White people to the back!

Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.
Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

Imagine, African Americans fighting to be treated equally because of race, yet here you are condemning white people for being white.
Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

Imagine, African Americans fighting to be treated equally because of race, yet here you are condemning white people for being white.
I'm not condemning them for being white. They cant help that. I find it amusing that there is this genetic inclination for a lot of white people think they are very important. No one is seeking the approval of white people. Imagine if white people didnt have an inferiority complex. None of this would be an issue right now. AA's wouldnt have to be fighting for equality. Does that make sense to you?
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?
Oh, and if blacks DO speak up...other blacks call them Uncle Toms. Would MLK be considered such, in your opinion? If not, what separates how MLK handled the battles vs the ones now that are front and center? Do you blame media, perhaps? They (the media) do seem to focus on the more brassy folks instead of the ones speaking softly but strongly.
Any white people that are dumb enough to march with these racists niggahs should be told to go to the back. I'm sure these dumbasses promptly complied with the order.
BTW..I have read thru most of the thread just now but need to go back a few more pages. However, from what I have read so far...nobody seems to be on the same wavelength I was on when I started the thread...or even now. Nobody is LISTENING. I mean, really listening. And that, I think, is the problem. You have to dig deep..past all that was taught, all that was experienced yourselves, all that you have seen or read or heard...to get what Asclepias is saying. Even I still get lost...but I'm trying. I ask y'all to try too.
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?
Thats an interesting question. What do you mean exactly by "speak up"? Blacks talk about other Blacks doing dumb or messed up stuff all the time.

I would agree that the case you are speaking of against Muslims is similar but again who determines if a group is speaking up? Kind of reminds me of the riddle about if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear does it make a sound?

I think people that burn down where they live are releasing pent up tension and whites should be happy they are refraining from burning down white communities. I also think there are some dumbass, opportunistic, small minded Blacks that are just a drain on all Blacks.
Any white people that are dumb enough to march with these racists niggahs should be told to go to the back. I'm sure these dumbasses promptly complied with the order.
Case in point ^ (Meant for Fang)
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?
Thats an interesting question. What do you mean exactly by "speak up"? Blacks talk about other Blacks doing dumb or messed up stuff all the time.

I would agree that the case you are speaking of against Muslims is similar but again who determines if a group is speaking up? Kind of reminds me of the riddle about if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear does it make a sound?

I think people that burn down where they live are releasing pent up tension and whites should be happy they are refraining from burning down white communities. I also think there are some dumbass, opportunistic, small minded Blacks that are just a drain on all Blacks.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there...does it make a sound? Yes, if the media gets wind of it. And I think THAT is the main problem. The media.
Thats an interesting question. What do you mean exactly by "speak up"? Blacks talk about other Blacks doing dumb or messed up stuff all the time.
You got what I was asking in your last sentence.

I also think there are some dumbass, opportunistic, small minded Blacks that are just a drain on all Blacks.

And the MEDIA is what focuses on those small minded blacks that screw up the concept of what most are TRYING to say. That, I agree with.
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?
Thats an interesting question. What do you mean exactly by "speak up"? Blacks talk about other Blacks doing dumb or messed up stuff all the time.

I would agree that the case you are speaking of against Muslims is similar but again who determines if a group is speaking up? Kind of reminds me of the riddle about if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear does it make a sound?

I think people that burn down where they live are releasing pent up tension and whites should be happy they are refraining from burning down white communities. I also think there are some dumbass, opportunistic, small minded Blacks that are just a drain on all Blacks.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there...does it make a sound? Yes, if the media gets wind of it. And I think THAT is the main problem. The media.
Its telling to me that the media can report every single negative thing they get wind of but rarely do they focus on the multitude of positive things that occur in Black communities. I just see it as more racism thats ingrained in this society.

The flip side to that is if people really wanted to know they would find out for themselves. I notice that once a lie is accepted by people the truth is inconceivable once it is revealed..
No, I don't support you. Never will. You want divided I am happy to give it to you.
I pretty much pointed that out to you already. The big question you haven't answered is why are you whining about the separation then?
What is it with you and always thinking folks are whining? We are merely pointing out the racist behavior of black people. Racism is the very thing you were fighting against and now you like it. Fine. Racism is what you will get.

I really think he represents a minority among black Americans thankfully. the silent majority that you don't see on the news. Those are the people that count.
Boy are you out of touch.Its not just most Black people its Mexicans, Asians, etc etc

really? do the asians stand in the back? or would that be center left?
From what I have seen over the years, asians don't get involved. Period. They look out for their own. I mean..when was the last time you saw asians marching or asians forming a hate group like the KKK or Westboro Church?
Imagine if white people didn't have an inferiority complex. None of this would be an issue right now. AA's wouldn't have to be fighting for equality.

Actually black people are equal, but they are being fed this notion of inequality by a party bent on using their heritage as a way to convince them the world is still racist. And this notion has spread to a great majority of the "AA" demographic.

In essence what has happened is that a party has convinced them that they still aren't equal, despite the fact racial segregation ended all that time ago.

As far as the "inferiority complex" goes, one can be seen when one group seeks to stress it's own importance by willfully segregating itself from others.
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Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?
Thats an interesting question. What do you mean exactly by "speak up"? Blacks talk about other Blacks doing dumb or messed up stuff all the time.

I would agree that the case you are speaking of against Muslims is similar but again who determines if a group is speaking up? Kind of reminds me of the riddle about if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear does it make a sound?

I think people that burn down where they live are releasing pent up tension and whites should be happy they are refraining from burning down white communities. I also think there are some dumbass, opportunistic, small minded Blacks that are just a drain on all Blacks.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there...does it make a sound? Yes, if the media gets wind of it. And I think THAT is the main problem. The media.
Its telling to me that the media can report every single negative thing they get wind of but rarely do they focus on the multitude of positive things that occur in Black communities. I just see it as more racism thats ingrained in this society.

The flip side to that is if people really wanted to know they would find out for themselves. I notice that once a lie is accepted by people the truth is inconceivable once it is revealed..
Agreed. But, like you said and what my friend *** said...those that try to find out for themselves still won't "get it". It's a deep thing..whatever "it" is. Beyond our comprehension. So..we are fed with meaty reports that in turn garner money for those doing the reporting. Kind of like what MLK said....integrating into an already burning house.
Imagine if white people didnt have an inferiority complex. None of this would be an issue right now. AA's wouldn't have to be fighting for equality.

Imagine a world where black people are equal, and they are being fed this notion of inequality by a party bent on using their heritage as a way to convince them the world is still racist. In essence convincing them that they still aren't equal, despite the fact we ended racial segregation in 1964.
We dont have to imagine. Blacks are already equal. Thats not the issue. The issue is whites that want them not to be equal. Thats not something Black people need to be convinced about. We live it everyday. You must be a fool to think that ending segregation means all the racists disappeared in a puff of pixie dust.
Imagine if white people didnt have an inferiority complex. None of this would be an issue right now. AA's wouldn't have to be fighting for equality.

Imagine a world where black people are equal, and they are being fed this notion of inequality by a party bent on using their heritage as a way to convince them the world is still racist. In essence convincing them that they still aren't equal, despite the fact we ended racial segregation in 1964.
Yet....blacks are still targeted. Personally, I think Michael Brown was a scumbag. Eric Gardner? That was flat out murder. Flat out. Yet, the cop is still a cop and Eric is dead. So are many many many others. Did some of them deserve it? You betcha. Did that black teacher deserve to be tossed around like a rag doll? Hell no. So racial segregation has nothing to do with the topic, does it?
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?
Thats an interesting question. What do you mean exactly by "speak up"? Blacks talk about other Blacks doing dumb or messed up stuff all the time.

I would agree that the case you are speaking of against Muslims is similar but again who determines if a group is speaking up? Kind of reminds me of the riddle about if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear does it make a sound?

I think people that burn down where they live are releasing pent up tension and whites should be happy they are refraining from burning down white communities. I also think there are some dumbass, opportunistic, small minded Blacks that are just a drain on all Blacks.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there...does it make a sound? Yes, if the media gets wind of it. And I think THAT is the main problem. The media.
Its telling to me that the media can report every single negative thing they get wind of but rarely do they focus on the multitude of positive things that occur in Black communities. I just see it as more racism thats ingrained in this society.

The flip side to that is if people really wanted to know they would find out for themselves. I notice that once a lie is accepted by people the truth is inconceivable once it is revealed..
Agreed. But, like you said and what my friend *** said...those that try to find out for themselves still won't "get it". It's a deep thing..whatever "it" is. Beyond our comprehension. So..we are fed with meaty reports that in turn garner money for those doing the reporting. Kind of like what MLK said....integrating into an already burning house.
They may not be able to get were we are coming from completely but they can see the things that go on that are positive. I guess there is always the possibility that a white person wouldnt see some things as positive.

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