White people to the back!

And they are lying about it.
We told you that decades ago they were lying but you still believed the cops. Now you want to pretend you support us? :laugh:
No, I don't support you. Never will. You want divided I am happy to give it to you.
I pretty much pointed that out to you already. The big question you haven't answered is why are you whining about the separation then?
What is it with you and always thinking folks are whining? We are merely pointing out the racist behavior of black people. Racism is the very thing you were fighting against and now you like it. Fine. Racism is what you will get.

I really think he represents a minority among black Americans thankfully. the silent majority that you don't see on the news. Those are the people that count.
I know! I have a black friend who is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. She stands with her husband the cop but she also understands the complaints. All of her children are grown and college educated. She and her husband have done a fine job raising their family. He is a cop, she is a nurse. I am betting she would throw her arms around me if I met her at a rally.
No, actually I think it is incredibly racist to think that the color of your skin somehow means you should get special privilege.

But, hey, if you're looking for an excuse for the crime, drugs, and deaths, blaming whitey certainly is a convenient foil. That way, you don't have to look at the truth.
I agree. Your white ancestors were incredibly racist for intentionally keeping Blacks from out competing them by making laws and establishing racism to keep Blacks from being successful.

We've had this discussion before ----

It's simply intellectually lazy to use actions 175 years ago as an attempt to justify anti-social and anti-democratic behavior today. While I readily recognize that putting all blame on one cause is convenient - and lazy - it is far from reality.

Let's discuss black-on-black crime. Let's talk about the horrendous rates of black abortions. Let's look at the numbers in which black males refuse to live up to their responsibilities. Let's consider the cause of the failure of blacks to start small businesses in depressed areas. Let's talk about the lack of academic performance in black households. Let's talk about the trillions of dollars poured into the black communities that is wasted, destroyed, and misdirected. Let's talk about the contributions given to the black community that are just wasted. Let's talk about the failure of the black male to present a model to his sons on the way a man should act, the way a man should care for his family, and the way a man should strive to better himself. Tell me something ---- the last time you worked at the local soup kitchen, how many workers were black? How many were white?
i wasnt just talking about 175 years ago. Why would we talk about what you want to talk about when...

A. It has nothing to do with the topic and...

B. You have no clue about that which you want to talk about?

Because you insist on thinking that the " .... well, we were once slaves, so anything we do now can be excused or blamed on whitey .." card.

I do notice, however, how adroitly you ignored all the issues I raised.
I dont believe in cards and I always ignore your foolish deflections.

i accept your hesitancy to actually discuss the issues ... instead relying on emotional appeals that have no real impact.

If you can't discuss those issue (I'm sure you're capable - you just don't like the answers), I truly understand. Continue to wave your pathetic little racist diatribe and ignore reality. It is ever so much easier to blame someone else for your own failures, isn't it? That way, you don't have to look at yourself in the mirror.
We told you that decades ago they were lying but you still believed the cops. Now you want to pretend you support us? :laugh:
No, I don't support you. Never will. You want divided I am happy to give it to you.
I pretty much pointed that out to you already. The big question you haven't answered is why are you whining about the separation then?
What is it with you and always thinking folks are whining? We are merely pointing out the racist behavior of black people. Racism is the very thing you were fighting against and now you like it. Fine. Racism is what you will get.

I really think he represents a minority among black Americans thankfully. the silent majority that you don't see on the news. Those are the people that count.
I know! I have a black friend who is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. She stands with her husband the cop but she also understands the complaints. All of her children are grown and college educated. She and her husband have done a fine job raising their family. He is a cop, she is a nurse. I am betting she would throw her arms around me if I met her at a rally.

Would he get jealous??
I agree. Your white ancestors were incredibly racist for intentionally keeping Blacks from out competing them by making laws and establishing racism to keep Blacks from being successful.

We've had this discussion before ----

It's simply intellectually lazy to use actions 175 years ago as an attempt to justify anti-social and anti-democratic behavior today. While I readily recognize that putting all blame on one cause is convenient - and lazy - it is far from reality.

Let's discuss black-on-black crime. Let's talk about the horrendous rates of black abortions. Let's look at the numbers in which black males refuse to live up to their responsibilities. Let's consider the cause of the failure of blacks to start small businesses in depressed areas. Let's talk about the lack of academic performance in black households. Let's talk about the trillions of dollars poured into the black communities that is wasted, destroyed, and misdirected. Let's talk about the contributions given to the black community that are just wasted. Let's talk about the failure of the black male to present a model to his sons on the way a man should act, the way a man should care for his family, and the way a man should strive to better himself. Tell me something ---- the last time you worked at the local soup kitchen, how many workers were black? How many were white?
i wasnt just talking about 175 years ago. Why would we talk about what you want to talk about when...

A. It has nothing to do with the topic and...

B. You have no clue about that which you want to talk about?

Because you insist on thinking that the " .... well, we were once slaves, so anything we do now can be excused or blamed on whitey .." card.

I do notice, however, how adroitly you ignored all the issues I raised.
I dont believe in cards and I always ignore your foolish deflections.

i accept your hesitancy to actually discuss the issues ... instead relying on emotional appeals that have no real impact.

If you can't discuss those issue (I'm sure you're capable - you just don't like the answers), I truly understand. Continue to wave your pathetic little racist diatribe and ignore reality. It is ever so much easier to blame someone else for your own failures, isn't it? That way, you don't have to look at yourself in the mirror.
You have no choice but to accept my adamant refusal to discuss off topic issues. When i give you permission to not accept my refusal then you can comment with the assurance I will absolutely be amused at your attempts to deflect..
Dont think they were trying on the saviour mode...sounds like they simply wanted to support them.......
Support is usually done from the back or behind the scene.
Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

White people have struggled along side of black people from the begining. Despite there being racism. And there have always been those to stand up for whats right. The fact that a few black people like this decide to erase that fact and basicaly tell white supporters to fuck off is a sad commentary. I guess the symbolism is made loud and clear. You should do it more often then after a while they wont care what you went through, theyll just leave you alone altogether.
Thats their choice. No one asked them to come march. I agree there have always been a very small minority of whites that supported Black people but that doesnt address the issue I am speaking of. People like John Brown gave his life to end slavery. Little good it did besides get him a spot in the history books.

You're not addressing the issues at all ... you're searching for excuses. Just pick one - any one - they're all good.
Obviously you are not intelligent enough to address the topic. You've been excused from the discussion.

So --- you tell us. Just why are 72% of all black babies born to unwed mothers? Why are over 90% of the murders of blacks committed by other blacks? Why, since 1973, have over 15.5 million black babies been aborted? Why, since 1980, have over half the homicides in the US been committed by blacks, despite the fact that they are only 13% of the population?

Why? Why? Why?
Support is usually done from the back or behind the scene.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

White people have struggled along side of black people from the begining. Despite there being racism. And there have always been those to stand up for whats right. The fact that a few black people like this decide to erase that fact and basicaly tell white supporters to fuck off is a sad commentary. I guess the symbolism is made loud and clear. You should do it more often then after a while they wont care what you went through, theyll just leave you alone altogether.
Thats their choice. No one asked them to come march. I agree there have always been a very small minority of whites that supported Black people but that doesnt address the issue I am speaking of. People like John Brown gave his life to end slavery. Little good it did besides get him a spot in the history books.

You're not addressing the issues at all ... you're searching for excuses. Just pick one - any one - they're all good.
Obviously you are not intelligent enough to address the topic. You've been excused from the discussion.

So --- you tell us. Just why are 72% of all black babies born to unwed mothers? Why are over 90% of the murders of blacks committed by other blacks? Why, since 1973, have over 15.5 million black babies been aborted? Why, since 1980, have over half the homicides in the US been committed by blacks, despite the fact that they are only 13% of the population?

Why? Why? Why?
It's the white people fault. All of it. ROFLMAO.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You dumbass racist pumpernickels have become the very thing you protested against.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You dumbass racist pumpernickels have become the very thing you protested against.

Jocularity ensues.
Support is usually done from the back or behind the scene.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

White people have struggled along side of black people from the begining. Despite there being racism. And there have always been those to stand up for whats right. The fact that a few black people like this decide to erase that fact and basicaly tell white supporters to fuck off is a sad commentary. I guess the symbolism is made loud and clear. You should do it more often then after a while they wont care what you went through, theyll just leave you alone altogether.
Thats their choice. No one asked them to come march. I agree there have always been a very small minority of whites that supported Black people but that doesnt address the issue I am speaking of. People like John Brown gave his life to end slavery. Little good it did besides get him a spot in the history books.

You're not addressing the issues at all ... you're searching for excuses. Just pick one - any one - they're all good.
Obviously you are not intelligent enough to address the topic. You've been excused from the discussion.

So --- you tell us. Just why are 72% of all black babies born to unwed mothers? Why are over 90% of the murders of blacks committed by other blacks? Why, since 1973, have over 15.5 million black babies been aborted? Why, since 1980, have over half the homicides in the US been committed by blacks, despite the fact that they are only 13% of the population?

Why? Why? Why?

Because they lack opportunities and jobs and the ability to hold the family structure together, and their community network is broken apart by drugs. When I mentioned this to an extent you can see his response in post 162,
none of that matters, its just about COPS. even though those shootings represent less than a percent of police interactions with blacks. No, being white, your not allowed to say your concerned about any other situations unless you kiss BLM ass it seems.
White people have struggled along side of black people from the begining. Despite there being racism. And there have always been those to stand up for whats right. The fact that a few black people like this decide to erase that fact and basicaly tell white supporters to fuck off is a sad commentary. I guess the symbolism is made loud and clear. You should do it more often then after a while they wont care what you went through, theyll just leave you alone altogether.
Thats their choice. No one asked them to come march. I agree there have always been a very small minority of whites that supported Black people but that doesnt address the issue I am speaking of. People like John Brown gave his life to end slavery. Little good it did besides get him a spot in the history books.

You're not addressing the issues at all ... you're searching for excuses. Just pick one - any one - they're all good.
Obviously you are not intelligent enough to address the topic. You've been excused from the discussion.

So --- you tell us. Just why are 72% of all black babies born to unwed mothers? Why are over 90% of the murders of blacks committed by other blacks? Why, since 1973, have over 15.5 million black babies been aborted? Why, since 1980, have over half the homicides in the US been committed by blacks, despite the fact that they are only 13% of the population?

Why? Why? Why?

Because they lack opportunities and jobs and the ability to hold the family structure together, and their community network is broken apart by drugs. When I mentioned this to an extent you can see his response in post 162,
none of that matters, its just about COPS. even though those shootings represent less than a percent of police interactions with blacks. No, being white, your not allowed to say your concerned about any other situations unless you kiss BLM ass it seems.

Let me see if I understand ....

You claim that the reason 72% of babies are born without fathers is because they lack the ability to hold the family structure together, right? You also claim that the reason 15 million babies have been aborted is because they lack jobs, right? You also claim that the reason blacks murder blacks is because they lack opportunities? Have I got this right? All these despite the fact that the government provides them the resources to maintain a home, right? All that despite the fact that the average welfare home receives $42K annually in benefits, right?
Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Organize? you dummie? what do you think they teach white kids in school every day? Most of this country has been helping every day, but that doesn't mean they need to kiss someones ass or support self destructive behavior.
Jobs and schooling are there for the taking, But you cant help people who dont help themselves. Your blind to peoples efforts. Plenty of businesses have offered black kids jobs and opportunities, and training , but that all goes unnoticed by people like you. you focus on the big news stories like hands up don't shoot, then applaud when a cop gets shot.
Jobs? WTF are you talking about? Oh i get it. Youre doing the old dance craze called the white boy deflect. Jobs have nothing to do with what BLM is talking about dummy. They are talking about the fact that racist white cops are targeting Black people.

That's really interesting .... the cops are hunting down blacks, is that right?

Then, tell me ... how come:

1. Percentage of population - white, 62%, black 13%
2. Victims of homicides - white, 732, black 381
3. Percentage of population of victims of homicides - whites, 49% of those killed, blacks, 24% of those killed
4. 90% of all homicides committed by blacks - black victims
5. 82% of all homicides committed by whites - white victims
6. In a study reported by New York Times of cities in the states of California, Texas, and Florida, blacks were 23.8% LESS likely to be shot by cops than whites.
7.The same study found that black citizens were 16% MORE likely to be arrested than whites.
8. However, the study also found that black citizens were 61% more likely to escalate the situation when confronted by police, thus forcing elevation on the force continuum.

Just wondering - that would seem to put the lie to your proclamation.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
Thats their choice. No one asked them to come march. I agree there have always been a very small minority of whites that supported Black people but that doesnt address the issue I am speaking of. People like John Brown gave his life to end slavery. Little good it did besides get him a spot in the history books.

You're not addressing the issues at all ... you're searching for excuses. Just pick one - any one - they're all good.
Obviously you are not intelligent enough to address the topic. You've been excused from the discussion.

So --- you tell us. Just why are 72% of all black babies born to unwed mothers? Why are over 90% of the murders of blacks committed by other blacks? Why, since 1973, have over 15.5 million black babies been aborted? Why, since 1980, have over half the homicides in the US been committed by blacks, despite the fact that they are only 13% of the population?

Why? Why? Why?

Because they lack opportunities and jobs and the ability to hold the family structure together, and their community network is broken apart by drugs. When I mentioned this to an extent you can see his response in post 162,
none of that matters, its just about COPS. even though those shootings represent less than a percent of police interactions with blacks. No, being white, your not allowed to say your concerned about any other situations unless you kiss BLM ass it seems.

Let me see if I understand ....

You claim that the reason 72% of babies are born without fathers is because they lack the ability to hold the family structure together, right? You also claim that the reason 15 million babies have been aborted is because they lack jobs, right? You also claim that the reason blacks murder blacks is because they lack opportunities? Have I got this right? All these despite the fact that the government provides them the resources to maintain a home, right? All that despite the fact that the average welfare home receives $42K annually in benefits, right?

No, its just part of it, theres a lot of reasons, including the welfare state that makes people dependent on the government instead of on each other and being self reliant. I should have mentioned that as well but its still true that the lack of jobs and opportunities in the inner cities makes it tempting to turn to self destructive behavior. but who's fault is that? a lot of that self destructive behavior is now ingrained into the popular culture in some places. A lot of this started with government policies
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.
Anything no matter how small or trivial that increases division is acceptable. More than acceptable, desirable.
Anything no matter how small or trivial that increases division is acceptable. More than acceptable, desirable.

I dont want to burn down with your alien and oppressive culture.

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

Do you realize what you just said? I'll just let that sit there.
Yes i do. What is confusing you about what I said?

Uh, because it's racist. What's so confusing about that?
Why is it racist? I never mentioned anything about superiority or inferiority. I just said Black people should be fighting their own battles. Why do white people think they have to hold our hands? We existed before whites were around.
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