have to be ready to run like hell if a police car came around the corner.
You are right,, whites and blacks certainly have different lifestyles. and now that you have explained it, what I described of the black lifestyle (as witnessed in Baltimore) is how all blacks need to live in order to stay true the their race, because we all know that Race is far more important than family.
and you wonder why white people dont like you.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
If you mean by "racists" we dont trust whites then yes. The point is that whites will make sure Blacks either dont trust them or will turn into uncle toms hoping whites will accept them..
Yes, thats racist. The very same thing you accuse whites of.
You dont trust the group as a whole because of the actions of a few.
You said your wife was militant black? is it possible that her view of white people is actually based on her initial attitude to them? Very few whites tolerate the ignorance of a militant anyone.
and exactly what is an Uncle Tom? is that a black that decides to fit into the majority of a society so he can excel? like, maybe he actually studied at school, got a degree, a good job, pays his bills, act respectfully, learned how to put his pants on correctly to hide his underwear? bought a belt? Is that an uncle tom?
Do you find it racist to look at someones color and expect that they should act in a certain way? how is that less racist for you to look at a black and expect him to act in a certain way than it would be for me as a white to do the exact same thing?
No thats called prejudice. That has a different meaning.

Yes her view of whites was based on her observations of them in their natural habitat. Where she lived whites had to tolerate her. She didnt give them any choice.

A uncle tom is a Black person that will do anything to win the approval of whites. Primarily this manifests itself via fawning and a strong element of self hate of everything Black.

See my first sentence or look up the word racist in the dictionary. I dont trust whites because as a rule they are untrustworthy. I feel the same way about rabid dogs.
I think we see eye to eye then. I too learned about blacks, about you even, by watching blacks in their natural habitat. Drugs, drive by shootings, hold ups, car jackings theft, breaking and entering, not at all the type of person you want living next door to you. And naturally all blacks are like this.
If she learned about whites in their natural habitat, work and family ethics must be something that just infuriates her. I know when I was growing up in our all white community back in the day, every morning you could watch all the fathers get in their cars and leave for work, then the kids would all show up at the bus stop and head to school. On weekends, around 8 am or so, the kids would start hitting the streets on their bikes to ride around all day, maybe go down to the river and hangout, go build a tree fort in the woods or even head down to the swimming pool. Fathers would be out waxing the car or cutting the grass, mothers usually heading to the store to do the food shopping or something of that nature
Street lights come on, kids better have their little white asses back at the house.. or that ass might just turn red.
I guess that different than what the average black knows, I realize how intimidating it can be to try and keep up with a group like that.
I guess what white parents should have done is to not even know that they had kids in the first place, dad should have been on the stoop drinking and smoking weed all day until it was time to rob the 7-11 at gun point later on, mom would most likely be trying to sell her nasty ass on the corner so she could buy dad (or whichever guy was hanging on the stoop that day) some more liquor and weed. Of course everyone would have to be ready to run like hell if a police car came around the corner.
You are right,, whites and blacks certainly have different lifestyles. and now that you have explained it, what I described of the black lifestyle (as witnessed in Baltimore) is how all blacks need to live in order to stay true the their race, because we all know that Race is far more important than family.
and you wonder why white people dont like you.

She loves family. She learned whites dont have families. They just live in the same house. The white fathers are unresponsive to their children which creates a drug habit with darling Becky and Ben. They call it emotional absence which is probably worse than just being gone. The white moms are all drunkards and spend their days drinking and being shallow. There is no ethics involved in their lives. The white children are never taught to take responsibility and told they will be given a spot in the company business when they reach 18. The children are paid to not embarrass the parents instead of actually doing something to earn it. The white men cheat on their wives and eventually get divorced while the kids are in high school. The kids then have to call the 23 year old new wife mom.

I've never wondered why whites hate me. I always have known that you hate what you fear. White males fear my dominance and my genes.
so all three of you are racists.
If you mean by "racists" we dont trust whites then yes. The point is that whites will make sure Blacks either dont trust them or will turn into uncle toms hoping whites will accept them..
Yes, thats racist. The very same thing you accuse whites of.
You dont trust the group as a whole because of the actions of a few.
You said your wife was militant black? is it possible that her view of white people is actually based on her initial attitude to them? Very few whites tolerate the ignorance of a militant anyone.
and exactly what is an Uncle Tom? is that a black that decides to fit into the majority of a society so he can excel? like, maybe he actually studied at school, got a degree, a good job, pays his bills, act respectfully, learned how to put his pants on correctly to hide his underwear? bought a belt? Is that an uncle tom?
Do you find it racist to look at someones color and expect that they should act in a certain way? how is that less racist for you to look at a black and expect him to act in a certain way than it would be for me as a white to do the exact same thing?
No thats called prejudice. That has a different meaning.

Yes her view of whites was based on her observations of them in their natural habitat. Where she lived whites had to tolerate her. She didnt give them any choice.

A uncle tom is a Black person that will do anything to win the approval of whites. Primarily this manifests itself via fawning and a strong element of self hate of everything Black.

See my first sentence or look up the word racist in the dictionary. I dont trust whites because as a rule they are untrustworthy. I feel the same way about rabid dogs.
I think we see eye to eye then. I too learned about blacks, about you even, by watching blacks in their natural habitat. Drugs, drive by shootings, hold ups, car jackings theft, breaking and entering, not at all the type of person you want living next door to you. And naturally all blacks are like this.
If she learned about whites in their natural habitat, work and family ethics must be something that just infuriates her. I know when I was growing up in our all white community back in the day, every morning you could watch all the fathers get in their cars and leave for work, then the kids would all show up at the bus stop and head to school. On weekends, around 8 am or so, the kids would start hitting the streets on their bikes to ride around all day, maybe go down to the river and hangout, go build a tree fort in the woods or even head down to the swimming pool. Fathers would be out waxing the car or cutting the grass, mothers usually heading to the store to do the food shopping or something of that nature
Street lights come on, kids better have their little white asses back at the house.. or that ass might just turn red.
I guess that different than what the average black knows, I realize how intimidating it can be to try and keep up with a group like that.
I guess what white parents should have done is to not even know that they had kids in the first place, dad should have been on the stoop drinking and smoking weed all day until it was time to rob the 7-11 at gun point later on, mom would most likely be trying to sell her nasty ass on the corner so she could buy dad (or whichever guy was hanging on the stoop that day) some more liquor and weed. Of course everyone would have to be ready to run like hell if a police car came around the corner.
You are right,, whites and blacks certainly have different lifestyles. and now that you have explained it, what I described of the black lifestyle (as witnessed in Baltimore) is how all blacks need to live in order to stay true the their race, because we all know that Race is far more important than family.
and you wonder why white people dont like you.

She loves family. She learned whites dont have families. They just live in the same house. The white fathers are unresponsive to their children which creates a drug habit with darling Becky and Ben. They call it emotional absence which is probably worse than just being gone. The white moms are all drunkards and spend their days drinking and being shallow. There is no ethics involved in their lives. The white children are never taught to take responsibility and told they will be given a spot in the company business when they reach 18. The children are paid to not embarrass the parents instead of actually doing something to earn it. The white men cheat on their wives and eventually get divorced while the kids are in high school. The kids then have to call the 23 year old new wife mom.

I've never wondered why whites hate me. I always have known that you hate what you fear. White males fear my dominance and my genes.
not sure where she grew up but from the description I would think maybe a reservation for albino blacks?
and trust me, from what I have seen just from your posts, no white man fears you for your "dominance" We might have pity for you, we might lock things up because you do seem to be the typical "yo boy" that just steals what he wants. But fear you because of dominance? I seriously doubt that. Oh, I will give you that we might fear your genes, the thought of you breeding more of you is just unacceptable.
If you mean by "racists" we dont trust whites then yes. The point is that whites will make sure Blacks either dont trust them or will turn into uncle toms hoping whites will accept them..
Yes, thats racist. The very same thing you accuse whites of.
You dont trust the group as a whole because of the actions of a few.
You said your wife was militant black? is it possible that her view of white people is actually based on her initial attitude to them? Very few whites tolerate the ignorance of a militant anyone.
and exactly what is an Uncle Tom? is that a black that decides to fit into the majority of a society so he can excel? like, maybe he actually studied at school, got a degree, a good job, pays his bills, act respectfully, learned how to put his pants on correctly to hide his underwear? bought a belt? Is that an uncle tom?
Do you find it racist to look at someones color and expect that they should act in a certain way? how is that less racist for you to look at a black and expect him to act in a certain way than it would be for me as a white to do the exact same thing?
No thats called prejudice. That has a different meaning.

Yes her view of whites was based on her observations of them in their natural habitat. Where she lived whites had to tolerate her. She didnt give them any choice.

A uncle tom is a Black person that will do anything to win the approval of whites. Primarily this manifests itself via fawning and a strong element of self hate of everything Black.

See my first sentence or look up the word racist in the dictionary. I dont trust whites because as a rule they are untrustworthy. I feel the same way about rabid dogs.
I think we see eye to eye then. I too learned about blacks, about you even, by watching blacks in their natural habitat. Drugs, drive by shootings, hold ups, car jackings theft, breaking and entering, not at all the type of person you want living next door to you. And naturally all blacks are like this.
If she learned about whites in their natural habitat, work and family ethics must be something that just infuriates her. I know when I was growing up in our all white community back in the day, every morning you could watch all the fathers get in their cars and leave for work, then the kids would all show up at the bus stop and head to school. On weekends, around 8 am or so, the kids would start hitting the streets on their bikes to ride around all day, maybe go down to the river and hangout, go build a tree fort in the woods or even head down to the swimming pool. Fathers would be out waxing the car or cutting the grass, mothers usually heading to the store to do the food shopping or something of that nature
Street lights come on, kids better have their little white asses back at the house.. or that ass might just turn red.
I guess that different than what the average black knows, I realize how intimidating it can be to try and keep up with a group like that.
I guess what white parents should have done is to not even know that they had kids in the first place, dad should have been on the stoop drinking and smoking weed all day until it was time to rob the 7-11 at gun point later on, mom would most likely be trying to sell her nasty ass on the corner so she could buy dad (or whichever guy was hanging on the stoop that day) some more liquor and weed. Of course everyone would have to be ready to run like hell if a police car came around the corner.
You are right,, whites and blacks certainly have different lifestyles. and now that you have explained it, what I described of the black lifestyle (as witnessed in Baltimore) is how all blacks need to live in order to stay true the their race, because we all know that Race is far more important than family.
and you wonder why white people dont like you.

She loves family. She learned whites dont have families. They just live in the same house. The white fathers are unresponsive to their children which creates a drug habit with darling Becky and Ben. They call it emotional absence which is probably worse than just being gone. The white moms are all drunkards and spend their days drinking and being shallow. There is no ethics involved in their lives. The white children are never taught to take responsibility and told they will be given a spot in the company business when they reach 18. The children are paid to not embarrass the parents instead of actually doing something to earn it. The white men cheat on their wives and eventually get divorced while the kids are in high school. The kids then have to call the 23 year old new wife mom.

I've never wondered why whites hate me. I always have known that you hate what you fear. White males fear my dominance and my genes.
not sure where she grew up but from the description I would think maybe a reservation for albino blacks?
and trust me, from what I have seen just from your posts, no white man fears you for your "dominance" We might have pity for you, we might lock things up because you do seem to be the typical "yo boy" that just steals what he wants. But fear you because of dominance? I seriously doubt that. Oh, I will give you that we might fear your genes, the thought of you breeding more of you is just unacceptable.
She grew up in a very affluent white neighborhood. Ultra white to be more specific. Her observations match with what white women have told me on multiple occasions regarding the dysfunction of white people in general.

I cant trust you. Youre white. Also I'd rather trust what I know is the truth. I know the fear white males specifically have of my dominance and my Black genes from personal experience. I typically reject any non valid, incredible information such as the type you are trying to convince me to believe. You may fear breeding with us because your white women love it. You know what happens right?
Yes, thats racist. The very same thing you accuse whites of.
You dont trust the group as a whole because of the actions of a few.
You said your wife was militant black? is it possible that her view of white people is actually based on her initial attitude to them? Very few whites tolerate the ignorance of a militant anyone.
and exactly what is an Uncle Tom? is that a black that decides to fit into the majority of a society so he can excel? like, maybe he actually studied at school, got a degree, a good job, pays his bills, act respectfully, learned how to put his pants on correctly to hide his underwear? bought a belt? Is that an uncle tom?
Do you find it racist to look at someones color and expect that they should act in a certain way? how is that less racist for you to look at a black and expect him to act in a certain way than it would be for me as a white to do the exact same thing?
No thats called prejudice. That has a different meaning.

Yes her view of whites was based on her observations of them in their natural habitat. Where she lived whites had to tolerate her. She didnt give them any choice.

A uncle tom is a Black person that will do anything to win the approval of whites. Primarily this manifests itself via fawning and a strong element of self hate of everything Black.

See my first sentence or look up the word racist in the dictionary. I dont trust whites because as a rule they are untrustworthy. I feel the same way about rabid dogs.
I think we see eye to eye then. I too learned about blacks, about you even, by watching blacks in their natural habitat. Drugs, drive by shootings, hold ups, car jackings theft, breaking and entering, not at all the type of person you want living next door to you. And naturally all blacks are like this.
If she learned about whites in their natural habitat, work and family ethics must be something that just infuriates her. I know when I was growing up in our all white community back in the day, every morning you could watch all the fathers get in their cars and leave for work, then the kids would all show up at the bus stop and head to school. On weekends, around 8 am or so, the kids would start hitting the streets on their bikes to ride around all day, maybe go down to the river and hangout, go build a tree fort in the woods or even head down to the swimming pool. Fathers would be out waxing the car or cutting the grass, mothers usually heading to the store to do the food shopping or something of that nature
Street lights come on, kids better have their little white asses back at the house.. or that ass might just turn red.
I guess that different than what the average black knows, I realize how intimidating it can be to try and keep up with a group like that.
I guess what white parents should have done is to not even know that they had kids in the first place, dad should have been on the stoop drinking and smoking weed all day until it was time to rob the 7-11 at gun point later on, mom would most likely be trying to sell her nasty ass on the corner so she could buy dad (or whichever guy was hanging on the stoop that day) some more liquor and weed. Of course everyone would have to be ready to run like hell if a police car came around the corner.
You are right,, whites and blacks certainly have different lifestyles. and now that you have explained it, what I described of the black lifestyle (as witnessed in Baltimore) is how all blacks need to live in order to stay true the their race, because we all know that Race is far more important than family.
and you wonder why white people dont like you.

She loves family. She learned whites dont have families. They just live in the same house. The white fathers are unresponsive to their children which creates a drug habit with darling Becky and Ben. They call it emotional absence which is probably worse than just being gone. The white moms are all drunkards and spend their days drinking and being shallow. There is no ethics involved in their lives. The white children are never taught to take responsibility and told they will be given a spot in the company business when they reach 18. The children are paid to not embarrass the parents instead of actually doing something to earn it. The white men cheat on their wives and eventually get divorced while the kids are in high school. The kids then have to call the 23 year old new wife mom.

I've never wondered why whites hate me. I always have known that you hate what you fear. White males fear my dominance and my genes.
not sure where she grew up but from the description I would think maybe a reservation for albino blacks?
and trust me, from what I have seen just from your posts, no white man fears you for your "dominance" We might have pity for you, we might lock things up because you do seem to be the typical "yo boy" that just steals what he wants. But fear you because of dominance? I seriously doubt that. Oh, I will give you that we might fear your genes, the thought of you breeding more of you is just unacceptable.
She grew up in a very affluent white neighborhood. Ultra white to be more specific. Her observations match with what white women have told me on multiple occasions regarding the dysfunction of white people in general.

I cant trust you. Youre white. Also I'd rather trust what I know is the truth. I know the fear white males specifically have of my dominance and my Black genes from personal experience. I typically reject any non valid, incredible information such as the type you are trying to convince me to believe. You may fear breeding with us because your white women love it. You know what happens right?
be gone. go on back to your slum, sit on the porch and smoke your weed and wait for your cow to come home from wal-mart with her new spandex leggings. And while you're at it, try to figure out if any of those unattended kids running around out front checking for unlocked car doors, is actually yours.
You are the reason behind racism.
No thats called prejudice. That has a different meaning.

Yes her view of whites was based on her observations of them in their natural habitat. Where she lived whites had to tolerate her. She didnt give them any choice.

A uncle tom is a Black person that will do anything to win the approval of whites. Primarily this manifests itself via fawning and a strong element of self hate of everything Black.

See my first sentence or look up the word racist in the dictionary. I dont trust whites because as a rule they are untrustworthy. I feel the same way about rabid dogs.
I think we see eye to eye then. I too learned about blacks, about you even, by watching blacks in their natural habitat. Drugs, drive by shootings, hold ups, car jackings theft, breaking and entering, not at all the type of person you want living next door to you. And naturally all blacks are like this.
If she learned about whites in their natural habitat, work and family ethics must be something that just infuriates her. I know when I was growing up in our all white community back in the day, every morning you could watch all the fathers get in their cars and leave for work, then the kids would all show up at the bus stop and head to school. On weekends, around 8 am or so, the kids would start hitting the streets on their bikes to ride around all day, maybe go down to the river and hangout, go build a tree fort in the woods or even head down to the swimming pool. Fathers would be out waxing the car or cutting the grass, mothers usually heading to the store to do the food shopping or something of that nature
Street lights come on, kids better have their little white asses back at the house.. or that ass might just turn red.
I guess that different than what the average black knows, I realize how intimidating it can be to try and keep up with a group like that.
I guess what white parents should have done is to not even know that they had kids in the first place, dad should have been on the stoop drinking and smoking weed all day until it was time to rob the 7-11 at gun point later on, mom would most likely be trying to sell her nasty ass on the corner so she could buy dad (or whichever guy was hanging on the stoop that day) some more liquor and weed. Of course everyone would have to be ready to run like hell if a police car came around the corner.
You are right,, whites and blacks certainly have different lifestyles. and now that you have explained it, what I described of the black lifestyle (as witnessed in Baltimore) is how all blacks need to live in order to stay true the their race, because we all know that Race is far more important than family.
and you wonder why white people dont like you.

She loves family. She learned whites dont have families. They just live in the same house. The white fathers are unresponsive to their children which creates a drug habit with darling Becky and Ben. They call it emotional absence which is probably worse than just being gone. The white moms are all drunkards and spend their days drinking and being shallow. There is no ethics involved in their lives. The white children are never taught to take responsibility and told they will be given a spot in the company business when they reach 18. The children are paid to not embarrass the parents instead of actually doing something to earn it. The white men cheat on their wives and eventually get divorced while the kids are in high school. The kids then have to call the 23 year old new wife mom.

I've never wondered why whites hate me. I always have known that you hate what you fear. White males fear my dominance and my genes.
not sure where she grew up but from the description I would think maybe a reservation for albino blacks?
and trust me, from what I have seen just from your posts, no white man fears you for your "dominance" We might have pity for you, we might lock things up because you do seem to be the typical "yo boy" that just steals what he wants. But fear you because of dominance? I seriously doubt that. Oh, I will give you that we might fear your genes, the thought of you breeding more of you is just unacceptable.
She grew up in a very affluent white neighborhood. Ultra white to be more specific. Her observations match with what white women have told me on multiple occasions regarding the dysfunction of white people in general.

I cant trust you. Youre white. Also I'd rather trust what I know is the truth. I know the fear white males specifically have of my dominance and my Black genes from personal experience. I typically reject any non valid, incredible information such as the type you are trying to convince me to believe. You may fear breeding with us because your white women love it. You know what happens right?
be gone. go on back to your slum, sit on the porch and smoke your weed and wait for your cow to come home from wal-mart with her new spandex leggings. And while you're at it, try to figure out if any of those unattended kids running around out front checking for unlocked car doors, is actually yours.
You are the reason behind racism.
Dont get emotional. I know fear does that to you but try to calm yourself down. I have no intention of going back to the slums. I dont smoke weed and I dont sexually molest cows like the white guys in the military told me white people do.

Whites are the reason behind racism. Thats always been a fact whites hate to confront.
be gone. go on back to your slum, sit on the porch and smoke your weed and wait for your cow to come home from wal-mart with her new spandex leggings. And while you're at it, try to figure out if any of those unattended kids running around out front checking for unlocked car doors, is actually yours.
You are the reason behind racism.

I blocked that idiot, Asclepias long ago so I had to hit the reply to see who you were talking to. If the spandex fits..... LOL

Funny stuff!
be gone. go on back to your slum, sit on the porch and smoke your weed and wait for your cow to come home from wal-mart with her new spandex leggings. And while you're at it, try to figure out if any of those unattended kids running around out front checking for unlocked car doors, is actually yours.
You are the reason behind racism.

I blocked that idiot, Asclepias long ago so I had to hit the reply to see who you were talking to. If the spandex fits..... LOL

Funny stuff!
he reminds me of this asshole that used to run around and try to start crap back in highschool, I will say this for that guy, he could take an ass whipping, His mouth got him one almost every day, and half the time it was the other blacks giving it to him.
I sometimes wonder if Asclepias is the same guy.
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
Agreed. Funny, and sad, how racism runs in families. With Asclepias 's, it's bone deep.

As Dr. Martin Luther King once wrote:

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence, you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.”
....black people are more violent than the KKK and hate everyone else including themselves
All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
Agreed. Funny, and sad, how racism runs in families. With Asclepias 's, it's bone deep.

As Dr. Martin Luther King once wrote:

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence, you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.”
That was probably before he realized that being passive is just what whites want. "You be a good ****** and wait on your civil rights".....52 years later?

All black people? Do you think it's a matter of skin tone or culture?
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
Agreed. Funny, and sad, how racism runs in families. With Asclepias 's, it's bone deep.

As Dr. Martin Luther King once wrote:

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence, you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.”
That was probably before he realized that being passive is just what whites want. "You be a good ****** and wait on your civil rights".....52 years later?

LOL. More proof your hate is so bad you even hate MLK.
has to be culture if you ask me. and not just theirs.
I dont think people are naturally born to hate others, especially when it comes to something like the color of ones skin. Hate is learned, either through the teachings of others, like parents, people in the community, the church etc... Hate can also be learned through experience, as in, if a black kid ends up in an all white school for whatever reason, and every day the white kids are calling him names, beating him, excluding him from everything, He is going to learn through that experience that white people are not his friends.
If you have black kids that go to an otherwise all white school and they are included in things, befriended, treated as though they were just another one of the crowd, they will most likely not learn hate through experience and they also might reject the racist teachings from family and their community.
I disagree. My brother in law was raised in a wealthy white environment. As an adult he realizes the harm that caused him even though he was "accepted". He still had to deal with racism but he pretended it didn't exist or he was imagining things. My wife was the complete opposite. No one messed with her and she was militant in her Blackness. She was well respected but she has never trusted white people. I grew up in a Black, Mexican, and some Asian environment. I never trusted whites. Net result? All 3 of us have the same beliefs about white people more or less.
so all three of you are racists.
Agreed. Funny, and sad, how racism runs in families. With Asclepias 's, it's bone deep.

As Dr. Martin Luther King once wrote:

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence, you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.”
That was probably before he realized that being passive is just what whites want. "You be a good ****** and wait on your civil rights".....52 years later?

LOL. More proof your hate is so bad you even hate MLK.

You may wish to believe I hate MLK but like most of your opinions you are wrong. I respect MLK but Malcolm is more my line of reasoning.
You may wish to believe I hate MLK but like most of your opinions you are wrong. I respect MLK but Malcolm is more my line of reasoning.
Nonetheless you disagree with MLK. OTOH, there's the Malcolm before Mecca and the Malcolm after Mecca. You're obviously talking about the "before Mecca" Malcolm. The hater. I like the "after Mecca" Malcolm. Obviously you and Louis Farrakhan do not, which is why he was murdered.

How Malcolm X Became a Real Muslim

You may wish to believe I hate MLK but like most of your opinions you are wrong. I respect MLK but Malcolm is more my line of reasoning.
Nonetheless you disagree with MLK. OTOH, there's the Malcolm before Mecca and the Malcolm after Mecca. You're obviously talking about the "before Mecca" Malcolm. The hater. I like the "after Mecca" Malcolm. Obviously you and Louis Farrakhan do not, which is why he was murdered.

How Malcolm X Became a Real Muslim

Of course I disagree with MLK on somethings. Especially his belief that whites could be redeemed. Even he doubted that ideology towards the end. That doesnt mean I hate him like you whined about. I like Malcolm both before and after Mecca. Obviously you are too dumb to comprehend what he was about since you are a silly white boy.
You may wish to believe I hate MLK but like most of your opinions you are wrong. I respect MLK but Malcolm is more my line of reasoning.
Nonetheless you disagree with MLK. OTOH, there's the Malcolm before Mecca and the Malcolm after Mecca. You're obviously talking about the "before Mecca" Malcolm. The hater. I like the "after Mecca" Malcolm. Obviously you and Louis Farrakhan do not, which is why he was murdered.

How Malcolm X Became a Real Muslim

Of course I disagree with MLK on somethings. Especially his belief that whites could be redeemed. Even he doubted that ideology towards the end. That doesnt mean I hate him like you whined about. I like Malcolm both before and after Mecca. Obviously you are too dumb to comprehend what he was about since you are a silly white boy.

LOL. Thanks for more displays of your racism. Maybe one day we can put all the black racists and all the white racists onto an island for a form of "Hunger Games" except the winners would never leave the island. We'd just keep sending new generations of racists.
You may wish to believe I hate MLK but like most of your opinions you are wrong. I respect MLK but Malcolm is more my line of reasoning.
Nonetheless you disagree with MLK. OTOH, there's the Malcolm before Mecca and the Malcolm after Mecca. You're obviously talking about the "before Mecca" Malcolm. The hater. I like the "after Mecca" Malcolm. Obviously you and Louis Farrakhan do not, which is why he was murdered.

How Malcolm X Became a Real Muslim

Of course I disagree with MLK on somethings. Especially his belief that whites could be redeemed. Even he doubted that ideology towards the end. That doesnt mean I hate him like you whined about. I like Malcolm both before and after Mecca. Obviously you are too dumb to comprehend what he was about since you are a silly white boy.

LOL. Thanks for more displays of your racism. Maybe one day we can put all the black racists and all the white racists onto an island for a form of "Hunger Games" except the winners would never leave the island. We'd just keep sending new generations of racists.

Maybe one day you wont be so boring. You remind of that clown Corral that posts on here.

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