White people to the back!

We dont have to imagine. Blacks are already equal. Thats not the issue.

Then why did you say this?

"Imagine if white people didn't have an inferiority complex. None of this would be an issue right now. AA's wouldn't have to be fighting for equality."

Are they or are they not equal?
i said that because we have to continually fight white peoples efforts to deny that truth.

What did i already tell you?
So racial segregation has nothing to do with the topic, does it?

Actually, it does. Greatly so.

"White people to the back" is as racially segregated as it can get. When we accuse white cops of targeting black people without getting the facts, we are segregating the cop and the black person based on their race and position in society while convicting the white cop and exonerating the black person of any wrongdoing. There are elements of racial segregation about this entire issue.

Yet....blacks are still targeted.

Not at the frequency BLM or the Democrats would have us believe.
i said that because we have to continually fight white peoples efforts to deny that truth.

What did i already tell you?

You told me black people were already equal, then said they are still fighting for equality. So which is it?
Its both. Dont blame me because your intellect limits you. Why are you only able to grasp binary concepts?
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?
Thats an interesting question. What do you mean exactly by "speak up"? Blacks talk about other Blacks doing dumb or messed up stuff all the time.

I would agree that the case you are speaking of against Muslims is similar but again who determines if a group is speaking up? Kind of reminds me of the riddle about if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear does it make a sound?

I think people that burn down where they live are releasing pent up tension and whites should be happy they are refraining from burning down white communities. I also think there are some dumbass, opportunistic, small minded Blacks that are just a drain on all Blacks.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there...does it make a sound? Yes, if the media gets wind of it. And I think THAT is the main problem. The media.
Its telling to me that the media can report every single negative thing they get wind of but rarely do they focus on the multitude of positive things that occur in Black communities. I just see it as more racism thats ingrained in this society.

The flip side to that is if people really wanted to know they would find out for themselves. I notice that once a lie is accepted by people the truth is inconceivable once it is revealed..
Agreed. But, like you said and what my friend *** said...those that try to find out for themselves still won't "get it". It's a deep thing..whatever "it" is. Beyond our comprehension. So..we are fed with meaty reports that in turn garner money for those doing the reporting. Kind of like what MLK said....integrating into an already burning house.
They may not be able to get were we are coming from completely but they can see the things that go on that are positive. I guess there is always the possibility that a white person wouldnt see some things as positive.
Like that black mama that saw her kid on tv rioting in Ferguson and went and whooped his ass....with cameras rolling. I loved that! I would have done the same thing. Then again, people are saying she was abusing her kid smacking him around like that, so turning the positive into a negative. This thread is prime example of that mindset. Nobody is really listening. Or even trying to. Or acknowledging that it is beyond them to understand or have no clue where to begin to understand and may want to, but can't, so they prefer to stay in their cozy mindset? Yes. I think so.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

Of course you dont care
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

yeah like making black motorists more uncooperative and cops more nervous when they pull them over.
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?

Blacks wanting to be front and center in their own leadership is just great, but my take on the OP and the video is that the woman and others didn't want to see white supporters in the crowd period, I find it very funny that , what it takes for someone to be a leader requires someone else to walk away. To me this is very indicative of the whole movement's mindset. She couldn't just come out and say that she didn't want to see any whites in the crowd but it was obviously what she meant. She even told white media to move their cameras to the back. Is this really rational? of course our opinion of a black rally means nothing because We may be white , .... but just an observation
i said that because we have to continually fight white peoples efforts to deny that truth.

What did i already tell you?

You told me black people were already equal, then said they are still fighting for equality. So which is it?
You are not THINKING DEEP ENOUGH. Come on. You can do it. Then again..maybe not.
Try stepping outside the box. This really shouldn't have to be explained.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

Of course you dont care
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

yeah like making black motorists more uncooperative and cops more nervous when they pull them over.
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?

Blacks wanting to be front and center in their own leadership is just great, but my take on the OP and the video is that the woman and others didn't want to see white supporters in the crowd period, I find it very funny that , what it takes for someone to be a leader requires someone else to walk away. To me this is very indicative of the whole movement's mindset. She couldn't just come out and say that she didn't want to see any whites in the crowd but it was obviously what she meant. She even told white media to move their cameras to the back. Is this really rational? of course our opinion of a black rally means nothing because We may be white , .... but just an observation

And again..it has been agreed by white AND black...that woman was the wrong one to be holding a bullhorn.
Imagine if white people didnt have an inferiority complex. None of this would be an issue right now. AA's wouldn't have to be fighting for equality.

Imagine a world where black people are equal, and they are being fed this notion of inequality by a party bent on using their heritage as a way to convince them the world is still racist. In essence convincing them that they still aren't equal, despite the fact we ended racial segregation in 1964.
Yet....blacks are still targeted. Personally, I think Michael Brown was a scumbag. Eric Gardner? That was flat out murder. Flat out. Yet, the cop is still a cop and Eric is dead. So are many many many others. Did some of them deserve it? You betcha. Did that black teacher deserve to be tossed around like a rag doll? Hell no. So racial segregation has nothing to do with the topic, does it?

Also noted , that in some of these cases the cops were black and other than white. Yet this is seen as white on black targeting. another lie to promote violence
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

Of course you dont care
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

yeah like making black motorists more uncooperative and cops more nervous when they pull them over.
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?

Blacks wanting to be front and center in their own leadership is just great, but my take on the OP and the video is that the woman and others didn't want to see white supporters in the crowd period, I find it very funny that , what it takes for someone to be a leader requires someone else to walk away. To me this is very indicative of the whole movement's mindset. She couldn't just come out and say that she didn't want to see any whites in the crowd but it was obviously what she meant. She even told white media to move their cameras to the back. Is this really rational? of course our opinion of a black rally means nothing because We may be white , .... but just an observation

Your take shows you are incapable of thinking logically. if they didnt want any whites at all in the crowd they would have made them leave.
Imagine if white people didnt have an inferiority complex. None of this would be an issue right now. AA's wouldn't have to be fighting for equality.

Imagine a world where black people are equal, and they are being fed this notion of inequality by a party bent on using their heritage as a way to convince them the world is still racist. In essence convincing them that they still aren't equal, despite the fact we ended racial segregation in 1964.
Yet....blacks are still targeted. Personally, I think Michael Brown was a scumbag. Eric Gardner? That was flat out murder. Flat out. Yet, the cop is still a cop and Eric is dead. So are many many many others. Did some of them deserve it? You betcha. Did that black teacher deserve to be tossed around like a rag doll? Hell no. So racial segregation has nothing to do with the topic, does it?

Also noted , that in some of these cases the cops were black and other than white. Yet this is seen as white on black targeting. another lie to promote violence
Exactly. But who is promoting it? One guess.
Was MLK an uncle tom?

Anyone want to answer that?

by todays standards I think he could easily be called that. He called for people to join together.
You dont decide if he was an uncle tom. You dont even know what it is.

You decide everything I get that. I didnt say he wasan uncle TOM , I meant , many people today would call him that. He wouldnt celebrate the shooting of cops . You do
Anyway...my brain is full again. I freely admit I can't do this for long spurts. I can smell burning from inside my ears. It makes me tired.

Thank you for a good discussion, Asclepias.
Was MLK an uncle tom?

Anyone want to answer that?

by todays standards I think he could easily be called that. He called for people to join together.
You dont decide if he was an uncle tom. You dont even know what it is.

You decide everything I get that. I didnt say he wasan uncle TOM , I meant , many people today would call him that. He wouldnt celebrate the shooting of cops . You do
Damn right I celebrate crooked cops getting killed. That doesnt pit me against MLK like you thought you could do though. I know much more about him than the general public.
Was MLK an uncle tom?

Anyone want to answer that?

by todays standards I think he could easily be called that. He called for people to join together.
You dont decide if he was an uncle tom. You dont even know what it is.

You decide everything I get that. I didnt say he wasan uncle TOM , I meant , many people today would call him that. He wouldnt celebrate the shooting of cops . You do
Before I go.....I was angry when I started the thread. Asclepias is angry when he hears of yet another shooting. It's called venting. We all do it.
You are beginning to get where I was last night, yarddog. Keep thinking deep.

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