White people to the back!

Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
No, it's a non-issue.
Yes you are a non issue. Please stay on topic instead of crying about your lack of credibility.
Sure. For once I will agree with Asslips. Whites in a racist black power movement is pretty fucking stupid.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
No, it's a non-issue.
Yes you are a non issue. Please stay on topic instead of crying about your lack of credibility.
Sure. For once I will agree with Asslips. Whites in a racist black power movement is pretty fucking stupid.
So white males in the Democratic party are pretty fucking stupid as well, right?
White libtard males should just go find a corner somewhere and die peacefully and spare the rst of us their bullshit.

New “Reparations” Website Asks Whites to Pay Black People’s Rent to Relieve Their Guilt

A new “reparations” website asks white people to pay black people’s rent and give them money to relieve their white guilt.

The website, started by Seattle-based “conceptual artist” Natasha Marin, suggests a number of ways in which white people can atone for the fact that 1.4 per cent of white people owned black slaves in the United States over 150 years ago.

Examples on the site’s ‘about’ page include;

POC 3: I need groceries.

White Person 3: “I’ll get them for you. PM me and I’ll send an Amazon Fresh or Safeway delivery. You just pick out what you want. I have a $200 limit.”

POC 4: I’m too upset to make dinner. I live in Seattle.

White Person 4: “Come over to my house for dinner, bring a friend if you like. PM me and I’ll send you the address, or can I order delivery to you? What kind of food do you like?”

POC 6: I want to scream and cuss at someone.

White Person 6: “I volunteer as tribute. How do we set this up?”

POC 7: I want to escape this cruel world in a *Specific Videogame* but can’t afford it on Steam right now. This is not a crisis, I just don’t trust people easily and want to see if this works.

White Person 7: Thank you for giving me the chance to do something concrete and relatively easy. I was quietly hating myself for doing nothing.

Numerous white people beset with self-loathing have already offered a number of goods and services, including the free use of a car, house cleaning, massages, “catharsis,” and straight-up cold hard cash.

Black people have also posted messages on the site with requests for free laptops, a Kindle EBook Reader and recording studio access.

“I want my project fully funded or at least my phone paid for from here till December so I can stay in Boriken writing about Amerikkkan colonialism,” another man demands on the ‘Reparations’ Facebook page.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Well, if nothing else you are honest. Good luck.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Well, if nothing else you are honest. Good luck.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. We have a great opportunity now and white people are not a important part of it. The best way to fight your alien white oppressive culture is to embrace our own. No need for your useless good thoughts. They dont do shit anyway.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.
I do march for people like Asslips, in fact I participate in an annual charity run for the mentally challenged.
Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Well, if nothing else you are honest. Good luck.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. We have a great opportunity now and white people are not a important part of it. The best way to fight your alien white oppressive culture is to embrace our own. No need for your useless good thoughts. They dont do shit anyway.

Nope! You as swipes keep peddling division. You will get it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Well, if nothing else you are honest. Good luck.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. We have a great opportunity now and white people are not a important part of it. The best way to fight your alien white oppressive culture is to embrace our own. No need for your useless good thoughts. They dont do shit anyway.

Nope! You as swipes keep peddling division. You will get it.
Sounds good to me. I wont have to deal with your smell.

Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.
I do march for people like Asslips, in fact I participate in an annual charity run for the mentally challenged.
I always thought you were mentally challenged. Were you good enough to make the Special Olympics?
This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Well, if nothing else you are honest. Good luck.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. We have a great opportunity now and white people are not a important part of it. The best way to fight your alien white oppressive culture is to embrace our own. No need for your useless good thoughts. They dont do shit anyway.

Nope! You as swipes keep peddling division. You will get it.
Sounds good to me. I wont have to deal with your smell.

View attachment 83337
Democrats are fanning the flames.
This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Well, if nothing else you are honest. Good luck.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. We have a great opportunity now and white people are not a important part of it. The best way to fight your alien white oppressive culture is to embrace our own. No need for your useless good thoughts. They dont do shit anyway.

Nope! You as swipes keep peddling division. You will get it.
Sounds good to me. I wont have to deal with your smell.

View attachment 83337

My smell. Ha!
As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Well, if nothing else you are honest. Good luck.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. We have a great opportunity now and white people are not a important part of it. The best way to fight your alien white oppressive culture is to embrace our own. No need for your useless good thoughts. They dont do shit anyway.

Nope! You as swipes keep peddling division. You will get it.
Sounds good to me. I wont have to deal with your smell.

View attachment 83337
Democrats are fanning the flames.
If it wasnt Democrats it would be something else you inbreds would blame for your fire of hatred based on an all encompassing inferiority complex.
As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Well, if nothing else you are honest. Good luck.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. We have a great opportunity now and white people are not a important part of it. The best way to fight your alien white oppressive culture is to embrace our own. No need for your useless good thoughts. They dont do shit anyway.

Nope! You as swipes keep peddling division. You will get it.
Sounds good to me. I wont have to deal with your smell.

View attachment 83337

My smell. Ha!
Is Ha a breed of dog? Thats what you smell like. A wet puppy.
Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.
I do march for people like Asslips, in fact I participate in an annual charity run for the mentally challenged.
I always thought you were mentally challenged. Were you good enough to make the Special Olympics?
No I didn't go to Philadelphia for DNC Convention.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.

Organize? you dummie? what do you think they teach white kids in school every day? Most of this country has been helping every day, but that doesn't mean they need to kiss someones ass or support self destructive behavior.
Jobs and schooling are there for the taking, But you cant help people who dont help themselves. Your blind to peoples efforts. Plenty of businesses have offered black kids jobs and opportunities, and training , but that all goes unnoticed by people like you. you focus on the big news stories like hands up don't shoot, then applaud when a cop gets shot.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

This really is garbage and a terrible way to run a movement just looking at it from a very objective standpoint. Good leaders know the value of people is much more important than symbolically having a chip on your shoulder. People you drive away today could have been one that would help you in the future. Many of Those white people there that you think were there to feel good, were there because they cared about the cause. They took time out of their day and probably put things off to be there. And probably , mistakenly thought of themselves as friends, which is impossible if its a one sided friendship. There was plenty of room for people to stand together, not be divided. I hope those white people never go back again. I'd support the BLM cause if I thought it was valid, but its based on fabricated lies like "hands up dont shoot" and cop killing based on those same lies. The woman and those like her are stupidly trying to destroy years of progress between blacks and whites. Obviously shes much wiser than MLK in her own mind

People just like her created what you have in Zimbabwe, they think its all about feeling good about being black but they don't see the big picture of who humans are. Her ignorance and your ignorance is pretty astounding .

As a white person nothing is stopping you from forming your own group and marching for Black rights. That way you can be up front all you want. Youre not needed. Sorry if that bothers you but too bad. The amazing stupidity you have displayed regarding all this human talk is ironic. White boys just like you have caused this situation. If it was such a big deal this dynamic would not be occurring right now. If white people really want to help, the best thing you can do is organize and teach your inbred cave gibbons to behave. You have no leadership roles in a Black movement. Get over it. It wont happen.
I do march for people like Asslips, in fact I participate in an annual charity run for the mentally challenged.
I always thought you were mentally challenged. Were you good enough to make the Special Olympics?
No I didn't go to Philadelphia for DNC Convention.
I'll take that to mean you couldnt make the Special Olympics. Figures

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